Who's Late Me

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Who's late? Me?

Written by: Miguel G. Arimado

Is it too late to love someone when you are already grumpy and old? Is it too late

to do something you always dream of when you are old? If you think it's too late, don't

include my grandmother, because despite her age, she's still socially active and doing

something daring and extreme, such as riding a motorcycle, going on hikes, and many


Let me introduce her to you. Her name is Rosita; she was named before Rose. Today

is her 76th birthday, and we are having a celebration in her favorite restaurant. You know

one amazing thing about my grandmother: despite her age, she is still active and doing

fine. I gave her a brand new, modern phone as a present for her birthday, which she

seems to be liking a lot. You know my grandmother has been single since my grandfather

died 10 years ago. So I thought I'd introduce her to some dating apps so she could meet

another man and have a person beside her while doing her things while we can't

accompany her because of busy days.

At first, my grandmother thinks it's ridiculous because she thinks she's done with these

things, but while swiping through the profiles of old guys in the dating app, she saw a

familiar face, and she said to me, he knows this guy; he is her first love, or might I say her

first unrequited love. When she saw it, I saw her cheeks blush again, and then an idea hit

me. So I secretly contacted that guy so that they could meet and reconnect and let my

grandmother have a chance to confess her unrequited feelings towards him. I set a date

and location for the meet-up, which they thankfully confirmed. I've hidden the plan from

my grandmother, so she will be surprised. The big day has arrived, and I told my

grandmother to wear her best dress because tonight she'll be meeting someone special.

We are waiting at the restaurant when my grandmother begins to be surprised and

blush. I look where her eyes linger; we saw the guy she always dreamed of. So, after her

prince charming's dramatic entrance, they catch up on each other's lives. While eating, I

may have overheard that the man is a widower whose wife died five years ago, so I think

that they are really meant to be together even when they are already old and grumpy.

My grandmother, Rosita, confesses her feelings, and luckily, the guy has also got a secret

feeling that he has never confessed to her. So they've kissed sweetly, and everyone in the

restaurant applauds. After those sweet happenings, I asked my grandmother what she felt.

She said to me, "This is the best thing that happened to my life after your grandfather

died." Then she thanked me, and we went home with smiles on our faces.

After two years, they've married, done their bucket lists, bought a beach house,

settled in, and are spending the rest of their lives loving and enjoying each other. I think

this is the part where I say they lived happily ever after; yes, of course, this is the part.

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