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English 1 Notes

Statement of purpose
Statement of Purpose

Prepare a Statement of Purpose to be attached with an application for admission

to a

Bachelors program in a reputed college. You may make use of the following

and add your own relevant details.

Special interest in the subject - excellence in school – extracurricular activities –

internship or practical experience - inspiration gained by practical experience –

personal beliefs and motivation - influence of the institution –– future plans and

ambition – desire to study in a reputed institute.

To Whom It May Concern

I am Meera Singh, daughter of Mr Dinesh Singh and Mrs Sunita Singh, residing in

Mumbai, India. I am applying for BSc Economics program for fall 2023 intake.

my academic background and deep interest in the subject, I am confident that I


what it takes to stand out and excel in the program. My interest in economics can

traced back to the influence of my Economics teachers and mentor. When


economics in school, I was able to relate the concepts and theories I learned and

relate and observe those around me everyday. As I ventured further into this field,

grew interested in how these concepts apply not only to small or large firms but

to entire nations and the global economy.

I have scored an aggregate of 92% in my ISC examination with 97 marks in

Economics. Other than Economics, I am also interested in Commercial


and scored 94 marks in the subject. I have participated in several school

activities and

events. I have participated and won several Debating and Creative Writing

Competitions. I was a member of the School Editorial Club and regularly


to the school Newsletter. Other than academics, I am also interested in Sports


have played Basketball for 10 years. I have represented by city in the State level

Basketball Competition in 2019.

Upon completion of school, I interned with a transport organization, where I was


to apply what I had learned in school. As a Trainee in the Shipping Division, I

undertook various cost control measures to improve productivity and ensured

that the

safety guidelines were met. In the process, I got hands-on experience and learned

about how a large-scale firm such as this manages its economic affairs.

This has been a very instructive experience for me, as I have learned to adapt to a

professional environment and have seen that, through hard work, I am capable of

achieving any goal that I set for myself.

In my personal as well as professional affairs, I am driven by a belief in the

importance of generosity and giving back to one’s community. I believe that the

meaning of life lies in giving happiness to others while following your own

at the same time. In keeping with this spirit, I have recently begun devoting my

time to volunteering in the National Association of the Deaf, where I tutor


and work to raise awareness and funds. This experience has also influenced my

goals, as I hope to venture into teaching and have a positive impact on young
minds. Iam convinced that the subject of economics is relevant to virtually every
aspect of

people’s lives; this is evidenced by the work of Muhammad Yunus, founder of the

Grameen Bank, who has proven that economists have the power to affect

change in their communities. I therefore view a profession in economics as a


meaningful and inspiring career.

Although the education I have received has been top notch, I am determined to

abroad for my Bachelor’s degree, for a number of reasons. The Warwick


UK, has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in terms of its advanced


programs, especially in economics. It is vital that I gain international experience


familiarize myself with different cultures at this stage in my career, and the

environment of your Warwick University is therefore ideal for me. Perhaps most

importantly, I know that I need to challenge myself if I am to continue progressing

and reach my full potential in this field. After completion of my Bachelor’s


I aspire to gain a Master’s degree in Micro Economics and join the corporate
world. I am therefore committed to joining Warwick University’s challenging and

program, putting forth all of my effort to not only receive the best education to

me for the future but also contribute to your dynamic and diverse academic


Mumbai, 1st February 2022 Meera Singh

(full name in cursive)


Proposal writing

Transformation of sentences
No sooner is used to show that one thing happens immediately after another thing. It is often
used with the past perfect, and usually followed by than:
[event 1]
No sooner had they started
their walk than
[event 2]
it started to rain

No sooner + auxiliary verb + subject + verb + event 1 + than + event 2

No sooner + had (auxiliary verb) + they (subject) + started (verb)+ their walk (event 1) + than +
it started to rain (event 2).
Rewrite the following sentences using No sooner…than:
1. As soon as the sun rose, the fog disappeared.
2. As soon as I finished my studies, I got a good job.
3. As soon as I put the phone down, it started ringing again.
4. As soon as they met, they fell in love with each other.
5. As soon as the sun disappeared below the horizon, darkness began to envelop the planet.
6. As soon as he fired the gun, the tiger sprang on him.
7. As soon as the police had left the scene, trouble started brewing again.
8. As soon as he saw the police, he ran away.
9. As soon as I got up from bed, I took a bath.
10. She read the telegram. She fainted at once.
11. The thieves saw the police. They ran away at once.
12. The child started crying. His mother lifted him up at once.
13. I went to bed. Soon I fell asleep.
14. I took a dose of the medicine. Soon I started feeling better.
15. He reached the bus station. The bus came at once.
16.The driver saw the signal. He applied the brake at once.en' cannot be replaced by any
other word.
‘Hardly/Scarcely/Barely’ is always followed by ‘when’
‘When’ cannot be replaced by any other word.a
Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had they started
their walk when
[event 2]
it started to rain

Hardly/Scarcely/Barely + auxiliary verb + subject + verb + event 1 + when + event 2

