Abiotic and Biotic Components Free Essay Example

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Abiotic component

abiotic components (also known as abiotic factors) are non-living chemical and physical
factors in the environment, which affect ecosystems. Each abiotic component influences
the number and variety of plants that grow in an ecosystem, which in turn has an influence
on the variety of animals that live there. The four major abiotic components are: climate,
parent material and soil, topography, and natural disturbances.

From the viewpoint of biology, abiotic factors can be classified as light or more generally
radiation, temperature, water, the chemical surrounding composed of the terrestrial
atmospheric gases, as well as soil and more.

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The macroscopic climate often essays
influences on
eachany topic
of the above. Not to mention pressure and
even sound waves if working within marine- or terrestrial environments.
The Biome is defined as environments where organisms live in accordance to their

Those underlying factors affect different plants, animals and fungi to different extents.
Some plants are mostly water starved, so humidity plays a larger role in their biology.

If there is little or no sunlight then plants may wither and die from not being able to get
enough sunlight to do photosynthesis.

Many archaebacteria require very high temperatures, or pressures, or unusual

concentrations of chemical substances such as sulfur, because of their specialization into
extreme conditions.
Certain fungi have evolved to survive mostly at the temperature, the humidity, and stability
of their environment.

Abiotic factors in various components that determine the physical space in which living
things live, among the most important, we find:








Climate includes the rainfall, temperature and wind patterns that occur in an area, and is
the most important abiotic component of a grassland ecosystem.

Temperature, in tandem with precipitation, determines whether grasslands, forests, or

some combination of these two, form. The amount and distribution of the rainfall an area
receives in a year influences the types and productivity of grassland plants.


It is one of the commonest of all substances. It primary source is rainfall. Without it, life is
impossible. The Earth is made up two-thirds water and even our body is made up of two-
thirds of water. Dissolved oxygen in water enables animals and plants to live in it. Fish
absorb oxygen from water as it passes over their gills. Plants take up water from the soil.
Farmers have to water their crops at regular intervals. Our plants have a fixed amount of
water. Hence, we should use it carefully. We should never waste water.

Temperature is defined as the measure of the degree of hotness. The temperature of a
place keeps on changing. It can be measured by a thermometer. The range of temperature
at a place controls the distribution of animals. Some animals and plants can survive in hot
places and some in cold places. Camels can tolerate high temperatures of deserts.
Similarly cacti can live in deserts. Cacti store water in their stems. They have leaves which
have been modified to form spines which help them to reduce water loss. Some animals
like snakes, frogs and lizards become less active in winter. This is called hibernation.


Light helps plants to grow their food. Plants make food by the process of photosynthesis.


The uppermost layer of the Earth’s crust is called soil. It forms when rock is worn down by
wind and rain, broken up by plant roots and enriched by dead leaves. Soils consist of three

Mineral fragments

The remains of dead plants and animals

Animals still living

Soil is a medium that supports the growth of plants. It contains water and minerals which
plants take in with the help of roots. As plants are the basis of the food chains in most
ecosystems, soil is an important constituent of the Abiotic environment. If we dig deep into
the ground, we will find that each layer of soil is different. Top layer of soil is dark in color.
Plants grow in the dark-colored layer of soil. This is called the topsoil.


Air has oxygen in it no organisms can survive without oxygen. Plants produce oxygen
during photosynthesis. Animals and human beings take in oxygen and give out carbon
dioxide. Thus a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained. Fast blowing
air is called wind. Winds ca cause heavy damage. But it can also help in the dispersal of
seeds. Plants depend on wind for pollination. Wind also helps in dispersal of seeds.

Biotic component
Biotic components’ are the living things that shape an ecosystem. A ‘biotic factor’ is any
living component that affects another organism, including animals that consume the
organism in question, and the living food that the organism consumes. Each biotic factor
needs energy to do work and food for proper growth. Biotic factors include human

Biotic components usually include:

Producers, i.e. autotrophs: e.g. plants, they convert the energy [from photosynthesis
(the transfer of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy), or other sources such
as hydrothermal vents] into food.

Consumers, i.e. heterotrophs: e.g. animals, they depend upon producers

(occasionally other consumers) for food.

Decomposers, i.e. detritivores: e.g. fungi and bacteria, they break down chemicals
from producers and consumers (usually dead) into simpler form which can be reused.

Producers are also able to capture the sun’s energy through photosynthesis and absorb
nutrients from the soil, storing them for future use by themselves and by other organisms.
Grasses, shrubs, trees, mosses, lichens, and cyanobacteria are some of the many
producers found in a grassland ecosystem.

When these plants die they provide energy for a host of insects, fungi and bacteria that live
in and on the soil and feed on plant debris. Grasses are an important source of food for
large grazing animals such as Sheep, Mule Deer and Elk, and for much smaller animals
such as marmots, Pocket Gophers and mice. Consumers are organisms that do not have
the ability to capture the energy produced by the sun, but consume plant and/or animal
material to gain their energy for growth and activity. Consumers are further divided into
three types based on their ability to digest plant and animal material: Herbivores eat only
plants, such as the elk that graze the grasslands of the Columbia valley, or an insect
nibbling on the leaf of a sticky geranium. Omnivores eat both plants and animals, such as
the black bear.

Carnivores eat only animals, such as the red-tailed hawk or western rattlesnake.
Decomposers include the insects, fungi, algae and bacteria both on the ground and in the
soil that help to break down the organic layer to provide nutrients for growing plants. There
are many millions of these organisms in the world. Soil has many biotic functions in a
grasslands ecosystem. It provides the material in which plants grow, holds moisture for
plants to absorb, is the “recycling bin” for plant and animal matter, and provides an
important habitat for soil organisms. Soil is a vital link between the biotic and abiotic parts
of a grassland ecosystem.

These two components share the relationship of being dependent on each other and in
this sense they constitute an ecosystem. In order to better grasp the abiotic and biotic
components of an eco-system.

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