Neuroimaging and The Functional Neuroanatomy of Psychotherapy

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Psychological Medicine, 2005, 35, 1385–1398.

f 2005 Cambridge University Press

doi:10.1017/S0033291705005064 Printed in the United Kingdom


Neuroimaging and the functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy

J O S H U A L. R O F F M A N* , C A R L D. M A R C I , D E B R A M. G L I C K ,
D A R I N D. D O U G H E R T Y A N D S C O T T L. R A U C H
Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Background. Studies measuring the effects of psychotherapy on brain function are under-rep-
resented relative to analogous studies of medications, possibly reflecting historical biases. However,
psychological constructs relevant to several modalities of psychotherapy have demonstrable neuro-
biological correlates, as indicated by functional neuroimaging studies in healthy subjects. This
review examines initial attempts to measure directly the effects of psychotherapy on brain function
in patients with depression or anxiety disorders.
Method. Fourteen published, peer-reviewed functional neuroimaging investigations of psycho-
therapy were identified through a MEDLINE search and critically reviewed. Studies were compared
for consistency of findings both within specific diagnostic categories, and between specific mod-
alities of psychotherapy. Results were also compared to predicted neural models of psychother-
apeutic interventions.
Results. Behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders was consistently associated with attenuation of
brain-imaging abnormalities in regions linked to the pathophysiology of anxiety, and with acti-
vation in regions related to positive reappraisal of anxiogenic stimuli. In studies of major depressive
disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy were associated with markedly
similar changes in cortical–subcortical circuitry, but in unexpected directions. For any given psy-
chiatric disorder, there was only partial overlap between the brain-imaging changes associated with
pharmacotherapy and those associated with psychotherapy.
Conclusions. Despite methodological limitations, initial neuroimaging studies have revealed con-
vergent and mechanistically sensible effects of psychotherapy on brain function across a range of
psychiatric disorders. Further research in this area may take advantage of emerging neuroimaging
techniques to explore a broader range of psychotherapies, with the ultimate goal of improving
clinical decision-making and treatment.

INTRODUCTION more effort towards understanding the neural

mechanisms of medication than of psycho-
Functional neuroimaging studies provide a
therapy (Fig. 1). This disparity has persisted
means to observe and characterize changes in
brain function related to psychiatric interven- despite the similar costs and clinical efficacy of
medication and psychotherapy for common
tions. Since the introduction of this research
psychiatric disorders (Antonuccio et al. 1995 ;
tool, investigators have devoted considerably
Goldman et al. 1998; Satcher, 1999). Historical
bias toward medications as being a clearly
* Address for correspondence: Joshua L. Roffman, M.D., defined ‘biological ’ intervention, compared with
Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114, USA. the more complex psychosocial intervention of
(Email : psychotherapy (Westen et al. 2004), has likely
1386 J. L. Roffman et al.



Number of studies





1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
FIG. 1. Imaging/medication (%) and imaging/psychotherapy (&) studies by year. Method : An Ovid MEDLINE search was com-
pleted using key words related to neuroimaging (e.g. PET, fMRI, SPECT), and medication (e.g. psychotropic) to find studies
including both neuroimaging and medication between the years 1966 and 2003. Based on the abstracts generated from this search,
we selected studies based on four criteria: included studies were published in English between 1990 and 2003, used human subjects,
and investigated psychiatric (e.g. depression) rather than neurological (e.g. Parkinson’s Disease) disorders. A similar search was
conducted using key words related to neuroimaging and psychotherapy (e.g. psychotherapy, intrapersonal therapy, cognitive
behavioral therapy, and psychodynamic therapy).

contributed to this imbalance. However, as first discuss how future research efforts may refine
suggested well before the era of functional neuro- our physiological understanding of how psycho-
imaging, the changes in affect, behavior, and therapy works, and why this knowledge may be
cognition that are mediated by psychotherapies clinically useful.
undoubtedly have biological underpinnings
(Freud, 1895). In recent years, the number of
studies using neuroimaging to explicitly evalu-
ate neural correlates of psychotherapy has
steadily increased. These studies answer the call
for more biologically rigorous approaches to Many potentially unhealthy cognitive and
psychotherapy research (Kandel, 1998). emotional patterns targeted by psychotherapy
In this review, we will address how neuro- appear to have measurable biological analogs
imaging research is beginning to reveal the (Beutel et al. 2003). One salient example in-
relationship between psychotherapy and brain volves repression, or the unconscious ‘forget-
function. We shall first give examples of how ting ’ of threatening ideas or experiences. In a
psychological constructs relevant to psycho- recent investigation by Anderson and associates
therapy, such as extinction, cognitive restruc- (2004), healthy subjects were instructed either to
turing, and repression, have been associated remember or ‘forget ’ target words. In a recall
with discrete brain activity. While long con- task, presentation of ‘forget ’ words was asso-
sidered the ‘building blocks ’ of psychotherapy ciated not only with poor recall of those words,
on a theoretical level, these constructs appear to but also with increased activation of the pre-
have parallel meaning on the level of neuro- frontal cortex (PFC) and decreased hippo-
anatomy. Second, we will evaluate the emerging campal activation. These results replicated a
literature on psychotherapy-related changes in previous study conducted by Bunge and col-
brain activity profiles, drawing some preliminary leagues (2001), who also found that the an-
comparisons among different psychotherapies, terior cingulate gyrus directs attention away
and between psychotherapeutic and psycho- from unwanted memories. Thus, active ‘ for-
pharmacological approaches. Finally, we will getting ’ modulated by the PFC and anterior
The functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy 1387

