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Unit 1: Why do nations go to

war and why is peacemaking


Grade 9th / MYP year 5 Subject World History

Activity Diagnostic Date March, 2022


Last and first name: Mattias Muñoz Nonaka

Criteria: A. Knowing and knowledge

D. Thinking critically

Remember: this diagnostic questionnaire was made to get information about your prior
knowledge, interpretations of the subject and to get an idea about your thinking skills



a. ¿What is a historical source? Explain your answer and give four examples.

A historical source can be defined as any written document or material object

that provides information to reconstruct the past.

Letters, newspapers, documents,diaries

b. ¿What is a primary source? Explain your answer and give two examples.

They contain original information that has been published for the first
time and has not been filtered, interpreted or evaluated by anyone else.
They are the product of research or an eminently creative activity.
Novels and theater plays
c. ¿What is a secondary source? Explain your answer and give two examples.
A secondary source is one that was created later by someone who did
not have first-hand experience or involvement in the events
Books and articles

d. What do global interactions mean? Explain the concept and give a detailed

We want to say that human actions or relationships have a global scope,

that is, that decisions made in one place can have consequences in any
other point on Earth, but this is not new.
Social networks, free trade agreements.


Based on sources 1 and 2 about the industrial revolution, answer the questions below.

Source 1: The Rise of the Machines”: Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution

Factories and machines began to produce items faster and cheaper than could be
made by hand. As the supply of various items rose, their cost to the consumer
declined. Shoes, clothing, household goods, tools, and other items that enhance
people’s quality of life became more common and less expensive. Foreign markets
also were created for these goods, and the balance of trade shifted in favor of the
producer—which brought increased wealth to the companies that produced these
goods and added tax revenue to government coffers.

Rafferty, John P. (2022). The Rise of the Machines: Pros and Cons of the Industrial
Revolution. Retrieved from

Source 2: Cartoon “The worst thief is he, who steal the playtime of children” made
in the XIX century.
Diamond, Norm. (2021, July 19). One Hundred Years After the Singing Strike - Zinn
Education Project. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from Zinn Education Project

a. What message is the source 1 communicating? Identify it.

Talk about how factories can produce products faster and cheaper
because of government revenue.

b. What situation (issue) is being shown in the cartoon (source 2)? Identify it.
It shows how people of greater wealth and economic level make poor
people work hard, overexploiting them and making them work
exaggeratedly to occupy and keep the money

c. What message is the cartoonist (source 2) communicating? Identify it.

Shows the abuse that poor people spend for millionaire people to get
d. Based on the sources 1 and 2, discuss in 150-200 words the following statement:
“The industrial revolution brought happiness to everyone”.
It was not a very dark time where millionaire people overexploited
poor people to earn a lot of money while the poor were given a very
minimum salary for what they worked. But it was also a time of
great ingenuity as many new inventions such as the telephone were
created. In conclusion, the first industrial world war favored some
people and not others.

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