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3 [mae | ee ence anette tec | romey201 | Forrserowi | mewrsamret | KSKo § | yKRang shore oes [ wien [wormemn| ese [ tates aes + | omana | tet [rae | Tease | waneg a0 SL oe aL oa re | | Ree mie Oe) see aeenes aceen ) steams RABGH POWER PLANT NO2 PROJECT UNITS #7,2.384 conte 312100100 SESE PARSONS: BRINCKERHOFF TAN CONTRACTOR Hoavy industries Pry se BOSUMENT TLE: waa owe = ee coos Method Statement for pasty Pairs [Gedaity | vate | mane feoretty [some | mea ro egedatste by | Sion ‘tay2nt2 Soa a 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 1 of 20 ° poanent tau Founeonuinos 9 Fonarrnowt = g_FORREVEW = FORCONSTRUCTION 9 ASBULT | ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process Se TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PREFACE 20 SCOPE 3.0 APPLICATION 40. REFERENCES 50 GENERAL 60 PROCEDRE 7.8 DOCUMENTATION 80 QUALITY CONTROL 9.0 RISK ASSESSMENTS 100 ATTACHMENTS Revd 31021001/00.2-RPP2.WE-005589 Page 0f20 Gomera] marrow | RE erent omni “Method Statement for PWHT Process 10 20 2a 30 aa 40 4a PREFACE ‘This purpose of this work procedure Is to describe the Heat Treatment (PWHT) of Welds ‘tall the constuction sites under contol of DOOSAN for Rabigh 700 MW X 4 Units ‘power plant project located at Saud Electcly Company-Rabigh, Saud ‘SCOPE This procedure provdes the procedural deals onthe heat treatment of walds at al the ‘construction sites under control of DOOSAN, For any futher requirements not stated in this procedure or deviations shall bo referred to the applicable codes and standards, ‘contract requirements or WPS, APPLICATION Procedure snd insinustion described shall be applied in accordance with the Fequiemenis of this project and saisty the safety rues and guidelines as imposed {or this project. REFERENCES ‘This procedure shall be maintained in accordance wit the requirements of the appicable documents as follows: ¥ 180 8001:2008 ASME Secii: Rules for constuction of power Bolar (2007 Eton WITH 2009 ‘ond ASME Sec. V: NDE(2007 Eston wih 2000Acdenda) ASME Sec. DX Welding & Brazing Qualfeations(2007 Eden WiTH 2000 ‘Adden) ASME 831.1; Power piping(2007 Eaton) ‘API 650: Welded Stoo! Tanks for oll Storaga(11® Eston. 2007) AWS DI 1 Stoo! Structur{2008 Editon) 31021001-00-2-RPP2.WE-001524 ‘QcP:31021001-00-A-RPP2-WE-020801 Codes and standards as requived forthe project Contract vss 31021001/00.2-RPP2-WE.005589 Page 3020, Comes) umcurowen | Bagg aeons | \S Seen Sena 50 54 541 512 52 53 54 544 542 65 554 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES Construction Managers(departments) Post weld heat restment according to this procedure and applicable codes and standards ‘Ste QA1OC manager(department) Verication and monitring on the PWHT. ‘QUALIFICATION ‘One pipe and one group (4 tubes) of tubes should be mockup tested for equipment and Personnel quaifcation, If necessary, Mockup test should be done as exactly same as, fginal. Same equipment such as thermocouples, racordr, nelating materials band, bianke, to. © be used for production should be used. The whole test cycle shall be recorded for review and assessment OPERATORS ‘The ability of each operator to carryout heat treatments or production shal be proven by interview on theoretical knowledge and technical performance on the mockup test pices. ‘The operaiors shall have abilly to make whole preparations and performance for heat treatment without any assistance in accordance with this procedure. DOOSAN QC shall ‘wines the whole process for qualification, CALIBRATION ‘Cafbration shall be carted out 28 per the approved CCP No. 31021001-00-Z-RPP2- WE - 091506. Recorder Temperature recorder shall be calibrated prior to use and at twoWve monthly Intervals “Temperature recorder calibration certificates shall be avaiable at ste and contolled in ‘accordance with related calibration procedure, ‘Themocouples ‘The thermocouples shall be callrated before their using andthe evidence of calibration shall be