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Academic Year 2020/21

Module Code: BSM930

Module Name: Entrepreneurial Strategies

Module Leader: Jason Evans

Coursework Title: Assignment 001: Coursework

Task Details/Description:

This is an individual piece of assessment. Students are required to

complete 2 out of 3 short answer questions.

Students will justify positions taken through strong argumentation,

synthesis of knowledge and research work, and adequate citation support.
In addition, the assignment requires students to use tools and frameworks
discussed in class.

The purpose of this assignment is to apply core concepts discussed in

class and thereby increase knowledge & understanding. To do well in the
assignment students also have to demonstrate core entrepreneurial skills
such as creativity and logical thinking.

Question 1: ‘Entrepreneurship is about creating new, profitable

businesses to enhance wealth’. You should debate this statement and
form a clear, stated, final position.
In answering you should;
a) Consider all of the issues that are raised in the statement.
b) Conclude with a position supported from your discussion.
c) Make reference wherever relevant to module learnings and wider
(1500 words +/- 10%)
Question 2: Critically discuss the concepts of causation and effectuation in
the entrepreneurial process.
In answering you should;
a) Outline your understanding of each concept in turn.
b) Debate them in the context of your choice.
c) Conclude with a position supported form your discussion and your
stated context.
d) Make reference wherever relevant to module learnings and wider
(1500 words +/- 10%)
Question 3: Corporate entrepreneurship was defined in the module as, “…
the process whereby an individual or a group of individuals in association
with an existing organization, create a new organization or instigate
renewal or innovation with the organization (Sharma and Chrisman, 1999)”.
a) Critically discuss corporate entrepreneurship.
b) Highlight the common issues faced by organisations in pursuing
corporate entrepreneurship.
c) Take a clear position on the role of corporate entrepreneurship for
d) Make reference wherever relevant to module learnings and wider
(1500 words +/- 10%)

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Critique entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills in different
entrepreneurial contexts
2. Reflect on their entrepreneurial skills in order to analyse and draw
relevant inferences from empirical case studies of entrepreneurship.

Presentation Requirements:

Word Count: 3000 words (1500 x 2)

Font Size: Arial 12

Line Spacing: Double

Submission Date & Time:


Assessment Weighting for the Module:


Assessment Criteria

See marking criteria appended below

Ethical Requirements


Essential Reading for Coursework Task

(if in addition to reading provided in the module outline):

None in addition to reading. However, there is an expectation that

students will demonstrate wider reading and personal leadership in
researching for the task (see marking grid).
Content and Scholarship Quality of Presentatio
(40%) arguments n (20%)
presented (40%)
80% + As for a 1st, plus evidence of As for a 1st , plus As for a 1st , but typically
truly exceptional and relevant evidence of outstanding with no errors, and
knowledge, understanding and sophistication and/or outstanding readability and
independent scholarship. originality structure
Potentially of publishable
70% - Shows detailed, integrated Excellent argument The assignment is very well
80% knowledge and clear construction overall, written overall.
understanding of the relevant informed by coherent,
1st subject area. compelling, and critical Very good layout and structure.
use of evidence that is
Evidence of independent appropriate to the Minimal or no spelling or
reading and thinking that assigned task. grammatical errors.
consistently covers material
and/or ideas beyond the Research and its Excellent attention to
lecture/seminar content, and implications are professional norms (e.g.
uses a wide range of interpreted and applied referencing, use of academic
appropriate and independently appropriately, with clarity tone/language).
researched sources. and insight.
Excellent consideration of theory,
principles, and methodologies No referencing or citation error.
appropriate to the assigned task.
60% - Shows good or very good Good or very good The assignment is well-written
69% knowledge and understanding of argument construction
the relevant subject area, with overall, informed by overall Good layout and
2:1 perhaps some minor coherent, and somewhat
misconception or ambiguity compelling and/or critical structure
use of evidence that is
Evidence of independent reading appropriate to the Occasional spelling or
and thinking that covers material assigned task grammatical errors
and/or ideas beyond the
lecture/seminar content, and Research and its Good attention to professional
uses a fairly wide range of implications are norms (e.g. referencing, use of
appropriate sources interpreted and applied academic tone/language).
appropriately and clearly
Good consideration of Minor citation/ referencing error.
theory, principles, and
methodologies appropriate
to the assigned task
50% - Shows reasonable knowledge and Reasonably good The assignment is well-written
59 understanding of the relevant argument construction, overall Good layout and
subject area, with occasional occasionally informed structure.
% misconception or ambiguity that by evidence that is
does not significantly undermine appropriate to the Occasional spelling or
PA the overall content assigned task grammatical errors.


Some evidence of appropriate Research and its Good attention to professional

reading and thinking that implications are norms (e.g. referencing, use of
occasionally covers material described only, with academic tone/language)
and/or ideas beyond the limited integration with,
lecture/seminar content, and uses and application to, the Regular, though minor,
an adequate range of appropriate overall argument error in referencing and
sources citation.
Satisfactory consideration of
principles, and
methodologies appropriate
to the assigned task
40% - Shows some limited knowledge Research findings may be The assignment is somewhat well
49% and a simple understanding of the described, but with minimal written in some parts.
FAIL relevant subject area, with attempt to form an
occasional misconceptions or
ambiguity that undermines the argument that is relevant to Layout and structure are
content in places. the assigned task satisfactory in some parts.

Some limited evidence of Frequent spelling or grammatical

appropriate reading and thinking errors sufficient to impede
that rarely or never covers either understanding.
material or ideas beyond the
lecture/seminar content, and uses Some attention to professional
a narrow range of appropriate
sources norms (e.g. referencing, use of
academic tone/language)
Some limited consideration of
theory, principles, and Regular citation and referencing
methodologies appropriate to the error is apparent.
assigned task which may be

Does not fully cover the

requirements of the assignment,
or does so but not sufficiently
enough to pass.
30% - As for 40-49%%, but with frequent Relevant research findings The assignment is not well written
39% major misconceptions and may be described, but with overall.
FAIL ambiguity regarding the no attempt to form an
lecture/seminar content argument that is relevant to Poor layout and structure
the assigned task Frequent spelling or grammatical
errors sufficient to impede

Poor attention to academic norms

(e.g. referencing, use of academic

Significant citation and referencing

error is apparent.
1% – Virtually no evidence of No attempt to form an The assignment is not well written
29% knowledge or understanding of argument that is relevant to overall.
FAIL the relevant subject area. No the assigned task, or to
consideration of theory, principles,
and methodologies appropriate to describe relevant research Poor layout and structure
the assigned task. findings Frequent spelling or grammatical
errors sufficient to impede
Contains frequent major understanding.
misconceptions and ambiguity
throughout An attempt has been Poor attention to academic norms
made to complete the (e.g. referencing, use of academic
assignment, but clearly does not tone/language).
meet the learning outcomes
Significant citation and referencing
error is apparent.
0% Does not attempt to complete the If submitted, no attempt to If submitted, the assignment is
assignment, due to either non- form a relevant argument or incomprehensible
FAIL submission or non-attendance. to describe relevant
research findings

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