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Interior convection in a pipe

E1.- Laminar convection in a tube with air Air

E2.- Turbulent convection in a tube with air Air

E3.- Laminar convection in a tube with saturated water. Water

E4.- Turbulent convection in a tube with saturated water. Water

E5.- Turbulent convection in a tube with saturated steam, Saturated steam

Expl. Modules 1 & 3

Example of laminar convection in a tube with oil. pdf in sheet Expl. 4.1
In page 5, adapted for air (Laminar flow application for Module 1)
In page 8, adapted for water (Laminar flow application for Module 3)

Surface temperature as input data in laminar flow and turbulent flow [1], page 270.
In contrast to laminar flow, the effect of wall boundary conditions (e.g., whether or not the wall is at uniform temp
heat flux is uniform along the tube) is unimportant for turbulent flow of all fluidsexcept low-Prandtl-number liquid
Rev. cjc. 22.04.2017

Laminar flow

Turbulent flow

Laminar flow

Turbulent flow

Saturated steam Turbulent flow

the wall is at uniform temperature or the

low-Prandtl-number liquid metals.
C1.- Laminar convection in a tube with air

Nu = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3) - 1))

Eq. (4.45), [1], page 270. For 3,000 < Re < 1E6. Turbulent (Re >= 10,000)

C1.a Array Laminar_Average_Convection_Array_Air_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(Mat, D

C1.b Nusselt Laminar_Average_Convection_Nusselt_Air_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(Mat,
C1.c Coeficient Laminar_Average_Convection_Coefficient_Air_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(M

11 Array 12 Nusselt 13
Mat = CS Mat = CS Mat =
Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in Dn =
schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN =
Lm = 10 m³/h Lm = 10 m³/h Lm =
twall= 20 ºC twall= 20 ºC twall=
tin = 80 ºC tin = 80 ºC tin =
m= 0.003 kg/s m= 0.003 kg/s m=

Nu = #VALUE! - Nu = #VALUE! - hi =
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
Re = #VALUE! -
tout = #VALUE! ºC

C2.- Turbulent convection in a tube with air

Nu = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3) - 1))

Eq. (4.45), [1], page 270. For 3,000 < Re < 1E6. Turbulent (Re >= 10,000)

C2.a Array Turbulent_Convection_Array_Air_Inside_Tube_material_dn_SchOrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs(Mat,

C2.b Nusselt Turbulent_Convection_Nusselt_Air_Inside_Tube_material_dn_SchOrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs(Ma
C2.c Coeficient Turbulent_Convection_Coefficient_Air_Inside_Tube_material_dn_SchOrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs

21 Array 22 Nusselt 23
Mat = CS Mat = CS Mat =
Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in Dn =
schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN =
tair = 20 ºC tair = 20 ºC tair =
Pair 80 bar Pair 80 bar Pair
mkgs = 0.03 kg/s mkgs = 0.03 kg/s mkgs =
Nu = #VALUE! - Nu = #VALUE! - hi =
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
Re = #VALUE! -

C3.- Laminar convection in a tube with saturated water.

Nu0 = 3.66 + (0.065 * GZ) / (1 + 0.04 * GZ ^ (2 / 3))

Eq. (4.50), [1], page 272. For Re <= 2300

C3.a Array Laminar_Average_Convection_Array_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(M

C3.b Nusselt Laminar_Average_Convection_Nusselt_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(M
C3.c Coefficient Laminar_Average_Convection_Coefficient_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3
C3.d Array2 Laminar_Average_Convection_Array2_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve

31 Array 32 Nusselt 33 Coefficient

Mat = CS Mat = CS Mat = CS
Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in
sch = 40 - sch = 40 - sch = 40 -
Lpipe = 10 m Lpipe = 10 m Lpipe = 10 m
tWaterIn = 20 ºC tWaterIn = 20 ºC tWaterIn = 20 ºC
tWall = 80 ºC tWall = 80 ºC tWall = 80 ºC
PwaterAve = 120 kPa PwaterAve = 120 kPa PwaterAve = 120 kPa
Qm3h = 0.5 m³/h Qm3h = 0.5 m³/h Qm3h = 0.5 m³/h

Nu = #VALUE! - Nu = #VALUE! W/(m²*k) hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*k)

Re = #VALUE! -
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*k)

C4.- Interior forced turbulent convection in a tube with saturated water.