provides, Thermocouples calibration certificates shall be avaiable at site and contol in accordance wih elated calbration procedure Stage of PWT PWHT should be cone right afer welding as scon as possible, But i immediate PWT is impossible, these welds shall be carefuly controlled against harmful damages. “Shing methods of boller pressure parts pre-assembled tube bundles” attached herewith as Attachment #4, '31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005509 Paget t20 s wagetemoccs| ——amrcarpowER teppei No Sieieton PLANT Nad Ee Method Statement for PWHT Process 55.2 PWHT should be performed before related NDE as a process of welding works. However, 'n cave of weld tobe undergone RT, PWT can be done ater RT onthe conon that again RT be folowed ater PWHT 56 SUBCONTRACTING In case of subcontracting part or tho entre of works, DOOSAN can make Is ‘ubconictor perform actives sated in ts procedure in compliance wih thelr contractual requrements on the qually assurance. But, these acthites shal be supervised, controled, checked, inspected, tested, reviewed end spproved by OOSAN's each depariment in charge 5.7 SUPERVISOR ‘Tho assigned supenisors are responsible for ensuring thatthe ste relate steps ofthis work inetucton are flowed and for encuring offctve communication with the ste contact an the department manager. DI wil deploy 3 engineers fr supervision of PWT work a ay down, Unit 182 and Unt ‘384 as wel as the subcontaters(ncaded PHT company) il ls deploy same, 60 PROCEDURE Local PWHT may be cared out using slectcal resielance or electrical Induction methods. (Ref GOP o-310200100-2.WE-001824/Rev- hem 6.0). 8.1 Thermocouples & Compensating Lead eas “Type, Numbers and Location {1 Thermocouples shal be attached using TAU (Theemacouple stlachment uni) which is working by capacitive discharge method. 6.4112 The thermocouple fo extension cable connection shall be clear from the heating zone. ea ea. ‘The thermoccuple wil be connected via color coded compensating cable to a potentiometric chart recorder. {3 Thermocouple tachment area wil be fled clean ater of PWHT oyele by light grinding ‘and surface visually examined. ANT examination ofthe ground area may be requested if doubt 4 Number and location of thermocouple are as following: ‘NPS < 4: 2 thermocouple positioned inthe pipe upper quarter where pipe in the horizontal axl position, 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005569 250620 Co wegtiemosuss| apc FOWER Serena eal porte Saar ena 62 022 Method Statement for PWHT Process ‘+ 4 14:3 thermocouples minimum 120°apart from each other, Compensating lead ‘Copper Constantan compensating lead shall be used. Copper lead (positive) shall be ‘plied tothe nickel chromium conductor (non-magnetic) and the constant lead (negative) to the nickel aluminum concluctor (magnetic), tement Band ‘A circumferential band shall be hested untl the specified temperature range existe over the compete cicumference ofthe pipe section, Wath of Element band For Butt wed joints ‘The minimum width ofthe cicumferentlal band centered on the Weld shal extend three times the wall thickness beyond the edges ofthe wal Fy Fa in \When the but weld connects two separate material thicknesses, the langth of theheated ‘zone each ofthe weld center Ine Is in direct proportion to material thickness, Branch connestions Fr nazis and other welded altachments for which PWHT is required, a circumferential! ‘band arcund the entire vessel shal be heated withthe welded connection in the midele ‘The width of this band shall be wider than the nozzle or atachment by three times the wall thickness of the vessel and shall be located In such a manner that the entire band willbe heated tothe required temperature and held forthe time specified on the WPS. '31021001/00.2-RPP2-WE-005539 Page 60620, stem] mgurowee | BBY nitroso “Method Statement for PWHT Procest 3 at, | x Joint 62.2 Arrangement of Element Band 4. Pipe Axial Horizontal One or two bands of elements shall be wrappod about the weld