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Mapua University 1

Experiment 1



Name: Khenshee Ramos

Course/Section: EEA101L-B4
Date Submitted: 06/07/2022

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University 2

Experiment 1

Familiarization with electrical measuring instruments


1. To determine the characteristics and proper connection of common

electrical measuring devices.
2. To be able to learn how to read measurements of basic electrical measuring
3. To become familiar with the basic circuit training kit and learn the proper
connection of the trainer kit devices.

Theoretical Discussion:

The galvanometer is a versatile analog instrument used in detecting and

measuring small amount of current in the circuit. The essential parts of the meter
are a permanent magnet, measuring scale, pointer attached to a soft iron core
wounded with coils of wire connected through a pivot.
A coil of wire wound on a soft iron core is pivoted on jewel bearings between
the poles of the permanent magnet. The coil becomes a magnet when current in
induced in it. The instrument contains 2 permanent magnets: a horseshoe magnet
in a fixed axis and an electromagnet free to turn on its axis. There are coiled
springs connected to restrain rotational movement and to return the pointer to the
zero position.
When there is current in the movable coil, its core is magnetized. The poles
of the core are then attracted or repelled by the poles of the permanent magnet.
A torque acts upon the coil and the coil rotates in an attempt to align its plane
perpendicular to the line joining the poles of the permanent magnet. The torque
is neutralized by the reaction of the springs. Since the permanent field flux is
constant, the torque on the coil is proportional to the current in it.
The current sensitivity of a meter (pointer deflection, d) is proportional to
the amount of current in the coil (IM),
IM d
IM = k d

If the basic meter movement is used as a voltmeter

+ Im - + -

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Fig. 1a
VT = Im(Rs + Rm) = Im RT
VT = the voltage to be measured at full scale deflection
Rs = the higher multiplier resistance in series with the basic meter movement

Note that the same small current Im is needed to cause full

scale deflection in the voltmeter and the same small voltage Vm is
across the basic meter movement. The rest of the voltage will appear
across Rs and this is equal to ImRs. The total high input resistance will
now be equal to (Rs+Rm).

If the basic meter movement is used as an ammeter,

Vm = the small voltage across the meter to cause full scale deflection
Im = The small current to cause full scale deflection
Rm = The resistance of the basic meter movement
IT = The current to be measured at full scale deflection
Rsh = the low shunt resistance
The resistance of the shunt is given by the equation

The electrodynamometer is similar to the galvanometer

movement of the dc meters except that it does not include a
permanent magnet. The moving coil rotates in the magnetic field of a
pair of fixed coils carrying magnetizing current. As the current in the
fixed coils produces magnetic flux B, a current in the moving coil
produces a flux along its axis, and the coil tends to align in the two
magnetic fields. This torque produces a pointer deflection related to
the product of the two coil currents. The dynamometer mechanism is

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

used in quality ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters.

Laboratory Equipment

Quantity Apparatus
1 pc Circuit 1 trainer kit (EEC471-2 and EEC470)
1 pc Circuit 1 trainer power supply (Feedback Power
supply PS445)1 pc Analog D.C. milliammeter (100mA dc)
1 pc Analog D.C. Voltmeter (20V dc)
1 pc Electronic V.O.M.
1 set Connecting wires


Part A. Determine the characteristics of an analog ammeter.

1. Measure the input resistance of an analog ammeter across

the inputterminals by using a VOM.
RT (input resistance) =

2. Multiply the resistance of the ammeter (RT) by the full scale

reading of theammeter to get the voltage Vm that will cause full
Vm = IT x RT = V

3. Observe the connection of the ammeter in the circuit shown

in the figure1.1

Part B. Determine the characteristics of an analog voltmeter.

1. Measure the input resistance of an analog voltmeter

across the inputterminals by using a VOM.
RT (input resistance) =

2. Divide the full scale voltage reading of the voltmeter by the

input resistanceof the meter to get the current Im that will
cause full deflection.
Im = VT/ RT = Adc Voltmeter sensitivity = RT/ VT =

3. Observe the connection of the voltmeter in the circuit shown

in the figure1.1

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Part C.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram figure 1.1

(Refer to theconnection set-up of the appropriate trainer).


Figure 1.1

2. Connect the power supply unit (psu) to the main power supply
line. Do not switch on the power supply. Check the circuit
connection before switchingon the power supply.
3. Ensure that the output voltage of the power supply is set and
adjusted to 20V dc.
4. Using the ammeter and voltmeter measure the respective
current (IL) and the voltage readings (VL) of the circuit.
5. Measure available resistance values and check each resistor for
damage to ensure accurate results. Make 10 trials by using
different resistance values available in the circuit trainer.
Compute for the power consumed by the circuit, PL = VL * IL
6. Complete Table 1.1 of the preliminary data sheet by using the
ammeter andvoltmeter readings for the following formula.
Formula 1: VL/IL2
Formula 2: P /I
Formula 3: VL2/PL
7. Simulate the circuit diagram fig. 1.1 using Tina Pro software in
the computer and substitute the resistance values used in table
1.1 (measured values). Obtain the meter readings and record
the data on table 1.2. Complete the preliminary data sheet of
table 1.2 using the same formula applied on procedure 6.

