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Simple Integration Systems


This booklet is for the personal use of only the individuals who have enrolled in this specific workday training course. You may
make copies only as necessary for your own use. Any distribution, even within your organization, is strictly prohibited unless
workday has authorized such distribution in writing.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday, the Workday logo, Workday Enterprise Business Services, Workday Human
Capital Management, Workday Financial Management, Workday Resource Management and Workday Revenue Management are all
trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders. Version 24 (April, 2015)
Simple Integrations for Workday 24

Simple Integrations for Workday 24 ......................................................................................... 5
Description ......................................................................................................................................5
Goal & Objectives ............................................................................................................................5
Agenda ...........................................................................................................................................5

Integration Architecture Overview ........................................................................................... 6

EIB Overview ............................................................................................................................. 7
Overview of EIB...............................................................................................................................7
EIB Design Pattern ..........................................................................................................................8
EIB Limitations ................................................................................................................................9

Security to Launch Integrations ...................................................................................................... 10

Inbound EIB ............................................................................................................................ 11

Verifying Data from Inbound Load .................................................................................................. 11

Activity 1—Review a New Hire Custom Report .............................................................................. 12

Loading Bulk Data into Workday using EIB ...................................................................................... 13

Spreadsheet Templates .................................................................................................................. 13

Create Inbound Integration System ................................................................................................ 15

Activity 2 – Create EIB for Hire Employee .................................................................................... 18

View Template Model ..................................................................................................................... 20

Integration IDs .............................................................................................................................. 22
Business Process Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 23

Activity 3 – Review the Template Model ....................................................................................... 25

Configure & Launch an Integration System ..................................................................................... 27
Activity 4 – Launch Integration System ........................................................................................ 30
Business Processes Status .............................................................................................................. 32
Edit an Integration Attachment ....................................................................................................... 33

Activity 5 – Edit Integration Attachment....................................................................................... 34

Maintain Reference IDs .................................................................................................................. 36

Activity 6 – Maintain Reference IDs ............................................................................................. 37

Generate Spreadsheet Template ..................................................................................................... 38

Activity 7 – Create EIB and generate Template to Add Organizations ............................................. 41
Activity 8 – Create EIB and generate Template to Manage Employee Languages ............................ 42

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24

Populating Generated Templates .................................................................................................... 45

Activity 9 – Populating Spreadsheets to Add Organizations ........................................................... 49

Activity 10 – Populating Spreadsheets with Child Data to Manage Languages ................................. 52
Customize Template Model............................................................................................................. 58

Activity 11 – Customize Template Model ...................................................................................... 60

Activity 12 – Populating Customized Spreadsheets ....................................................................... 63
Generate Spreadsheet Template with Data ...................................................................................... 67

Activity 13 – Generating Spreadsheet Template with Data ............................................................ 68

Inbound EIBs for Import Web Services ........................................................................................... 70

Integration Error Handling .............................................................................................................. 71

Integration Exception Reports ........................................................................................................ 73

Activity 14 – Troubleshooting Errors and Hiring Employees ........................................................... 74

Outbound EIB .......................................................................................................................... 77

Workday Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) ............................................................................................. 77
Creating & Launching an Outbound EIB Integration ......................................................................... 78

Activity 15—Create an Outbound New Hire EIB ............................................................................ 84

Security Proxy ............................................................................................................................... 90
Activity 16—Launch EIB using Security Proxy ............................................................................... 91

Integration Scheduling ................................................................................................................... 93

Activity 17—Schedule the New Hire Employee Integration System ................................................. 96

Launching an EIB based Integration through Business Process ......................................................... 99

Activity 18—Launch an EIB Integration through a Business Process ............................................. 102

Custom Report Transformation ..................................................................................................... 108

Activity 19 —Using Custom Report Transformation ..................................................................... 109
Custom XSLT ......................................................................................................................... 112
EIB & Custom XSLT & Workday Web Services (WWS) .................................................................... 112

Activity 20—Upload a Custom XSLT Transformation ................................................................... 115

Activity 21—Slightly modify and test the Custom XSLT Transformation ........................................ 119

Simple Types vs. Business Objects ................................................................................................ 121

Workday Report XML ................................................................................................................... 122
XML: Elements and Tags .............................................................................................................. 124
Activity 22—XML for Simple Types vs. Related Business Objects (RBOs) ...................................... 125

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Activity 23—XSLT Code for Attribute Values (Optional) ............................................................... 128

Importing an XML File and XSLT using EIB .................................................................................... 130

Activity 24 (Optional) – Create Inbound EIB using WWS and Custom Transformation ................... 134
Workday Public Web Services ............................................................................................... 137