cingulate may have relevance to the psycho- studies implicates the ventral PFC and amyg-
dynamic concept of repression. dala in this process (Milad et al. in press).
The process of psychotherapy may also Targeted lesions or specific pharmacological
engage dedicated neural circuitries that are par- inhibition of the amygdala interfere with fear
ticularly responsive to a discrete mode of treat- conditioning in rodents (see Maren & Quirk,
ment. We find examples of this in studies related 2004 for a review), while functional neuro-
to psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral imaging studies in humans have consistently
therapy ; such studies have used healthy subjects associated amygdalar activation with con-
to investigate analogs of specific therapy pro- ditioned fear responses (Buchel et al. 1999 ;
cesses. When a psychodynamically oriented Fischer et al. 2000 ; Charney, 2003 ; Cheng et al.
therapist ‘takes a history’, this elicits episodic 2003). Analogous studies in rats (Lebron et al.
memories from the patient in a focused way. 2004) and humans (Gottfried & Dolan, 2004 ;
However, when the same therapist observes the Phelps et al. 2004) suggest that the ventral PFC
patient ‘free associate ’, episodic recall occurs in mediates the retention and recall of extinction
a less organized, more random way. Andreasen for conditioned fear responses by keeping
and co-workers (1995) observed that while the amygdala in check. One might, therefore,
random memories engaged assocation cortex in expect extinction-based behavioral therapies in
frontal, parietal, and temporal regions, focused humans to work either by potentiating ventral
memories selectively activated verbal areas PFC activity or attenuating the amygdala (or
(including Broca’s area and the left frontal both).
operculum). Thus, the less ‘censored ’ process of Collectively, the growing number of studies
free association may engage wider networks related to the psychotherapy process point to a
of association cortex, facilitating exploration of plausible neuronal substrate for psychother-
latent aspects of the patient’s symptomatology apeutic interventions. In this setting, we have
or personality. also seen emerge a critical mass of studies that
In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for directly evaluate the neurobiological effects of
depression, patients are sometimes asked to psychotherapy in patients with mood and anxi-
revisit bad or painful memories and explicitly ety disorders.
re-evaluate their negativity toward the memory.
Using a related paradigm in healthy subjects,
Ochsner and colleagues (2002) observed a re-
lationship among reappraisal of negative stim- THE PROBLEM OF VARIABLE
uli, improvement in mood, and brain activity METHODOLOGY
patterns. Subjects rated their mood before and Before examining the literature on psycho-
after being asked to ‘re-interpret ’ highly nega- therapy and neuroimaging in detail, we must
tive scenes in a more positive light. Reappraisal recognize that heterogeneities across these
was associated with both improved mood and studies often limit our ability to compare them
increased activity in dorsolateral and dorsome- directly (Table 1). There exist many specific
dial PFC, but decreased activity in the amygdala differences in rationale, technique, and efficacy
and orbitofrontal cortex. These findings suggest of the various psychotherapeutic modalities in
a model of cognitive therapy : while limbic and use today. Several of these modalities, includ-
ventral prefrontal structures generate negative ing BT, CBT, and interpersonal therapy (IPT)
affect in response to a certain stimulus, dorsal lend themselves well to controlled experi-
prefrontal circuitry may be engaged through mental design by using manual-based treatment
reappraisal techniques to dampen this outflow in a time-limited setting. However, even among
from more ventral structures (see also Ochsner manualized treatment programs, adherence to
& Feldman Barrett, 2001 ; Scherer et al. 2001). a given framework is often far from absolute
As a final example, we turn to behavioral (Ablon & Jones, 2002). In several of the
therapy (BT). BT for anxiety disorders often reviewed studies, although the therapeutic
relies on desensitization or extinction of learned modality is called one thing (e.g. CBT), the
responses to anxiety-provoking stimuli. Con- description of the psychotherapeutic process
verging evidence from animal and human more closely resembles another (e.g. BT).
Table 1. Studies examining the functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy

