Cry For Help

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Ibsen: Now we have another caller. Sheila from Colorado, thank you

for calling Dr. Ibsen's "A Problem Shared", what can I help you with

Sheila: Oh, good evening Dr. Ibsen. 1. I'm so nervous about phoning a

radio show like this.

Dr. Ibsen: Don't worry, Sheila. Many of our callers are first-time callers.

Sheila: Well, I feel a little embarrassed because I don't think I have a

serious problem, not like some of the other callers I listened to. 2. I have
a happy marriage and two wonderful children, but I have a few problems
at work and I can't find any solutions.

Dr. Ibsen: I think nearly half the calls we receive on this show are about
some type of work problem. You must remember that our jobs take up a
third of our lives, often more, and if you're not happy at work, 3. then
probably you won't be happy in your life. What type of work do you do,

Sheila: I work for a large magazine and I'm responsible for selling
advertising. It's a very competitive business. There's enormous pressure
on me. There isn't anyone helping me. Plus, 4. I'm all alone in a small
office without any windows. The stress becomes so bad that I'm having
problems sleeping enough every night.

Dr. Ibsen: That sounds terrible. No windows? How can anybody work like

Sheila: My 5. boss says it helps everybody to concentrate.

Dr. Ibsen: Concentrate on going crazy, perhaps! How many people work

for the magazine, Sheila?

Sheila: Oh, about fifty.

Dr. Ibsen: Do you speak to others about the pressure of work, about not
sleeping very well?

Sheila: No, there's no feeling of team spirit in the company, it's just a

collection of individuals. 6. I think that's one of the biggest problems

Dr. Ibsen: Yes, many companies don't understand the importance of a

good support structure in the workplace. Human Resources isn't only
about selecting the correct applicant for the job, 7. but also helping and
supporting them once they've started working. Do you have any other
problems apart from time pressure and the physical office that you have
to work in?

Sheila: There are few chances for us to get help. The magazine started
ten years ago and there were only six or seven of us then. 8. It's grown
so big so fast that I think it's grown too fast.

Dr. Ibsen: And even though there are fifty of you in the office, I think
your company still acts and thinks like a start-up.

Sheila: Yes, that's exactly what I said to my 9. husband a few months

ago -- it's a puppy trying to be a big dog.

Dr. Ibsen: Okay, the first thing you need to do is speak honestly with
your boss. 10. Your boss is not a monster and would like the magazine to
be as successful as possible. Having happy workers is an important part
of that.

Sheila: Of course. She's a wonderful person.

Dr. Ibsen: Okay, so go and speak to her, explain what you've explained

to me tonight. Do you feel nervous thinking about doing that?

Sheila: No, it was actually far more terrifying calling you tonight!

Dr. Ibsen: Right, so you've done the hard part! It's probably something
your company, your boss, isn't aware of, this need to provide more
support for all the employees. It's not enough for people to collect their
pay slips at the end of the month, they need to feel supported, feel
comfortable and, yes, feel a little loved.

Sheila: Thank you, Dr. Ibsen, I really do feel a lot better having spoken
about it.

Dr. Ibsen: You're welcome, Sheila. Good luck and let us know what

Sheila: I will, thank you. Have a good evening.

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