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1 Review

2 Triboelectric Nanogenerator in Sustainable Chemical Sensor

3 Qiliang Zhu1, Xia Cao 2,3* and Ning Wang 1

4 1 Center for Green Innovation, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology Bei-
5 jing, Beijing, 100083, China

6 2 Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100083, China

7 3School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing,
8 100083, China

9 *Corresponding author: (N. W.); Tel.: +86-010-62332685; (X. C.);
10 Tel.: +86-010-60688632

11 Abstract: The rapid development of sensing technology has created an urgent need for chemical
12 sensor systems that can be rationally integrated into efficient, sustainable and wearable electronic
13 systems. In this case, triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is expected to be a major impetus to the
14 innovation because it can not only power the sensor by scavenging mechanical energies and
15 transform them into electricity, but also act as the chemical sensor itself due to its intrinsic sensi-
16 tivity towards the chemical reaction that occurs at the triboelectric interface. In this review, recent
17 research achievements of chemical sensors that are based on TENG are comprehensively reviewed,
18 according to the role of TENG in the system, that is, pure power supplies or self-powered active
19 chemical sensors. Focus is put on discussing the design criteria and practical applications of the
20 TENG-based active sensors in different fields, which is unfolded with a classification that includes
21 biosensors, gas sensors, and ion sensors. Materials selection, working mechanism, and design
22 strategies of the TENG-based active chemical sensor systems (CSS) are also discussed, ending with
23 a concise illustration on the key challenges and possible corresponding solutions. We hope this re-
24 view may bring inspiration for creation toward the development of TENG-based chemical sensors
25 with higher sensitivity, simpler structure, and enhanced reliability.

26 Keywords: triboelectric nanogenerator; chemical sensor; self-powered, sustainability


28 1. Introduction

29 Over the past decades, chemical sensor has played a significant role in clinical, in-
30 dustrial, and biomedical analysis because of their remarkable detection capability, sim-
31 plicity, and low cost [1-6]. Meanwhile, by keeping with the trend of microminiaturiza-
32 tion, networking, and intellectualization [7-9], chemical sensors are finding wider appli-
33 cations in the flexible electronic equipment and intellectual wearable devices [10-14].
34 Nevertheless, due to the intrinsic drawbacks of traditional chemical batteries such as in-
35 sufficient capacity and limited-service life, the development of efficient, sustainable, and
36 autonomous wearable chemical sensing systems still faces severe challenges [15-18]. En-
37 ergy harvesting strategies that can bridge the integration of chemical sensors with energy
38 storage units and promote the design of reliable and sustainable autonomous chemical
39 sensing systems are urgently needed [19,20].

40 Among the various renewable energy harvesting technologies, such as triboelectric,

41 thermoelectric, and photochemical generators [21-27], triboelectric nanogenerator
42 (TENG) are receiving tremendous focus owing to their ubiquitous advantages in
43 self-powered facilities, where can act as both power source and smart sensors, including

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44 dynamic force sensor and chemical sensor due to their intrinsic sensitivity toward the
45 chemical reactions at the triboelectric interface [28,29]. Theoretically, TENG collects me-
46 chanical energies from the surroundings by interfacial contact electrification and elec-
47 trostatic induction, and the magnitude of the electrical signal is highly related to the
48 charge density in the friction electrode surface [30-32]. These years, TENG-based chemi-
49 cal sensors are advancing significantly, which allows reliable, practical, and ener-
50 gy-efficient chemical sensor systems (CSS) to be established.

51 Herein, the recent development of chemical sensor on the base of TENG is reviewed
52 and summarized. As presented in Figure 1, TENG-based CSS are classified according to
53 the functional role of TENG: either as power supply or as active chemical sensor itself.
54 Accordingly, the design criteria, material selection, and basic principle of the
55 TENG-based chemical sensor is discussed in the light of increased stability, enhanced
56 output, and improved reliability in harsh environments, thus satisfying the requirements
57 of application. For convenience, TENG-based chemical sensors are divided into three
58 main categories in line with their practical applications: biosensors, gas sensors, and ion
59 sensors. At the end, challenges and prospects for the development of TENG-based
60 chemical sensors are concisely discussed. We hope this review may provide insight into
61 the operation and design of continuous, simple, and reliable CSS.


65 Figure 1. Recent progress of TENG-based CSS.

66 2. Basic principle of TENG

67 2.1 Working mode of TENG

68 By varying the relative motion of the contact initiation layer, TENGs are generally
69 classified into four basic operating modes: vertical contact separation mode, sliding mode,
70 single electrode mode and freestanding friction layer mode [33,34].

71 The most typical device structure in TENG is the vertical contact separation mode
72 (Figure 2a), which has two electrodes including one attached to the top of the dielectric
73 membrane and the other on the back. These two electrodes move towards each other in
74 the vertical direction of the device, generating an electrical charge as a result of an ex-
75 ternally applied force. The potential between the electrodes will change during contact or
76 separation, resulting in a current output from the external circuit [35].

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77 Next is the sliding mode (Figure 2b), which operates similarly to the vertical contact
78 separation mode. The device is driven by an external force parallel to the interface, re-
79 sulting in a relative displacement between the electrode material surfaces, which gener-
80 ates a dense frictional charge. The magnitude of the frictional charge varies periodically
81 with the increase or decrease of the contact surface area. The potential difference be-
82 tween the electrodes changes, resulting in an external current to balance the potential
83 difference. Both modes of operation require moving the object with electrodes [36].

84 Given that most movements in real-world scenes are irregular, the researchers rec-
85 ommended the single-electrode mode (Figure 2c), in which the object can move freely
86 without being constrained by electrodes. In this mode, the device only requires one elec-
87 trode to be grounded, which acts as a reference electrode. After contact with a
88 free-moving object, an electrical charge is generated at the interface. During the motion,
89 the potential distribution caused by the charged surface will change, resulting in the flow
90 of external circuit current [37].

91 The free-standing triboelectric layer mode requires only one free-moving part (Fig-
92 ure 2d). In this case, the device consists of a dielectric layer and a pair of symmetrical
93 electrodes, and the free-moving part generates an asymmetric potential distribution by
94 changing its position, Subsequently, electrons move continuously between the two elec-
95 trode materials, which results in electrical output [38].


97 Figure 2. Four modes of TENG: (a) Vertical contact-separation mode. (b) Lateral-sliding mode. (c)
98 Single-electrode mode. (d) Freestanding triboelectric layer mode.

99 2.2 Working principle

100 Triboelectrification is a common phenomenon that we encounter daily. While the
101 origin is still unclear, it is widely believed that frictional electricity is caused by the over-
102 lap of electron clouds inside the material when the electrode surfaces are in contact. In
103 this case, the energy barrier in the interior of the atom is lowered [39]. From a theoretical
104 point of view, the charges of the two friction electrodes are equal. When no external force
105 is applied, the two friction electrode surfaces are separated from each other, leading to
106 the establishment of an internal potential in the device [40,41]. And in this process, the
107 internal potential can induce the flow of carriers in the material from one electrode to the
108 other, thus counteracting the change in electric potential caused by electrostatic induction,
109 and finally generating a positive current [42]. When there is an external force, the two

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110 electrodes of the TENG move toward each other, which can cause the carriers in the ma-
111 terial to flow in opposite directions, resulting in a change in the polarity of the electric
112 potential as well [43]. In addition, when the two friction electrodes are in contact again,
113 this process will cycle, resulting in a periodic output with positive and negative proper-
114 ties [44].

115 3 Recent progresses of TENG-based chemical sensor systems

116 3.1 Chemical sensor powered by TENG

117 As a renewable energy harvesting technology, TENG has promoted the develop-
118 ment of self-powered sensors and portable electronic equipment to meet the growing
119 demand of autonomy and sustainability [45]. Here the basic principle, design strategy, as
120 well as the recent progress of TENG acting as a power source in chemical sensors are il-
121 lustrated as follows.

