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To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip

To study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water by observing capillary rise

To study the effect of load on depression of a suitably clamped metre scale loaded at (i) its
end (ii) in the middle


To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip


1. A bi-metallic strip (made of iron and brass)

2. A board with clamp screw on one side and vertical scale on the other side
3. Electric heating arrangement (or a burner)
4. Thermometer


Bi-metallic strip is a strip made up of two bars of different metals but same dimensions, put together
lengthwise and riveted at their ends. The strip is straight at room temperature. When the bi-metallic
strip is heated both bars expand differently. Since they are riveted at their ends, their ends stay
together. The bi-metallic strip bends keeping more expanding bar on its convex side. More the
heating, more is the bending. In case of an iron brass b-metallic strip, the bent strip will have brass
bar on its convex side.

If L1 is the length of a rod at temperature t1 0C and L2 is the length at t2 0C, then

L 2  L1[1   t 2  t1 )]

Here  is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the rod.

If two rods of different metals have same length L1 at temperature t1 0C, their length at higher
temperature t2 0C will be different. The rod of a metal having more value of coefficient of linear
expansion will have more length than the other rod.
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1. Clamp one end of the brass iron bi-metallic strip, keeping brass bar on the lower side.

2. Keep the strip horizontal rested on a vertical support

3. Fix a vertical scale near the free end of the bi-metallic strip

4. Suspend a thermometer with its bulb touching the strip in the meddle

5. Note the initial temperature of the strip

6. Note the vertical scale division coinciding with the upper edge of the strip

7. Heat the strip by passing electric current through it or by using a burner. The thermometer will
show a rise of temperature.

8. As the free end of the strip moves upwards, the strip bends towards iron bar side and position of
upper edge of the strip changes.

9. Note the temperature after each rise of temperature by 2 0C and also the position of the upper
edge at that temperature.

10. Record your observations as given below.


Room temperature  30 0C

Least count of vertical scale  1mm

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Observation Table

To note down the bending in the bi-metallic strip with temperature

Ob. No. Temperature of bi-metallic Position of upper edge of bi-metallic Amount of upward
strip strip bending
t (0C) x (mm) x (mm)
1 300C X1=
2 350C X2= X2-X1=
3 400C X3= X3-X1=
4 450C X4= X4-X1=


1. Bi-metallic strip bends more and more as its temperature rises

2. Since brass bar is on convex side and iron bar on concave side of bent bi-metallic strip, brass bar
expands more than the iron bar. Hence brass has larger linear expansion.
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To study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water by observing capillary rise


1. Three capillary tubes of different radii

2. A tipped pointer clamped in a metallic plate with a handle
3. Travelling microscope
4. Clamp and stand
5. A fine motion adjustable height stand
6. A flat bottom open dish with water in a beaker
7. Thermometer


A detergent when added to distilled water reduces surface tension of water. If we use same capillary
tube to study the rise of pure distilled water and then the rise of detergent mixed water (solution), we
shall find that the rise will be less in case of solution. If quantity of detergent (solution concentration)
is increased, rise will be still lesser.

 r  rg
T  h  
 3  2cos 
T ( h  r)
2cos 

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1. Set the apparatus as is shown in the diagram.

2. Find the rise of pure distilled water through the capillary tube.

3. Take a known volume of distilled water from same sample.

4. Dissolve a small known mass of a detergent in the water to make a dilute solution.

5. Find the rise of the solution in same capillary tube. The rise will be less than that for pure water.

6. Add double mass of detergent in same volume of water to have a solution with double

7. Find the rise of this concentrated solution in same capillary tube. The rise will be still lesser.

8. Repeat with solution of same detergent having increased concentration. The rise will decrease as
concentration increases.

Observation / Conclusion

The rise in capillary tube decreases with addition of detergent in pure water. With more addition of
detergent, the rise becomes lesser and lesser.
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To study the effect of load on depression of a suitably clamped metre scale loaded at (i) its end (ii) in
the middle


1. A uniform straight wooden meter rod (scale).

2. Two G clamps.
3. Pointer pin.
4. Thread
5. Slotted weights of 50 g each
6. Wax
7. Vertical scale
8. Clamp stand.


The depression (buckling)  produced in the wooden rod of length l is, given by:


Here m  total mass of slotted weights

Y  Young’s modulus

b  Breadth

d  Depth

For a given rod   mg

i.e. the depression produced is directly proportional to the load (weight) suspended from one end.

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(a) When meter scale is loaded at its end:

(1) Clamp the meter sale firmly with G clamp at its one edge on the corner of table such that
meter scale remains straight in horizontal plane.
(2) The pointer pin or needle should be attached at free end of meter scale with wax.
(3) Fix the scale on a stand vertically to take the reading.
(4) Note the initial reading on vertical scale corresponding to the tip of the pointer when no weight
is suspended.
(5) Suspend the weights in steps at free end of meter scale with the help of a strong thread and
note the corresponding readings on the vertical scale.
(6) After taking 5-6 readings start unloading the weights one by one and again note the reading
on scale.

(b) When meter scale is loaded in the middle:

(1) Locate the C.G. of meter scale by suspending it with a thread.

(2) Now place the meter scale symmetrically on two knife edges then about 85 cm apart and
check that meter scale is perfectly horizontal.

(3) A pointer is attached at the midpoint of the scale with the help of wax or adhesive tape to take
the reading

(4) Repeat the steps 3 and 6 and record the observations in the table.


1. Initial reading of pointer on vertical scale without loading at free end x 0  cm

Observation table to note down the depression in the meter rod when loaded at its one end

Ob. Vertical scale reading

Load Loading Unloading Mean Depression
x1  x 2
x1 x2 x   x0  x
(g wt) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 50
2 100
3 150
4 200
5 250
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2. Initial reading of pointer on vertical scale without loading in the middle, x 0  cm

Ob. Vertical scale reading

Load Loading Unloading Mean Depression
x1  x 2
x1 x2 x   x0  x
(g wt) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 50
2 100
3 150
4 200
5 250


Plot a graph between load and depression by taking load on X-axis and depression on Y-axis for both
of cases. In both the cases, graphs come to be a straight line.


The graph between load and depression are straight lines, which gives that depression is directly
proportional to the load. Hence   mg .

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