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Republic of the Philippines


Catanauan, Quezon

Detailed Lesson Plan in __________

4 A’s Approach

I. Objectives
 Cognitive (Paste here the code from CG for reference)
 Affective
 Psychomotor

II. Subject Matter

Topic: _______________________
Reference: ___________________
Materials: ____________________
Grade Level Standard: __________
Values Integration: _____________

III. Procedure


Routinely Activities
Let us pray! Amen
Good morning class Good morning sir/mam____

Who can still remember the lesson
Yesterday? (The pupils will answer)

(The teacher will give a motivating
activity to reinforce learning) (Students will do the activity)

A. Activity
(This will bring understanding to what the
learners already know and clarity to what
learners should learn further. At this early
stage, the student should already have a
retrospect of what they will be learning through
the activity that will be presented.)

B. Analysis

a. Unlocking of Difficulties
b. Discussion Proper
c. Fixing Skills Activities

You may add unlocking of difficulties to define

uncommon terms to the students (A more in-
depth understanding of the lesson, is another
phase where the students will process and
classify what is valid and not. The teacher on

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this part will ask further questions and will also
lead as a facilitator rather than mere lecturing
and sharing facts and ideas. The students know
to gain a wider view of the lesson but at the
same time draw closer to the main topic.)

C. Abstraction
(The teacher on this part will now focus entirely
on the lesson being presented and ask more
lead questions to lead the students in reinforcing
what they know and should know more. The
student here starts to feel more the importance
of the lesson to her and see the necessity of it to
his/her life.)

D. Application
(The word itself describes the stage as bringing
the student to a more practical way of using
HOW are they going to use what they have
learned and thinking of new ways on how it can
be improved further.)

IV. Assessment
(The teacher will give an appropriate assessment
That is aligned with the objectives) (The pupils will answer)

V. Assignment
(The teacher will give an assignment somewhat
related to the topic as a fixing skills activity) (The pupils will copy the
Are you done copying your assignment class? Yes sir/mam_______

Keep all your things in your bag (The pupils will follow)

Who will lead the prayer?

Amen Amen!

Goodbye class! Goodbye sir/mam_________,

Goodbye classmates, see you

To add, this format will best affect learning when we facilitate more rather than placing the
lesson in their heads. We aim to keep them at phase but not to the point of dragging them to
what we would like them to achieve. And last but not the least, Mastery of the Lesson – when
the teacher is prepared and has mastered the lesson it will surely surprise you with good

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Prepared by:

Checked and Approved by:


OIC-Program Chair, BEED

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