Study Therapy type Subjects Comparisons Imaging Post-treatment findings Comments

Baxter et al. BT, 10 weeks 9 patients with 9 patients with OCD, FDG-PET, 1. Decreased metabolism in R caudate in both 1. Multiple co-morbidities
(1992) OCD taking fluoxetine resting groups
2. Uncoupling of cortico-striato-thalamic 2. Unclear if uncoupling
circuit in combined subject pool occurred as effect of BT
Schwartz CBT, 10 weeks 9 patients with None FDG-PET, 1. Decreased metabolism in R caudate 1. Some patients also
et al. (1996) OCD, plus resting 2. Uncoupling of cortico-striato-thalamic received group CBT
earlier cohort circuit
Nakatani BT, varying 31 patients with 31 healthy controls Xe-CT, resting 1. Decreased CBF in R caudate 1. 21 patients also took
et al. (2003) duration treatment- clomipramine
refractory OCD 2. Lack of standardized
3. Poor sensitivity to basal
Furmark Group CBT, 8 6 treatment-naive 6 waitlist patients and 6 PET, while 1. In CBT and citalopram groups, decreased 1. Small numbers in each
et al. (2002) weeks patients with citalopram patients observed reading limbic metabolism group
social phobia script 2. In CBT group, decreased periaqueductal

J. L. Roffman et al.
gray metabolism
3. In citalopram group, decreased thalamic
Paquette et al. Group CBT, four 12 patients with 13 healthy controls fMRI, while 1. Decreased activation in parahippocampal 1. Extent of post-CBT
(2003) 3-hour sessions spider phobia viewing spiders gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex anxiety testing unclear
Goldapple CBT, 15–20 17 patients with Post-hoc comparison to FDG-PET, 1. In CBT group, decreased metabolism in 1. 3 patients dropped out
et al. (2004) sessions MDD 13 patients given resting/avoiding multiple frontal regions, increased in limbic 2. No imaging control
paroxetine ‘ ruminating ’ regions group
2. In paroxetine group, changes in opposite
Martin et al. IPT, 6 weeks 13 patients with 15 patients with MDD SPECT, resting 1. In each group, increased CBF in right basal 1. Semi-random design
(2001) MDD given venlafaxine ganglia 2. Short duration of
2. In IPT group, increased CBF in R posterior treatment
Brody et al. IPT, 12 weeks 14 patients with 10 patients with MDD FDG-PET, 1. In both MDD groups, decreased 1. Non-randomized with
(2001a) MDD given paroxetine and resting metabolism in prefrontal cortex, increased in baseline differences
16 healthy controls inferior temporal cortex and insula between groups
Brody et al. IPT, 12 weeks 14 patients with 25 patients with MDD FDG-PET, 1. Correlation of symptom cluster 1. Paroxetine and IPT
(2001b) MDD given paroxetine resting improvement with reduced frontal lobe groups apparently
metabolism combined
2. Positive correlation for cognitive symptoms 2. No correction for
multiple comparisons
Penades et al. Group ‘ neuro- 8 patients with None SPECT, during 1. Weakly increased CBF in frontal lobe, 1. No control intervention
(2002) psychological schizophrenia, Tower of correlated with improvement in test score
rehab, ’ 12 weeks on olanzapine London task 2. Non-specific imaging measure
The functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy 1389

MDD, major depressive disorder ; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder ; FDG-PET, 18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ; Xe-CT, xenon-enhanced computed tomography ;
BT, Behavioral therapy ; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy ; IPT, interpersonal therapy ; EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing ; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder ;

CBF, cerebral blood flow ; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging ; SPECT, 99mtechnetium hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime single photon emission computed tomography ; R, right;
Methodological inconsistencies created by the

1. Single case, no follow-up

1. Group assignment based

imaging with neuropsych
2. No attempt to correlate

2. Multiple co-morbidities
1. Small numbers in each

use of single versus multiple therapists, differing

on patient preference
1. No specific regional

numbers of sessions, and varying milieus (e.g.

individual versus group therapy) should also be
considered when comparing studies.


The neuroimaging modalities that have been


employed in psychotherapy research also vary.

These techniques provide indices of brain activity
by measuring glucose metabolism or cerebral
1. In cognitive therapy group, increased CBF

2. Fluoxetine patients exhibited a negative blood flow (CBF). Although the relationship
1. Global increases in CBF most apparent

1. For BT patients, L orbitofrontal cortex

during treatment phase in 3 of 5 patients
in R inferior frontal cortex and bilateral

1. Increased CBF in anterior cingulate, L

between glucose metabolism or CBF and

metabolism positively correlated with

neuronal activity remains controversial (Giove

et al. 2003), it is commonplace to use the term
‘brain activity ’ essentially interchangeably with
‘metabolic activity ’ or ‘ hemodynamic activity’.
Among the studies reviewed below, the prin-
treatment response

cipal imaging techniques applied include func-

occipital cortex

tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),

frontal lobe


fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tom-
ography (FDG-PET), and 99mtechnetium hexa-
methylpropyleneamineoxime single photon emis-
sion computed tomography (99mTc-HMPAO
SPECT). These imaging modalities differ with
working memory

baseline only)

respect to mechanism, image resolution, and

and vigilance

SPECT, while
fMRI, during


being read

resting (at

patient-related limitations (see Dougherty et al.




2004 for a detailed review). Moreover, there are


several methods for examining regional brain

activity, including voxel-based techniques (such
as SPM) and region-of-interest (ROI)-based
occupational therapy,
schizophrenia given

approaches. ROI-based methods enable fewer

9 patients with OCD
6 healthy controls

multiple comparisons and respect anatomical

given fluoxetine
6 patients with

boundaries. Alternatively, voxelwise methods

can be more data driven (and hence less biased),
and may ultimately provide a better measure


of functional connectivity (Dougherty et al.