122 3.1.1 Basic principle

123 As shown in Figure 3, the TENG serves as a power source that can directly drive a
124 chemical sensor system (CSS). In this process, the output of the TENG is processed by a
125 power management device in the system, which typically consists of a rectifier and var-
126 ious types of energy storage devices. In this case, the stability of the TENG output can
127 only affect the charging efficiency of the energy storage devices in the system and has no
128 effect on the detection of the sensor.

130 Figure 3. TENG serves as a power source in the TENG-based chemical sensor system.

131 3.1.2 Design criteria of TENG-based power source

132 To be used as a power supply, the design of TENG needs to consider the following
133 aspects. First, a direct and stable output TENG should be designed to continuously drive
134 the sensor; second, it is essential to increase the maximum output power and energy
135 conversion efficiency of the device; and finally, improve the reliability performance of the
136 device in harsh operating conditions.

137 Power management approach

138 We know that the conventional TENG produces a transient peak AC output when
139 in operation, which is one of its most significant limitations, therefore it cannot be di-
140 rectly used as a power source for sensors. Nowadays, there are two main methods of
141 achieving conversion from AC to DC power in a circuit. The first method is that connect

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142 a rectifier to the TENGs to obtain a stable, constant DC voltage, thus maintain the daily
143 operation of the sensor.

144 Zhang et al. combined a TENG with a humidity sensor. They prepared a flexible
145 Teflon triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and used it as an energy harvester to drive a
146 flexible humidity sensor [46]. The humidity sensor was made by screen printing an
147 SnS2/RGO suspension with a pair of Au ide on a flexible PET substrate. During operation,
148 the frictional charge of the TENG electrode material is triggered to produce a large al-
149 ternating voltage as in an electronic pump. To achieve the conversion of AC into a stable
150 DC output, they integrated the TENG with a voltage rectifier and stabilizer circuit, thus
151 providing a continuous and stable power supply for the humidity sensor (Figure 4a).
152 The output performance of the frictional electric humidity sensor system was systemati-
153 cally investigated in different humidity environments and it exhibited a highly stable
154 output voltage (0-24V), fast response/recovery time (Figure 4b, c), a wide sensing range,
155 great stability and ultra-low power consumption. This humidity sensing system allows
156 stable and continuous monitoring of human breathing, coughing, and has promising
157 future applications in wearable devices and non-invasive medical monitoring, etc.

158 However, the method of using rectifiers is not conducive to the portability of the
159 TENG and the performance is susceptible to circuit failures or environmental impacts.
160 As a result, some researchers tried alternative design methods to obtain a DC output
161 from a TENG without any device to stabilize the voltage.

162 For example, Xu et al. developed a coplanar electrode DC (CDC-TENG) (Figure 4d)
163 [47]. The device has two friction electrodes in the same plane, and the rotating
164 CDC-TENG continuously draws energy from the environment to produce a large DC
165 current output (Figure 4e,f). Theoretically, this is caused by the potential difference,
166 where the charge is transferred from the front electrode to the back electrode through an
167 external circuit and then released by discharge. The external circuit can produce a DC
168 output under continuous unidirectional external force. Compared with rectifiers, this
169 CDC-TENG has the characteristics of portability and simplified manufacturing process,
170 which can open new channels for further development of direct and simple energy har-
171 vesting systems.

172 Similarly, Luo et al. created a DC tribological nanogenerator (DC-TENG) by using

173 the air breakdown technique [48]. During device operation, the charge first moves from
174 the bottom electrode to the top electrode and then returns through the ionized air chan-
175 nel formed by air breakdown, thus creating a closed loop that produces a continuous DC
176 output without the required bridge rectifier.









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186 Figure 4. (a) Schematic diagram of the fabrication and operation of the TENG-based humidity
187 sensing system. (b) Response of the device at 33% humidity conditions. (c) Response of the device
188 at 97% humidity conditions. Reprinted from Ref. [46] with permission by Elsevier. (d) Schematic
189 diagram of the structure of the coplanar electrode DC-TENG. (e) Output of the TENG for charging
190 the capacitor at different rotational speeds. (f) Output of TENG at 400 r/min rotation speed. Re-
191 printed from Ref. [47] with permission by Wiley Online Library.

192 Performance enhancement strategy

193 Although TENG is a promising power source due to its ability to collect energy
194 from the environment, the relatively low output power limits the broad application of
195 TENG. The following are several effective ways to increase the output of TENG: firstly,
196 increase the surface charge density of the material,subsequently, increase the area of
197 electrode contact separation, in addition, optimizing the structural design is also a solu-
198 tion.

199 Generally, the energy conversion and output of TENGs depend on the charge
200 transfer resulting from the contact separation of the friction electrode surfaces. Moreo-
201 ver, the charge density is highly important as it directly determines the power density,
202 output voltage, and current density of the TENG device.

203 To increase output power, Chai et al. developed a high output contact separation
204 mode TENG (Figure. 5a) [49]. They used conductive MWCNT/P(VDF-TrFE) interlayer
205 ferroelectric BTO/P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites as negative frictional electric materials.
206 Compared with the previous one, the optimized TENG has improved the transferred
207 charge density to 105.70 μC m-2 (Figure. 5b) and the peak power density to 7.21 W m-2
208 (Figure. 5c) in the test. These performance enhancements can be attributed to the pres-
209 ence of a conductive interlayer in the negative frictional electric material, which induces
210 charge trapping, enhances the ferroelectric polarization and charge density of the nano-
211 composite, improving the output performance of the TENG. This work shows strong
212 potential in designing high output TENG.

213 Another approach is to change the surface microstructure of the friction electrode
214 material to obtain a larger contact area during operation, resulting in a larger output
215 power. Lee et al. prepared surface woven glass fiber-reinforced siloxane hybrid mem-
216 branes (SGH membranes) with a layered structure using a gel method [50]. And suc-
217 cessfully fabricated a TENG with this film (Figure 5d). They replicated the film more
218 than 100 times repeatedly with one mold, which increased the stability of the film (Fig-
219 ure 5e). The membrane with a layered surface structure increased the surface area by

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220 210% over a flat membrane (Figure 5f). The output of TENG is several times higher than
221 flat TENG. This work shows that it is possible to develop TENGs with enhanced per-
222 formance by optimizing the membrane surface structure.

223 Furthermore, the advanced structural design can greatly increase the output power
224 of the TENG. For instance, Kim et al. developed a contact separation mode TENG with
225 serrated electrodes (SE-TENG) (Figure 5g) [51]. In principle, owing to the frictional initi-
226 ation of electricity, a spark discharge occurs between the electrode and the wire, and the
227 resulting ultra-high output (5kv voltage, 2A·m-2 current density) can directly drive elec-
228 tronic devices (Figure 5h, i).


230 Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of the structure of TENG. (b) Transfer charge density of TENG. (c)
231 The output power of the optimized TENG. Reprinted from Ref. [49] with permission by Elsevier.
232 (d) The manufacturing process of SGH membrane. (e) Surface roughness of SGH film before and
233 after 100 replications. (f) SEM image of SGH film. Reprinted from Ref. [50] with permission by
234 Wiley Online Library. (g) Schematic diagram of the structure of the electrode. (h) voltage of TENG
235 and (i) current density of TENG. Reprinted from Ref. [51] with permission by Wiley Online Li-
236 brary.

237 Resistance to harsh condition

238 In practical applications, self-powered chemical sensor system based on nanogener-

239 ators always face complex operating environments such as acid, alkali, temperature,
240 corrosive, high humidity, high salinity and strong magnetic field. Here we review some
241 design strategies of TENGs to work in these complex environments.

