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Name: Ramos, Khenshee M.

_______________ Score
GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: ECE- 1______ Section: E02__ Writing Exercise
Student No.: 2019136444____ Date: 03/11/22_ Synthesis Essay
1st Quarter 2020-2021

Nature Patterns and Rhythms

Mathematics has been one of the driving forces of humanity to progress further and improve
the quality life of the people. It is used in discovering mysteries in the universe and certain individuals
had studied this mysteries using mathematics that produced results that helped humanity to prosper
and to better increase their knowledge. Mathematics have shown that patterns are everywhere in the
world and through this patterns that they noticed, humans have a better understanding in things that
look similar to one another. For example are the spots of animals like the leopard and the cheetahs or
landmarks like the Mayon volcano that has a perfect conical formation. Using this trait scientists have
been able to use this pattern and predict how it will erupt and can be used to other volcanoes that have
certain patterns to be followed and studied just like the Mayon volcano.
These patterns are what Stewart’s nature numbers mean in his study where he tells the readers
that patterns are an important aspect of nature that we should not ignore. It is very explicit because if
you look closely to your environment you can see patterns surrounding you. Just looking in the sky, you
can tell that clouds have patterns and that it can be used to measure or predict the weather. This proves
that everything in nature has patterns, but sometimes it is very difficult to notice but if humans were
able to discover it, it can become another step to further improve both knowledge and humanities
These patterns are not coincidence but follow the principles of mathematics. Studies have
shown that many animals have rhythms that they follow when moving and oscillating. They also
emphasized the rhythms that can be found when playing an instrument like the clarinet. It was
published in 1965 that an American biologist found that most horse gaits exhibit a degree of symmetry.
It was put down all of the many types of rhythms that the horses that was examined did.
Chapter 1 of the book focuses on animals having patterns that can be very easy to notice like the
stripes of the tiger or the spots of cheetahs, although they may look the same with each other but if you
take a closer look to these patterns, we can see that it is different to one another. Although scientists
have known that these certain spots are the product of chemical reactions they are still studying why
this is occurring.
In conclusion, Patterns and rhythms are everywhere and this has help humanity to predict
disasters, improve civilization and answers the mysteries of the world. These occurrence are present in
our everyday life and although there are many that was discovered in all of the times humanity has
appeared, there are plenty more to be discovered that can further increase our knowledge and improve
the quality life of humans.

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