Several additional design considerations
traumatic brain

18 patients with

6 patients with

5 patients with

1 patient with

should be taken into account when comparing

these investigations. In most imaging studies


of treatment effects, subjects are scanned before


and after a trial of psychotherapy (or a com-

parison intervention), and in some cases, acti-
EMDR, 3 sessions

vation differences over time are compared

‘ Cognitive rehab
therapy, ’ 6–36

BT, 8–12 weeks

with a group of healthy or waitlist control sub-

therapy, ’ 12
‘ Cognitive

jects. Some functional neuroimaging studies


examine brain activity while the subject is rest-

ing in the scanner, others while the subject is
engaged in a cognitive or affective task related
Laatsch et al.

to the psychiatric condition (e.g. exposure to an

Wykes et al.

Brody et al.
Levin et al.

anxiety-provoking stimulus). Recognizing these





L, left.

design concerns, we now turn to the studies

1390 J. L. Roffman et al.

BEHAVIORAL THERAPY AND exhibited active psychiatric co-morbidities [al-

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER though two subjects had a prior history of major
(OCD) depressive disorder (MDD).] Furthermore, all
patients were off psychotropic medications
The first neuroimaging studies of psycho- for at least 2 weeks. Consistent with the earlier
therapy, conducted by Baxter and colleagues study, response to BT was associated with re-
(Baxter et al. 1992 ; Schwartz et al. 1996), in- duction of metabolic activity in the caudate
cluded patients receiving BT for OCD. At the nucleus, especially on the right side. Among
time these studies were published, a prevailing patients who responded to treatment, the initial
neurocircuitry model of OCD was better estab- cortico-striato-thalamic correlation described
lished than for other psychiatric conditions, earlier again disappeared with treatment.
thus making it an attractive focus for brain- However, in this case uncoupling was demon-
imaging studies. OCD involves abnormally strated specifically in patients who responded to
regulated cortico-striato-thalamic circuitry ; psychotherapy.
provocation of OCD symptoms has been asso- Analogous findings were recently reported in
ciated with increases in CBF in the orbitofrontal a larger study (n=62) by Nakatani and associ-
cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, striatum, and ates (2003). Using xenon-enhanced computed
thalamus (McGuire et al. 1994; Rauch et al. tomography (Xe-CT), the investigators noted
1994). a significant reduction in the right caudate
Baxter and associates (1992) used PET to in- following BT for OCD. However, several
vestigate resting cerebral glucose metabolism in methodological limitations may have influenced
patients with OCD. Patients received 10 weeks this result, including concomitant use of clomi-
of either fluoxetine (n=9) or BT (n=9), the lat- pramine in 21 subjects, lack of standardized
ter focused on exposure and response preven- treatment, high drop-out rate, and relative
tion. Comparisons between these groups, as well insensitivity of Xe-CT to CBF changes in the
as with a control group, were made at baseline basal ganglia.
and after the course of treatment. Among both
groups of OCD patients, the investigators found
a reduction in glucose metabolism in the right COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY
caudate nucleus following treatment ; moreover, AND PHOBIAS
patients who responded more completely to Two recent neuroimaging studies examined
treatment exhibited a more profound reduction CBT in phobic patients, combining exposure-
than non-responders. Further, among patients based treatment (akin to BT) with cognitive
who responded favorably to treatment, Baxter strategies. The cognitive components focused on
and associates observed an uncoupling of changing negative misattributions related to
hyperactivity in the right caudate, orbitofrontal fear-inducing stimuli. Of particular interest was
cortex, and thalamus. However, because medi- the effect of treatment on activity in the amyg-
cation and psychotherapy treatment groups dala and other limbic structures. Recall that
were combined, it remained unclear whether this while the amygdala is believed to play a central
uncoupling occurred specifically in patients who role in the fear response, ‘top-down ’ modu-
received only BT. Psychiatric co-morbidities in lation by the ventral PFC has been postulated to
many OCD subjects posed a second prominent mediate the process of long-term extinction
limitation. Despite these concerns, the results (Milad et al. in press).
were intriguing in that they not only showed a Furmark and colleagues (2002) used PET to
significant change in brain function following examine group CBT versus citalopram for
psychotherapy treatment, but also that the treatment of social phobia. Unlike previous in-
change occurred in the region consistent with vestigations where patients were imaged while
the known pathophysiology of OCD. simply resting in the scanner, here subjects were
In a follow-up FDG-PET study, Schwartz asked to read a speech about a personal experi-
and colleagues (1996) examined a second cohort ence in front of an audience of 6–8 nearby ob-
of nine patients with OCD. Unlike their servers. Subjects were also observed at a close
previous study (1992), none of the subjects distance by a video camera. Prior to treatment,
The functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy 1391

