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Please Note: the information acquired from you will be used strictly for research purpose, thank you.

Questionnaire no…………

LGA/State: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section A: Socio-economic Characteristics of the Respondents

1. Sex: Male ( ) Female ( ).

2. Age 15-25 ( ) 26-35 ( ) 36-45 ( ) 46-55 ( ) Above ……………

3. Marital Status: Single ( ) Married ( ) Divorced ( ) Widowed ( )

4. Level of Education. Non Formal ( ) Primary ( ) Secondary ( ) Tertiary ( )

5. Source of livelihood …………………

6. Household Size....................................

Section B Impact of flood on the Community

1. Is flood a reoccurring disaster in your community? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ]

2. Mention the most affected parts of the community in the event of flood? E.g Farmlands,

Commercial centres……………………………………………………………………………..

3. What were the immediate impact of the flood on your community? Loss of human life [ ]

Damage to properties [ ] Destruction of crops [ ] Loss of livestock [ ] Non-functioning of

infrastructure facilities [ ] Deterioration of health condition [ ] others……………………….

4. Are there ways implemented to monitor flood in your community? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t

Know [ ] If yes


5. Do you receive early warning from any agency before flood? Yes [ ] No [ ]. If yes, which

agency and how?...........................................................................................................................

6. What are the dominating factors leading to flooding? E.g Continues rainfall, release of water

from Dams………………………………………………………………………………………

7. What are the root causes of your vulnerability to floods? Families living very close to river

banks [ ] Poor people in the area were more affected by flood than the rich [ ] Families with

no alternative livelihood in the area were more affected by the flood [ ]


8. Is there any community support network or a team available for women, children, elderly and

disabled people in an evacuation? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ]

9. Has the community undertaken self-protection measures? E.g build houses on pillars, build

huge walls? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know [ ]

10. Is the community informed a list of things to be carried during an evacuation? Yes [ ] No

[ ] Don’t Know [ ]

11. Are there frequent trainings to make people aware of flood risk and evacuation procedure

during emergencies? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know [ ]

12. What was the impact of the flood on your water quality & supply? No impact [ ] Moderate

[ ] Severe [ ]

13. Do you have an alternative water supply in the event of flood? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know

[ ]

14. What were the health challenges accompanied by the flood in your


15. How was the impact of the flood on your source of livelihood? No impact [ ] Moderate [ ]

Severe [ ]

16. What were your flood-induced coping strategies in 2022? Fishing [ ] Trading and selling of

other goods in nearby places [ ] Obtaining short term loans from social contacts [ ] selling of

livestock [ ] Dependence on food from previous crop harvest [ ] Dependence on food from

Government flood relief [ ] Resettlement into make-shift camps [ ] Others

17. Are there mitigation measures you feel needs to be put in place? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know

[ ] If yes mention………………………………………………………………………………

18. Do you have plans for cleaning and fumigation before moving back to your houses? Yes [ ]

No [ ] Don’t Know [ ]

19. Do you think permanently relocating you from the flood prone areas to higher ground would

be a solution in improving your livelihood? Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ]

20. Are you willing to be relocated from flood prone areas to a higher ground? Yes [ ] No [ ]

21. Is there any support provided by Government in response to flood? Yes [ ]. No [ ]

22. How do you assess the support provided by Government in response to flood? Highly

supportive [ ] Moderately supportive [ ] Less supportive [ ] No support [ ]

23. Do the policy makers take necessary action on long-term plans to deal with floods? Yes [ ]

No [ ] Don’t Know [ ]

24. Which other agencies are making impact in terms of intervention more than



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