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Vincent Miguel M.


1. The name of leading actor of the film is Felicity jones who played the character of Ruth
Bader Ginsburg which is the main character in the film. Ruth Bader WInsburg is a
mother of a 14-month old child with an ill husband but her independence and intelligence
qualified her to study in one of the best law school globally which is at Harvard
University. Also, she was one of the nine women among 500 men that been very
consistent in showing inexplicable skills at the university. However, in spite of those
strengths which Ruth encompasses she also has moment of weaknesses which sometimes
she tend to incorporate her personal opinions to her judgement.

2. As a woman studying law, Ruth Bader Ginsburg experienced inequalities and gender
discrimination at school. Even when she graduated law firms been rejecting her in spite
of her qualifications because she is a woman. Therefore, she took those challenges as an
inspiration to push her advocacy which is to relieve women from experiencing

3. Yes, because even me as a man, I experienced some discrimination because of my

gender. When taking LRT for example, when I got to the train with my classmate I
quickly find a sit for myself since I’m tired from school but when we got the next station
he asked me to stand up because there he said that there is a woman who seems to have
the same age as our who just got on the train that needs to be seated. I asked him why
should I give up my sit to a woman even though she is not an elderly, pregnant, or has a
disability, then he said that, that just how things work where we men should be providing
convenience to women.

4. According to the book of Mylene et al. (2017), it argues that women in the Philippines
even before experienced challenges in terms of economic, political, and social equality
because of their gender. It is what brought by patriarchy which results to inequality in
political representation and economic opportunities, and aggression and violence towards
women. One of the example of this discrimination is the issue in Mindanao. In which,
according to Mindanao Commission on Women there are cases of bride abduction, forced
marriage and payment of bride price which still an issue until today.

5. My three insights on the movie are, first all people regardless of their gender role in the
society must all have an equal rights and opportunities where even women can be
qualified in any job she wanted; Second is I learned that right thing will always prevail
where in the case of Ruth she fought for her advocacy and in the end after all the
challenges she went through she got what she was fighting for.
Mylene, H., Alporha, V., & Evangelista, M. (2017). Feminism and the Women’s Movement in the Philippines:

Struggles, Advances, and Challenges.

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