seam so that there Is @ ‘minimum heated band wisth of tree times of thickness, Depending on the width of the band tobe treated, the heating elements can be installed: ether longitudinally 1 orin the welding direction + orusing 2 or more elements ‘Gap between heating elemens shall not exceed the wall thickness of the pioe being heat treated. For pipes diameter up to 10", the heating elements wil be treated as a single contr zane, 10° and above, the elements shall be spiitinto two control zones, i.e top and bottom. Further contol zones may be necessary for larger diameter buts. 2. Pipe Axial Vertical Elements shall be arranged about the wold seam so that there la @ minimum heated band ‘with aocording to paragraph 6.2.1. Element shall be srranged about the weld centarine so ‘hat there is one band of elements above the weld and one below. These two bands shall be controlled independently 3. Mowe of Bement Two pleces of elements are wound around both sides of the weld for preheating and are ‘moved closer to the weld for post weld heat treatment. 6.2.3. Arrangement of Insulation 41 The pipe shall be insulated by either coramie fer meshed mats 20 to 30mm thick or ‘minora woo! SOmm thick approximataly 2, The insulation shall extend a minimum distance of 100mm beyond the edges ofthe heated band of 6 times the thickness ofthe pipes whichever i the crear. 3. Insulation shall rat be removed unt the heat treated welded joint has reached Reo 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 age 7 28 Sweeter | napraarrower ieee NY Solent Darr Ear ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process Approximately 0°, 4. Determine the length to be insulsted and propare the pieces, instal the pieces taking ‘great care to leave the element ends uncovered and tighten moderately. 5, When the treatment temperature are above 700°, put a second layer of ineulation in lace, 6.2.4 Heat Treatment of group of bes 1. Use of Flexible cable hoster | exible cable heaters are used, he group of tubes can be formed equally wal fom tubes inthe same vertical plane orin the same horizontal plane. However, to guarantee a uriform {emporature on all the tubes ofa group, is necessary: ' foreach ube to have the same diameter and thickness + For the numberof cos o be the same for each tubs, ‘The whole shail be covered with an insulating msteral of the KERLANE type, o ‘equivalent, of thickness 19 to 25mm forming @ cocaon, 2 Use ofheating blanket ‘far as possible, form the groups of tubes from tubes inthe eame horizontal plane (his arrangement ensures better temperature uniformity between the various tubes). In general, ® group of tubes contains a maximum of 4 tubes. A resistance (or more) shall be positioned ‘on each side ofthe group. Between 2 asjining groups a shest of ceramic fiber shall be Inserted In order to ensure contact between tube and resistance. At the ends the resistances shal be held in place by wre. The 2 sets of resistances inary one group shel be connected fo the same zone of the heat treatment machine, Each zone shall be ‘regulated by @ thermocouple fixed toa tube In the canter ef the group. Tubes belonging to the same group must “+ have the same dameters and thickness ‘+ bein he same horizontal plane (or same vertical plana) ‘Also, the resistances in the same group must have the same cimensions the seme Reed '31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 Page ot28 setenrs] —_ eamctrowen a ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process ®lectrcal characteristics and be postoned on the tubes inthe same way. 625 Recorder ‘The recorders shal be ofthe potentiometric self compensating type. Wherever possible, @ Constant vetage source shall be epi to one trace ofthe recorder 62.6 Typical Heat Trestmant rangement Reo '31021001100-2-RPP2-WE-005509 Page Cy weenie) pamom rower epeprtetetme Q See ee aor ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process 63 PwHT 63:1 PWHT shall be performed in accordance with qualified WPS