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Inclusive Dates: September 19- September 30, 2022

1 Measurement of Physical Quantities

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you should be able to:

A. solve measurement problems involving conversion of units;

B. express measurements in scientific notation correctly;
C. differentiate accuracy from precision; and
D. solve for the percent error of a measurement.


Click the pdf file entitled, “Scavenger Hunt Measurement” attached under the Starter
Probe part of your learning package. Read the instruction carefully before answering them in
your notebook.
After accomplishing the “Scavenger Hunt Measurement” activity, you may proceed to
the Concept in Focus part of your learning package.


In the previous activity, you were given a task wherein you measured different objects
using different tools. You have discovered that we are surrounded by physical quantities
commonly observed through measurements. These are made up of numerical values (number)
and units of measurement. To report accurate measurements, you must make sure that both
the number and the unit are correct. Read pages 3- 6 of your book to learn more about our
Why do we need to measure things? Cite at least one reason. Write your answer in your
For the discussion, download the PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Physical Quantities
and Conversion of Units”.

Click the pdf file entitled, “Knowledge Check (Physical Quantities and Conversion of
Units)” attached under the Knowledge Check part in the resource list. Read the instruction
carefully before answering them in your notebook.

Scientific notation is a convenient way of writing very large or very small numbers. A
number is written in scientific notation when a number between 1 and 10 is multiplied by a

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General Physics 1 (STEM 12) Page 2 of 3 pages
power of 10. Standard notation is the normal way of writing numbers. On the other hand, very
large and very small numbers need not be expressed or written in full; therefore, we can use the
scientific notation. In this lesson, you will be learning how to express measurements in Scientific
Notation. Read pages 7- 8 of your book to learn more about our topic.
Why is it important to convert numbers to scientific notations? Write your answer in your
For the discussion, download the PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Scientific Notation”.

Click the pdf file entitled, “Knowledge Check (Scientific Notation)” attached under the
Knowledge Check part in the resource list. Read the instruction carefully before answering them
in your notebook.

Sometimes, physical measurements in scientific notation are further expressed in a
simpler form with the use of unit prefixes. The powers of 10 in scientific notation can be written
as prefixes to the base units. In this section, you will learn how to convert unit prefixes.
What is the importance of conversion of units in measurement? Write your answer in your
Conversion of metric prefixes is just a continuation of the topic conversion of units. To
learn how to convert metric prefixes, download the PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Prefix

Click the pdf file entitled, “Knowledge Check (Conversion of Metric Prefixes)” attached
under the Knowledge Check part in the resource list. Read the instruction carefully before
answering them in your notebook.


A physical measurement is never exact. Its accuracy depends on the degree of
refinement of the measuring device and is limited by the skill of the observer doing the
measurement. It doesn’t matter whether the apparatus being used is the best in the world or
the observer is the most skilled. To a certain degree, the measurement will still be uncertain.
Every reported measurement of a certain property or characteristic of a material is just a BEST
ESTIMATE of the correct value. (Caintic H.E., 2017)
Why is accuracy and precision important in the real life? Write your answer in your
Read pages 10-13 of your book to learn more about accuracy and precision.
For the discussion, download the PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Accuracy and

Property and exclusive use of SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS. Reproducing, storing, distributing, photocopying, recording,
posting and/or uploading of any part of this document and of any form and any means without the prior official written permission of SLC-SFLU, is strictly
PROHIBITED and is subjected to any forms of consequences.
General Physics 1 (STEM 12) Page 3 of 3 pages

Click the pdf file entitled, “Knowledge Check (Accuracy and Precision)” attached under
the Knowledge Check part in the resource list. Read the instruction carefully before answering
them in your notebook.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed this module.

Santos G. (2017), General Physics 1. Rex Book Store, Inc.

Arevalo R. (2017), General Physics 1. DIWA Learning System, Inc.
Caintic H. (2017),General Physics 1. C&E Publishing, Inc.

Property and exclusive use of SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS. Reproducing, storing, distributing, photocopying, recording,
posting and/or uploading of any part of this document and of any form and any means without the prior official written permission of SLC-SFLU, is strictly
PROHIBITED and is subjected to any forms of consequences.

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