Nu = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3) - 1))

Eq. (4.45), [1], page 270. For 3,000 < Re < 1E6 Turbulent (Re >= 10,000)

C4.a Array Turbulent_Convection_Array_SatWaterAtInlet_Inside_Tube_material_dn_schOrPN_Lpipe_tS

C4.b Nusselt Turbulent_Convection_Nusselt_SatWaterAtInlet_Inside_Tube_material_dn_schOrPN_Lpipe_
C4.c Coeficient Turbulent_Convection_coefficient_SatWaterAtInlet_Inside_Tube_material_dn_schOrPN_Lpi

41 Array 42 Nusselt 43 Coefficient

Mat = CS Mat = CS Mat = CS
Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in
schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN = 40 - schOrPN = 40 -
Lpipe = 100 m Lpipe = 100 m Lpipe = 100 m
tin = 120 ºC tin = 120 ºC tin = 120 ºC
twall = 80 ºC twall = 80 ºC twall = 80 ºC
m= 16 kg/s m= 16 kg/s m= 16 kg/s
Nu = #VALUE! - Nu = #VALUE! hi = #VALUE!
hi = #VALUE! -
Re = #VALUE! -
tout = #VALUE! ºC
v= #VALUE! m/s
Pin = #VALUE! kPa
Pout = #VALUE! kPa

Psat@tout = #VALUE! kPa


C5.- Interior forced turbulent convection in a pipe with saturated steam entering the pipe
'Turbulent (Re >= 10,000)
' Nu = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3) - 1))
' Eq. (4.45), [1], page 270. For 3,000 < Re < 1E6
C5.a Array Turbulent_Convection_coefficient_SatSteamAtInlet_InsideTube_material_dn_sch_Lpipe_tSa
C5.b Nusselt
C5.c Coeficient

51 Array 52 Nusselt 53 Coefficient

Mat = CS Mat = CS Mat = CS
Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in Dn = 4 in
sch = 40 - sch = 40 - sch = 40 -
Lpipe = 25 m Lpipe = 25 m Lpipe = 25 m
tSatIn = 120 ºC tin = 120 ºC tin = 120 ºC
twall = 80 ºC twall = 80 ºC twall = 80 ºC
m= 0.08 kg/s m= 0.08 kg/s m= 0.08 kg/s

Nu = #VALUE! - Nu = #VALUE! hi = #VALUE!

hi = #VALUE! -
Re = #VALUE! -
tout = #VALUE! ºC
v= #VALUE! m/s
Pin = #VALUE! kPa
Pout = #VALUE! kPa

Psat@tout = #VALUE! kPa


Laminar flow Air

Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lm, twall, tin, mkgs)

_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lm, twall, tin, mkgs)
rPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lm, twall, tin, mkgs)

CS Mat: Material of pipe can be:
4 in CS :Carbon stell pipe
40 - SS :Stainless stell pipe
10 m³/h HD100 :Heigh density polyethylene PE100
20 ºC dn : nominal diameter [in]
80 ºC SchOrPN : Schedule [-] or Nominal pressure PN [bar]
0.003 kg/s Lm : Pipe length [m]
twall : surface wall temperture [ºC]
#VALUE! W/(m²*K) tin : Air inlet temperature [ºC]
mkgs : Air mass flow rate [kg/s]

Turbulent flow Air

OrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, t, Pbar, mkgs)

hOrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, t, Pbar, mkgs)
_SchOrPN_tair_Pbar_mkgs(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, t, Pbar, mkgs)
Mat: Material of pipe can be:
Coefficient CS :Carbon stell pipe
CS SS :Stainless stell pipe
4 in HD100 :Heigh density polyethylene PE100
40 - dn : nominal diameter [in]
20 ºC SchOrPN : Schedule [-] or Nominal pressure PN [bar]
80 bar tair : air bulk temperature [ºC]
0.03 kg/s Pair Air pressure [bar]
mkgs : Air mass flow rate [kg/s]
#VALUE! W/(m²*K)