242 A significant application of TENG-based CSS is health-care and therapeutics. How-

243 ever, saliva, sweat, urine, and blood contain many human metabolic substances con-
244 taining acids, bases, and salts that can cause severe damage to electrode materials once
245 they leak into the TENG. Jiang et al. adopted a self-polymerization reaction to synthesize
246 a hydrogel from β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) molecules (Figure 6a) [52], and used this material
247 to fabricate a Cyc-TENG that can be applied for long-term energy harvesting in the
248 ocean. After simulations, Cyc-TENG could keep the output performance unchanged

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249 even in acidic, alkaline, and highly concentrated salt environments (Figure 6b, c).
250 Besides the medical field, there are high requirements for the stability of some
251 wearable electronic devices during field work. As shown in Figure 6d, Zhao et al. de-
252 signed an anti-freeze TENG [53]. The friction electrode was synthesized from the com-
253 ponents of lithium chloride, graphene oxide micro/nanosheets and ethylene glycol, and
254 then this electrode was wrapped in a cage as the friction layer of the device. This TENG
255 exhibits 200% tension stretch performance and high output (Figure 6e). In addition, the
256 device shows a stable output even at -40 °C, which has potential applications in
257 low-temperature sensors and wearable electronics (Figure 6f).

258 The same goes for high temperatures. Wen et al. design a TENG (he-TENG) that is
259 adequate for harsh environments [54]. As presented in Figure 6g, the operating mode of
260 this TENG consists of a freestanding and single electrode. It can collect energy from vi-
261 bration as well as vibration sensing. They choose micro/nanocomposite blends as friction
262 electrode materials to obtain wear-resistant and high-temperature resistant TENG for
263 applications in components such as brake pads (Figure 6h, i). This work demonstrates a
264 way to improve the wear resistance of TENG and also render it suitable for
265 high-temperature environments, offering an attractive prospect for multifunctional
266 TENG.






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272 Figure 6. (a) Schematic diagram of the synthesis process of hydrogel. (b) Comparison of the output
273 performance of Cyc-TENG after treatment with aqueous solutions of different pH values. (c)
274 Comparison of Cyc-TENG output performance after treatment with different concentrations of salt
275 solutions. Reprinted from Ref. [52] with permission by Elsevier. (d) Schematic diagram of the ap-
276 plication of AS-TENG in low temperature environment and the stretchability of TENG based on
277 LiCl/GO electrode and LiCl/GO/EG electrode after cryogenic treatment. (e) Open-circuit voltage of
278 TENG at different temperatures. Reprinted from Ref. [53] with permission by Elsevier. (f) Diagram
279 of the structure of he-TENG. (g) Thermophysical properties of micro/nanocomposites. (h) Ther-
280 mogravimetric measurements of micro/nanocomposites. Reprinted from Ref. [54] with permission
281 by Wiley Online Library.

282 3.1.3 TENG-powered chemical sensors

283 TENG can be constructed from a wide range of materials with a group of virtues
284 such as biocompatibility, flexibility, permeability, and so on [55,56]. These features offer a
285 foundation for the further development of CSSs that are powered by TENG.

286 Biosensors

287 Biosensors are important in healthcare and diagnostic treatments. Nevertheless, the
288 battery life of these instruments is limited [57]. Battery replacement is not only an expen-
289 sive and risky process for patients, but also may be painful and inconvenient for them.
290 Batteries are not ideal power sources for medical devices because they contain toxic
291 chemicals [58,59]. Therefore,self-powered sensors are a promising strategy for the sus-
292 tainable operation of biosensors.

293 For instance, Chen et al. reported a TENG-based blood oxygen monitoring system
294 [60]. The friction layer material consists of Au electrode and polydimethylsiloxane
295 (PDMS) (Figure 7a). On the one hand, the folded structure of PDMS and the curved sur-
296 face of Au electrode provide great flexibility for TENG, and on the other hand, the rough
297 surface of PDMS and Au electrode improves the output power density (0.2 mW/cm2) of
298 TENG (Figure 7b). Powered by the TENG, the blood oxygen detector monitors a photo-
299 electric volume tracing signal (PPG) available for calculating oxygenated hemoglobin
300 saturation and pulse rate (Figure 7c). This work provides a new idea for the further ad-
301 vancement of medical wearable flexible electronic devices and self-powered systems.

302 Tang et al. fabricate a high-performance TENG inspire by a spinning toy (Figure 7d)
303 [61], which generate high-frequency spinning at low frequency traction up to 11,250 rpm,
304 at which the TENG could generate 310 uC of charge transfer and 40.18 mW of output
305 power per time (Figure 7e). After incorporating power management, the TENG is suc-
306 cessfully demonstrated as a portable pendant power source to blood glucose meter (Fig-
307 ure 7f). This work exhibits the potential of the TENG as an instant power source for per-
308 sonal medical health devices.

309 Antigens are very important biological molecules that reflect the health status of the
310 body. Fan et al. designed a TENG-based preconcentration device that can be used to
311 preconcentrate antigens [62]. They first sputtered Al films onto PMMA to obtain
312 Al@PMMA films, and then covered the top of the films with polydimethylsiloxane
313 (PDMS) and chitosan/glycerol films to obtain TENG. The integration of the TENG-based
314 pre-concentrator and the smartphone-enabled bead immunoassay results in a portable
315 and highly sensitive biosensing system.

316 Glucose is widely present in the human body and contains a lot of biological infor-
317 mation. Chang et al. fabricated a TENG-based electrochemical sensing system [63]. The
318 synthesized highly electrocatalytic Se/Au/Pd NPs greatly improve the sensitivity of the
319 sensor, and the response of the self-powered sensing system for glucose detection can be
320 greatly enhanced and shows significant sensitivity. The mechanical energy collected by

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321 the TENG from the environment can provide stable and continuous energy, reflecting its
322 key role in the self-powered sensing system.


324 Figure 7. (a) Schematic diagram of the structure of the TENG and monitoring of blood oxygen. (b)
325 TENG output performance voltage and output power density. (c) PPG signal of the oximeter. Re-
326 printed from Ref. [60] with permission by MDPI. (d) Schematic diagram of the structure of the ro-
327 tating TENG. (e) Schematic diagram comparing the output of CS-TENG and Wi-TENG. (f) Sche-
328 matic diagram of self-powered glucose monitoring system. Reprinted from Ref. [61] with permis-
329 sion by Elsevier.
331 Gas sensors
332 Recently, TENG has been extensively utilized as complementary power source for
333 gas sensors, which help the continuous operation toward the online detection of envi-
334 ronmental atmosphere.
335 Zhang et al. reported a gelatin-polyimide based frictional electric nanogenerator
336 (GP-TENG) (Figure 8a) [64]. They prepared a nanostructured gelatin film using sandpa-
337 per as a template and employed it as an electrode material, which significantly improved
338 the output performance of GP-TENG and exhibited good degradability (Figure 8b). In
339 addition, they prepared a PANI nanorod/NiCoO4 based NH3 sensor. The sensor, rectifier
340 and GP-TENG are integrated to constitute a self-powered ammonia sensing system
341 (GPAS), which exhibited good responsiveness, repeatability and stability in monitoring
342 NH3 (Figure 8c). This work provides a new idea for wearable self-powered gas sensor
343 design.
344 To monitor gases in the environment, Wang et al. created a polyvinyl alcohol/silver
345 (PVA/Ag)-based nanofiber as an electrode material for TENG (Figure 8d) [65]. The nano-
346 fibers are prepared by electrospinning technique, which greatly improves the output
347 performance of the TENG, and the peak open-circuit voltage and current density can
348 reach 530 V and 359 mW/m2, respectively, during the operation (Figure 8e). A stable
349 output of the voltage (36 V) can be achieved by connecting a voltage regulator. In addi-
350 tion, they fabricated an MXene/WO3-based gas sensor with excellent response to NO2
351 (Figure 8f). This self-powered sensor system provides a sustainable, maintenance-free
352 platform for environmental monitoring.
353 The increase of CO2 gas not only contributes to global warming, but also has a sig-
354 nificant impact on human health. Therefore, the development of devices to detect CO2 is
355 important for the environment and human health. Zhao et al. proposed a TENG-based

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356 CO2 gas sensor by utilizing a gas discharge [66]. They used the relationship between
357 discharge frequency and current and CO2 concentration to propose two modes, step de-
358 tection, and continuous detection, for detecting CO2 gas below the threshold concentra-
359 tion without external power supply. This system has potential applications in building
360 new self-powered gas sensors.


