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TEACHING PLAN FOR CHEST PHYSIOTHERAPY Description of the Learner: S: Sabi samin tapikin daw likod nya para

lumabas yung plema. Wala namang nagpupunta para gawin yun. O: > significant others are able to understand Tagalog, English and Pangasinense >they have no hearing defects or problem in their speech and comprehension Learning need: performing Physiotherapy Learning diagnosis: knowledge deficit: performing physiotherapy related to lack of experience as manifested by the client s claim that she expects members of the health care team to do physiotherapy to the patient Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the topic about chest physiotherapy, the client will be able to: 1.) state the definition of chest physiotherapy Chest physiotherapy (CPT) includes percussion and vibration, breathing exercises/breathing retraining and coughing technique. >>one on one discussion with visual aids and provided hand outs 1 minute Handouts, visual aids, knowledge of the nurse, time and effort of the client Instant oral feedback. Client will be able to state the definition of chest physiotherapy Learning content Teaching strategy/method and activities Time allotment and resources Method of evaluation

2.) state the different purposes of chest physiotherapy

The goals of chest physiotherapy are to: a.) remove bronchial secretions b.) improve ventilation/breathing c.) increase the efficiency of the respiratory muscles

>>one on one discussion with provided hand outs and visual aids

2 minutes Handouts, visual aids, knowledge of the nurse, time and effort of the client

Instant oral feedback. Clients will be able to state the different purposes of chest physiotherapy

3.) state correctly the rationale of each part of chest physiotherapy

a.) Chest Percussion and Vibration: to dislodge mucus adhering to the bronchioles and bronchi. b.) Effective coughing technique: to mobilize secretions and promote expectoration

>>one on one discussion with provided hand outs and visual aids

3 minutes Handouts, visual aids, knowledge of the nurse, time and effort of the client

Instant oral feedback. The client will be able to state correctly the rationale of each part of chest physiotherapy

4.) correctly demonstrates how to do chest physiotherapy

steps in doing chest percussion: 1.) let the patient breathe in and breathe our deeply for 3 times 2.) auscultate the lung areas 3.) cupped hands in position first at the lower back 4.) rapidly percuss upward, carefully not hitting the spinal column Steps in doing chest vibration: 1.) position the patient in sitting position, and clutching a pillow in front 2.) wrists and elbows remain stiff 3.) vibrate using the palm of non-dominant hand while the dominant hand on top of it. *May be done 3 to 5 minutes per session

>>demonstration and discussion with provided hand outs and visual aids

6-8 minutes Handouts, visual aids, knowledge of the nurse, time and effort of the client

Redemonstration. The client will be able to redemonstrate correctly the steps in doing chest percussion and chest vibration


Teaching Plan On Chest Physiotherapy

Submitted by: Soriano, Ma. Pauleen Trisha A. BSN 4-I group 3

Submitted to: Mr. Vernon Peralta Clinical Instructor

July 14, 2011

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