Presentation 8-DeM Hydrological

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In the Name of God

Course Title:
GIS &RS Application in Water Resources

Lecture 8:
DEM Hydrological Derivatives

Somayeh Sima

Fall Semester
◼ DEM Hydrological Derivatives
◼ Slope
◼ Aspect
◼ Flow direction
◼ Watershed delineation
◼ Flow Accumulation
◼ Stream network delineation
◼ Flow distance
◼ Drainage density
◼ Drainage Network Ordering
◼ Stream Profile

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
◼ Slope is the rate of change in elevation in a given
direction (x and y directions).

◼ Slope is the derivative of DEM in a given direction.

◼ Total slope is computed based on x and y slopes.

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The rate of change in the x direction for cell e :
[dz/dx] = ((c + 2f + i) - (a + 2d + g) / (8 * x_cell size)

The rate of change in the y direction for cell e :

[dz/dy] = ((g + 2h + i) - (a + 2b + c)) / (8 * y_cell size)

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slope_radians = ATAN ( √ ([dz/dx]2 + [dz/dy]2) )

slope_degrees = ATAN ( √ ([dz/dx]2 + [dz/dy]2) ) * 57.29578

1 radian = 180/pi= 57.29578 degrees

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Slope (units)
◼ Slope is expressed in terms of degree or %.

◼ For surface calculations you MUST know your z

(elevation) units and horizontal units
• Example: % slope = (rise/run)*100

◼ If rise is a different unit that run (e.g., meters/decimal

degrees) the result is WRONG

◼ Elevation and horizontal units must be same type

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Slope Map

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
◼ Aspect is the direction or orientation (in plan
view) of strongest slope.
◼ It is computed based on the ratio of y and x

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DEM Aspect Map

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The rate of change in the x & y direction for cell e :
[dz/dx] = ((c + 2f + i) - (a + 2d + g) / (8* x pixel size)

[dz/dy] = ((g + 2h + i) - (a + 2b + c)) / (8* y pixel size)

aspect = 57.29578 * atan ([dz/dy]/ -[dz/dx])

if aspect < 0 cell = 90.0 - aspect

else if aspect > 90.0 cell = 360.0 - aspect + 90.0
cell = 90.0 - aspect

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Application of aspect:
◼ Find all north-facing slopes on a mountain as part of a search

for the best slopes for ski runs.

◼ Calculate the solar illumination for each location in a region

as part of a study to determine the diversity of life at each

◼ Find all southerly slopes in a mountainous region to identify

locations where the snow is likely to melt first as part of a

study to identify those residential locations likely to be hit by
runoff first.
◼ Identify areas of flat land to find an area for a plane to land

in an emergency.
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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Flow Direction
◼ Useful for finding drainage networks and drainage divides

◼ Direction is determined by the elevation of surrounding cells

◼ Water can flow only into one cell in D8 method
◼ There are other multiple flow direction methods

◼ Water is assumed to flow into one other cell, unless there is

a sink

◼ Flow directions must not have loops.

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Flow Direction

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Flow Direction
◼ One of the keys to deriving hydrologic characteristics of a
surface is the ability to determine the direction of flow from
every cell in the raster.
◼ Finding Flow Direction is done based on the steepest slope: find
the steepest downhill slope of a central pixel to one of its 8
neighbor pixels.
◼ In Arcmap this is done with the Flow Direction tool. This tool
takes a surface as input and outputs a raster showing the
direction of flow out of each cell.

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Flow Direction:
Eight Direction (D8) Model

◼ The output of the Flow Direction tool is an

integer raster whose values range from 1 to

◼ This approach is commonly referred to as an

eight-direction (D8) flow model and follows an
approach presented in Jenson and Domingue (1988). The coding of the
direction of flow

The direction of flow is determined by the direction of

steepest descent, or maximum drop, from each cell as follows:
maximum_drop = change_in_z-value / distance * 100
GIS & RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima 16
Flow Direction
◼ This tool takes a surface as input and outputs a raster
showing the direction of flow out of each cell.
◼ If the Output drop raster option is chosen, an output
raster is created showing a ratio of the maximum change in
elevation from each cell along the direction of flow to the
path length between centers of cells and is expressed in
◼ If the Force all edge cells to flow outward option is
chosen, all cells at the edge of the surface raster will flow
outward from the surface raster.

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Flow Direction
◼ Steepest Slope

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Flow Direction:
D∞ Multiple flow direction model

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Flow Direction:
D∞ versus D8 methods

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Use of DEM for hydrological
◼ Basins/Watersheds : drainage
areas for water resources
◼ Sub-basin/Sub-Watersheds/
Catchments: subdivision of
Basin into elementary
drainage areas by physical
◼ Digital Elevation Model:
land surface terrain grid cells

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Basin Delineation
◼ Begin at a source cell in a flow direction map
derived from a DEM

◼ Find all cells that flow into the source cell

◼ Iteratively find all cells that flow into those cells
◼ All of these cells comprise the basin

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Basin Delineation
Watershed Draining to This Outlet

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Flow Accumulation

◼ The number of cells or area which contribute to runoff

of a given cell.

◼ Flow accumulation measures the area of a watershed

that contributes runoff to a given cell depending on
flow direction method (D8, etc.)

◼ It is also called “Total Contributing Area=TCA” or

“Upslope Area”.

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Flow Accumulation
Flow accumulation Grid

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Flow Accumulation
Contributing Area Grid

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ Flow accumulation, once it reaches a threshold
appropriate to an region, forms a drainage stream
◼ Example: Contributing Area > 10 Cell Threshold

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ Flow accumulation → Drainage network
◼ Drainage network as
defined by cells above
threshold value for region.