362 Figure 8. (a) Schematic diagram of the self-powered ammonia sensing system (GPAS). (b) Sche-
363 matic diagram of the output power of GP-TENG. (c) Results of GPAS responsiveness test to am-
364 monia gas. Reprinted from Ref. [64] with permission by Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Sche-
365 matic diagram of self-powered nitrogen dioxide gas sensor. (e) Output power density of TENG. (f)
366 Voltage response of the sensing system to nitrogen dioxide. Reprinted from Ref. [65] with per-
367 mission by Elsevier.

368 Ion sensors

369 Ion sensors are widely used at present, either to detect the environmental chemical
370 composition or monitor the physiochemical conditions. For autonomous operation,
371 TENG may provide the necessary electric power and complement electrochemical power
372 sources.

373 Song et al created a TENG-driven sweat sensing system that can monitor markers
374 such as sodium ions in sweat (Figure 9a) [67]. The sensing system consists of a wearable
375 TENG, a wireless sensing circuit module and a sweat sensor patch that can extract energy
376 from daily human movements such as walking, jumping, and arm movements. The
377 TENG exhibits a high output power (416 mW m-2). The sweat sensors are fabricated with
378 ion-selective electrodes and include a pH sensor and a Na ion sensor. The deprotonation
379 of H atoms serves as an indicator of H ion concentration, and the Na ion carrier X and an
380 electron transducer facilitate the measurement of Na sodium ion concentration (Figure 9b,
381 c). This system facilitates the development of self-powered ion sensors for wireless
382 physiological health monitoring and may have wider applications in the future.

383 It is well known that the concentration of various ions in water is a critical standard
384 with respect to the evaluation of water quality. Bai et al. presented a high-output per-
385 formance tandem disk TENG (TD-TENG) for real-time monitoring of water quality
386 (Figure 9d) [68]. By designing a grating structure that allows the TENG to be stirred even
387 under slow water waves (Figure 9e), the output performance of the TENG is greatly en-
388 hanced thus continuously monitoring the ions in water (Figure 9f). This TENG opens up
389 new approaches to power bottlenecks for a long-term, versatile, real-time sensing system
390 in water.

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391 Similarly, Chen et al. developed a sensing system based on RD-TENG for online
392 monitoring of water ion concentration (Figure 9g) [69]. They adopted polytetrafluoro-
393 ethylene as the friction electrode and prepared a lateral sliding structure of TENG (Figure
394 9h). When the speed of RD-TENG is 250 rpm, the sensor is equivalent to a pure resistance
395 in water, and the impedance and resistance change with the ion concentration (Figure 9i).


398 Figure 9. (a) Schematic diagram of the TENG-based sweat sensor for real-time monitoring of health
399 status during human exercise. (b) Curves of the open circuit potential of the pH sensing system in a
400 standard buffer solution. (c) Curve of the open circuit potential of the Na+ sensing system in NaCl
401 solution. Reprinted from Ref. [67] with permission by Science. (d) Schematic diagram of the
402 TENG-based water quality monitoring system. (e) Schematic diagram of a TENG with a grating
403 structure to collect water wave energy. (f) Output of devices under load resistance. Reprinted from
404 Ref. [68] with permission by Elsevier. (a) RD-TENG-based sensing system. (b) The lateral sliding
405 structure of TENG. (c)Plot of ion concentration and impedance at a frequency of 200 Hz. Reprinted
406 from Ref. [69] with permission by Elsevier.

407 3.2 TENG-based active chemical sensor

408 3.2.1 Basic principle

409 During operation, the magnitude of the electrical signals (Voc and Isc) generated by
410 the TENG device is closely related, in some case, even quantitatively proportional to the
411 triboelectric charge density [70]. As frictional electricity is essentially a chemical potential
412 difference between two electrode surfaces, and the absorption of some chemical sub-
413 stances and their chemical reactions at the surface affects the charge transportation and
414 density, and thus affects the output of the TENG, it is possible to detect the absorbed
415 target substance quantitively and develop the TENG-based active chemical sensors (Fig-
416 ure 10). This multifunctional design reduces the power consumption, simplifies the sys-
417 tem, and above all, enables sustainable, straightforward and reliable sensor operation.

418 To discuss in more detail, the adsorbed analyte can also change the dominant pro-
419 cess of electron transfer, which leads to changes in the potential distribution of the fric-
420 tion electrodes, stemming from the fact that may influence the forming or the structure of
421 the electrical double layer [71,72]. These influences may change the TENG's output
422 characteristics and enable it to serve as a sensing signal. Unlike traditional sensors,

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423 TENGs are able to serve as both an electricity source and a sensor at the same time. Some
424 materials are both frictional electric materials for generating electricity and sensitive
425 material for detecting analytes [73]. Thus, the friction layer surface may be regarded as a
426 detector. The properties of TENG-based active sensors depend on the properties of the
427 friction electrode materials, such as conductivity, dielectric constant, temperature sensi-
428 tivity, light sensitivity, etc [74-80]. Hence, we can directly employ or synthesize some
429 specific target compounds to develop friction electrode materials that can be sensitively
430 detected [81].


432 Figure 10. Schematic illustration of TENG based active CSS.

433 3.2.2 Designs criteria of TENG-based active sensors

434 TENGs can scavenge mechanical energy from ambient environment and even hu-
435 man body [82], thus is ideal for powering chemical sensors and build on-body
436 health-care systems with high sustainability and wearability. Meanwhile, TENG may
437 also act as a chemical sensor itself due to its intrinsic sensitivity towards the chemical
438 reaction that occurs at the triboelectric interface [83]. In this section, the design criteria of
439 TENG-based CSS will be discussed.
440 Sensitivity improvement
441 In the self-powered sensing system, sensitivity is always considered as the most
442 basic index to evaluate the probability of commercialization [84]. Improving the sensitiv-
443 ity through structural design, signal processing, and power management to meet or ex-
444 ceed the current commercial requirement of chemical analysis sensors is a hot topic in
445 current research.
446 Su and his colleagues designed a highly sensitive TENG sensing system that could
447 actively monitor nitrogen dioxide gas through the coupling of the frictional electric effect
448 and the photoelectric effect (Figure 11a) [85]. The prepared TENG can be used for pow-
449 ering the UV light source and the resistive gas sensor in the system by collecting energy
450 from the environment. They adopted a hydrothermal method to deploy zinc oxide
451 nanowires on the electrodes to enable the device sensitivity to nitrogen dioxide. In addi-
452 tion, light-activated gas detection is driven by a stimulus external to the device. After
453 testing, the induced voltage drop of the system is proportional to the concentration of
454 NO2, And the sensing system prepared on the basis of 0.035 mol/l synthesized ZnO
455 nanowires has higher responsiveness and sensitivity (0.302 ppm-1) than other concentra-
456 tions (Figure 11b, c). This work presents a method for highly sensitive gas sensing, pav-
457 ing the way for the fabrication of high-performance sensing devices for environmental

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458 monitoring.
459 To improve the sensitivity of the sensor, Yu et al. developed a high-sensitivity con-
460 tact-separated TENG sensing system (CS-TENG) for human physiological information
461 monitoring [86]. The friction layer consists of a flexible polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
462 film and copper electrodes and exhibits the merit of direct and intimate contact with the
463 human skin (Figure 11d). By fabricating a homogeneous and controllable mf-array
464 structure on the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) film, the sensitivity (5.67V/105Pa), linear-
465 ity (R2 = 0.99 of voltage), and stability (over 80,000 cycles) of this system are improved.
466 Due to its excellent sensitivity, this CS-TENG can perceive the slightest change in pulse
467 rate like a doctor (Figure 11e). Overall, the proposed sensing system has great potential
468 for biomedical applications.
469 Similarly, Hu et al. reported a sensitive, superhydrophobic, liquid-solid contact
470 TENG-based sensing system for application in biomedicine (Figure 11f) [87]. This su-
471 perhydrophobic TENG is repulsive to a variety of solutions, including blood. As the liq-
472 uid flows over the superhydrophobic layer, it can collect energy and release electrical
473 energy (Figure 11g). The TENG output depends on the size and fall height of the liquid
474 droplet. In addition, the self-powered sensor is self-cleaning, well-bent, and simple to
475 manufacture, and can be combined with an intravenous infusion tube to prepare an in-
476 fusion monitoring sensing system for precise monitoring of infusions. This superhydro-
477 phobic TENG sensing system holds great promise for clinical monitoring in the future.

