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Engineering Hydrology
Sem 2 20212022



Assignment 1: Answer all questions below

1. What is the correct term for each of these definitions?:

o Transpiration - The movement of water through plant cells into the
o Streamflow - Movement of water confined within a river or stream.
o Infiltration - The movement of water into the soil layers.
o Precipitation - The processes by which water reaches the soil or surface.
o Interception -Trees and other vegetation, which prevent moisture from
reaching the ground directly.
o Stemflow - Movement of water from vegetation to the ground surface.
o Water table - The upper level of saturated rocks; it may move between
seasons and years.
o Percolation - Movement of water through the soil, either under gravity, or
parallel to the ground surface.
o Overland flow - Movement of water over the ground surface (also known as
surface runoff).
o Evapotranspiration - The combined processes by which water is lost by
evaporation and transpiration.
o Hydrological cycle - The processes by which water moves through the
o Evaporation - The change of state from water as a liquid into water vapour (a

2. Study the diagram of the global hydrological cycle (above). List 5 processes shown in
the diagram and explain what would cause these processes to increase and

- Evaporation

Evaporation increases with a decrease in humidity. The drier the air, the higher the
evaporation rate since warmer air can hold more water vapour than colder air.

- Evapotranspiration

Evapotranspiration increases with increasing air temperature and solar radiation. However,
higher relative humidity may decrease the evapotranspiration rate as the demand for water
vapour by the atmosphere surrounding the leaf surface decreases.
Engineering Hydrology
Sem 2 20212022

- Condensation

High humidity leads to an increased rate of condensation as the higher concentration of water
vapour, the more gas particles will collide with each other, forming liquid particles.

- Precipitation

Precipitation decreases with the increase in the latitude. High amount of precipitation usually
occurs at higher elevations.

- Infiltration

The infiltration rate will be low if the surface soil contains moisture. Also, the higher the
rainfall intensity, the rate of infiltration decreases as the impact of water causes mechanical

3. List five different types of storage shown in the diagram of the hydrological cycle

- Oceans, rivers, groundwater, clouds, ice and snow

Due date: 28/3/2022 (Tuesday), 9am in putrablast

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