Laminar flow Water

erIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twaterIn, twall, Pave, Qm3h)

aterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twaterIn, twall, Pave, Qm3h)
twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twaterIn, twall, Pave, Qm3h)
pe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twaterIn, twall, Pave, Qm3h)

34 Array2 Arra2
Mat = CS di = #VALUE! m
Dn = 4 in k= #VALUE! W(m*K)
sch = 40 - Pr = #VALUE! -
Lpipe = 10 m Cp = #VALUE! j(kg*K)
tWaterIn = 20 ºC Re = #VALUE! -
tWall = 80 ºC Gz = #VALUE! -
PwaterAve = 120 kPa NU = #VALUE! -
Qm3h = 0.5 m³/h hi = #VALUE! W(m²*K)
twaterOut = #VALUE! ºC

Turbulent flow Saturated water at the inlet


Mat: Material of pipe can be:

CS :Carbon stell pipe
SS :Stainless stell pipe
HD100 :Heigh density polyethylene PE100

dn : nominal diameter [in]

SchOrPN : Schedule [-] or Nominal pressure PN [bar]
twaterIn : Water inlet temperature [°C]
twall : surface wall temperture [ºC]
Lpipe : Pipe length [m]
Qm3h : Water volume flow rate [m³/h]

Turbulent flow Saturated steam


Mat: Material of pipe can be:

CS :Carbon stell pipe
SS :Stainless stell pipe
dn : nominal diameter [in]
Sch : Schedule [-]
twaterIn : Water inlet temperature [°C]
twall : surface wall temperture [ºC]
Lpipe : Pipe length [m]
Qm3h : Water volume flow rate [m³/h]
Heat exchanger (single-stream) with constant surface temperature

Exit temperature of hot oil flowing through a tube with constant surface temperature

Example 4.1, [1], page 277. Laminar flow of oil

SAE 50 oil flows at a mass flow rate "m" through a tube of inside diameter "d i" and
lenght "L". The wall temperature is at "twalls" and the inlet oil bulk temperature is "tinlet"
Estimate the average heat transfer coefficient and the oil exit temperature.

Fluid data: SAE 50 oil

m= 0.007 kg/s
di = 10 mm
L= 1.5 m
twalls = 26.85 ºC
tinlet = 103.85 ºC

Assumption: The flow is hydrodynamically fully developed at the commencement of

cooling. To calculate the average Nusselt number, the outlet oil temperature has to
be assumed and then an iteration process is required.

Twalls = 300 K
Tinlet = 377 K

Assumed outlet oil temperature

Toil_out = 363 K Interior pipe diameter
di = 10
Average oil temperature di = 0.01
Toil_ave = (Toil_in +Toil_out ) / 2
Toil_oute = 377 K Area of pipe section
Toil_oute = 363 K Ai = (p/4) * di^2
Toil_ave = 370 K di = 0.01
toil_ave = 96.85 ºC Ai = 7.85E-05

From Table A.8 [1], page 1158. Reynolds number

(Also sheet Tables) Re = v * d /n
Bulk properties at average temperature Re = v*r * d / m
Toil_ave = 370 K Re = (Q/A)*r * d / m
k= 0.137 W/(m*K) Re = (Q*r)/A * d / m
m= 0.019 Pa s Re = m/A * d / m
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
Pr = 300 - m= 0.007
A= 7.85E-05
d= 0.01
m= 1.89E-02
Re = 47.2
Laminar flow

Correction due to the variable properties Thus, the correction factor is

From Table 4.6 [1], page 277 (ms / mb )^n =
(Also sheet 3.- Tables) ms = 0.5030
n= -0.11 mb = 0.0189
and from Table A.8, the viscosity for n= -0.11
the wall surface temperature is (ms / mb )^n = 0.697
Twalls = 300 K
ms = 0.5030 Pa s Corrected Nusselt number
Nur = (ms / mb )^n * Nu0
Viscosity at the bulk temperature (ms / mb )^n = 0.697
Tb =Toil_ave = 370 K Nu0 = 7.01
mb = 0.0189 Pa s Nu = 4.89