479 Figure 11. (a) Schematic diagram of the TENG-based sensing system for active NO2 detection. (b)
480 Schematic diagram of the response of ZnO nanowire films to 0 ppm to 100 ppm NO2. (c) Plot of
481 ZnO nanowire film versus NO2 concentration. Reprinted from Ref. [85] with permission by AIP
482 Publishing. (d) Schematic diagram of the principle and structure of the sensing system. (e) Compar-
483 ative analysis of the real-time voltage signals at different locations on the hand: the CUN, GUAN
484 and CHI. Reprinted from Ref. [86] with permission by Elsevier. (f) Schematic diagram of the su-
485 perhydrophobic TENG structure. (g) Current output generated by different liquids sliding on the
486 superhydrophobic TENG. Reprinted from Ref. [87] with permission by ACS Publications.

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488 Integration optimization

489 In practical applications, TENG needs to be integrated with a chemical sensor and
490 other information devices to realize automatic analysis of collected data and provide
491 scientific guidance.

492 Ren et al. reported a versatile TENG-based humidity sensor (Figure 12a) [88]. They
493 coupled a perfluoro sulfonic acid ionomer (PFSA) with a TENG device. PFSA is an intel-
494 ligent deformable material that enables TENG to automatically bend to a certain angle at
495 different humidity levels. This adaptive deformability enables multiple functionalities of
496 the TENG, such as collecting energy from raindrops at high humidity, wind energy at
497 medium humidity, and reflecting light at low humidity. The switching of these functions
498 can be automated in response to changes in steam drive (Figure 12b). This work can
499 promote the development of TENG sensing systems in the direction of intelligence and
500 multifunctionality.

501 Xu et al. fabricated a dual TENG sensing system for humidity monitoring by apply-
502 ing polyvinylidene fluoride propylene (FEP) film and copper foil (Figure 12c) [89]. The
503 sensitive film was synthesized from chitosan and activated carbon materials. In addition,
504 they integrated the WIFI module and the sensing system together to monitor the humid-
505 ity signal from a smart terminal in real-time. This TENG sensing system exhibits a wide
506 detection range and excellent stability, and recognizes signals from human breathing and
507 finger movements clearly in practical applications (Figure 12d,e). This work opens up
508 new horizons for the integration and application of TENG wireless sensing systems.

509 Meanwhile, Wang et al. developed a TENG wireless sensing system, which consists
510 of a spherical TENG, an ammonia nitrogen sensor, and a Bluetooth module, to achieve
511 real-time monitoring of meat freshness [90]. The system exhibits excellent sensing per-
512 formance for 0.5~20 ppm NH3 and is sustainable, portable, and wireless for real-time
513 monitoring, which is promising in the future gas detection field.

515 Figure. 12. (a) Schematic diagram of the TENG-based humidity sensing system. (b) Schematic dia-
516 gram of the operation of the TENG sensing system under steam drive. Reprinted from Ref. [88] with
517 permission by ACS Publications. (c) Schematic diagram of Dual-TENG. (d) Real-time monitoring of
518 breathing conditions by the sensor. (e) Signal of sensor on finger movement. Reprinted from Ref.
519 [89] with permission by Elsevier.

520 3.2.3 Applications of TENG-based active chemical sensors

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521 TENG-based active chemical sensors have received broad attention and rapid de-
522 velopment in response to stimuli from chemical molecules or other factors, for instance
523 ethanol, phenol, and pH, where the output performance of TENG and the stimulation
524 shows a linear relationship. This section discusses recent examples of TENG-based active
525 chemical sensor and research trends in these areas to provide direction for future re-
526 search.

527 TENG-based active biosensors

528 Human body physiological signals are important physiological indicators for public
529 health care and health monitoring [91]. Monitoring these small but complex physiologi-
530 cal signals in real-time with simple, convenient, economical, and accurate methods re-
531 mains a challenge for healthcare devices [92,93]. As a result, new methods for analyzing
532 these biological analytes are required.

533 Zhao et al. created a stretchable fiber-based TENGs (F-TENG) (Figure 13a) [94]. This
534 TENG was fabricated by covering MWCNTs and PANI on super-stretchable Ecoflex fi-
535 bers. Moreover, the device can modify with different enzymes and act as an active bio-
536 sensor to sense biomarkers in sweat, including substances such as lactate, glucose, cre-
537 atinine, etc. (Figure 13b, c). Such active biosensors have great potential for future re-
538 al-time monitoring of physiological data during human movement.

539 It is critical to develop effective and specific detection methods for bacteria in order
540 to mitigate their threats. Wang et al. created a TENG-based biosensing system for moni-
541 toring Gram-positive bacteria in water (Figure 13d) [95]. They first used vancomycin to
542 identify Gram-positive bacteria in water, then used guanidine-based functionalized
543 multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT-Arg) as the signal amplification material, and fi-
544 nally realized real-time, simple, and specialized monitoring of bacteria by voltage change
545 of the biosensor. The experimental results show that this biosensing system has the ad-
546 vantages of good linearity, high selectivity and low detection limit (Figure 13e, f). The
547 self-powered biosensing system, which replaces molecular probes, has the potential to
548 specifically recognize bacteria and aid in the prevention of environmental pollution, iat-
549 rogenic diseases, and microbiological corrosion.

550 Creatinine concentration in human blood or urine is strongly associated with kidney
551 problems, muscle disorders and thyroid dysfunction [96]. Thus, the development of
552 sensing devices for detecting creatinine is crucial, especially in the case of the rapidly
553 growing healthcare field. For example, Luo et al. fabricated a TENG-based creatinine
554 sensing system (Figure 13g) [97]. This TENG is composed of polyaniline (PANI) and
555 polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), which produces a frictional electrical output upon de-
556 formation. They modified PANI with creatinase, creatine lyase, and sarcosine oxidase,
557 respectively, and the frictional electrical output can respond to creatinine concentration
558 due to its product H2O2 which can induce PANI protonation and change the electrical
559 conductivity of PANI (Figure 13h). The sensitivity of the device reached 51.42% when the
560 creatinine concentration is 10-3 mol/L (Figure 13i). Meanwhile, it showed favorable selec-
561 tivity for creatinine at room temperature. Its working principle can be attributed to the
562 coupling of the TENG and creatinine enzymatic reactions. These results suggest im-
563 portant applications in areas such as self-powered and personalized healthcare.

564 Dopamine is crucial for the functioning of the hormonal, renal, and central neuro-
565 logical systems. Nervous system diseases including Parkinson's, Huntington's, and
566 schizophrenia may be brought on by abnormal dopamine levels. For energy harvesting
567 in oil/water multiphase, Jiang et al. fabricated a liquid-solid contact TENG (Figure 13j)
568 [98]. After they adopted the self-polymerization method to coat PTFE and glass surfaces
569 with a layer of PDA, the two electrical signals of TENG showed opposite trends: on the
570 one hand, the V-TENG and I-TENG kept decreasing, while on the other hand the

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571 oil/water interface signals of Vinterface and Iinterface continued to increase (Figure 13k) and
572 showed a good linear relationship with the dopamine concentration (Figure 13l). This
573 research will help create a more dependable and sophisticated self-powered biosensors
574 system.

575 Thrombin is a serine protease that is almost absent in the blood of healthy individu-
576 als [99,100]. It is an important research direction to develop self-powered biosensors for
577 the detection of thrombin based on the intermolecular recognition between thrombin and
578 ligand. Jung et al. proposed a TENG-based biosensor for the detection of thrombin [101].
579 They first assembled Au nanoparticles (Au NPs) on an Al membrane to enhance the
580 output of TENG (Figure 13m). Then, a thrombin detection nano sensor with high selec-
581 tivity was obtained by modifying the anti-thrombin aptamer on Au NPs with a sulfhy-
582 dryl group modification (Figure 13n). The sensitivity of the sensor can reach 0.41 nM and
583 shows the great potential of the device as a simple, fast, and low-cost detection system.