requirement. The heat treatment shall be performed immediately after welding or related post hesting, if applicable. it must be cartiod out before any manipulation likely to involve mechenical ‘stesses on the weld which is pending of heat teatment, The temperature oye to be used, heating and cooling rates shal be as stated inthe applicable WPS and here below ‘summarized. Temperature contol by the recorder, heating and cooling rates applying over 300°C. PWHT shall be appled in one cycle. Uness otherwise epected thera i no lit 10 ‘the number of PWHT cycles for the materials considered by the flloning tables. Prior to PWHT, the weld and surrounding region on either side shall be clean and free from ‘injurious materials including low meting point materials and piping ends should be sealed off during PWHT whenever possible, Post heating (Preheat Maintenance): A processes that ater completion of welding and before PHT, heating and maintaining the wed of P91, 92 at certain temperature and for ‘erin ime stated in the WPS (or 300°C 30°C for minimum 4 hours) and then cooling slowly in a sl atmosphere to temperature for not exceeding 80°C, 632 PWHT “Temperature shouldbe followed as per the approved WPS" Note: “The tem nominal thickness ofthe welds the thinner ofthe section being joined or the thickness of weldment. During PWHT of a dissimilar metal weld between materials of two iffrent No. which require PWHT at diferent temperature, the PWHT temperature specified shall be forthe material rquiing higher PWHT temperature, PWT for those welds applicabie to codes such as ASME 831.3, API, AWS.8S, ete. shall ‘be referred to these codes’ requirements. 6.3.3 Heating and cooling rate Heating and cooing rat shal be as folowing formula + Heating Rate r= 5,500 mm, but for ts25mm, 220 “Ch, for 100mm, 55 “lh ‘+ Cooling ratelhr= 7,000 mm, bu for 26mm, 280 °C, for f2100mm, 55 °Ch ‘+ Heating ane cooing rate for welds wih diferent thickness shall be calouated by the thicker part 6.34 Holding Time Minimum Holcing tine chall bo one hour per thickness 25mm, but minimum 20minutes Reo 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 Page 100f20, Fe ener ropa ‘RABIGH POWER ie ey mn Gemtece| mmcwowe | Bey Method Statement for PWHT Process ‘hall be maintained. WPS mentioned the holding time, it wil take precedence, 63.8 Thoocotical PHT Cyele v ae SSeS Ks uraton aA 8 co | a ot [A= Free ing to Prebeet Temp. B=Welding (C= Preheat maintenance; Post heating = Free cooling o amb, Temp, For P81,82 cooled down below 80°C = Feo rcing to 2000 F = Controle heating phase (G = Holcng temp. phase H1= Controlled caoing phase |= Free cooing to amb. Temp. Wit heat insulation 64 Control of PWHT etfeciveness To confirm that PWHT works are succosstuly performed according to ths procedure, the ‘extemal skin hardness measurements may be made on the welded assemblies after PWHT. Reo '31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 Page ot \) S| er Rete ‘RABIGH POWER PERE eens scatnin oat 642 643 644 Method Statement for PWAIT Process Selection of welds to be tested ‘As per the approved QP test shall caried out 25% for TO1 (Tube wilds) and 100% for P91 (pipe wos). Hardness test, Random test shall be selected by DOOSAN QC engineer fr testing. The 10% willbe made on each junction or group of boiler pressure part and internal piping. Condition ‘The extemal temperature shoulé not be less than S dagrees Coleus. ‘Suraoe preparation Surtace proparstion prior to the hardness test shall be done by grinding then polishing. During tis preparation, i is important to take precautions to avo a moiieaton of the metal structure either by overheating of the equipment or by @ deformation causing ‘urface cole working, + Grinding shal be performed using a grinding ize of grade BO. + Polishing It shall be performed in wo stages using strap wheels, = tststage: strap wheel of grade 60. or equivalent + 2nd stage: strep wheel of grade 180, or equivalent ~ Care shal be taken between each sequence to cross the