subjects exhibited prominent activation in lim- changes might reflect the restructuring of con-
bic structures, including the amygdala, hippo- scious cognitive defenses; with the completion
campus, and adjacent temporal cortex. Patients of successful psychotherapy, less demand was
in the CBT arm received eight weekly group placed on the dorsolateral PFC to plan a reac-
therapy sessions that specifically targeted anxi- tion to the perceived threat. This notion is con-
ety associated with public speaking. In contrast sistent with Ochsner et al.’s recent (2004) ob-
to waitlist control subjects who did not change servation that the dorsal PFC may play a role
over time, patients in both treatment arms in up-regulating negative affect and limbic out-
demonstrated a significant reduction of activity flow under conditions where an aversive stimu-
in these limbic and paralimbic regions. Of note, lus must assume personal salience. Following
while no change in activity was observed in therapy, a shift of activity to the ventral PFC
ventral PFC in the CBT group, patients receiv- could prompt down-regulation of limbic ac-
ing citalopram exhibited activity reductions in tivity, and consequently dampen the fear reac-
this region after treatment. Additional differ- tion. This pattern is again consistent with the
ences were also evident between treatment findings of Ochsner et al. (2004), who correlated
groups. Patients receiving cognitive therapy right ventral PFC activity with down-regulation
showed decreased CBF in the periaqueductal of negative affect and limbic outflow when sub-
gray area, which has been associated with de- jects were asked to de-emphasize personal con-
fense behaviors (Behbehani, 1995). Subjects nections to aversive stimuli.
taking citalopram exhibited thalamic reductions Taken together, these studies are consistent
in CBF, potentially reflecting reductions in sen- with the model of BT-related desensitization to
sory input to the amygdala (Charney & Deutch, aversive stimuli described earlier in our review.
1996). These results imply that CBT and citalo- Modulation of limbic activation following fear
pram therapy for social phobia might dampen provocation may involve either reductions of
limbic response by different mechanisms, even if CBF in limbic and adjoining paralimbic regions,
the ventral prefrontal components of these me- or enhancement of CBF in ventral PFC, or
chanisms remain unclear. It should be noted, perhaps both (as suggested by Paquette et al.
however, that this study included subjects with 2003). The contributions of the cognitive parts
slightly varying diagnoses (e.g. specific and of CBT to hemodynamic changes in these
generalized social phobias). studies remain unclear – however, it should be
Another provocation study by Paquette and noted that in both cases, the description of the
colleagues (2003) related similar findings, in this therapy process clearly points more towards
case by exposing non-medicated, spider-phobic behavioral approaches (e.g. extinction-based
patients to pictures of spiders during fMRI processes).
scans. Compared to non-phobic control sub-
jects, patients initially exhibited significant acti-
vation in the parahippocampal gyrus and right COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY
dorsolateral PFC#. After successful group CBT AND DEPRESSION
sessions using exposure therapy, patients dem- MDD has often been associated with alterations
onstrated significantly less activation in both the in prefrontal brain activity in untreated patients
parahippocampal gyrus and right dorsolateral (Drevets, 1998), with dorsal areas (including the
PFC, and increased activation in the right ven- dorsolateral PFC) exhibiting decreased activity,
tral PFC. Paquette and associates linked the and ventral frontal regions demonstrating in-
abatement of the parahippocampal gyrus re- creased activity (Dougherty & Rauch, 1997,
sponse to a dampening of contextual memory Mayberg, 1997; Drevets, 2000 ; Rauch, 2003). A
(believed to be mediated by this structure). They single functional neuroimaging study of CBT in
further suggested that the dorsolateral PFC medication-free, depressed patients has been
reported by Goldapple and colleagues (2004).
# It is worth noting that the lack of activation of the amygdala, Neuroimaging was conducted with FDG-PET
while surprising, has been replicated in several other studies of spider before and after the psychotherapy trial, with
phobia (Fredrikson et al. 1995 ; Rauch et al. 1995 ; Johanson et al.
1998), possibly reflecting the interaction of specific phobias and spe- patients being instructed to ‘avoid ruminating
cific patterns of limbic hyperactivity. on any one topic ’ during scanning. A post-hoc
1392 J. L. Roffman et al.