585 Figure 13. (a) Schematic diagram of the fiber structure of F-TENG. (b) Schematic diagram of the
586 comparative bio sensitivity of the F-TENG and commercial sensors for glucose, creatinine, and
587 lactate. (c) Selectivity of the TENG for the detection of glucose, lactate, and creatinine. Reprinted
588 from Ref. [94] with permission by Elsevier. (d) Schematic diagram of the TENG-based biosensing
589 system and its equivalent circuit. (e) Voltage of CNT-Arg under a range of concentrations of S. au-
590 reus (2×103 CFU mL-1 to 2×107 CFU mL-1). (f) Linear fit of the response of S. aureus from 2×103 CFU
591 mL-1 to 2×107 CFU mL-1 concentration. Reprinted from Ref. [95] with permission by Elsevier. (g)

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592 TENG-based sensing system detects creatinine in body fluids. (h) The protonation and deprotona-
593 tion process of PANI and its sensing mechanism. (i) The response of the sensor to creatinine. Re-
594 printed from Ref. [97] with permission by Elsevier. (j) Schematic diagram of dopamine coated on
595 the surface of a liquid-solid TENG electrode. (k) Schematic diagram of the short-circuit current of
596 TENG modified by dopamine in oil/water environment. (l) Plot of Iinterface and I-TENG versus do-
597 pamine concentration in oil/water environment. Reprinted from Ref. [98] with permission by
598 Wiley Online Library. (m) Schematic diagram of thrombin detection by TENG biosensor. (n) De-
599 tection sensitivity of TENG-based biosensor. Reprinted from Ref. [101] with permission by Else-
600 vier.

601 TENG-based active gas sensors

602 It is essential to develop rapid and precise real-time safety monitoring systems, such
603 as chemical gas sensors, to find gases like alcohol, acetylene, ammonia, aniline, etc. con-
604 sidering the increasing worry about the security of the places where people work and
605 reside. Due to their ability to implement portable gas sensors without a separate power
606 source, self-powered gas sensors with TENGs are drawing a lot of attention [102]. The
607 most recent progress in TENG-based self-powered active gas sensors is presented and
608 explored in this section.

609 Wen et al. designed a gas sensor for alcohol detection on BD-TENG [103]. The alco-
610 hol sensor as it is now designed can use the airflow to generate energy, operating as an
611 active alcohol breath analyzer (Figure 14a). The delivered voltage remains proportional
612 to the amount of alcohol exhaled over a range of 10 to 200 ppm (Figure 14b). The
613 as-developed BD-TENG is distinguished by a short response time of 11s, a response of
614 34 at the ideal sensor operating temperature, and a quick recovery time of 20s, which
615 demonstrates the exceptional performance of selectivity anti-interference for alcohol de-
616 tection (Figure 14c). In addition, the reported breath analyzer is made of widely availa-
617 ble polymer materials yet is still lightweight and affordable, which significantly expands
618 the use of TENG serve as a self-powered active sensor.

619 From previous studies, we know that conductive and semiconducting polymers
620 were used for numerous applications for many years, including active layers, intercon-
621 nects, and electrodes. Among these polymeric materials, poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythio-
622 phene): poly (styrene sulfonate) has proven to be adaptable. Employing PEDOT: PSS
623 that has been appropriately functionalized may be a potential option to improving both
624 wearables, nanogenerators, and self-powered active sensors. Iftekhar-Uddin. described a
625 TENG made of nylon fiber film, conductive PEDOT: PSS elastomer, and PDMS with
626 wrinkle patterns (Figure 14d) [104]. With a load resistance of 3.8 M, this TENG achieves
627 a maximum output power of 0.09 mW indoors and 0.2 mW outdoors (Figure 14e). They
628 replaced the pure nylon fiber with an Ag@ZnO/nylon fiber film to achieve self-powering
629 of the active sensor. Moreover, the sensor showed a high sensitivity of 70.9% indoors and
630 even 89% outdoors at a C2H2 gas concentration of 1000 ppm. The strategy for energy and
631 sensing harvesting has potential benefits in real-world applications and could inspire
632 fresh research.

633 Real-time perishable food quality monitoring is essential for lowering societal ex-
634 penses and foodborne illness rates. A wireless gas sensor system (TWGSS) developed on
635 a wood-based TENG is created by Cai (Figure 14g) [105]. The TWGSS retains excellent

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636 stability at 75% humidity and 18°C (Figure 14h) and also enables real-time, continuous,
637 stable monitoring of food spoilage marker gases such as ammonia. The output of the
638 TENG decreases as the ammonia concentration rises. In principle, this is due to the fact
639 that they have taken advantage of the three-dimensional porous structure of wood,
640 which is sensitive to ammonia, and introduced this property into the sensor design.
641 Furthermore, the TENG showed a high sensitivity of 0.85 at a concentration of 500 ppm
642 ammonia (Figure 14i), which is significantly higher than other typical gases, indicating
643 that the selectivity of the device is also high.

644 By changing the doping ratio and improving the annealing temperature, Chang et al.
645 synthesized an rGO-In2O3 composite and used this material as a friction electrode for a
646 TENG (Figure 14j) [106]. They applied this TENG for monitoring hazardous gases ani-
647 line in the environment. The results show that the TENG has many advantages, for ex-
648 ample, it shows great sensitivity in the concentration range of 200-1200 ppm aniline,
649 good reactivity with aniline, and high selectivity (Figure 14k, l). The response/recovery
650 time of the device is significantly shorter compared to other typical room-temperature
651 semiconductor gas sensors.

652 Considering that white sugar particles are hydrophilic, Liu et al. used them to pre-
653 pare a TENG (WS-TENG) [107], which can be used both as a power source and directly
654 as a humidity sensor (Figure 14m). The friction layer is composed of a polytetrafluoro-
655 ethylene (PTFE) film and white sugar. In addition, this WS-TENG shows a clear and sta-
656 ble signal distinction in short-circuit current (Isc) and open-circuit voltage (Voc) at differ-
657 ent humidity levels, which can directly and reliably reflect changes in humidity in the
658 surrounding environment (Figure 14n, o). These works are quite promising and contrib-
659 ute to the development of TENG for gas active sensors.

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661 Figure 14. (a) Schematic diagram of the TENG as active alcohol sensor. (b) Output current of the
662 device under alcohol (concentration from 10 to 2000 ppm). (c) Plot of output voltage versus alcohol.
663 Reprinted from Ref. [103] with permission by Elsevier. (d) Schematic diagram of the TENG device.
664 (e) Plot of power density versus C2H2 concentration. (f) Response of the device to different concen-
665 trations of C2H2 concentration. Reprinted from Ref. [104] with permission by ACS Publications. (g)
666 Schematic diagram of the TWGSS device. (h) Open-circuit voltage of TENG at different tempera-
667 tures. (i) Response of TENG to different concentrations of ammonia gas. Reprinted from Ref. [105]
668 with permission by Elsevier. (j) Schematic diagram of the fabrication process of rGO-In2O3-TENG
669 films. (k) Open-circuit voltage of TENG monitoring gas. (l) The concentration response of TENG to
670 the gas. Reprinted from Ref. [106] with permission by Wiley Online Library. (m) Schematic dia-
671 gram of the fabrication process of TENG. (n) Output current of TENG under different relative hu-
672 midity environments. (o) Schematic diagram of Isc versus relative humidity at different operating
673 frequencies. Reprinted from Ref. [107] with permission by Elsevier.

674 TENG-based active ion sensors

675 Chemical ion sensors are commonly used in sectors to detect inorganic, organic, and
676 biological ions, particularly ions in liquids such as H+, Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and so on. With
677 high selectivity, great sensitivity, and wide sensing range, self-powered TENG-based ac-
678 tive ion sensors are able to detect various types of substances. The ions in the detection
679 target can be identified by the friction layer surface of the TENG or outside dopant ma-

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680 terial [108,109]. The following typical examples demonstrate these applications and ad-
681 vances.

