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Presentation assignment

In this trimester you’ll give a presentation. This presentation will be about a musical subject of
your choosing. i.e a band, musical genre, instrument, in uence, musical period in time.

You get this freedom because I want you to give a presentation about something you’re
passionate about, because when you talk about something you like, this automatically makes the
talking easier (most of the time ;))

Now this assignment has to meet a few conditions:

- You do this presentation either solo or in a duo.

- One subject can only be presented once. No groups can have the same topic/subject.

- It has to be about a musical subject in the most broad sense of the word.

- The presentation has to be between six an ten minutes long.

- You’ll make a presentation via Powerpoint or Google Presentation.

- You can write down keywords or dates on the slides but you need to do most of the talking by

- The presentation has to have a few important factors about the subject: musical history,
important people (i.e. band members, musical in uencers, pioneers) important dates.

- If you do the presentation about a band I want you to include bandmembers, but also a
discography( all the music they’ve made in chronological order).

- include audio in your presentation.

- Last but not least I want you to explain during the presentation WHY you chose this.

Good luck with your preparations and make sure to check in with me and let me check your
progress because you will also be given feedback with which you can improve your presentation.


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