Activity 25—Call Workday Web Services from EIB....................................................................... 140

Activity 26—Call WWS from EIB with a Launch Parameter for just 1 worker ................................. 144
Custom Transformations and Web Services ................................................................................... 145

Activity 27 (Optional) Using GetWorkers API and XSLT to Create HR-XML .................................... 146
EIB Features .......................................................................................................................... 147

Various EIB Features and Options ................................................................................................. 147

Activity 28—Creating Unique Filenames from EIB-Out Integrations .............................................. 150

Activity 29—Configure EIB to Email PGP Encrypted Files ............................................................. 152

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 153

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 4

Simple Integrations for Workday 24



This Workday simple integrations course focuses on mechanisms for loading data though generated
template models and using custom report results in integrations. The inbound integration systems are
used to load bulk data into the Workday tenant using generated spreadsheet models based on Public
Web Services (WWS) that are produced, and then populated in MS Excel. The course also covers
outbound integrations using RaaS as a data source and touches briefly upon using the Workday Web
Services for EIB integrations.

Through a series of presentations, demonstrations and activities, you will learn about the different
template models with the different functional areas and how to generate, customize and populate those
templates for inbound transactions; how to build and launch an integration that extracts data out of
Workday and sends it to an external system. You will also learn how to use a business process to trigger
an outbound integration and how custom XSLT is used to transform data. This class will stress the
importance of business processes, Integration IDs, and data structure when you are working with both
inbound and outbound data.


After taking this course you will know how to use Enterprise Interface Builder to create inbound and
outbound integration systems to load and extract data.

 Integration Architecture Overview
 EIB Overview
o Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB)
o The 3-step EIB Design Pattern
 Inbound Integration Systems
o Understanding the Business Process associated with the Inbound Data
o Generating Templates
o Loading Bulk Transactions
o Viewing and Validating Inbound Integration System Results
o Customizing Templates
o Troubleshooting
 Outbound Integration Systems
o Using both Reports as a Service (RaaS) and Workday Web Services to extract data
o Integration Systems and Event Results
o Scheduling Integrations
o Integration as a step in a Business Process
o Using Custom XSLT
o Delivering Notifications
o Creating Sequence Generators

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 5

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Workday’s suite of business services
are hosted within the Object
Management System (OMS). All
customer data is stored within the
persistent store and the only way to
access this is through the OMS. This is
an important aspect of how Workday
addresses issues such as security and
performance. All communication with
the OMS is via XML over HTTPS.
Users access Workday through Web
browsers. The User Interface Server
(UI Server) handles these requests.

Developers also connect to the OMS via the UI Server to make use of the browser-based tools, for
example, when configuring Integration Systems or building integrations using the EIB.

Workday supports both inbound and outbound integrations.

 Inbound
o Data is fed to Workday
o Incoming data is transformed
into Workday Compliant format
(Workday Web Service)
o Schedule
o Encryption

 Outbound
o Data is provided by Workday
o Outgoing data may be
o Schedule
o Encryption

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 6

Simple Integrations for Workday 24



The Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) allows users to perform simple and secure integrations with
Workday. Unlike other Workday integrations, the purpose of the EIB, which uses no third-party software
or hardware, is to allow customers to build their own integrations according to their unique business
scenarios. Workday does, however, provide some packaged integrations with the EIB. The Enterprise
Interface Builder can be used for both exports and imports.

Direction of
Description Example

Upload data into Workday by using:

 An attachment.
Import an Employee Bonus data into
 A REST-based URL.
INBOUND Workday from an Excel spreadsheet that
 A file transfer from an you provide to Workday in an attachment.
external SFTP, FTP/SSL, or
FTP endpoint.

Export data from Workday in various

formats, such as:
 Google Data (GData)
 JavaScript Object Notation
 Really Simple Syndication
 Text files
Export all active Workday employees in an
OUTBOUND  Workday XML Excel spreadsheet to E*Trade® Equity
Edge® via sFTP.
Then send the data to an external
endpoint by using various protocols,
such as:

 AS2

 Email



© 2015 Workday, Inc. 7

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There are three components to the EIB design pattern.