682 Liu et al. created a TENG with a single electrode mode and applied it to detect pH
683 in acid rain (Figure 15a) [110]. They used PTFE doped with PDMS solution to fabricate a
684 film with more hydrophobicity and higher surface roughness. This film was used to
685 prepare a friction layer for water-drop-based TENG. After testing, the film doped with
686 0.07 wt.% PDMS showed the largest output difference in monitoring prepared normal
687 water (pH=7) and acid rain droplets (pH=4) (Figure 15b), which indicates that the pH
688 sensor constructed by this hybridization method performs well.

689 Different from the single electrode mode, the TENG-based sensor in contact separa-
690 tion mode may not be used directly to determine ions in water due to the potential for
691 charge dissipation caused by the water film at the friction-electric interface. Thus, it is
692 preferable to place a drop of liquid on the surface of the friction electrode and wait for
693 the liquid to evaporate before testing. For example, Lin et al. reported an active
694 TENG-based sensor for monitoring Hg2+ in water (Figure 15c) [111]. They first increased
695 the effective contact area of the friction layer with gold nanoparticles (NPs), which
696 greatly increased the output of the TENG (105 V and 63 mA) (Figure 15d, e), and then
697 used 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA) modified NPs as the recognition element to de-
698 tect Hg2+. This method achieves a highly sensitive and selective monitoring capability for
699 TENG-based ion sensors.

700 Meanwhile, Li and his colleagues designed a contact-separated TENG for selectively
701 monitoring metal ions in wastewater (Figure 15f) [112]. This TENG uses acrylic acid as
702 the support substrate and an aluminum foil with AAO nanopores as the contact surface
703 of another layer. They adopted different ligand molecules including dithizone, diphenyl
704 carbazide and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate to modify the aluminum foil with AAO
705 nanopores as the recognition component of sensor, which can selectively detect Pb2+ in
706 wastewater (Figure 15g, h). Further, the device generates an electric field capable of in-
707 ducing the electrolysis of effluent to produce OH- which promotes the precipitation of
708 Pb2+. This work can act as a springboard for future TENG research and stimulate TENG
709 advancement toward ion detection.

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711 Figure 15. (a) Schematic diagram of a single-electrode mode TENG for sensing ions in liquid
712 droplets. (b) Circuit diagram of a TENG sensor for detecting raindrops with different pH. Re-
713 printed from Ref. [110] with permission by ACS Publications. (c) Schematic diagram of the struc-
714 ture of the contact separation TENG and the microscopic morphology of the friction layer. (d) Sen-
715 sitivity of the TENG for Hg2+ detection. (e) Selectivity of TENG for the detection of Hg2+. Reprinted
716 from Ref. [111] with permission by Wiley Online Library. (f) Schematic diagram of the structure of
717 TENG. (g) Plot of the relationship between open-circuit voltage and Pb2+ concentration. (h) Selec-
718 tivity of the TENG-based sensor for Pb2+ detection. Reprinted from Ref. [112] with permission by
719 Wiley Online Library.

720 Other active sensors

721 Aside from TENG-based activity sensors as discussed above, there is a solid-liquid
722 interface-based TENG that can detect organic compounds in solution [113,114], such as
723 ethanol and acetone in solution. The sensing mechanism is the same as that of gas detec-
724 tion, the effect of different molecules or concentrations on the friction layer will cause the
725 performance of the TENG to change. The detection method is similar to the case of ion
726 sensors, TENG-based chemical sensors detect target molecules in solution by dropping a
727 solution onto the surface of a frictional electric material and observing its reaction with
728 the counter electrode after the surface of that material has dried, enabling the analysis of
729 the solution. The following example demonstrates this mechanism.

730 Wang et al. developed a multifunctional DC output triboelectric nanogenerator

731 (DC-TENG) for energy harvesting and chemical analysis at liquid-media interfaces [115].
732 The device consists of a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) and copper tape in a to-
733 roidal tube structure, while two brushes are bi-directionally anchored as alternating
734 contact electrodes, thus converting AC to DC power (Figure 16a-c) and can be used to
735 analyze fluid composition and moisture content. A positive correlation between output
736 and liquid polarity.
737 Li et al. reported a nano sensor that can be applied for detecting phenol [116], which
738 is schematically depicted in Figure 16d. They used a contact TENG structure consisting
739 of a titanium foil with TiO2 nanowires on the surface, and a PTFE film coated with a
740 copper electrode. The TiO2 nanowires were then combined with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)

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741 as the sensing recognition element, allowing direct and effective detection of phenol
742 molecules in aqueous solutions (Figure 16e). The output voltage of the device is linearly
743 related to the phenol concentration (Figure 16f). And the device was reusable after
744 washing with ethanol. TENG can be used not only for the detection and degradation of
745 phenol in the environment, but also for the detection and treatment of other organic
746 pollutants in wastewater, thus changing the current wastewater treatment model.

747 Chatterjee et al. fabricated a solid-liquid triboelectric nano sensor (TENS) that can be
748 used for the detection of catechins in green tea solutions [117]. They used TiO2 nanosheet
749 arrays as a solid triboelectric layer to separate from the contact of the solution cycle
750 (Figure 16g), in which the affinity of catechin and TiO2 nanosheet arrays can reduce the
751 work function and greatly increase the transferred charge, thus producing a higher out-
752 put (Figure 16h). Meanwhile, they used ethanol and acetone volatile solvents instead of
753 water to overcome the requirement of hydrophobic surface in solid-liquid TENS. Besides,
754 they validated the chemical enhancement of TENS by using catechins as targeting sub-
755 stances (Figure 16i). It is shown that solid-liquid TENS can provide new ideas for devel-
756 oping sensors in the field of environmental detection.

757 The characteristics and performance of numerous TENG as power and active chemical
758 sensors chemical sensors are listed in Table 1. The performance of TENG-based active
759 chemical sensors are outstanding in terms of detection range and sensitivity. Compared to
760 conventional sensors, the sensors can achieve self-powered and exhibit high output, sen-
761 sitivity, and selectivity at low analyte concentrations, owing to the ability of the frictional
762 electric layer to recognize specific molecules.













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776 Figure 16. (a) The structure of DC TENG. (b) Effect of liquid on the output performance of TENG (1, hexane; 2, isopropanol; 3, eth-
777 anol; 4, acetone; 5, ethylene glycol; 6, deionized water). (c) Liquid contact angle test. Reprinted from Ref. [115] with permission by
778 ACS Publications. (d) Schematic diagram of TENG modified with cyclodextrin. (e) Schematic representation of the selectivity of the
779 device for monitoring phenol. (f) Schematic diagram of voltage signal for monitoring phenol concentration. Reprinted from Ref.
780 [116] with permission by Royal Society of Chemistry. (g) Diagram of the solid-liquid TENS operation and TiO2 nanosheet arrays. (h)
781 Plot of catechin-induced change in work function. (i) Comparison of the output voltage ratio profiles and voltage enhancement
782 coefficients for different catechin concentrations in different contact liquids such as water, ethanol and acetone, respectively. Re-
783 printed from Ref. [117] with permission by Elsevier.















