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How do we read a text / article / chapter at SEM?

- and how do we exercise active participation when reading texts?

The following is a guide to underpin the work with opening up a text for the purpose of

At the SEM program, we constantly seek to improve our ways of actively engaging students in
all activities. Active engagement is important in class and between classes. Before attending a
class, it is important to prepare in the right way, and when meeting in class it is important to
share what we have learned through our work with the texts. The texts provide a foundation
for positioning yourselves in the wide area of Social Entrepreneurship and Management. The
knowledge based positioning is crucial for the student.

1. Each time when we meet in class a group of students will present how they have
worked with a text from the readings of a particular class.
2. Together the group choose one of the texts for the specific class (session) they have
signed up for. They notify the teacher about which text they will present.
3. The group meet and work with the text according to the guideline below.
4. It is the duty of the entire group to have contributed to the presentation. However, you
can choose two representatives to present in class.
5. You make a presentation of 15 minutes, followed by 10 minutes debate with as well as
feedback from class and teacher.

Reading guide for students, when preparing for class:

1. What is the author's mission / objective with the text?

a. What is the author's background (objective, theory, method, normativity etc.)

2. Which concepts are introduced in the text?

a. Make a list of concepts
b. How are they defined? How are they used with respect to the overall objectives
of the text?
c. Are there good / useful concepts for your own work – if so note them

3. How could you criticize the text?

The choice is free: can be based on your own experience or in other relevant
knowledge the field of social entrepreneurship.

4. How can I use the text?

Write a short summary of the text with instructions for how to use it in project
work and reports.

5. Share your presentation and your short summary on Moodle.

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