Convection coefficient
hc = (k/d) * Nucorr
k= 0.137
d= 0.01
Nu = 4.89
hc = 67.0

Comment 3.
The tube is essentially a single-stream heat exchanger with a number of transfer units
Shell inner surface If Ntu << 1, toil_out aprox toil_in
As_i = p * di * L
di = 0.01 m If Ntu > 3 or 4, toil_out aprox ts
L= 1.5 m
As_i = 0.0471 m²

Number of transfer units

Ntu = h * Ai / ( m * cp)
h= 66.96 W / m²*K)
As_i = 4.71E-02 m²
m= 0.007 kg/s
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
Ntu = 0.205 -

Heat exchanger (single-stream) with constant surface temperature

Exit temperature of hot air flowing through a tube with constant surface temperature

Example 4.1, [1], page 277. Laminar flow of oil Adapted for air

Air flows at a mass flow rate "m" through a tube of inside diameter "d i" and
lenght "L". The wall temperature is at "twalls" and the inlet air bulk temperature is "tinlet"
Estimate the average heat transfer coefficient and the air exit temperature.
The air pressure is around the standard atmospheric pressure

Fluid data: Air

m= 0.00035 kg/s
di = 15.76 mm
L= 1.5 m
twalls = 26.85 ºC
tinlet = 103.85 ºC

Assumption: The flow is hydrodynamically fully developed at the commencement of

cooling. To calculate the average Nusselt number, the outlet air temperature has to
be assumed and then an iteration process is required.
Twalls = 300 K
Tinlet = 377 K

Assumed outlet air temperature Interior pipe diameter

Twater_out = 314 K di = 15.76
di = 0.01576
Average air temperature
Tair_ave = (Tair_in +Tair_out ) / 2 Area of pipe section
Tair_in = 377 K Ai = (p/4) * di^2
Tair_out = 314 K di = 0.01576
Tair_ave = 345.5 K Ai = 1.95E-04
tair_ave = 72.35 ºC
Reynolds number
Air properties at the bulk temperature Re = v * d /n
and standard atmpspheric pressure Re = v*r * d / m
tair_ave = 72.35 ºC Re = (Q/A)*r * d / m
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K) Re = (Q*r)/A * d / m
m= #VALUE! Pa s Re = m/A * d / m
cp = #VALUE! J/(kg*K)
Pr = #VALUE! - m= 0.00035
A= 1.95E-04
d= 0.01576
m= #VALUE!
Re = #VALUE!

Correction due to the variable properties Check of average temperature

From Table 4.6, for gases in laminar flow
the exponent n is Since the wall temperrature is constant,
n= 0 equation (4.11) applies
From equation (4.38) From [1], page 250
Nucorr = (ms / mb )^n * Nu Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU)
Thus, the correction factor is 1.00 and
and NTU = hc * p * d * L / (m * cp)
Nu = Nu0 hc = #VALUE!
Nu0 #VALUE! d= 0.01576
Nu= #VALUE! L= 1.5
m= 0.00035
Convection coefficient cp = #VALUE!
hc = (k/d) * Un NTU = #VALUE!
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
d= 0.015760 Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU)
Nu = #VALUE! Ts = 300
hc = #VALUE! W / m²*K) Tb_in = 377
Tb_out = #VALUE!
The assume water out temperature is
Twater_out = 314.0
Thus, the assumed average temperature is

Heat exchanger (single-stream) with constant surface temperature

Exit temperature of hot water flowing through a tube with constant surface temperature

Example 4.1, [1], page 277. Laminar flow of oil Adapted for air

Water flows at a mass flow rate "m" through a tube of inside diameter "d i" and
lenght "L". The wall temperature is at "twalls" and the inlet water bulk temperature is "tinlet"
Estimate the average heat transfer coefficient and the water exit temperature.

