Passive Worksheet

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*l] complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the correct form, present or past: cause damage find hold — injure invite make avertake own send show — surround Many accidents are caused. by careless driving from milk. a storm afew days aga. Although we were driving fast, we In the US, elections for president, 9 There was an accident last night, but fortunately nabady 410 You can't see the house from the road. It. ‘Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past. 1 Ask about glass. (how / make?) — Hon is glass made? 2 Askabout television. (when invent?) When. 3 Askalzout mountains, (how / form?) 4 Askabout DNA. (when / discover?) 5 Askabout silver. (what / use for?) Put the verb into the correct form, present or past, active or passive. 1 a Two hundred people ...axre..emplayed._..(emplay) lay the company. b The company _.2mploys (employ) 200 people. Water (cover) most of the earth's surface. How much of the earth’s surface —__ While | was on holiday, my camera While | was on holiday, my camera. __-----[disappear) from my hotel room. die] when he was very young, It.can be noisy living here, but! Maria had an accident. She Maria had an accident. She haven't seen these flowers before. What. (they /call)? | haven't seen these flowers before, What. _—{you / call) them? instead of using somebody, they, people ete., write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody cleans the mom everyday. The. tom. is. cleaned, every. cha, 2 They cancelled all fights because of fog. 3. Somebody accused me of stealing money. 4 How do you use this word? 5 The price includes all taxes. © People warned us nat to go out alone. 1 We don't use this office any more. 8 They invited five hundred people ta the wedding. (fall) off her bike. cere eee eee

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