93 Typical French Mistakes in English Mistakes

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93 Typical French Mistakes in English Mistakes Corrections

1.She is a very sympathetic gal

2.We passed our vacation in Holland

3.I have not the possibility to go on vacation now

4.Tom is the President of our society

5.He proposed to me to visit next week

6.The car of which the tire is missing is theirs

7.We are the 3rd of September

8.What time is it? It’s three and quarter

9.For why did he do it

10.She borrowed it to him

11.I knew him in Italy last spring

12.And the Italians and the French have trouble with English

13.They had a very big success in Florida

14.I rested in Paris 2 weeks

15.She has only a few ones

16.She went a for buying a hat

17.We telephoned to him yesterday

18.Her hairs are black

19.We will go to the snack for lunch

20.I’m agreeing with you

21.I know a nice dancing nearby

22.When the snow will stop, we will leave

23.What do you want I do?

24.Please excuse me, I’m very confused about the whole thing

25.I heard it at the T.V where they’re showing it every night

26.I’m learning you English

27.Remember me about that tomorrow

28.She thinks not about it often

29.Here are the reason for why I didn’t come

30.She made the same fault

31.We succeeded to do it

32.Whose is this book?

33.He made her too much unhappy

34.I entered in the room

35.The whole people in France like cheese

36.We had too days with snow

37.He wanted that we eat with them

38.I like very much that film

39.Will you make my excuses to them

40.Before to go to Italy, I want to call him

41.I eat there this night

42.She assisted to the conference

43.I have the intention to do it tomorrow

44.I’m obliged to go

45.What means this word, please?

46.She has many relations with Americans

47.My brother is a very high man

48.The boss talks on the phone now

49.It is the greatest building in France

50.The doctors performed the experience

51.I have read that book last week

52.Dear Miss

53.I met many difficulties in trying to write that letter

54.Yesterday we watched T.V because there was something on this


55.Or his wife will tell you, or he will

56.I think to be able to go

57.Every people should wash daily

58.They are ancient pupils of his

59.This is the reason for which she called

60.Jane is very strong in English

61.We had a difficulty to find a parking

62.I don’t see them for three month

63.I am watching T.V every night

64.She is learning English for three years

65.I’m used to get up early

66.I’m hoping to read you soon

67.When we saw her at night out with the boss we understood that there

was something between them.

68.From what says Joe, his wife is pretty sick

69.You should never say that word before a cop

70.The price of perfume in France is very interesting

71.My boss didn’t answer to me and I’m very angry against him

72.She is a friend of me

73.She has a rendezvous with him at six

74.We were deceived by the play last week

75.The result depends of the effort

76.They have nice souvenirs of their travel to London

77.Sue I present you Larry

78.Write me in case you would need help

79.She stayed six years without to see his parents

80.She went to live in California for two years but now she regrets her

81.They are actually selling those in Paris

82.She doesn’t never smoke

83.He showed to me a book

84.That crash arrived because of the storm

85.She is such young a girl to marry now

86.Sue, as well than her sister, will come

87.He wasn’t alone to think that way

88.She doesn’t like him and I either

89.His sister is a bachelor

90.She is waiting for a baby

91.I’m born in NYC

92.I had satisfaction with the whole project

93.I won’t go nowhere

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