Fluid data: Water

Q= 0.03 m³/h
di = 15.76 mm
L= 1.5 m
twalls = 26.85 ºC = 300 K
tinlet = 103.85 ªC = 377 K
pwater_ave = 120 kPa

Twalls = 300 K
Tinlet = 377 K

Assumption: The flow is hydrodynamically fully developed at the commencement of

cooling. To calculate the average Nusselt number, the outlet air temperature has to
be assumed and then an iteration process is required.
Assumed outlet wate temperature
twater_out = 27 ºC Interior pipe diameter
Twater_out = 339.6 K di = 15.76
di = 0.01576
Average water temperature
Twaterr_ave = (Twater_in +Twater_out ) / 2 Area of pipe section
Twater_in = 377 K Ai = (p/4) * di^2
Twater_out = 339.6 K di = 0.01576
Twater_ave = 358.3 K Ai = 1.95E-04
twater_ave = 85.15 ºC
Reynolds number
Water properties at the bulk temperature Re = v * d /n
pwater_ave = 120 kPa Re = v*r * d / m
tb = twater_ave = 85.15 ºC Re = (Q/A)*r * d / m
Re = (Q*r)/A * d / m
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K) Re = m/A * d / m
m= #VALUE! Pa s
cp = #VALUE! J/(kg*K) m= #VALUE!
Pr = #VALUE! - A= 1.95E-04
r= #VALUE! kg/m³ d= 0.01576
m= #VALUE!
m= Q*r Re = #VALUE!
Q= 0.03 m³/h #VALUE!
Q= 8.33E-06 m³/s
r= #VALUE! kg/m³
m= #VALUE! kg / s

Correction due to the variable properties Check of average temperature

From Table 4.6, [1], page 277, for liquids
in laminar flow the exponent cases Since the wall temperrature is constant,
heating or cooling (also, sheet 3), equation (4.11) applies
n= -0.11 From [1], page 250
From equation (4.38), [1] page 268 Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU)
for p = 120 kPa and
Nu = (ms / mb )^n * Nu0 NTU = hc * p * d * L / (m * cp)
ts = 26.85 ºC hc = #VALUE!
ms = #VALUE! Pa s d= 0.01576
tb = 85.15 ºC L= 1.5
mb = #VALUE! Pa s m= #VALUE!
cp = #VALUE!
Thus, the correction factor is NTU = #VALUE!
(ms / mb )^n = #VALUE!
and Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU)
Nu0 = #VALUE! Ts = 300
Nu= #VALUE! Tb_in = 377
Convection coefficient Tb_out = #VALUE!
hc = (k/d) * Un tb_out = #VALUE!
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K) Thus, the assumed outlet temperature is
d= 0.0158 Tb_out_Ass= 339.6
Nu = #VALUE! (Iteration finished)
hc = #VALUE! W / m²*K)

Pressure: atmospheric standard Laminar_Average_Convection_Array2_Water_m

Fluid: water
t= 85.15 ºC twalls =
d= 0 m tinlet =

Q= 3.00E-02 m³/s tave =

A= (p/4) * d^2
A= 0.00E+00 m²

v= Q/A
Q= 3.00E-02 m³/s
A= 0.00E+00 m²
v= #DIV/0! m/s

m= #VALUE! m²/s
r= #VALUE! kg/m³
n= m/r
n= #VALUE! m²/s

n= #VALUE! m²/s

Re = v*d/n
v= #DIV/0! m/s
d= 0 m
n= #VALUE! m²/s
Re = #DIV/0!
Example of laminar convection in a tube with oil. pdf in sheet Expl. 4.1
In page 5, adapted for air (Laminar flow application for Module 1)
In page 8, adapted for water (Laminar flow application for Module 3)

Tube with constant surface temperature

tb,in = 377 [K]

Bulk temperature
tb,ave = 370
tb,out = 363


twall = 300 [K] Constant wall surface temperature

Temperature data and results from Example 4.1, [1], page 277

The Nusselt number for laminar flow is

from Eq. (4.50) (Re < 2300)
m 0.065   Re Pr
Nu  3.66  L (4.50)
d 3
1  0.04    Re Pr
L 

m² Eq. (4.50)
Nu0 = 3.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
d= 10 mm

Gz = d * Re * Pr /L
d= 0.01 m
Re = 47
Pr = 300.000
L= 1.5
Gz = 94.31
m² Nu0 3=.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
m Gz = 94.31
Pa s Nu0 = 7.01