comparison was made to a second group of pa- (2002), who posit that ventral frontal and limbic
tients who had been given paroxetine. hyperactivity exacerbate negative affect. To
Surprisingly, in the CBT group, metabolism in reconcile these differences, we invoke the notion
multiple frontal regions including the dorso- that brain activation represents an interaction
lateral PFC decreased after therapy. Given the between treatment protocol and underlying
association of depression with reduced dorso- brain state (Seminowicz et al. 2004). In this case,
lateral PFC activity at baseline, and the model while both investigations involved cognitive re-
of CBT elaborated earlier in this review, this structuring, Goldapple et al. examined patients
finding is somewhat counterintuitive. The with depression, and Ochsner et al. looked at
authors related the reduction in prefrontal healthy controls. Bearing this same interaction
metabolism to treatment-related diminution of in mind, we may consider whether psy-
‘ active rethinking and reappraisal of emotional chotherapies other than CBT induce similar
ideas ’. This interpretation is somewhat akin to changes in brain activity among patients with
that offered by Paquette and colleagues (2003) depression.
for reduced dorsal prefrontal demand in suc-
cessfully treated spider phobia. At the same
time, however, it contradicts the notion that IPT AND DEPRESSION
CBT enhances patients’ abilities to reappraise IPT, like CBT, is a manualized, time-limited
affect-generating stimuli (e.g. Ochsner et al. therapy that lends itself well to controlled trials.
2002). Notably, among patients who received However, in contrast to CBT, IPT emphasizes
paroxetine in the Goldapple investigation, PFC improving interpersonal relationships, often
metabolism increased with medication therapy, drawing directly on the relationship between
even though efficacy was comparable to CBT, patients and their therapists. Several recent stud-
again implying that medication and CBT may ies have examined changes in CBF associated
work through different mechanisms. with the treatment of depression with IPT. In
In addition to changes in the PFC, Gold- each case, neuroimaging comparisons were
apple and associates also described changes in made to a second group of depressed patients
limbic and paralimbic activity after treatment. receiving pharmacotherapy.
However, once again a differential pattern In a 6-week study of 28 patients with MDD,
emerged for subjects receiving CBT and parox- Martin and associates (2001) compared the ef-
etine. Subjects in the CBT group exhibited fects of IPT and venlafaxine (37.5 mg daily) on
significant increases in activity in the hippo- regional CBF using 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT.
campus, parahippocampal gyrus, and dorsal Subjects had been drug-naive or drug-free for
cingulate gyrus. In the paroxetine group, sub- the 6 months preceding the study. After baseline
jects exhibited less activity in hippocampal and scans, subjects in the IPT group received 6
parahippocampal regions, as well as decreased weeks of psychotherapy by the same therapist,
activity in the posterior cingulate and ventral while those in the venlafaxine group were seen
subgenual cingulate. Based on these results, and for 15 minutes every 2 weeks. Both groups im-
on known functional and anatomic relation- proved clinically, and in both groups Martin
ships between implicated brain regions (Friston, and co-workers observed an increase in blood
1994 ; Horwitz et al. 1999), Goldapple and flow in the right basal ganglia. However, sub-
colleagues proposed a modality-specific model jects in the IPT group also exhibited an increase
of treatment response in depression. Anti- in right posterior cingulate activity. Consistent
depressant medications appear to have exerted with Goldapple and colleagues (2004), Martin
‘ bottom-up ’ effects by disengaging ventral et al. underscored the importance of limbic and
frontal and limbic regions. In contrast, CBT ef- paralimbic recruitment in psychotherapy-medi-
fected ‘top-down ’ changes by reducing cortical ated changes ; however, it should be noted that
processing in favor of ventral and limbic regions Martin and colleagues described changes only in
mediating attention to personally relevant one specific paralimbic region.
emotional and environmental stimuli. Again, Bearing this single finding in mind, it is im-
this result (and interpretation) oppose the emo- portant to note several methodological limita-
tion regulation model of Ochsner and colleagues tions of this study. Martin and colleagues
The functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy 1393

employed a semi-randomized design, in which changes in dorsolateral PFC metabolism. This

subjects with a strong preference for IPT or finding is especially germane in light of the
venlafaxine could choose that treatment ; four negative correlation between activity in the
subjects pre-selected venlafaxine, while one dorsolateral PFC and improvement on global
chose IPT. Of note, striatal perfusion appeared depression scores after CBT. This distinction
greater at baseline among subjects in the IPT suggests that while CBT may specifically dam-
group, potentially reflecting this design limi- pen ‘over-thinking ’ and rumination aspects of
tation. Additional problems included a lack of dorsolateral PFC function in depression, IPT
comparison to healthy control subjects, failure potentially improves general cognitive abilities
to exclude co-morbid anxiety disorders, and the mediated by this region. Again these findings
relatively poor resolution of subcortical struc- must be interpreted cautiously pending repli-
tures by SPECT. Finally, it is important to note cation, and in consideration of design limita-
that patients in the venlafaxine group demon- tions : no effort was made to separate patients
strated a more robust response to treatment. It receiving IPT or paroxetine for correlations
may be argued, though that both treatments with hemodynamic changes, and no correction
were sub-optimal, given the relatively low dose for multiple comparisons was implemented de-
of venlafaxine and the brief duration of IPT. spite a total of six symptom clusters being as-
A longer, 12-week study of similar design was sessed in each of 12 ROIs.
conducted by Brody and co-workers (2001a),
who used PET to examine 24 patients who re-
ceived IPT or paroxetine. While this study in- WHERE DO WE STAND ? THEMES AND
cluded a control group of healthy subjects, all LIMITATIONS
patients were allowed to self-select into the drug Several themes emerge when considering these
or therapy groups. Of note, subjects in the par- studies in aggregate. First, psychotherapy-re-
oxetine cohort were less ill at baseline, and lated changes in brain activation appear strik-
exhibited greater improvement over time than ingly similar within patients who share the same
those in the IPT group. However, these design psychiatric diagnosis. For example, despite their
limitations aside, Brody et al. found a decrease methodological limitations and heterogeneities
in dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortical metab- (e.g. patients receiving concomitant pharma-
olism with IPT treatment directly analogous to cotherapy or multiple types of psychothera-
that described by Goldapple et al. (2004). In peutic interventions), each of the reports
addition, the authors described an increase in examining psychotherapeutic interventions for
metabolism in limbic and paralimbic regions OCD yielded comparable results. In each case,
(in this case, the right insula and left inferior BT resulted in decreased metabolism in the
temporal lobe) in both treatment groups com- caudate nucleus, a finding consistent with the
pared to controls. Unlike Goldapple, though, well-established pathophysiology of the dis-
Brody and associates reported a decrease in order (Saxena et al. 1998). Moreover, both
PFC activation with paroxetine. fluoxetine and psychotherapy for OCD appear
In a follow-up study using a larger cohort of to uncouple dysfunctional cortico-striato-
39 patients receiving either paroxetine or IPT thalamic circuitry. In two studies examining
for MDD, Brody and colleagues (2001b) at- patients with phobias, a reduction in limbic or
tempted to correlate treatment-related changes paralimbic activity was observed following
in brain activity with improvement in specific treatment, again consistent with the hypothe-
mood symptom clusters. In all subjects, reduc- sized pathophysiology. Among studies of de-
tions of ventral and dorsal frontal lobe metab- pression, following successful psychotherapy
olism were associated with improvements in the with CBT or IPT, patients surprisingly – but
anxiety/somatization and psychomotor retar- consistently – exhibited decreased activity in
dation symptom clusters of the Hamilton dorsal frontal regions and increased activity in
Depression Rating Scale, and in the tension/ ventral frontal and subcortical regions (notably
anxiety and fatigue clusters of the Profile of including limbic and paralimbic structures).
Mood States. Interestingly, improvement in It is particularly intriguing that in MDD,
cognitive disturbance positively correlated with both CBT and IPT have been associated with a
1394 J. L. Roffman et al.