(Use raster calculator to

Apply a threshold)

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ How to decide on threshold?

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ Streams from 1:250,000: blue lines

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ 100 grid cell constant support area threshold stream delineation

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Stream Network Delineation
◼ 200 grid cell constant support area threshold stream delineation

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Stream Network Delineation

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Snap Pour Point
◼ It is used to ensure the selection of points of high accumulated flow
when delineating drainage basins using the Watershed tool.
◼ This is usually the lowest point along the boundary of the drainage
◼ Snap Pour Point will search within a snap distance around the
specified pour points for the cell of highest accumulated flow and
move the pour point to that location.

◼ If the input pour point data is a point feature class, it will be

converted to a raster internally for processing.
◼ The output is an integer raster when the original pour point
locations have been snapped to locations of higher accumulated
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Snap Pour Point

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Watersheds Delineation:

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Flow Length
◼ Flow length is the cumulative distance along flow direction to a given
outlet or point of drainage according to the flow paths available in a
Flow direction map.

◼ A primary use of the Flow Length is to calculate the length of the

longest flow path within a given basin.

◼ This measure is often used to calculate the time of concentration of a

basin. This would be done using the UPSTREAM option.

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Flow length

◼ Reminder:
◼ Time of concentration is a concept used in hydrology to measure the response
of a watershed to a rain event. It is defined as the time needed for water to flow
from the most remote point in a watershed to the watershed outlet.
◼ It is a function of the topography, geology, and land use within the watershed.

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Flow length
Upstream Tracing Downstream Tracing :
Flow direction

•DOWNSTREAM — Calculates the downslope distance along the flow path, from
each cell to a sink or outlet on the edge of the raster.
•UPSTREAM — Calculates the longest upslope distance along the flow path, from
each cell to the top of the drainage divide.
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Flow Distance/Length
◼ Flow direction from each grid cell to outlet on DEM background

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Flow length
Cell to Cell distance

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Flow length
Cumulative flow distance to the outlet

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Flow length
Recursive Approach

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Drainage Density

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Drainage Density
Drainage density for different stream delineation thresholds

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Drainage Density
Drainage Density Versus Contributing Area Threshold

Drainage density (total channel length divided by drainage area) as a function of drainage area
support threshold used to define channels for the three study watersheds.

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Drainage Density

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Drainage Density

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Drainage Density

Azizian & Shokoohi,2015

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Drainage Density
◼ By increasing the stream formation threshold area, the number of extracted
stream will decrease.
◼ From a hydraulic perspective, increasing the threshold area could increase the
contribution of overland area (where resistance to flow is higher) to the total
flow. Henceforth, regarding the governing equations in uniform flow (e.g.
Manning equation), flow in sub-basins with low drainage density could be
reduced, which will eventually decrease the simulated hygrograph’s peak
flow, and, based on the principle of mass balance, will increase the
hydrograph base time.
◼ Similarly, by increasing the number of first-order streams, the effective
rainfall will spend less time in each sub-basin and, after arriving in the
stream, could move faster toward the watershed outlet. This phenomenon
could reduce the time to peak and increase the slope of the hydrograph’s
rising limb.

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Drainage Density
◼ The travel time by water within the basin is controlled by Drainage
density .
◼ In humid regions, Dd varies between 0.55 and 2.09 km/km²
◼ Generally, Dd has a low value in regions underlain with highly resistant
permeable material with vegetative cover and low relief. High drainage
density is observed in the regions of weak and impermeable subsurface
material and sparse vegetation and mountainous relief.

◼ The low and moderate Dd watersheds reveal that they are composed of
permeable subsurface material, good vegetation cover, and low relief
which results in more infiltration capacity and comparably are good sites
for ground water recharge as compared to high Dd watersheds.
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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Drainage Network Ordering

Strahler Stream Order:

◼ most upstream is order 1

◼ when two streams of a

order i join, a stream of
order i+1 is created

◼ when a stream of order i

joins a stream of order
i+1, stream order
remains at i+1
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Drainage Network Ordering
Slope Law

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Drainage Network Ordering
Bifurcation Ratio
◼ The bifurcation ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the number of
stream branches of a given order to the number of stream branches
of the next higher order (Horton ,1945):

◼ Where: RB= bifurcation ratio,

Ni=number of streams of given order,
Ni+1=number of streams of next higher order.

◼ According to Horton (1945), the bifurcation ratio varies from a

minimum of 2 in "flat drainage basins '' to 3 or 4 in ''mountainous or
highly dissected drainage basins";

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Drainage Network Ordering
Bifurcation Ratio

Kleinhans et al.,2012

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Drainage Network Ordering
Bifurcation Ratio
◼ RB does not precisely remain constant from one order to the next,
because of possibility of variations in watershed geometry and

◼ High RBm indicates early hydrograph peak with a potential for flash
flooding during the storm events .

◼ Higher RB values are the characteristics of structurally more

disturbed watersheds with a prominent distortion in drainage

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Drainage Network Ordering
Bifurcation Law

the higher the bifurcation ratio, the greater the probability of flooding
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Drainage Network Ordering

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Stream Profile

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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Stream Slope


𝒁𝒎𝒂𝒙 − 𝒁𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 =
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DEM Hydrologic Derivatives:
Stream Slope

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▪ DEM Hydrological Derivatives:

◼ Slope ◼Stream network delineation

◼ Aspect ◼Flow length

◼ Flow direction ◼Drainage density

◼ Watershed delineation ◼Drainage Network Ordering

◼ Flow Accumulation ◼Stream Profile

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