Eq. (4.38) Check of average temperature

Since the wall temperrature is constant,

Pa s equation (4.11) applies
- From [1], page 250
Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU)
NTU = hc * p * d * L / (m * cp) Re =
mb )^n * Nu0 hc = 66.96 W / m²*K) f=
d= 0.01 m DP/L =
L= 1.5 m Nu =
- m= 0.007 kg/s hc =
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
NTU = 0.2049 -
(See sheet Example 4.1.pdf)
Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU)
Ts = 300
Tb_in = 377
NTU = 0.2049 -
W / m²*K) Tb_out = 363 K
tb_out = 90 ºC

Thus, the assumed average temperature is


ransfer units
u << 1, toil_out aprox toil_in

u > 3 or 4, toil_out aprox ts

Adapted for air

Tube with constant surface temperature

tb,in = 377 [K]

tb,ave = 370 Bulk temperature


twall = 300 [K] Constant wall surface temperature

Temperature data and results from Example 4.1, [1], page 277
Kelv =

The Nusselt number for laminar flow is

mm from Eq. (4.50) (Re < 2300)
0.065   Re Pr
Nu  3.66  L (4.50)
d  3
1  0.04    Re Pr 
m L 

Eq. (4.50)
Nu0 = 3.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
d= 15.76 mm

Gz = d * Re * Pr /L
d= 0.01576 m
Re = #VALUE!
Pr = #VALUE!
kg/s L= 1.5
m² Gz = #VALUE!
Pa s Nu0 3=.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
- Gz = #VALUE!
Nu0 = #VALUE!

hi = Laminar_Average_Convection_Coefficient_Air_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs
13 Coefficient
rature is constant, Mat = CS
Dn = 0.5 in
schOrPN = 40 - di = #VALUE!
Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU) Lm = 1.5 m³/h Area of pipe section
twall= 26.85 ºC Ai = (p/4) * di^2
p * d * L / (m * cp) tin = 103.85 ºC di = #VALUE!
W / m²*K) mkgs = 0.00035 kg/s Ai = #VALUE!
m hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
J/(kg*K) Using VBA function Array2 #14 (Same as # 11, but array output is larger)
- Laminar_Average_Convection_Array2_Air_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lm_twall_tin_Mkgs
di = #VALUE! m
Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU) k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
Pr = #VALUE! -
Cp = #VALUE! J/(kg*K)
- Re = #VALUE! -
K Gz = #VALUE! -
ºC Nu = #VALUE! -
t temperature is hi = #VALUE! W / m²*K)
verage temperature is tout = #VALUE! ºC

Adapted for water

temperature Tube with constant surface temperature

tb,in = 377 [K]

tb,ave = 370 Bulk temperature
erature is "tinlet" 363.15


twall = 300 [K] Constant wall surface temperature

Temperature data and results from Example 4.1, [1], page 277

Kelv =
The Nusselt number for laminar flow is
mm from Eq. (4.50) (Re < 2300)
0.065   Re Pr twater_in =
Nu  3.66  L (4.50)
2 twater_out =
d  3
1  0.04    Re Pr  twater_ave =
 L 

Eq. (4.50)
Nu0 = 3.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
d= 15.76 mm

Gz = d * Re * Pr /L
d= 0.01576 m
Re = #VALUE!
Pr = #VALUE!
kg/s L= 1.5
m² Gz = #VALUE!
Pa s Nu0 3=.66 + (0.065 * Gz) / (1 + 0.04 * Gz ^ (2 / 3))
- Gz = #VALUE!
Nu0 = #VALUE!

hi = Laminar_Average_Convection_Coefficient_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h
33 Coefficient
rature is constant, Mat = CS
Dn = 0.5 in
schOrPN = 40 -
Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU) Lm = 1.5 m³/h
tin = 103.85 ºC
p * d * L / (m * cp) twall= 26.85 ºC
W / m²*K) pwater_ave = 120 kPa
m Q= 0.03 m³/h
kg/s hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
- Using VBA function Array2 #34
Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU) di = #VALUE! m
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
Pr = #VALUE! -
- Cp = #VALUE! J/(kg*K)
K Re = #VALUE! -
ºC Gz = #VALUE! -
utlet temperature is Nu = #VALUE! -
hi = #VALUE! W / m²*K)
tout = #VALUE! ºC

nar_Average_Convection_Array2_Water_material_dn_SchOrPN_Lpipe_twaterIn_twall_PwaterAve_Qm3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twate