similar pattern of CBF alterations. Given the psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy achieved
different theoretical approaches of these two similar efficacy, they were associated with over-
treatments, how might we account for this lapping – but not identical – changes in brain-
common pattern? As suggested above, when imaging profiles. Moreover, patients who re-
considering the interacting effects of psychiatric ceived pharmacotherapy exhibited less reliable
condition and therapeutic approach on brain patterns of brain activation than those who were
activity, perhaps underlying pathophysiology treated with psychotherapy, even when the same
is the predominant factor. Another possibility, medication (paroxetine) was used in different
as suggested by Caspar (2003), is that while studies (Brody et al. 2001a ; Goldapple et al.
neuroimaging technologies allow us to visualize 2004). This discrepancy has also been observed
a ‘final common pathway ’ of sorts, the more among studies examining exclusively psycho-
relevant changes in brain physiology attribu- pharmacological interventions (e.g. Brody et al.
table to psychotherapy may involve more 1999 ; Kennedy et al. 2001). Seminowicz and
microscopic phenomena. It is conceivable, al- colleagues (2004) have attempted to explain
though presently difficult to confirm, that CBT these differential effects through a path-model-
and IPT exert differing effects on cellular or even ing meta-analysis of studies involving medi-
molecular levels. A third possible explanation is cation and CBT to treat depression. Their
suggested by the work of Ablon & Jones (2002). analysis, which includes subjects from the
Studying patients with MDD, these authors Goldapple et al. (2004) study, assumes that
used a standardized measure (the Psychotherapy treatment response is dependent not just on
Q-sort) to compare psychotherapy process specific interventions but rather on the interac-
variables in transcripts of CBT versus IPT ses- tion of pre-treatment brain state, brain respon-
sions. These process variables were related to siveness, and treatment choice. They suggest
the contributions of the patient, therapist, and that among responders to CBT, fronto-frontal
the patient–therapist interaction. Ablon & Jones processing abnormalities appear to predomi-
observed that successful IPT and CBT sessions nate, while those who ultimately respond to
both conformed strongly to the same set of medications exhibit altered fronto-limbic dys-
process variables, implying that despite thera- regulation. However, the predictive validity of
pists’ differing theoretical orientations, the work this model has yet to be tested prospectively.
of therapy remained quite similar. It is tempting The use of such general descriptors ‘limbic ’ and
to speculate that the similarity of CBF changes ‘frontal ’ should also be viewed with caution,
seen after IPT and CBT reflects a neural corre- given the considerable structural and functional
late of this phenomenon. heterogeneity of these regions.
Regardless of what mechanism might best A third theme is that each study used two
explain the observed similarities of CBT and rounds of neuroimaging – one before treatment,
IPT for depression, these findings point to the and the other afterward – and the majority in-
need for adherence measures when attempting volved patients resting passively during scans. A
to ascribe treatment effects to any particular potential confound of this approach is that
psychotherapeutic approach. This notion be- while changes in brain activation over time may
comes critical when attempting to match specific reflect correlates of symptom improvement,
psychotherapeutic interventions with specific they do not necessarily imply a mechanism of
changes in brain activation profiles. For ex- treatment action, on either neuroanatomical or
ample, in both studies of CBT for phobic dis- cellular/molecular levels. This is problematic
orders (Furmark et al. 2002 ; Paquette et al. even among those studies where subjects were
2003), it appeared that behavioral interventions actively participating in cognitive or behavioral
predominated over cognitive ones – thus, it is tasks related to their underlying disorder. For
not surprising that the CBF correlates of symp- example, in the Furmark et al. (2002) study, the
tom improvement so closely matched those lack of ventral PFC activation following the
predicted by animal and healthy human analog completed course of treatment was surprising
models of behavioral therapy. given its proposed role in modulating limbic
A second recurring theme of this review, outflow ; however, it is possible that such in-
especially among studies of MDD, is that while creased activity occurred during the treatment,
The functional neuroanatomy of psychotherapy 1395

