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SK. Mendiknas RI : 145 / D / O / 2007

Rekomendasi Menkes RI No HK.
Terakreditasi BAN–PT No : 007/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/Dpl-III/VII/2011
Jl. Raya Carat Gempol Pasuruan Jawa Timur 67155 Telp/Fax (0343) 857067
Website : E-mail :


1. Pilih salah satu jawaban yang benar dan tepat dengan menggunakan “tanda silang(X)”
2. Pilihan berganda :
a. Jika jawaban 1,2,3 yang benar
b. Jika jawaban 1dan 3 yang benar
c. Jika jawaban 2 dan 4 yang benar
d. Jika jawaban 4 saja yang benar
e. Jika semua jawaban benar

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!

Dosen Pengampu : Miss Shinta, S.Pd
Mata Kuliah : Bhs.Inggris
Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your
chosen answer!
1. She ……… her dog everyday
a. To feed
b. Feed
c. Feeds
d. Feeding
e. Fed
2. I ……. always ……. to the dentist
a. Do not, go
b. Does not, go
c. Do not, went
d. Does not, went
e. Did not, go
3. When …….. you ……..a shower?
a. Do, took
b. Do, take
c. Do, taken
d. Do, taking
e. Did, take
4. Q : How do you go to school?
A : We……… the bus to school
a. Rode
b. Ridden
c. Ride
d. Riding
e. Rides
5. Q : Does he love his mother?
A :…
a. He love his mother
b. He loves his mother
c. He to love his mother
d. He is loving his mother
e. He loved his mother
6. Vina and I … how to cook French food.
a. am learning
b. are learning
c. is learning
d. is learned
e. are learned
7. my friends …………. football match right now
a. is watching
b. are watching
c. was watching
d. were watching
e. am watching
8. Is she … flower-arranging at the flower show now?
a. learning
b. learn
c. learned
d. learns
e. learnt
9. My sister and I … walking on the beach at 5 pm last week.
a. was
b. were
c. is
d. am
e. are
10. My father, together with mother, … in the garden all day yesterday.
a. was working
b. were working
c. is working
d. are working
e. is worked
11. The fire alarm rang … the boarding school students were sleeping.
a. while
b. when
c. if
d. because
e. so
12. He … taking a bath when you knocked on the door.
a. is
b. was
c. am
d. are
e. were
13. he … a book last night
a. Buys
b. Buyed
c. Bought
d. Buying
e. Buy
14. My grandmother …….. a delicious pie last week
a. Make
b. Makes
c. Made
d. Making
e. mades
15. Dina … her report
a. Didn’t finished
b. Did not finished
c. Did not finish
d. Do not finish
e. Does not finish
16. Did You … me a message?
a. Sent
b. Send
c. Sended
d. Sending
e. Sends
17. The Scientist mixes the formula
a. Did the scientist not mixed the formula?
b. Didn’t the scientist mix the formula?
c. Did not the scientist mix the formula?
d. Does the scientist mix the formula?
e. Do the scientist mix the formula?
18. You have ………. that movie many times.
a. seen
b. See
c. saw
d. Seeing
e. is see
19. steven has ………. a new book.
a. Write
b. Written
c. Writing
d. is write
e. writes
20. have you ………. him before ?
a. see
b. Saw
c. Seeing
d. Seen
e. is see
21. I ………. here since last week.
a. Have
b. Has
c. has been
d. had
e. have been
22. I’ve ………. him for 5 years.
a. Know
b. Knew
c. Known
d. is know
e. knowing
23. I………. seen that movie twenty times.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Is
e. Are
24. ………. you read the book yet ?
a. Have
b. Had
c. Has
d. Is
e. Was
25. They ………. talking for the last hour.
a. have been
b. has been
c. had been
d. will be
e. it is
26. She has been ………. at that company for three years.
a. worked
b. works
c. working
d. worker
e. is work
27. James ………. teaching at the university since june.
a. have been
b. had been
c. is
d. has been
e. was
28. We have been ………. here for over two hours!
a. waits
b. wait
c. is wait
d. was wait
e. waiting
29. Have ………. been exercising lately ?
a. you
b. he
c. she
d. it
e. monica
30. ………. has been feeling a little depressed.
a. they
b. we
c. I
d. the students
e. mary
31. ………. have been watching television in the evening.
a. she
b. he
c. it
d. they
e. adam
32. You …………… waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
a. had been
b. has been
c. have been
d. has
e. have
33. Marisa had……….downtown yesterday.
a. walk
b. walks
c. walked
d. walking
e. is walk
34. I had………..for eight hours last night.
a. sleep
b. sleeps
c. sleeping
d. slept
e. is sleep
35. What will I . . . . . in Australia?
a. Buying
b. To buy
c. Buy
d. Bought
e. Buys
36. They ……….. to go to Jakarta next year
a. Is going
b. Are going
c. Am going
d. Was going
e. Were going
37. We ………….. English tomorrow
a. Is studying
b. Are studying
c. Am studying
d. Was studying
e. Were studying
38. I saw weather forecast on TV that tomorrow . . . . . windy.
a. Will be
b. Is
c. Going to
d. Will
e. would
39. You are sick, but you don’t come hospital to see a doctor.
You …. visit him soon.
a. would
b. could
c. should
d. will
e. can
40. Your hair is long, you ………. Cut it
a. should
b. may
c. can
d. must
e. might
41.  I will visit your hometown…………..
a.  If I come to Indonesia
b. If I came to Indonesia
c. If I will come to Indonesia
d. If I would come to Indonesia
e. If I coming to Indonesia
42. If I had had free time    …………..
a. I will watch the movie together with my friend
b. I would watch the movie together with my friend
c. I would have watched the movie together with my friends
d. I would have been watching the movie together with my friends.
e. I would watching the movie together with my friends
43. What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no. 2)
a.  I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the movie together with my
b. I don’t have free time. Therefore. I don’t watch the movie together with my
c. I was not having free time. Therefore, I was not watching the movie together with
my friend.
d. I am not having free time. Therefore. I am not watching the movie together with
my friend.
e. I am watching the movie with my friends
44. If I were you, …………..
a. I will buy that limited edition camera
b. I would buy that limited edition camera
c. I would have bought that limited edition camera
d. I would have been buying that limited edition camera.
e. I will buying that limited edition camera
45. What is the fact of the previous question? (question no.4)
a.  I am not you              
b. I were not you.
c. I was not you             
d. I have not been you.
e. I am you
46. My father would buy me a new motorcycle    …………..
a. If I passed the state university entrance test.
b. If I pass the state university entrance test.
c. If I have passed the state university entrance test.
d. If I am passing the state university entrance test.
e. If I passing the state university entrance test
47. What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no.6)
a. I don’t pass the state university entrance test.
b. I didn’t pass the state university entrance test.
c. I wasn’t passing the state university entrance test.
d. I am not passing the state university entrance test.
e. I weren’t passing the state university entrance test
48. If I had gone with my parents five hours ago to our villa,……….
a. I would not be alone right now.
b. I am alone right now
c. I will not be alone right now.
d. I am not alone right now
e. I was not alone right now.
49. What is the fact of question no. 8?
a.    I do not go with my parents five hours ago, so 1 am alone right now.
b.    I did not go with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
c.    I was not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
d. I was not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am not alone right now
e. I am not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
50.  If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept the scholarship,…………..
a. She would have graduated from famous university.
b. She should be graduating from famous university
c. She will graduate from famous university.
d. She graduates from famous university.
e. She graduated from famous university.

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