Ged106 B1 Technicaldefinition Gonzalvo

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Vincent Miguel M.

AR 2

Anti-infection bathrooms
The Anti- infection bathrooms are public bathrooms that features automated, and scanner
activated technologies which are built within the interior and exterior space of the built
environment. It is designed with modern materials and futuristic technologies that can elevate the
experience of every user when using public bathrooms. The exterior space of the Anti- infection
bathroom consists of sensor activated technologies which are the automatic sliding doors, one-
time pass card (can be avail through kiosks), and door signages with an attached scanner
technology. As for its interior space, it consists of automated technologies which are automatic
faucets, automatic soap dispensers, automatic Flush toilet, and has disposable toilet seat covers
for protection while using the toilet.

Exterioir Space

 Automatic doors are automatic sliding doors that serves as entrances for the bathroom
where it grants access depending on the response of the door signages (scanner).
 The large rock beds are part of the landscape of the design that has been placed outside
the built environment where it serves as a path platform leading to the bathroom. The
purpose of these platforms is, this is where people will be standing when waiting in line
for the bathroom. These platforms are at least 1 meter apart from each other so that it can
encourage people to practice social distancing. 
 Door signages are part of the automatic doors that scan the user outside the bathroom
through the QR code installed in the mobile app, then after it was scanned the door will
be automatically opened if you have enough credits in your mobile app however if you
do not have enough credits to access the bathroom it will signal an alert to your mobile
phone and the door will not open. It turns green when the bathroom is vacant and red
when it is occupied.

 Kiosks are machines located beside the Anti-infection bathrooms, it is where one-time
pass cards can be availed and load credits for your mobile app.

What is it?
The exterior space of the architecture features the concept of futurism wherein its façade
containing modern materials and painted with minimalistic color scheme to showcase the
futuristic technologies and the elements of the design.
What is it for?
The purpose of the design of the exterior space of the Anti-infection bathrooms is to minimize
the contact points (Doorknobs, flush handle, and faucet handles) that can cause the transfer of
infectious diseases from one person to another and remove the necessity of the users to have a
direct or indirect contact to use the facilities in which a “no contact policy” will be implemented
in the rules of the exterior space as well as the interior space of the bathroom.
The Anti-infection bathroom is a one storey bathroom with a height of 6 meters, 10 meters
length, and 7 meters width. Its façade will be depicting futurist elements of design where a
butterfly roof will be used for its roofing and its finish or exterior walls will be painted in white.
The proposed location where the Anti- infection bathrooms will be constructed at Sampaloc lake
San Pablo city, laguna.

Interioir Space
 The automatic faucets are equipped with a sensor mechanism that opens the valve for the
water to flow. The system responds when the person’s hand is in close proximity to the
 Automatic soap dispensers are used to control the volume of soap going out in the
dispenser and also to prevent the contamination of the soap. Also, it has a smart sensor
that senses motion under the nozzle before dispersing the hand soap.
 Disposable seat covers are available beside the toilet in order for the customer to use to
be more hygienic and also prevent the transferring of germs and viruses. This are seat
covers that is made of eco-friendly and disposable materials such as vinyl or paper.
 The automatic toilet flush has a sensor when the customer is using the toilet and when he
or she is finished, the flush will automatically be activated.

What is it?
The design of the interior space of the Anti-infection bathroom is most likely the same as the
conventional public bathrooms. However, it differs in terms of the bathroom facilities where the
Anti-infection bathrooms feature automated bathroom facilities and improved the quality of
sanitation of the bathroom.
What is it for?
It is designed to improve sanitation of public bathrooms and ensure the security of the user’s
health towards varieties of contagious viruses or diseases such as covid 19, influenza, measles,
The interior design of the bathroom will be minimalistic where it will be painted in white color
so that it will be easier to clean it. As for its size, each room will be 25 square meters so that
there will be more space for the user to have much comfortable and freedom when using the

How to use the Anti-infection bathrooms?