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Questions and Problems:

1. Describe the type of meter movement used in analog meters.

 The components of the sort of meter movement used in analog meters are indeed a
moving coil and a permanent magnet. The coil is magnetized whenever an induced
current flows across it. The coil turns its plane perpendicular to the line linked in the
poles of the permanent magnet, as well as its core could be moved based on the poles
of the permanent magnet.
2. What device is used to extend the range of a DC ammeter and how is it connected to the
 A shunt resistor with a very low resistance (in milliohms) is connected in parallel with
the ammeter to carry most of the specified current to increase the current rating.

3. What device is used to extend the range of a DC voltmeter and how is it connected to the

 A multiplier resistor is used to increase the range of a DC voltmeter. This has a large
amount of resistance in series with the basic meter, unlike with a shunt resistor. By
dividing the recorded voltage, it amplifies the meter movement's work.
4. Why is it necessary that an ammeter be a low resistance instrument? Why must a voltmeter
be a high resistance instrument?

 An ammeter must have a low resistance in order to allow the required current to pass
through it for measurement purposes while causing the least amount of voltage drop.
The resistance of a perfect ammeter is zero.

5. What type of basic meter is configured as a wattmeter?

 The purpose of a wattmeter is to measure power. It's made by connecting an ammeter

in series with a voltmeter across the circuit.

6. Two 150V voltmeters are being compared; meter A had 5kΩ/V while meter B has a total
meter resistance of 750 kΩ. Which is the more sensitive meter? Why?

 Because both voltmeters have the same meter resistance, they are equally sensitive.
The resistance of the meters is used to calculate sensitivity.

7. What current is required for full scale deflection of a galvanometer having a current
sensitivity of50µA per scale division? The meter has exactly 50 divisions on either side of the
mid‐scale index

 Current sensitivity = 50 μA per scale division

Divisions = 50 Divisions

50 μA/ division x 50 division = 2.5 mA

8. What potential difference appears across the galvanometer described in problem 6 when the

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

pointer is fully deflected? The meter resistance is 10Ω.

Meter Internal Resistance = 10 Ω

Current = 1 𝑉/5𝑘Ω = 0.2 mA or 0.2 x 10-3 A
Potential Difference = (0.2 x 10-3 A)(10 Ω) = 0.002 V = 2.00 mV

9. Determine the series resistance needed to convert a galvanometer to a voltmeter reading

15V on full scale deflection if a current of 2.5mA causes full scale deflection and the resistance
of the coils 10Ω.

Current at full scale deflection = 2.5 mA or 2.5 x 10-3 A

Internal resistance of meter movement = 10 Ω
Potential Difference = 15 V

Series Resistance = 15V / 2.5 x 10^-3 A -10 Ω

= 5990 Ω
10. Determine the shunt resistance needed to convert a galvanometer to an ammeter with a full
scale reading of 10A if the scale requires 2.5mA to cause full deflection with a coil resistance of
Small Current to cause full scale deflection = 2.5mA or 2.5 x 10-3 A
Current at full scale deflection = 10 A
Internal resistance of meter = 10 Ω
Shunt resistance = 2.5x 10^ −3A/ 10 𝐴−2.5 𝑥 10 ^−3A = 2.5 x 10^-3A = 2.5mA

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Preliminary Data Sheet

Experiment 1: Familiarization with electrical measuring instruments

Name:Khenshee Ramos Date:06/07/22


Table 1.1 Measured Data

2 2
Trials VL IL PL Given VL/IL PL/IL VL /PL
1 20 62.5 1250 320 320 0.32 0.32
2 20 55.56 1111.2 360 360 0.35 0.35
3 20 50 1000 400 400 0.4 0.4
4 20 45.45 909 440 440 0.44 0.44
5 20 41.67 833.4 480 480 0.47 0.47
6 20 38.46 769.2 520 520 0.52 0.52
7 20 35.71 714.2 560 560 0.56 0.56
8 20 33.33 666.6 600 600 0.60 0.60
9 20 31.25 625 640 640 0.64 0.64
10 20 29.41 588.2 680 680 0.68 0.68

Figure 1. Screenshot of Trial 5

Figure 2. Picture of myself performing Trial 5

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Figure 3 Screenshot of Trial 10

Figure 4 Picture of myself performing Trial 10

Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE
Mapua University

Interpretation of Results


Electrical Engineering Laboratory Manual

School of EE-ECE-CoE

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