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In the Name of God

Course Title:
GIS &RS Application in Water Resources Engineering
Lecture 2:Inputting/Outputting
Spatial Data

Somayeh Sima

Fall Semester

 GIS Input data
 Maps
 RS data
 Web tools
 Data input
 Digitizing
 Field Collection Units
 Data Output
 Map design based on the audiences
 Map units, scales
 Map layouts
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GIS Input data


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Dimensionless Map Scales
 ratio that relates a unit of measure on a map to some
number of the same units of measure on the earth's

 1:25,000 tells us that 1 unit of measure = 25,000 of the

same units on the earth's surface

 1m on the map = 25,000 meters on the earth's surface

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Large and Small Scale Maps

1:5,000 is large scale 1:50,000,000 is small scale

Large Scale Map Small Scale Map

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

USGS Scales
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Topographic maps of Iran
 1:250,000 Small Scale
 1:100,000
 1:50,000
 1:25,000
 1:10,000 Medium Scale

 1:5,000
 1:2000 Large Scale

 1:1000
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Topographic maps of Iran

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Topographic maps of Iran

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Scale 1:100,000

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Scale 1:24,000

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Scale 1:10,000

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Scale 1:2,000

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Field Collected data
 Total stations
 Digital cameras

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Remote sensing Data

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Web data

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Data Input
 Digitizing Methods
 Digitizing Board

 Scanners

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Digitizing Table
 Records indicator movement on digitizing tablet as pairs of x,y

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On Screen Digitizing
 Raster scanned
image on computer

 Operator follows
lines on-screen in
vector mode

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On Screen Digitizing
 The original is scanned and Georeferenced

 Features are captured using the mouse

 Less fatigue than using a table

 Electronic detector moves across map and

records light intensity in regularly shaped pixels

 Scanner Types: Drum-scanner, Flat-bed scanner

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On Screen Digitizing
• the accuracy level is higher than using digitizing table because
the raster images are scanned at high resolution, normally from
200 DPI to 1600 DPI.

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

Digitizing errors
 Undershoots

 Dangles

 Spurious polygons

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Automated Digitizing
 Tools to automatically convert a raster scan to vector lines

 Requires a very clean scan

 Scans can be cleaned using raster cleanup tools

 The vector files usually require cleanup after conversion

 If you start with a clean image it can save a lot of time

 If you image is not clean manual digitizing may be faster

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Automated Tools
 Gridline
 Command line ArcInfo command
 Need a near prefect image
 Can have a large amount of cleanup after conversion

 ArcScan Extension
 Has clean up tools
 A tool for ArcGIS that work well

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GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima
Outputting GIS data
“What should be printed to facilitate “communication”,
that is, to tell others what we know without a loss of
-Jacques Bertin, Paris, February 1983







Percentage Boarded

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Map Design Principles

 Design maps for appropriate medium

 Print vs. electronic

 Link layouts to map purpose

 Planning a layout

 Choose appropriate export options

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Map Audiences
 Map Use: Exploration Presentation

 Audience: Trained Analyst General Public

 Granularity: Fine Coarse

 Symbols: Abstract Mimetic

 Advantages: Graphical Believable

 Purpose: Visual Thinking Communication

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Map Layouts
 Includes all of the elements of a stand alone map
 Make the map the largest and most prominent element of
the layout
 Put a rectangular boundary around the map (called a neat
line by cartographers) to help draw attention to it as the
central element
 Include a map title
 The title needs to include information minimally answering the three
questions what, where, and when.

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…Map Layouts
 Include a legend for symbols placed in the lower-right
or left of the layout
 No need to label it Legend. Everyone will know what it is (this
eliminates “chart junk”)
 Include data sources
 Ensure legibility
 Include a graphic map scale if your audience is not
familiar with the area shown
 Do not include a north arrow unless the top of your
map is not north

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…Map Layouts
You may want to include other components as
needed such as:
 a data table listing,

 a frequency bar chart for the attribute of a

choropleth map,
 or a photograph

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Provinces of Iran by population in 2014

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Provinces of Iran by population density in 2013

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Other Map Elements
Neatline, Scale, Additional Text, Photos

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Example of a bad map...

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A better map…

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Multiple Maps, Reports, and Graphs

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Multiple Maps – Comparing Data

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Reports on a Layout

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

Reports on a Layout
Add report to the layout

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

Graphs on a Layout
Select records to include
Create a graph and include on layout

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

Importing Charts

200000 Population
ia a a co as a n rk ta n a ta
rn o m o n x i e x lin gto Yo ko iga tan so
lifo lah Ariz Me T aro hin w Da ich on nne
Ca Ok w C as Ne th M M i
Ne rth W u
No So

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

Importing Charts
Provinces of Iran by population in 2014

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima

‫‪Maps with Figures‬‬

‫‪ (a‬موقعيت ايستگاه تحقيقاتي اروميه نسبت به درياچه و ‪ )b‬نسبت به پيكسل متناظر در تصاوير ‪500‬متري‬
‫‪ MODIS‬و ‪ (c‬دستگاه تشعشع سنج نصب شده در ايستگاه تحقيقاتي سازمان هواشناسي [سيما‪]1392 ،‬‬

‫‪GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering‬‬ ‫‪by : Somayeh Sima‬‬

‫‪Maps with charts & Tables‬‬
‫الف) مقايسه الگوي مكاني توزيع دماي‬
‫‪ASTER‬و‬ ‫تصاوير‬ ‫بين‬ ‫سطح‬
‫‪MODIS‬درتاريخهاي ‪24‬ژوئن )‪(b,d,f‬‬
‫وجوالي‪)a,c,e( 26‬‬
‫ب) هيستوگرام تصاوير و ج) جدول‬
‫آماره ها [سيما‪]1392 ،‬‬

‫‪GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering‬‬ ‫‪by : Somayeh Sima‬‬

[Mardi et al.,2018]

GIS&RS Application in Water Resources Engineering by : Somayeh Sima


GIS input data

Inputting Data to GIS

Outputting GIS Data

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