and was missed because the second scan oc- neuroimaging to predict treatment outcome.
curred after the completion of therapy. (Of note, This work is akin to recent studies that have
neuroimaging studies involving drug interven- used electroencephalography (EEG) within 48 h
tions suffer from a similar limitation, since it is of starting treatment to predict whether patients
difficult to differentiate brain activity changes will ultimately respond to antidepressants (e.g.
that occur while an individual is actively taking Cook et al. 2002). Brody and associates (1998)
a medication from those that occur as a conse- reported differential responses to behavioral
quence of taking the medication.) Thus, while therapy and fluoxetine for OCD based on pre-
this review strongly suggests that significant, treatment PET scans. Among patients who re-
and in many cases, unique changes in the brain ceived BT, Brody observed a positive corre-
are associated with psychotherapy, little can be lation between treatment response and baseline
concluded about the precise neurobiology and metabolism in the left orbitofrontal cortex ;
mechanisms involved in these changes. however, the inverse pattern was seen among
patients in the fluoxetine group. This finding in-
volves a region implicated not only in the patho-
physiology of OCD (McGuire et al. 1994 ;
Rauch et al. 1994), but also in desensitization of
A logical next step in addressing the problem of anxiety-provoking stimuli as described earlier
mechanism would involve, at the least, ad- (Gottfried & Dolan, 2004 ; Phelps et al. 2004).
ditional functional scans interpolated during Brody and colleagues thus propose that patients
the course of therapy, and at best, real-time imag- with increased orbitofrontal cortex activity at
ing during psychotherapy sessions themselves. baseline may be predisposed to benefit from ex-
Technical and logistical limitations of fMRI, tinction-based therapy for OCD. However, as
PET, and SPECT preclude the naturalistic use patients in the Brody et al. study were allowed to
of these imaging tools in this manner. However, select their own treatment group, this interpret-
novel neuroimaging technologies hold some ation must be viewed with caution. While ad-
promise for these applications. One such tool, ditional prospective studies in this area are
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), permits needed, the ability to construct individualized
measurement of cortical CBF less invasively treatment plans using biological markers (such
than fMRI, and is both more portable and less as neuroimaging) could ultimately allow pa-
expensive. Safe and practical for repeated meas- tients and clinicians to move away from the
ures, NIRS has been employed to measure current ‘trial-and-error ’ approach, minimizing
CBF in patients with a variety of neuro- frustration as well as lost time and expense.
psychiatric conditions (for a review see Strang- Thus far neuroimaging studies of psycho-
man et al. 2002) and in research involving basic therapy have focused on manual-driven, time-
auditory and cognitive processing (Sato et al. limited treatments. However, much is to be
1999). A second optical technique currently in gained by subjecting other commonly used
development, two-photon microscopy, can po- therapeutic techniques to investigation with
tentially image deeper brain activity in vivo even functional neuroimaging methods. For ex-
on the cellular level (Miller, 2003) ; it has been ample, a single case report illustrates the nor-
suggested that in the future this technique may malization of serotonin receptor binding, as
find its way into psychotherapy research as determined by SPECT, in a patient with bor-
well (Zabarenko, 2004). Just as psychophysio- derline personality disorder following 1 year of
logical recording methods have been used to psychodynamic psychotherapy (Viinamaki et al.
permit simultaneous measurements from both 1998). Still, at present there are no published
patient and therapist (e.g. Marci et al. 2004), the reports of brain activation changes associated
use of next-generation, non-invasive optical with either psychodynamic psychotherapy or
techniques could also permit simultaneous dialectical behavioral therapy, two empirically
measurements in clinical settings, providing a supported treatments widely in use. Another
powerful assay of patient–therapist interactions. case report describes increased CBF in the an-
On the more immediate horizon, investi- terior cingulate gyrus and frontal lobe following
gators have already begun to use functional eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
1396 J. L. Roffman et al.

(EMDR), a novel (although not yet empirically Seminar at MGH for their contributions to this
validated) treatment for post-traumatic stress manuscript.
disorder (Levin et al. 1999). Several studies have
demonstrated increased frontal lobe metabolism DECLARATION OF INTEREST
following cognitive rehabilitation therapies for
schizophrenia (Penades et al. 2002; Wykes et al. None.
2002) and traumatic brain injury (Laatsch et al.
1999 ; Strangman et al. in press). Finally, with a REFERENCES
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