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Small Test

Name: _____________________________________ ID No: ___________

I Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

back buttocks hip stomach throat

1 My ____________ is very painful; I spent the weekend working in the garden.

2 We ate prawns last night and now I’ve got really bad ____________ ache.
3 My ____________ are very sore. I’ve been sitting in a traffic jam all afternoon.
4 She had a ____________ operation two weeks ago and she’s still in a lot of pain and finds it
difficult to walk.
5 I don’t feel very well. I have a cough and a sore ____________ .

II Complete this text with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets.
Every month I suffer from (6) ____________ (serious/seriously) pains in my stomach. It
begins with an ache which gets (7) ____________ (strong/stronger/strongly) every hour.
They’re (8) ____________ (severe/more severe/severely) if I have a cold or generally feel
unwell. My back is often (9) ____________ (painful/painfully), too. This is the (10)
____________ (severe/severely/most severe) pain I’ve ever had was during an interview,
which was the (11) ____________ (bad/worse/worst) case I can remember. If I lie down with a
hot water bottle for an hour or two, I usually feel (12)____________ (good/goodly/better) but
the (13) ____________ (good/better/best) treatment is paracetamol.

III Match 14–18 to a–e to make sentences.

14 It’s a burning a ache that won’t go away.
15 I have this dull/sharp b pain that moves across my back – like a caterpillar.
16 It’s a real throbbing c sensation – like pins and needles on my skin.
17 There’s this shooting d sensation – like something very hot.
18 There’s a tingling e pain in my hands – like a drum.

IV Match questions 19–24 to answers a–f.

19 Where does it hurt exactly? _____
20 How long does the pain last? _____
21 When did it start? _____
22 Where does the pain move to? _____
23 On the pain scale, how bad is the pain? _____
24 What does the pain feel like? _____

a It comes and goes.

b Sometimes it’s quite high, maybe seven out of ten.
c It started three months ago.
d Here, just above my left eye.
e Like someone beating a drum – a throbbing pain.
f It moves across my head.

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V Match questions 25–31 to answers a–g.
25 Could you give me your full name, please? a It’s Dr Kaoru Hiwasaki.
26 Can you tell me your date of birth? b 16th January 1982.
27 What is your marital status? c My sister, Angela Marks.
28 Can you tell me your occupation, please? d I’m allergic to cats.
29 Who is your GP (general practitioner)? e I work as a physics teacher.
30 Who is your next of kin? f David Taylor.
31 Do you have any allergies? g I’m divorced.

VI Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

32 _____ is where the therapist manipulates the bones in the spine.
a) Hypnotherapy b) Chiropractic therapy c) Herbal therapy

33 A(n) _____ uses herbs and plants to help treat pain and muscle ache.
a) herbal therapist b) aromatherapist c) hypnotherapist

34 People who practise _____ use natural oils for massage.

a) music therapy b) herbal therapy c) aromatherapy

35 The patient is in a kind of sleep while the _____ tries to help them relax.
a) hypnotherapist b) hydrotherapist c) herbal therapist

36 _____ is the use of water to help control pain.

a) Hydrotherapy b) Chiropractic therapy c) Music therapy

37 The patient listens to sounds to help them to relax – it’s called _____ .
a) aromatherapy b) music therapy c) hypnotherapy

38 The technical term for difficulty in breathing is _______

a) jaundice b) dyspnoea c) cynosis

39 Blue lips or nails are a sign of _______

a) cynosis b) laceration c) anorexia

40 A pulse which is not regular is ______

a) irregular pulse b) shallow pulse c) bruise

41 A patient who does not want to eat anything is called _____

a) dyspnoea b) haematemesis c) anorexia

42 The technical term for blood in the vomit is called _______

a) laceration b) nausea c) haematemesis

43 _______ is like a vertigo; the feeling that everything is turning around you, and that you will
lose your balance.
a) dizziness b) inflammation c) haematemesis

44 _______ is a sweeling caused by excessive fluid in the tissues.

a) laceration b) oedema c) anorexia

45 Inability to sleep is called _______

a) rash b) nausea c) insomnia

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