Harldy/Scarcely/Barely+ had (auxiliary verb) + they (subject) + started (verb)+ their walk
(event 1) + when + it started to rain (event 2).
1. I had arrived home and my phone started ringing. (Use: Hardly)
2. She had finished reading. She fell asleep. (Use: Scarcely)

3. No sooner had the company launched its new product than it went bankrupt. (Use:
4. They had won the match. The coach had a heart attack. (Use: Hardly)
5. I cleaned the mess. My son dropped the cake. (Use: Hardly)
Not only…but also
“not only ... but also” is used to connect and emphasize two words or two phrases at the same
position. Example:
Adj: She is not only beautiful but also intelligent
Not only is she beautiful but also intelligent.
Rewrite the following sentences using ‘Not only…but also’
1. She wants to run a marathon. She wants to write a book.
Not only does she want to run a marathon but also write a book.

2. He hits very hard. He moves very fast.

3. They are strong. They have stamina.

Not only are they strong but they also have stamina.

4. He likes to train hard at the gym. He follows a healthy diet.

5. He writes articles for some newspapers. He does painting and decorating.
6. He wants to buy a car for his son. He wants to buy a motorbike for himself.
7. The book I read yesterday was educational. The book I read yesterday was interesting.

Not only was the book that I read yesterday educational but also interesting.


The book I read yesterday was not only educational but also interesting.

8. The restaurant was too noisy. The food was quite bland.

Combine the following sentences using and so...that.

An example is given below:
He is very old. He cannot work.
We can combine these two sentences using the structures and so...that.
The words too and so are adverbs that can replace the word very.
He is too old to work.
He is so old that he cannot work.

Rewrite the following sentences using so…that.

1. He is too proud to admit his fault.
2. This bag is too heavy for me to lift.
3. This news is too good to be true.
4. He is too young to do things on his own.
5. He is too naïve to be a successful businessman.

Rewrite the following sentences using ‘’

1. The case is so urgent that it cannot be postponed.
2. He was so God-fearing that he did not / could not leave the fallen man to his fate.
3. The teacher is so weak that he / she cannot control the class.
4. The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it.
5. It is so late that we cannot start now.

Report writing
Model Report- 1 (Crime Report)

Outline: Theft in a jeweler’s house- date, time, place - modus operandi- damage and
losses- eyewitness account- neighbours’ reactions- official action- comments from the


Gurmeet Singh

Ludhiana, September 17

Thieves decamped with jewellery, valuables and cash worth over Rs. 5 Lakh from the
residence of a jeweler in Sector-40 under Civil Lines police station area in Ludhiana. The
family was away in Delhi hospital, where a relative was admitted. It is believed that the
robbers broke into the house at around 2 am.

Jeweller B.C. Sood, who lives in the House No. 163 of C-Block of Sector 40, owns a
reputed jewellery store, Hans Jewellery, in the old city. He was shocked to find his house
ransacked when he returned home after two days. All the almirah locks were broken and
goods strewn all over in the house. The grill of the kitchen window was missing;
presumably that was the mode of entry and exit.

The robbers had helped themselves with gold worth Rs. 3 Lakh, Rs. 80,000 in cash,
costly electronic gadgets and some artifacts. Even some expensive garments and
upholstery were missing.

According to the residents, over 50 thefts have taken place in this area in the last five
months, but the police have failed to solve most of the cases so far S.K. Sahni, the
spokesperson of the Residents Welfare Association, who lives in the adjacent house,
was the one who informed the police and Sood family.

He said, “I saw four men in a car, in front of the house at midnight. When I called out to
them from my balcony, they looked alarmed and fled.” However, due to darkness he
couldn’t see their faces and the car clearly, he added.

The police have, however, nabbed two of the bandits who had looted a Santro Car last
week, while two other thieves had slipped from police dragnet. Four bandits in Wagon R
had looted a Santro car from Golf Course roundabout on August 4 when Santro Driver
Joginder had threatened at gunpoint by all the thieves. The culprits are suspected to
have some connection with this incident as well. ACP Rakesh Verma has stated that a
special team of thirteen police officers is appointed to investigate theft and robbery
related cases in Ludhiana. He has also promised strict actions against the arrested

Using the hints given below, write an article on “Increase in domestic violence in India

More cases admitted in hospitals, more suicides- Violence against women on the rise-
Causes: Men taught from birth that they are superior, Manliness is equated to use of
strength- Women brain washed into believing they are responsible for the violence
inflicted them- Women must seek help – comments from Women’s Rights Activists -
Speak up passing laws not a real help- A change of mind-set necessary; education,
emancipation, empowerment, the need of the hour.


Priya Mathur

Mumbai, 10 July 2019

Newspapers today are filled with reports of atrocities against women in India. Women
have been brutally treated by men at the slightest protest for reasons simple as not
cooking proper meals, for going out of the house without permission, neglecting the
house or children. The petty incidents are endless. Every 26 minutes a woman is
molested. Every 93 minutes a woman is burnt alive for dowry. A recent survey showed
that 56 per cent of the men believed that beating wife is justified. The men have been
taught from the very beginning to look upon themselves as the superior sex. Manliness
is equated with the need to control and to use of strength against the ‘Weaker Sex’.

