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Bee and Wasp

Goodmorning everyone, my name is Rahmat. Today I would to talk about insects.

The insect that I want to talk is have two tone colour, black and yellow. They are bee and

wasp. In this short talk, I want to explain and compare both differences based on their

physically start from body, legs and head, aggressiveness, and their home and their social

culture between of these two insects.

Sometimes we are confused and hard to tell the difference between bee and wasp

because they have the same colour, black and yellow but they still have differences in

physique. Bee have rounder head and has bigger eyes, their body have a rounder look and

usually hairy and the legs are flat, wide and hairy whereas wasp have pointy head and the

eyes is little bit smaller than bee, their body is usually blender and smooth and the legs is

smooth, round and waxy.

Secondly I would to talk about the aggressiveness between these two insects. Wasp is

more aggressive because wasp stings to capture and kill prey and they are easy to provoke.

Wasp can sting a target multiple times and if wasp harm or threatened it will realease the

hormone that could mark the attacker. on the other hand bee are more calm and less

aggressive than wasp because bee’s stinger mechanism is strict and just for defense, because

of that most of honeybees are going to die after striking a threatening being. The loss of

stinger will affect the bee’s themselves because the bee will get injury and eventually kills it.

Lastly I would like to explain about home and their social culture between bee and

wasp. Bees are highly social creature they live in nest with colonies as many as 75.000 bees,

and they have single queen bee, you can tell the queen bee is by the size. Queen bee have the

biggest sized in the colony and play a role in reproduction, laying eggs and organizing the
colony. Bee has a unique nest, the nest made by densely packed matrix of hexagonal cells

made of beeswax called honeycomb whereas wasp are social creature too but they colony

never more than 10.000 wasp. Unlike bee wasp have no wax to build the nest, they nest are

made from paper-like substance built of redigest pulp.

To conclude, both insects are nearly similar and no differences if we take a quick

look. But if we look carefully there are some differences between these two insects starting

from the body, the bees have hair in their body but wasp just have smooth body, and wasp

more aggressive than bee. The last one the bee have more colony than wasp.

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