798 Table 1. Comparison of characteristic of TENG as power source and active chemical sensors

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Outputs perfor-
Structure Sensing performance
Application Function mancea Ref.
Materials Analyte Imax Umax Detection range Selectivity
Au/PDMS-Au Blood oxygen 7.4 μA 75.3 V — — [60]
Power Cu/PTFE-Cu Blood glucose 317 μA 153 V — — [61]
source PDMS-Chitosan/glycerol Antigen — 250 V 1.05~8.4 μg mL −1 — [62]
Al/PTFE-Gelatin/Al Glucose 45 μA 500 V 200 μM~2 mM Good [63]
Lactic acid — — 0~200 mm L−1 Good
Ecoflex/MWCNT-PANI Glucose — —0~56 mm L−1 Good [94]
Creatinine — —0~88 mm L−1 Good
2 × 103 ~2 ×
chemical Al/FEP/ITO-Van-Al Gram-positive bacteria — 165 V Good [95]
107cfu/ ml
Cu/PDMS-PANI Creatinine 1.47 nA — 10−6~10−3 mol L−1 Good [97]
PTFE/Cu/Glass Dopamine 1.9 nA 4.5 V 25~500 μmol L −1 Good [98]
Al/PDMS-Au NPs/Al Thrombin 18 μA 17 V 0~100 nm L−1 Good [101]
Cu/PTFE-Cu Humidity 4 μA 22.5 V 0~97% RH Good [46]
Power Cu/PI-Gelatin/Cu Ammonia 49 μA 400 V 0~20 ppm Good [64]
source Cu/PVA/Ag-FEP NO2 5.6 μA 530 V 0~50 ppm — [65]
PMMA/Cu-PTFE CO2 20.1 μA 1160 V 1~200× 103 ppm — [66]

Gas sensor Cu/FEP/Elastic Alcohol 5.9 μA 2.3 V 10~200 ppm Good [103]

Active Al/Nylon- PDMS/EPP/ITO C2H2 3.94 μA 191.6 V 30~1000 ppm — [104]

Cu/Wood-FEP/Cu Ammonia 2.4 μA 47 V 10~500 ppm Good [105]
PVDF/rGO-In2O3-Al/PET Aniline 1.2 μA 4V 200~1200 ppm Good [106]
Cu/Sugar-Cu/PTFE Humidity 6.35 μA 95.68 V 40%~80% RH — [107]
H+ 4~8 pH
PTFE-ENIG/ polyimide/Cu 42.25 μA 190 V Good [67]
Power Na+ 12.5~200 mM
source Cu/PTFE/Glass Water 120 μA 365 V — — [68]
Cu/PCB/PMMA-PTFE/Cu Multiple ions 112 μA 210 V 0~1×10−5 mol L−1 Good [69]

Ion sensor FTO/PTFE–PDMS/Cu H+ 26.37 μA 69.04 V 5~1 pH — [110]

Active Glass/Au film-Au NPs Hg2+ 63 μA 105 V 100 nM~ to 5 μM Good [111]

sensor Pb2+
Cr3+ 0.18 mA 310 V 0-200×10−6μM Good [112]

FEP/Cu/Electric brushes Multiple compounds 11.5 μA 228 V — — [115]

Other chemical Cu/PTFE-β-CD/TiO2/Ti Phenol 6.5 μA 57 V 10~100 μM Good [116]
Ti/TiO2 nanosheet Catechin — 1.2 V 100 nM~100 μM. Good [117]

799 a “—”in the table implies that the data were not recorded in research.

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801 4. Conclusion and prospect

802 This review systematically summarizes the progress of TENG-based CSS and their
803 potential for future practical applications. TENG-based CSS not only demonstrates sen-
804 sitive detection to physiological activity, gas, and ion, but also may achieve independent,
805 continuous, and reliable operating by scavenging mechanical energy from nature or bi-
806 ology. Surely this TENG-based sensor system has achieved significant progress though
807 the design strategy of TENG-based active sensor is still not systematic and comprehen-
808 sive enough. The challenges that TENG-based power sources face is relatively simple,
809 and the enhancement of output performance is always the prime target, which can be
810 effectively promoted by improved power management, material selection, and structure
811 design. For TENG-based active sensors, the main starting point is adsorption or chemical
812 reaction of specific target at the triboelectric interface, whose reliability is susceptible to
813 environmental condition and TENG’s own signal interference. Nevertheless, in both cas-
814 es, the coupling of different material properties can bring new insights into the design of
815 TENG-based CSS with higher performance, thus innovating their applications in wide
816 multidisciplinary areas, such as disease diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and the
817 defense industry. For the guidance of future research, challenges and the most urgent
818 issues of TENG-based CSS that should be addressed are listed as follows:

819 4.1 Power supplies

820 4.1.1 High energy conversion efficiency

821 The most urgent issue related with the present TENG device is its relatively low
822 conversion efficiency. Chemical modification is always the most fundamental approach
823 for output enhancement. For example, adding several active functional groups at the
824 friction layer interface can lead to stronger electrical response of the friction electrifica-
825 tion process. Furthermore, modulating the surface energy of the friction layer surface,
826 increasing the porosity and roughness, controlling the film morphology, improving the
827 polarity of the electrodes, etc., are also effective solutions for improving the energy con-
828 version efficiency of TENG.

829 4.1.2 Longer service life

830 In practical applications, the service life of TENG-based CSS is affected by different
831 factors such as device structure, mechanical strength of the aging of component materi-
832 als, surface wear of the friction layer, weak connections between electrodes, and mois-
833 ture contamination in the environment [118]. For example, during the operation of
834 TENG-based CSS, electrons tend to accumulate on the surface of the friction layer and
835 absorb dust from the air, which diminishes the performance of the TENG [119]. In addi-
836 tion, the device may also be penetrated by water, which neutralizes the electrical charge
837 as well as deteriorates performance [120]. Therefore, proper encapsulation techniques
838 should be considered to solve these problems without affecting the operation of the sys-
839 tem, and the stability of TENG-based CSS may be adjusted by using triboelectric materi-

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840 als with self-cleaning properties [121]. The service life may also be optimized by en-
841 hanced stability design, diversification of materials, and stronger bonding agents. Over-
842 all, TENG-based sensor with controlled service life is an important research direction for
843 the future.

844 4.2 Active chemical sensor

845 In a typical TENG-based active chemical sensor, additional attentions should be

846 paid on issues such as anti-interference capability, stability, and multifunctionality be-
847 sides the issues that are faced by all TENG-based chemical sensors, as mentioned above

848 4.2.1 Anti-interference

849 TENG could directly serve as an active chemical sensor. However, interference sig-
850 nals may be generated, either due to the complex environments, or resulted from TENG
851 itself, and the latter of which may interfere with the analyte signals more seriously.
852 Therefore, we can position ourselves in the direction of synthesizing a more interfer-
853 ence-resistant sensing material. In addition, various minor interferences inevitably occur
854 during the sensing process, which will seriously affect the accuracy of sensing. Therefore,
855 we can reduce the interference by optimizing the circuit design to filter out the interfer-
856 ing waves in the future.

857 4.2.2 Stability and reliability

858 Since chemical sensors are commonly applied for the quantitative analysis of ana-
859 lytes, stability is one of their most important characteristics. Besides the environmental
860 parameters that affect the stability and reliability, currently the reusability of the sensor
861 seems to be a serious challenge, and the adsorption of chemical molecules and chemical
862 reaction at the triboelectric interface seems irreversible. As a result, the repeatability of
863 the TENG-based active chemical sensor may be affected. Future research could focus on
864 the development of more wear-resistant, repeatable materials, reversible chemical reac-
865 tion at the interface, and low-loss triboelectrification design strategy.

866 4.2.3 Multifunctionality

867 TENG with multifunctionality will reduce the size and energy consumption of de-
868 vice. Currently, TENG-based active chemical sensor are generally designed on the base
869 of sensitive materials with satisfactory triboelectrification effect, or triboelectric active
870 materials that response to the adsorption or reaction of chemical molecules at the inter-
871 face. In addition, the interaction of triboelectrification and surface reaction/adsorption
872 also deserves further research, which may initiate the study of chemical process in the
873 friction layer. Meanwhile, the introduction of smart materials into the triboelectric inter-
874 face as the electrode material in TENG may result in multifunctional systems with intel-
875 ligent responses due to the interesting function of such materials.

876 Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation, writing—review and editing, Q.L.Z.;
877 conceptualization, project administration and funding acquisition, writing—review and editing,

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878 N.W.; writing—review and editing, Supervision, Validation, C.X. All authors have read and
879 agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

880 Funding: This work was financially supported by the National Key R & D Project from Minister of
881 Science and Technology (2021YFA1201601), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS,
882 China (ZDBS-LY-DQC025), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Nos.
883 51873020), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. FRF-MP-20-38).

884 Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

885 Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

886 Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.

887 Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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