directions as follows: Sequence t Sequence 2 ‘Sequence 3 Grinding Poishing tet stage Polishing 2nd stage dcecion of grinding _drecton of plshing rection of polishing = The thus prepared surface should have @ shiny even appearance, Test Zone In the case of welded assemble, five zones sh being to find the maximum hardness be tested as flows, the purpose 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 age 120f20 ses — ——— CSRs] eamcmrowm | QB oer 645 Method Statement for PWHT Process maz. Haz \ wei RIX x x x x Rex x x x x Fax x x x x ZoneD | @ | Zone® © | Zone Rax x x x x RSX x x x x o a | __o @ fpase waTaLa. BASE METAL B Zone t: Base Metal A Zone 2: HAZ A Zone 3: Weld Zone 4: HAZ B Zone 6: Base Metal B Atleast five measurements shall be made in esch zone, the minimum dstance between 2 points beng am. Hardness test 4. Its required that welds are tested to measure hardness after PWHT venting the PWHT effectiveness. This shal be done as follows on each wed: ‘Method shall be by portable Instruments suchas: = Kreuttramer MIC-10 2, Hardness shal be measured onthe weld and on the heat affected zone (HAZ) es near {28 practical to the weld a8 follows. ~ NPS 4": 1 measurement + NPS < 14": 2 opposite meaeurements + NPS> 14 measurements 120degree apart 3. Where testis performed with the equotip apparatus, each reported measurement shall be the average of 3 indications. 4, Acceptance crea for haraness test wil be as follows 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005580 Page 13.020, Cystees] emcurowmn | Riga coy toe Gsteeeces | emarow Mato Statement for PWHT Process Tm aaa fe | sat cmctcntan | fete s tee x | " ‘SA106 B, SAZ10-1 60 ws | 220 ray |NOPWHT | 300 ; wt [zs ‘SA106 C, SAZI0C 7 sar | 2a | tar [OBMHT | seo wnt | zs 3 | SA336P2, SA213-T2 5 15, Ea) tip /ROBMHT |_se0. wt | 8 ease no rwir | 30 4 |sazierime sm | | peat | a (POA | SAS35P22, SAZ13-T22 60 123 | 220 sag [ROPOHT | oe ont | “2a “RE | sasaseas, sazia.tzs | m4 | ass | 200 | 56 oe re [sasosor savory | oe | imo | ao | 70 | sasosons sazrerae | 00 | io | am | im 200 79 DOCUMENTATION 74 Racrdng and epring Recor shal star a Aen anand whan ht elmer oe hs cle to below {00° Al snsed chan shal beat abet Each tery po recorded en conthucusy tutnng tnahonpertize chat Hueatng the povaing tmpratce éiference et any on ug te heal eatnan oe, 72. Vetaton of jo ung UT ‘Alois tobe pot wold ht ested sal conespand a ara at may hee ne ot mor jos donatn of theft rng PWT may be byte themocbupe number er col pret onthe cat. 73 eeaton of agra At agar sab nt projec umber, dren, ISO runbe, ela) uma, {ate and signature of e pesen who pafomed the PWHT, sel umber of culpmen err ea tests pot (HTR) nambe arden 74 Heat Trentnont Report HTR ‘Ao HTR shal be prope to ceri the PWT result using the atached sample fm too 210210011002-RPP2-We-005680 ae Hote Cy wepacics| amor rower Seppe ee SR Sean ie Method Statement for PWHT Process 18 90 100 Revo ‘The HTR shall refer to the same identification data appeering on the dlagram and the ‘aleuated PWHT parametors(s0@ HTR In tachment #1). Hardness test Repos ‘A hardness test report for each test or series of tests ie required using the form of ‘Altachmant #2 ‘QUALITY CONTROL ‘Al qualty contre for PWHT process follows by the approved GCP and approved ITP (ve-o01631) RISK ASSESSMENTS: "As per te atschment™ ATTACHMENTS ‘tachment #: Post Weld heat treatment Report ‘Aitachment #2: Harchess Test Report ‘Attachment #3; Actions for heat trastment Incidents ‘Attachment #4: Shiting methods of bolle pressure parts pre-casembled tube bunds. 