Past Simple Worksheet

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[E29] complete the sentences. Choose from: waslocking © waswearing —wasn'tlistening —_ weren't looking wassnowing wasworking were sitting were you going ng__trausers. Today Helen is wearing.a skirt. Yesterday she _W&S_w ‘What did he say?" ‘I don't knaw. | theatre, Wecouldn't hear very well _on a farm 5 didn'tsee me. They. in my direction. The weather was bad. Itwas very cold and i 7 [saw youin yourcar. Where © Isaw Kate afew minutes ago. She— (EEE) winich goes with which? When | got to the cafe ‘when she was living in Rame. 2 Weell asleep = she was working in a clathes shop. 3 Amy leamt Italian when Iwas driving home 4 Tom didn't come out with us but nobody was watching it 5 The car began to make a strange noise while we were watching a film. 6 The T¥wason ny friends were waiting for me. 7 When | first met Jessica because he wasn't feeling well, _{see) Sue in town yesterday, but ~[cycle} home yesterday not,/se2) me. when aman... (step} out into the road in front of me igo) quite fast, but luck manage) tosinp in time, __—_--—..(nat hit) hie. (020) Pur the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. Jenny .Ws waiting (wait) for me when | armed. _farrivel, {you do} at this time yesterday? “I was asleep. ou / go) outlast night?” ‘No, | was tootired” \you / drive) when the accident happen}? _-(take} a picture of me while t_____ ____{nvot | look). & We were ina very difficult position. We ___._-(not / know) what to da, so we eat (do) nothing. T Thaven't seen Alan for ages. When | last... try) to find a jabs, _.{walk) along the street when suddenly I, peeeeeeeshear} {tollow) me. | was scared and | s aeeeeeeene(S0} him, he 1 something behind me, Samebod _---«(start} to run. (want) to bea pilot. Later | » When Iwas young, |. [change] my mind. 10 Last night | Fortunatety it (drop) a plate when |. (do) the washing up. {not / break}.

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