To gain access to the entrance of the bathroom, the user must first have enough credits in their
mobile app (Anti-infection bathroom app) or must buy a one-time pass card from the kiosks
located beside the bathroom, then the user must follow the path of the bedrock platforms that
lead to the bathroom, each bedrock platforms are provided for each user to stand on while
waiting for the bathroom line. These rules are strictly implemented and should be followed as
part of the “no contact policy” implemented in the exterior space. Afterwards, if the user is next
in line, the user must show the QR code from the mobile app or show QR code attached on the
one-time pass card to the door signage to send request to access the interior space of the
bathroom , then the user inside will be alerted that there is a person waiting in line however if
you do not have credit the automatic doors will not open, if you have credits on the other hand,
the door signage will either turn green (will grant access) or red (there is still a user inside).
While the user is inside the bathroom, the user must also follow the “no contact policy” where
the user must minimize contact when using the facilities since most of it are automatic, there is
no need for the user to touch the equipment to be activated. Also, the user must use the
disposable toilet seat covers provided inside the bathroom to avoid having contact with the toilet
seats when using the toilet.


Task Start End Duration Status

Planning and canvassing for September of year September of year 7 days Upcoming
suppliers 2022 2022

Site inspection and clearing September of year September of year 4 days Upcoming
2022 2022

Building of foundation September of year September of year 7 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Start of actual construction September of year September of year 14 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Waterproofing October of year October of year 2 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Plumbing & Electrical October of year October of year 3 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Installation of fixtures October of year October of year 2 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Painting / Finishing October of year October of year 3 days Upcoming

2022 2022

Exterior construction October of year October of year 7 days Upcoming

2022 2022

This table shows when will the project be initiated and the predicted timeline of when the
construction of the Anti-infection bathrooms will be finished. As can be seen in the table above,
the expected date that this bathroom will be constructed is on September next year and will be
finished on October that year which its construction will only be done in 2 months.
Project Cost

Qty. Unit Materials Cost per material  Tota


10 bags Concrete 2700 Php

Rough square concrete  12000 Php

2 pcs lamps 1200 Php

4 sets Waterproofing 3805 Php

5 pcs White Epoxy Paint (outdoors) 6975 Php

2 set roofing shingles GAF estates 50575 Php

6 pcs large rock beds 3000 Php

2 pcs automatic doors with sensor 200000 Php

1 pc plant 250 Php

4 pcs kiosks 160000 Php

2 pcs Automatic Toilets 424690  Php

2 pcs Washbasin 5980  Php

2 pcs automatic faucets 11598  Php

1 pc Automatic Urinal 8397  Php

2 pcs hand soap dispenser 7698  Php

2 pcs disposable toilet seat dispenser 1448  Php

12/Set Tiles 1381  Php

2 pcs tissue paper holder 598  Php

Total 984310  Php

This table shows the list of materials and its cost where the tentative total cost for this projected
was estimated at 963595 Php depending if the plan was unchanged.

Based on what people been experiencing in the present because of COVID, people should be
more cautious with other people and the environment. It is because viruses and infectious
diseases can bring forth negative effects on people’s lives where it can affect them physically
and mentally. Therefore, through this innovation, it will help improve the sanitation of public
bathrooms where people will feel safe and protected from risks of being infected by viruses from
contact points when using public bathroom facilities. Moreover, this design provides new and
positive experience on its user in which they will be able to experience a new architecture and
high technologies that ensures their health and safety.

Name: Shekenna Bryl Cataluna

Work experience/ training: Research and Innovation Workshop for STEM students
Education: 1st year Architecture student at Mapua University

Name: Riesen Cruz

Work experience/ training: Work immersion at Philippine Science Centrum
Education: 1st Year Architecture student at Mapúa Institute of Technology.

Name: Don Vincent Eseo

Work experience/ training: work immersion in Yazaki-Torres Manufacturing, Inc.
Special Program of the Employment of Students Worked for the
City Engineering Office Education
Education: Mapua University - First Year Architecture Student

Name: Vincent Miguel Gonzalvo

Work experience/ training: work immersion in WORKLAND development and construction
Education: 2018 - 2020 Senior high school STEM graduate at Mapua
2020 - present B.S Architecture undergraduate at Mapua

Name: Michael Angelo Manalili

Work experience/ training: work immersion in Quezon City Hall City Architect Department
Education: undergraduate in B.S. Architecture at Mapua University

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