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ROLL NO 2214101436



Cash account  .Dr. 80000

To Capital a/c  80000

Bank account  Dr. 40000

To cash account  40000

Purchase account .Dr. 5000

To cash account  5000

Purchase account . Dr. 10000

To Lipton & Co. account  10000

Cash account Dr. 11000

To Joy account  11000

Salary account Dr. 5000

To cash account  5000

Lipton & Co. account Dr. 10000

To bank account  10000

Furniture account  Dr. 4000

To cash account  4000

Electricity charges account Dr. 1000

To cash account 1000

Insurance premium account Dr. 300

To bank account 300


Following categories prices apply to that function. How we categories things is significantly
influenced by the value chain of a company. As a result of classification, there can be unique
connected increased costs. I believe that such a classification should always be preceded by a
review of the business plan of the corporation. Then, we should develop a classification that is
appropriate for that organization one that supports managerial choices, organizational control etc.

Classification of price primarily based totally on function/ activity

1. Coat of production:
2. Cost of administration
3- The selling price
4- Cost of distribution
5. R&D cost.
Production or Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing Accounting deals with cost of manufacturing with a view to monitor and control
production cost. There is no profit and loss calculation. The focus is on cost drivers (top few
items that are responsible for about 80% of manufacturing cost) and the manufacturing cost is
generally expressed as Rs/ per ton or liter etc. Manufacturing cost also sometimes includes the
logistics cost but costs related to sales and marketing are not included in this accounting

This accounting helps the factory head to control day to day operational costs
Administration Costs
Administrative expenses are costs incurred by a corporation or organisation that include,
but are not limited to, administrative staff' salary and benefits, as well as rent and
management remuneration. General and administrative expenses are distinct from sales
and marketing and research costs.

Marketing or Selling Costs

The S stands for selling expenditures, which comprise the costs of promoting, selling, and
delivering products and services. Selling expenditures include sales material, travel to customers
or potential customers, advertising costs, and sales person wages and commissions.
Distribution Costs
Distribution the expenditures incurred by a corporation to make its goods or services available to
end-users or resellers are referred to as distribution expenses. It is a wide accounting phrase that
refers to a variety of charges.
Research and Development Costs

When I was working at HP Labs, at the Labs we were doing mostly research, say a new RISC
architecture, new graphics algorithms, high-speed A/D or D/A converters, etc. In many cases it
would be very impractical to integrate any of these into a product (too complex, too much
memory or processing required, too expensive, no market demand, etc.), but we had also many
projects that were ready to be "transferred." At that point, R&D engineers from the HP divisions
would take our code, designs etc. and try to integrate them into an existing product. That's


Its helps manager to understand all the profit and loss of company to analysis the data

Audience Targeting

Customers want unique attention from marketers. Every company must develop a consumer
persona with all the necessary traits, such as: Because they serve as an anchor for the business.

 Age and gender

 Place
 Income level is all factors.
 Academic background
 way of life
 Moral principles

However, there is still work to be done even after defining the average consumer.

Buy or Make Evaluations

Make sure the choice fulfills the needs of your organization because product production is
sometimes the most expensive area of the firm. Making your own items or purchasing them from
a third party provider is the two basic options. Accountants ought to cut the knot in these
situations and advise you.

Define Budgets

Instead, budget-related decisions must be based on your marketing database and sales history.

Controlling is among the most significant features of management accounting. In other words, it
assesses the output of every business unit and derives conclusions based on financial
performance. You can then comprehend the causes of both the gain and the loss. Produced by
their divisions. The ability of management accounting to recognize financial trends and foresee
future developments is its final advantage. As a result, you are better able to stay current with
industry trends, respond quickly, and put strategies into action that will give you an advantage
over your rivals. Using management accounting's planning capabilities; you may also develop
long-term corporate policies. Last but not least, non-financial measures are frequently used to
represent internal accounting information.


 Every investor should know the accounting because they have to know that how to make
profit. The government relies on accounting data to determine whether or not society is
 The government needs financial information, primarily, to control its citizens within the
government's jurisdiction.

The government, or more properly the self-interested people whose wealth comes from
administering governmental decrees, is primarily interested in control so as to derive revenue via
taxation in order to perpetuate it and those that live off of it.

In the process they use all sorts of high-minded phrases about the general welfare but that is the
shortened end of it.

They might, for instance, say that they need this information or that information in order to more
properly plan some particular, be it the money supply or the healthcare system or whatever hopes
and dreams they've instilled into the population in order to control them.

The assumption being, that they the government or the central planners are better positioned,
more adroit and simply more intelligent than the citizenry which they control? Their assumption
is that the citizenry does not know what it's doing when they make each of their plans.

Date Receipts LF Amount Date Payments L.F Amount
Discoun Cash . Discoun Cash
t t
2017 2017

Jan 1 To Balance b/d 11500. Jan 5 By 10 300.0

0 Ramanathan
10.0 Rajagopal 20.0 account
account 980.0
8.0 By Purchases 400.0
15.0 account
Sales account 21.0 5.0 295.0
400.0 By Shanthi
25.0 account 50.0
31.0 By Wages,s 390.0
31.0 11445
Feb 1 20.0 12880. By Sanjeev 25.0 12880.
To Balance b/d 0 account 0
0 By Balance

Note: Discount column is not to be balanced.


In The Book of Rajeev

Trial Balance as on 31st March 2017

Sr. No. Name of account L.F Debit Balances Credit Balances

1. Cash in hand 5500.0

2. Discount 300.0
3. 15000.0
4. 50000.0
5. 6000.0
Opening Stock
6. 5000.0
Direct expenses
7. 3500.0
8. 45000.0

9. Capital 49700.0
10. Purchases


119700.0 119700.0

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