IStructE Notes - Foundation

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Design Formula for Foundation Design (IStructE Part III Examination)

Founding Parameter Footing Scheme

Materials Given

Foundation Design - Footing

CLAY Undrained Quick calculation for allowable bearing capacity, qa
Shear 1. qa = 2C (If Cohesion, C is given) GO TO PILE DESIGN IF…
1) Size of footing > 1/2 x Col Spacing
Strength, Cu 2. qa = CuNc/F
2) Swelling Clay
Cu - undrained shear strength
3) Substantially thick compressive soil
Nc - 5.4 (Myerhof’s bearing capacity factors for a shallow strip footing)
- 6.0 (min) for square and circle (By Skempton)
4) SO3 and PH value of soil
F - Factor of Safety i.e take 3
SAND Angle of Quick calculation for allowable bearing capacity, qa
shear 1. qa = 10 x ‘N’ value in KPa (Dw > B + D)
resistance ’ qa = 5 x ‘N’ value in KPa (Dw < B + D)
or SPT ’N’ Notes: The settlement is assumed to be less than 25mm and

a factory of safety of 3 is applied in the qa calculated D

from above equation. - Terzaghi & Peck

2. ’ is given (’ > 30o) B

’ = 27 + 0.3 ‘N’
➢ ‘N’ is calculated
➢ qa is calculated from (1)
Notes: The soil should be designed as clay if ’ < 30o and Cu = 4 x ‘N’ (kPa)
Founding Parameter Pile Scheme
Materials Given
CLAY Undrained Quick calculation for pile foundation, Qa - (By Skemption)
Shear 1. Qa = (Qs + Qb) / F PRACTICE in UK…

Foundation Design - Piling

Strength, Cu Qs = ( D L) x  x average of (Cu) 1) Common size of Bored Pile is
Qb = Cub Nc x Ab (Nc take 9 for deep pile) around 1m ~ 1.5m

 - Adhesion factor (take 0.5 for bored pile)

D - Diameter of pile F - Factor of Safety i.e take 2.5
L - Length of pile Ab - Cross-sectional area of pile
Cub - Undrained shear strength at the base of pile
Average of Cu – The average of Cu at top and bottom of pile i.e. [Cu(Top) + Cu(Bottom)] x 0.5
SAND Angle of Quick calculation for pile foundation, Qa - (By Tomlinson)
shear 1. Qa = (Qs + Qb) / F ( F take 2.5) Other Design Requirement….
resistance ’ Qs = ( D L) x average of (v’) x k tan  1) Group Reduction Factor 0.85 for 5
or SPT ’N’ Average of (v’) = 0.5 x v’ = 0.5 x ’ x L piles or more
k tan = 0.25 where (k = 0.3 &  = 0.5’) 2) Pile spacing > 3D
(’ = 27 + 0.3 ‘N’) 3) 0.4% min reinforcement
Qb = v’ x Nq x Ab (Nq is derived as a function o f 4) Min. Grade 40D concrete
’ and D/B from chart in Tomlinsion) 5) Shaft stress < 0.25fcu

6) Min. cover = 75mm

Note: For tension pile, Qu = Qs and Qa = Qu/3

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