3102100100-2-RPP2-WE-005580 age 180620 SGncsS | matrowm | ARR eereeromen Method Statement for PWHT Process ‘Altachmont # 1 PWT Report cusrouer IRN, courracton | Szgeeay | 'NSPECTIONREPORT for [~~ _ oo P.WH.T ‘SUBCONTRACTOR PAGE # PROJECT NAME ci INFORMATION DATA onsiucton PRO No Const PKG None ‘SytemiGomponent SysJCemponeno DeoingNOIREV. no Was ha. Fale FP Tie Relea? Par lespectin Preston TP WPS Ree INSPECTION DATA B RESULTS TTEGHMIGAL CONDITIONS Wl) Nunta Base net A Dian: “canes Basen: tamer “eons esting rate gon “Holding tempartare wae oot ate egCM——Holng tine nin ‘STVAL CONDITIONS sting entero: Foshed Dateine: aupment ed Reetance a Insuetons ote eating ae éeocm ——Holdnatomp.: age ‘eotg te Geach —— Holding time nin ‘ootng Method Chae Speed: ae Tremecoupie numer: Record nenbee: “Trarmoszupie skuaon Prepared by inspeaea ny Wines ‘eprove by 36H Subcontacir | DOGSAN Const: Dep | BOOEANGC Dost ‘cusTOWER Reo '31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005580 Page 1620 wesenmon| asic rownn peyote tena, ee ior ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process Attachment #2: Hardness Test Report ‘cusroMeR RNa, INSPECTION REPORT contractor | Ammer for =====| HARDNESS TEST ‘suBcoNTRACTOR PAGE PROJECT NAME ‘UNI We, INFORMATION DATA, ‘Gonsrution PR No Const PKG Name ‘SysteniComponont Sys leomponei Drawing NeZRE No SN, elt iT Tite elated? Para Inspection Procasd onthe TP INSPECTION DATA & RESULTS Wald No: Base eta ‘Accoptance sander oax. RESULT REASURENENT rr at Ra ra e 85 zoNes 2.HAZMETAL ) naz METALS S.BASE METAL 8 esate conforms Ne Non-Confrm Prepared by Inspected by Winess0d by ‘Approved by Nae ‘Suicontrctor | DOOSANCensw-Dept | _DOOSAN GG Dept ‘customer Reo 31021001100-2-RPP2-WE-005580 age 70630 ee eee Seeman icu POWER, setters men Sa teen PLANT Nad ect “Method Statement for PWHT Process ‘Attachment #3: Actions for Heat Treatment Incidents 1) Recorder Failure “The recorder must be repalted or replaced as soon as possible, Since the automatic temperature conroter an function wihout the rcarder, its nevessary to check the {temperature every fve minutes preferably withthe installed thermocouples or with a Portable measuring nstument. The measured values shal be recorded 2) Thermocouple Faire Use ancther thermocouple 3) Automatic Contre Faire ‘Switch to manual contol 4) PWHT inerupton due to @ power cut In case of « power cut, cover tho weld immediately with thermal ietatonblarkets in ‘order limit the coling range. Providing the cooling rates ass than 220°, | PWHT is ntuple in he heating up period (power cut 1): resume PWHT from the temperature reached. IF PWHT ic iterupod curing tho holding tne at temperature (power cut 2): ‘The new hoking fme at temperature is equal to the diference between the Scheduled time lapsed and the remaining me multiplied by 1.5. (See sketch below) IF PIVHT is interupted in the cooing paid (power cut n 3 resume PWHT fom the temperature reached, 5) Allincidents where the temperature fells outside the required parameters during the beat treatment shal noted to the customer! customer's representative 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005569 Page 1820 Games amourowen — | BRED) peut ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process a] TREATWENT CYGLE IN CASE OF POWER GUT OFR ‘Temp. Cooling Costing Rain eating = haizg Pata Cs tend 2 ae 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005559 Page 190620 T Geseecess | pguomme | a errno ‘Method Statement for PWHT Process ‘Attachment # 4 Shifting of Boller pressure parts Pre-assembled tubo bundles. 3 4 5 Prepare the three (3) area (Welding, Inspection, Preservation) for tube bundle pre-sssembly Prepare stoe! structural surface bench to accommodate tube bundles in the Welding & inspection area race the tube bundles on the surface bench, Fitup tube fo tabe, cary out the welding on tha surface bonch Before fing the pre-assembled tube buns trom welding area to Inspection ‘129, Weld joint should be cooled down below 80" C (QCP-WE001524), 6 ‘Temporary suppor wil be provide in ro- assembled tube bundles to avoid the ese of wold joint are 7. Prepare the iting devices to carry out the shitting of preassembled bundles ‘8, ‘The pre assembled tube bundles shall be shied to inspection area to carry out the PWHT. 2. PWT shouldbe performed before related NDE as a provess of welcng works. 31021001/00-2-RPP2-WE-005589 Page 200120

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