Women have been brain washed into believing that they are responsible for the violence
against them. They face so much brutality at the hands of their families that they
consider it as a household affair.

Violence against women is the most pervasive human rights violation in the world
today. It is not confined to India only. Women are victims of physical, mental, emotional,
abuse even when they come from educated or economically better sections. We can
well imagine the state of many illiterate women in rural areas. Economically
handicapped women. What is the remedy?

“Women can turn to the law but that is not enough, women have to be empowered
socially and financially” says Dr Anjali Rana (Founder of WE foundation). The mindset
has to be changed. Men have to be taught to respect women as individuals in their own
right, with the freedom to live on their own terms, earn, be educated and enjoy life
without fear, added Rana. Mothers have to teach their sons the lessons of humanity and
their daughters the lessons of self-worth and assertion. Education, emancipation and
empowerment of women is the need of the hour.

Speech Writing
At the ISC examination, the candidates are required to write their view point on a
particular topic in the format of a speech delivered to a live audience. So, it is more or
less like an opinion based essay but in the format of a speech, where the students are
required to use ‘I’ and give their personal opinion. The following steps will help you feel
confident in the writing process that is integral to giving a good speech no matter what
the topic may be.

Format of a speech
In order to write a perfect speech, we must be well acquainted with the topic and must
possess a wide range of vocabulary, a thorough knowledge of the subject, some
research and excellent organizational skills. Here is the ideal format and tips to help you
write your perfect speech.

A perfect speech must consist of :-

HEADING- The heading should be catchy and in not more than 5-6 words. You can go as
creative as you want with this one just make sure you do not devote too much time on it
in the exam.

OPENING LINE- This includes salutations, introduction and the topic. Make sure you do
not mention your personal details (name, school name, etc.).

Example- Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends! Today, I stand before you
all to speak on the topic “(given in the question)”.

OR you could start with a quote related to the topic and then go with the salutations and

BODY- It is the main part of your writing piece.

It is always prescribed that you begin with a short introduction on the topic, it’s meant to
be precise.

Then you need to explain the current situation, the problems (if any) and whether after
any corrective actions, betterment in the situation has been observed or not.

It may include advantages/ disadvantages depending upon the topic in question.

It is important you follow a sequence. It is possible that you have too many points or
very few points. When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose a few best
ones and write a line on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least
two lines each.

You have to strictly follow the prescribed word limit in a limited time frame so just do
not go on writing and writing.

Feel free to give your personal opinion in one or two lines.

It is very important that you do not deviate from the topic. There are chances you may
get ideas linking from one to another that may deviate you from the main point. You
have to refrain from doing so.

SOLUTION/CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH- Now, it is to be remembered that wherever you

elaborate a problem, you always have to mention the steps being taken to improvise the
situation and suggest a few solutions as well. Make an apt conclusion to your speech
by including a strong affirmative statement.

Model speech writing

You have been asked to deliver a speech on Global Warning. Write down the speech on
above topic. (Include all the points mentioned below)

Outline: global warming - causes - effects - how to check global warming


Global Warming

Respected Principal, Teachers and dear friends

Today, we are celebrating the ‘World Environment Day’. It is satisfying to see that we are
becoming more and more conscious about our environment. But at the same time, it is
a matter of deep concern that our activities are largely responsible for the phenomenon,
called ‘Global Warming’.

Global Warming occurs as a result of increased concentration of greenhouse gases in

the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. These gases do not allow all the radiations from the
Earth to escape back into space. This is known as the Greenhouse Effect. This trapped
radiation increases the temperature on the Earth. Now, how are these gases released in
the atmosphere?

Increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is caused by

burning of fossil fuels, industrial pollution, vehicular pollution, depletion of the ozone
layer in the atmosphere and cleaning away of forest and disturbing the forest
ecosystem on a large scale. This has resulted in changes in rainfall patterns, melting of
glaciers and ice caps leading to rise in sea level and radiation imbalance. So, the need
of the hour is not just being aware but taking remedial steps to prevent our planet from
such a catastrophe. We don’t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend a
lot of money. If we try to follow a few simple steps we can make a big difference.

We can do so by reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by using alternative

sources of energy like solar energy, checking deforestation and undertaking

afforestation. We should inculcate the habit of reducing, we should buy only what we
need; we may or may not use. It is important that we reusing and recycling reuse
whatever me can, like containers and paper, and we should recycle what we cannot

So, it is my earnest appeal that you take into consideration what I have said, and try to
do your part. After all, it is our generation and the coming generations, who are likely to
feel the major effects.

Thank you


1. You have been asked to deliver speech on the occasion of “The World Health Day” on
Lifestye and Diseases such as Diabetes, Migrane, Stress, Depression, Obesity and their
possible remedies. Write down the speech on the above topic.

Article writing

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