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Unit 1 test


1  Listen to the interview. What does Daniel 4 Match the words in the box to the sentences.
think? (2 marks) (8 marks)
A Daniel thinks teenagers can find happiness in anxious cheerful enjoyable helpful honest
new experiences. likeable offensive valuable
B Daniel thinks adults can find happiness in new
challenges. 1 My little brother is kind and everybody wants to
C Daniel thinks teachers find happiness in new be friends with him. __________________
challenges. 2 You always tell the truth and you never try to
deceive people. __________________
2  Listen again. Complete the sentences with one
word that you hear in each gap. (8 marks) 3 This is a very important experience and you can
learn a lot from it. __________________
1 _______________ and _______________ want
to protect teenagers all the time. 4 He is always happy and smiles at everybody
he meets. __________________
2 Daniel gives two examples of new experiences:
_______________ _______________ alone 5 She always worries that she won’t do well
and volunteering. in her exams. __________________

3 According to Daniel, happiness is mostly about 6 This is a really positive, fun experience.
experiencing _______________ _______________. __________________

4 According to Melissa, negative experiences 7 The things he says are unkind.

can make us _______________ our __________________
_______________. 8 She brings me my homework when I’m ill and
can’t go to school. __________________.
5 Complete the sentences. (6 marks)
3 Complete the sentences with the words 1 Exercise is good for d_______________.
in the box. (6 marks) I feel happier when I have exercised.
bullying compassion grateful loneliness 2 When people have different opinions from yours,
stress unfair you need to show t_______________.
1 It’s ____________________ that my brother 3 Sometimes it takes only one simple act of
gets more pocket money than me. k_______________ for people to appreciate you.
2 She’s new at this school and she hasn’t got any 4 You should always try to do the right thing. Your
friends here. She suffers from little brother copies your b_______________
____________________. and does exactly what you do.
3 Bill was a victim of ____________________ 5 He showed g_______________ for my help.
at his old school; some students were unkind 6 Ali is a vet, so she has a lot of
to him. e_______________ for animals.
4 We should all show ____________________
and try to understand other people.
5 I will always be ____________________ for your
6 I feel a lot of ____________________ during

Unit 1 test
6 Complete the sentences with the modals
8 Complete the school rules with the correct form
in the box. (12 marks)
of must, have to or can. There is more than one
couldn’t didn’t have to had to mustn’t possible answer. (10 marks)
ought to will be able to English class rules

1 Alex ____________________ sing well when he 1 You __________________ send text messages
was young. to your friends during lessons, but you
__________________ use your smartphone to
2 I ____________________ study German at
check new words.
school – it was an optional subject.

3 You ____________________ feed the animals 2 You __________________ be kind to other

at the zoo. It isn’t permitted. students.

4 Jane is excited because she 3 You __________________ speak in English

____________________ buy a new mobile in English lessons.
phone next week when she gets paid. 4 You __________________ ask for permission to
5 I think you ____________________ get some use a dictionary. You use one when you want to.
work experience in a shop. It will help you get
a good job later. Everyday English
6 I ____________________ wear a brown school
uniform when I was little. I didn’t like it at all. 9 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
Kelly: Have you (1) h_______________ about
7 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of Helen’s accident?
the modal in brackets. (8 marks)
Jason: Oh, (2) n _______________! What’s
1 If you want to win an Olympic medal, you must
follow all the rules for your sport. (have to)
Kelly: Well, she had a bike accident. A car hit her.
_______________________________________ Jason: That’s awful. Is she OK?
2 You mustn’t eat in the library. (can) Kelly: Thankfully, yes. But the driver didn’t stop to
_______________________________________ help. Can you believe it?
_______________________________________ Jason: How (3) t_______________. Did anyone
3 I missed the bus yesterday so I couldn’t go on see the accident?
the school trip. (be able to)
Kelly: Well, another driver saw everything and
he chased the car.
4 We’re late, but it isn’t necessary to run – we can Jason: Oh, wow! What happened
take the bus. (have to) (4) n_______________?
_______________________________________ Kelly: Well, he made the driver stop and then he
_______________________________________ called the police.
Jason: That’s (5) f_______________!

Unit 1 test
Cumulative Review
10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first. Use the correct form
Gemma North, 22, The University of Manchester
of the word in brackets. (10 marks)
1 I’ve got an exam tomorrow, so it’s a good idea I’m a third-year medical student. My course is very
for me to go to bed early tonight. (ought) hard and I have to study every evening, but I’m
I ______________________________ early enjoying it. It’s also important to make time to have
tonight because I’ve got an exam tomorrow. fun and find ways to relax because I often have
2 It is prohibited to eat in the IT suite. (can’t) quite a lot of stress. The hardest thing about
You ______________________________ in university is living with new people. I didn’t enjoy the
the IT suite. first year because my housemates weren’t very
friendly to me, but now I live with three friends and
3 Sarah thanked Jim because he was always
it’s great.
so nice to her. (kindness)
Sarah thanked Jim for
______________________________ to her.

4 You can’t bring drinks into the classroom. Auriane Bourque, 19, University College London
You ______________________________ drinks I’m from a small town in France, so I didn’t know
into the classroom. how expensive London is. It’s difficult being a poor
student here, especially when there are lots of
5 I had a lot of fun at the party. (enjoyable)
exciting things to do. But it’s not all about fun. I like
The party ______________________________.
to be helpful too, so I’m volunteering at a centre for
homeless people. That’s a valuable experience for
Reading me. There are lots of international students here
which is great, because I love meeting people from
11 Read the text. Which student didn’t have
different countries.
problems with other people? (2 marks)

12 Read the texts again and complete the

sentences with one, two or three words. Mark Roberts, 21, University of Birmingham
(8 marks)
1 Gemma’s _______________ is difficult, The hardest thing for me at first was that I missed
but she likes it. home. But I joined different clubs and I slowly made
2 Gemma thinks it’s important to friends. I think all new university students should
_______________ _______________ join a club; it’s a great way to meet new people and
because she has a lot of stress. it helps with the loneliness. I don’t always meet kind
3 Two things Auriane enjoys about her life people, of course, and some people said awful
in London are volunteering with the things about me online when I first came here. I can
homeless and meeting people from forgive bad behaviour, but I have no tolerance for
_______________ _______________. bullying and people who make offensive comments
4 Mark can forgive bad behaviour, but he has on social media.
_______________ _______________
_______________ people who are
unkind to others.

Unit 1 test
Writing Paragraph 3
Talk about how they help, inspire and support you
13 Write a description of a person you admire for
and other people. Give examples.
a website. Use the prompts to help you.
Write about 150 words. (10 marks) Paragraph 4
Paragraph 1 Summarize your feelings about this person.
Introduce the person: name, age, how you know
them, your relationship with them.

Paragraph 2
Talk about what you admire about their character
and personality. Give reasons and examples.






















Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Grammar _____ / 30
Everyday English: _____ / 10 Cumulative review _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL _____ / 100

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