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"Tame birds sing of freedom.

Wild birds fly."

- John Lennon
What do you think does

your drawing means?

Technically, the bird was imprisoned within the cage and kept as a pet.

However, in philosophical terms, it refers to freedom; the bird's freedom was

taken away when the bird was imprisoned inside the cage, which has a mutual

meaning to us because we humans also have freedom, which can be taken

away either politically, personally, or by death. The bird was once a free bird,

but when he was captured, his freedom to fly and live freely was taken away,
just like in our lives. We have been granted freedom when we are born, but if

we do something, someone does something, or if nature takes its course, that

freedom could possibly be taken from your life as well.

What do you think is the

difference if the bird is inside

the cage and if it is outside?

We all know that birds are aerial animals, which means

they have the ability to fly freely in the sky. They could

not fly high if they were kept inside the cage because a

cage has a small space for that and there are limited

things to do inside the cage. If they are outside the cage,

they can live life to the fullest and fly far and high,

multiply, travel, and contribute to mother nature, which

can help balance the ecosystem of the world. If the bird

has been captured in a cage, his or her potential can't be

reached because the cage is like a jail, and you can only

do limited things inside that jail.

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