103.85 ts = 26.85 ºC
ms = #VALUE! Pa s
72.35 tb = 85.15 ºC
mb = #VALUE! Pa s

p= 200 kPa
ts = 26.85 ºC
ms = #VALUE! Pa s

di = di,k,Pr,Cp,Re,Gz,Un,hi,NTU,tout
Pr =
Cp =
Re =
Gz =
Nu =
hi =
tout =
Rev. 19.03.2017
Page 1 of 10

tb, out = ?


Tube length

Page 2 of 10

Page 3 of 10

47.2 -
7 -
3303 Pa / m
4.89 -
67 W/(m²*K)

sheet Example 4.1.pdf)

Page 4 of 10
Page 5 of 10

tb, out = ?


Tube length

(adapted for air)

273.15 K

Page 6 of 10


Page 7 of 10



ay output is larger)

Page 8 of 10

tb, out = ?


Tube length

(adapted for water)

273.15 K
Page 9 of 10

103.85 ºC
27 ºC
65.425 ºC

Page 10 of 10

3h(Mat, Dn, SchOrPN, Lpipe, twaterIn, twall, Pave, Qm3h)

t= 120 ºC
psat = #VALUE! kPa

m= 0.007 kg/s
di = 0.01 m
L= 1.5 m
Twall = 300 K
Tb,in = 377 K

tb,in = 103.85 ºC
twall = 26.85 ºC
tb,out = ? ºC

Tb,out = 363 K
tb,out = 90 ºC
Tb,out = 363 K
tb,out = 89.85 ºC

Re = 47.2 -
f= 7 -
DP/L = 3303 Pa / m
Nu = 4.89 -
hc = 67 W/(m²*K)
Constant wall termperature Using the initially assumed temperature
Twalls = 300 K Toil_ave =
k= 0.1445 W/(m*K) k=
m= 0.5030 Pa s m=
cp = 1900 J/(kg*K) cp =
Pr = 6600 - Pr =
Microsoft Equation

Nuselt correction factor

Nu   s 
  (4.38)
Nu 0   b 
Nuselt correction factor
Nu   s 
  (4.38)
Nu 0   b 
g the initially assumed temperature
370 K
0.137 W/(m*K)
0.0189 Pa s
2200 J/(kg*K)
300 -

[1] Heat and mass transfer

Anthony F. Mills
Irwin, 1995

[2] Heat transfer

J. P. Holman
McGraw-Hill, 1989

[3] Mechanical Insulation Design Guide
National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC)

Proteccion de tuberias ante la congelacion. Armaflex. Inf. Tec. N° 9

Mechanical Insulation Design Guide

Mechanical Insulation Design Guide

Introducing the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide From the National Insulation Association and the National Institute o


[5] Heat and mass transfer. Fundamentasl and aplications

Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar


[7] Productos PECC, Tehmco S.A.

# 7.5, page 7.14
[8] Principles of heat transfer
Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn
Seventh edition

[9] MPE 635: Electronic cooling


[10] Fundamentals of heat ans mass transfer

Frank P. Incropera
Davis P. De Witt
John Wiley and Sons. 1981

[11] Heat transfer

Adrian Bejan
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1993


[13] Steam velocities

Engineering toolbox

[14] Convection coefficient values

[15] Example problem

Slide 1 - Chemical Engineering esta página
[16] Outlet temperature of an heat exchanger with constant surface temperature
Derivation of equation

[17] Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer by Amir Faghri, Yuwen Zhang, and John R. Howell
5.3 Hydrodynamically and Thermally Fully Developed Laminar Flow
5.4 Hydrodynamically fully developed and Thermally Fully Developing Laminar Flow

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ociation and the National Institute of Building Sciences
3.0 3.0
minar Flow

y Developing Laminar Flow

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Q = A1 * 3.0

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