Charts, Publications & Logs

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Charts, Publications, Records


8.1.1 Responsible Officer

The Second Officer is responsible to the Master for the proper correction and maintenance
of all charts and navigational publications. The correction of Light Lists and Admiralty Lists
of Radio Signals may be delegated to the Third Officer.

8.1.2 Charts
Normally each vessel is provided with a recognised chart index applicable to the size and
type of vessel. The chart index will list only those chart folios carried onboard.

All onboard charts are to be arranged in the geographical folios strictly in accordance with
the chart index. All charts are to be marked with the folio and consecutive number.
Normally, only British Admiralty Charts will be used onboard in order to maintain uniformity.

Charts that are carried onboard and are not listed in any folio are to be retained in a
miscellaneous folio.

Vessels not supplied with a standard folio with automatic updating will be required to
operate a suitable controlled system. The vessels operating office will supply full details of
this procedure.

8.1.3 Nautical Publications

The Nautical Publications will be supplied in accordance with the chart folios carried

8.1.4 Reference Publications

The Company recognises the importance of certain Reference Publications, which
complement the Company’s Operating Manuals. These Publications are supplied to each
vessel according to the ship type. An index of publications to be carried is contained within
the Chart Index.


8.2.1 General
The Company forwards to each vessel at regular intervals British Admiralty Weekly Notices
to Mariners. The Master is to ensure that all charts and publications carried onboard are
corrected up to date at all times, irrespective of current trading area of the vessel.

If Notices to Mariners are not received at regular intervals or not in sequence the Company
must be advised.

8.2.2 Charts and Corrections

The Navigating officer is to maintain an inventory of all charts onboard and a copy to be
sent to the office every month.
Charts, Publications, Records

It is important to check that the previous correction has been completed by checking that
the number of the last correction has been entered on the bottom left hand corner of the
chart. If not it will be necessary to check previous Notices to Mariners. In the event that it is
discovered that the chart folio has not been properly maintained in the past the company is
to be advised.

8.2.3 Corrections to publication

This includes Sailing Direction, Light Lists, Radio Signals, and the Chart Catalogue. As with
charts, the company requires that all publications are kept up to date. It is important to
remember that frequently when a new edition of a publication is issued the corrections will
be received prior to the publication itself.

8.2.4 Navigational Warnings

These corrections are to be removed from the ANM and placed in a special loose leaf file
titled “Navigational Warnings”. This file is to be in sections with a section for each area (i.e.
Navarea I, Navarea II and so on). An update of the corrections in force is issued every four
weeks with the Navigational Warnings and warnings cancelled should be deleted from
section by drawing a thin line through the entry.

The first ANM at the start of every year i.e. Week 1 includes a full list of Navigational
Warnings in force. When this is received on board all warnings from the previous year can
be discarded and the file maintained with all corrections from week 1.

8.2.5 Chart Catalogue and Publications Index

The chart catalogue must also be kept updated and is the responsibility of the navigating
officer to ensure the same.

8.2.6 Cancelled Charts

For vessels on automatic supply, New Editions of charts and publications superseded are
forwarded to the vessel at regular intervals. When a chart is cancelled the word “cancelled”
is to be written on the face of the chart and the chart removed from the bridge. The chart
must be retained until the new edition is received, as it may be required. If it is required for
navigation it is to be used with caution. Corrections received for a new edition are to be
retained until the new edition is received, as they may be required although all charts sent
to the vessel normally are corrected up to the latest ANM.

8.2.7 Additional Charts

Most vessels carry additional charts not included in the Standard Folio. A list of these
charts is to be made up which can be checked against the weekly index of charts affected
by corrections included in the ANM. It may not be possible to correct charts published by
another state and hence these charts should only be used for reference purposes. A
warning is to be written on the face of these charts stating that they are uncorrected.

U.S. charts can only be corrected by the actual chart user and it is therefore necessary to
obtain the corrections for these charts.
Charts, Publications, Records

8.2.8 Inspections
A provision of a chart system is a high cost item and is therefore essential, that it is
maintained correctly.

The weekly chart correction/passage plan record form is to be completed by the Master on
completion of the weekly chart corrections as notified in the “Weekly Notices to Mariners”.
The Master should ensure that he checks at least 6 charts at random to ensure that the
corrections have been applied correctly.

Visiting Superintendent and Inspectors shall also inspect as a part of their inspections.

8.2.9 Chart Correcting Equipment

Chart correcting equipment is to be maintained onboard as required. The equipment is to
be kept solely for chart correcting and is to be the responsibility of the 2 nd officer to maintain


8.3.1 Bridge Movement Book

A Bridge Movement Book is to be maintained to record all movements both at sea and on
arrival and sailing from port. The main times and events are to be copied into the Deck Log
Book. This book should be seen as an event book covering all relevant data concerning the
vessel at sea and during manoeuvring.

8.3.2 Deck Log Book

The Master is responsible for ensuring that the Company’s Deck Log Book is completed as
per instructions contained within the front cover of the book. It is essential that this book is
kept as a clear and accurate record of the activities of the ship.

It will form a main part of the collection of evidence where the ship has been involved in an
incident and will accordingly be scrutinised by inspectors and surveyors.

Copies of the log book pages are to be retained onboard.

8.3.3 Entries
All entries in both the Bridge Movement Book and the Deck Log Book are to be made
clearly in ink (ballpoint pen). Errors are to be neatly scored through once with a single line
and initialled by the writer.

The use of pencil is prohibited, as is the use of erasing materials such as ink rubbers and
typing correction.

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