A PR2 Q1M4.1

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Name: Adrian B.

Montenegro Grade: 12- Stevens

Practical Research II Quarter 1 – Module 4.1 Research in

Daily Life
1. A 6. C 11. D
2. D 7. D 12. B
3. D 8. A 13. B
4. C 9. B 14. D
5. D 10. C 15. D


1. T 6. T
2. F 7. F
3. F 8. T
4. T 9. F
5. F 10. T

1. Research questions vs. Research problem

 A research problem can relate to a specific topic or opportunity. For example: climate

 A research question provides an area to focus on regarding a research problem. For
example: How do ozone levels impact global temperature levels?
2. Researchable problem
A research problem is a specific issue, difficulty, contradiction, or gap in knowledge that you will
aim to address in your research. You might look for practical problems aimed at contributing to
change, or theoretical problems aimed at expanding knowledge. This article helps you identify
and refine a research problem. When writing your research proposal or introduction, you will
have to formulate it as a problem statement and/or research questions.
Example: Department A of Company B has a high staff turnover rate, affecting productivity and
team cohesion.
3. The nature of a quantitative research problem
The nature of a quantitative research paradigm is numerical measurement, and the
mathematical evaluation of such measurements under different experimental or observational
conditions. The core of your evaluation lies in your expressions of numerical probabilities
representing your confidence in the hypotheses you are proposing. Despite this narrow focus
though, in the end you still need to decide on the real-world and theoretical meaning of what
you have discovered. The final answer is to the question: “What does it all mean?” To do this
you will have to use logic, cause-and-effect rationality, deduction, inference, consilience and
philosophical ideas of meaning.

In the space provided below, describe and elaborate research in one word and explain why it is
useful in our daily lives?
A word to describe research is investigative. Research seeks for answers that may not be
discovered yet or could also be for innovation purposes. It helps us understand the way things
work. Its application is basically everywhere around us. As to how the body was studied and
examined was due to elaborate research. Same goes with objects such as plastics. Its
composition is based on research and experimentation.

What is Your Research Problem?
A Note from the Author:
This ebook blends 14 years of my experience as a lecturer, professor and
researcher supervising hundreds of students and researchers trying to do
research. I was also a student researcher who sought to understand how
to do excellent research. I know the challenges of trying to come up with
a researchable topic and problem are more daunting than what is
normally presented in a typical research methods textbook. I used to read
several research methods texts and research projects, hoping to be able
to magically come up with a research topic and problem. I used to ask
questions such as the following: “What is my research topic?”; “How can I
come up with a researchable problem?”; “How do I know it is a valuable
research problem that will be acceptable to the panel?” I have also seen
hundreds of students go through this process of questioning themselves.
That’s why I have started this series on “What is Your Research
Problem?” to demonstrate a step-by-step process of conceptualizing and
conducting excellent research. The first of these series is titled
“Discovering a Research(able) Problem and Topic”. It will ease your
challenges in coming up with a researchable topic and identify a research
problem. This is the first critical step in research, and overcoming this
hurdle will ease the frustration and the procrastination that most
beginning researchers go through as they start on their research journey.
It is my intention to make the process of topic and problem discovery
obvious and manageable so that the other research phases can proceed
smoothly. These other phases are addressed in the other series.

explain why and state one general problem existing in your chosen topic?
I choose this topic because its complicated to understand the “What is Your Research

3 Things I learned today…
Research questions, Research problem, and many more.
2 Things I found interesting…
The word “research” typically calls to mind mathematical formulas that
describe the ever-expanding natural phenomena, complex theorems,
liquids in test tubes, endless experiments to explain phenomena, human
behavior and the like.
1 1 Question I still have…
Why there’s a research topic about real life?

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