Data Source: There are a number of options for retrieving data:

o Attachment (Inbound)
o (S)FTP(s)-based File (Inbound)
o Workday Custom Report (Outbound)
o REST-based URL (Outbound)
o Workday Web Service API (Outbound)

Transformation: There are also multiple options for transforming data using the EIB:
o Alternate output
o Custom Report Transformation
o Custom XSLT

Transport Protocol: Workday also provides a number of different transport protocols:

o Workday Web Service API (Inbound)
o eMail
o (S)FTP(s)
o HTTP(s)
o Attachment

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 8

Simple Integrations for Workday 24



When you attach a spreadsheet at integration launch time, the size of the document attachment is
limited to 30 megabytes (MB). When you upload an EIB spreadsheet from a file server, like sFTP, the
spreadsheet size cannot exceed 300 MB. If you attempt to upload a spreadsheet file that exceeds the
300 MB limit, Workday returns an error and does not load the data.


When you create an outbound EIB, you have the option to specify a Document Retention Policy (in
Days). You may specify a value of up to 180 days.


When you transform very large amounts of data, outbound EIBs with custom XSLT transformations
consume as much as 10 times the amount of memory that the source data requires. Workday
recommends that the amount of data transformed not exceed 100 MB. Although EIBs that transform
more than 400 MB of data have a high risk of malfunctioning, Workday still attempts to complete all EIBs.
The maximum amount of memory that is allocated to an EIB transformation is 15 gigabytes (GB). An
EIB's custom XSLT transformation can process for up to 2 hours. Custom XSLT transformations that
spend more than 2 hours processing are terminated automatically.


Workday provides a best-effort attempt to launch an integration at the scheduled initiation time and
processes it as quickly as resources are available. However, Workday does not guarantee when an
integration will be launched and when the integration will complete, because these factors are highly
dependent on the current load on Workday and the work that needs to be done. You should not design
or implement any integration system or external system that relies on an integration running and/or
completing successfully at a specific time.


To ensure resource availability for all customers, Workday terminates HTTP requests including Workday
Web Services and Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS), that exceeds 6 hours. The following integrations make
HTTP requests:

 EIBs
 Studio Integrations
 Cloud Connect integrations

When you enable web services for an Advanced custom report and expose the report for integration
scenarios, the maximum size of the response that can be returned is 2 GB.

For further details, see the Workday Community:

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 9

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


All access to Workday data is done through web service operations and Reports-as-a-Service. These web
service operations, report data sources, class report fields, and custom reports are secured to various
security domains.

Integration systems (and external systems that access Workday) must have the appropriate ( Get and/or
Put) access to the domains that include the web service operations and the appropriate (View) access to
the domains that include the report data sources and class report fields. Outbound EIBs also require
access to the custom report that they use as a data source. Permissions are controlled by the user who
runs the EIB integration.

Additionally, you need access to the appropriate domains to build, configure, debug, and access
integration events and reports.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24



As a method to verify the data was properly loaded from our inbound EIB, we will review the output of a
custom report.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Scenario: Logan McNeil has created a New Hire Report. The report prompts the user for a date range
and returns any hire events that are effective dated within the date range that the user enters. This
report has been created for you.

Tasks to Use

Run Custom Report

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil) using the password you were provided
1. Search for WDINST EIB.
2. Click the WDINST EIB IntNewHire link in the Tasks and Reports area of the search results.
3. Enter 01/01/2013 date as the Start and today’s date as the End, click OK.
4. Review the report’s output. This report will be used to validate the data loaded with our inbound
integration system.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 12

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


To complement the standard Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) framework, Workday provides
spreadsheet import templates that offer immediate business values by helping you upload data into
Workday. You can generate templates directly in Workday. Each spreadsheet template is based on a
template model that defines the column information for an upload. To simplify data entry and streamline
the upload process, you can edit the template model to fit your needs. For example, you can override
column values, provide your own labels and cell comments, reorder worksheets, and hide unwanted
items to customize the template for a specific purpose. Since the version 20 update, some web service
operations now support Template Generation with Data to simplify data entry.

Inbound EIB provides an Excel front-end to Workday Web Services (WWS). While it makes it easier for
non-technical users to load bulk data into Workday, it does not eliminate the complexity of the Object
Model exposed by the WWS.


You must create a separate Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) integration for each version of a template
model. Workday automatically creates a template model when you set up an EIB interface. You then
generate a spreadsheet template, which is a blank spreadsheet used to populate data. Only users with
View and Modify access to the Integration Build or Integration Process domains can access the
Generate Spreadsheet Template task.

As a best practice, start by generating a baseline spreadsheet template and reviewing the spreadsheet
details. Then, edit the underlying template model as needed to define a custom spreadsheet template.

Open the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and familiarize yourself with its details:

 Look at the overall structure of the spreadsheet, including the individual worksheets and sheet
 Review the column groupings in each area to understand the relationships between fields.
 Notice which areas and fields are required, conditionally required, and optional.
 View comments by resting your mouse pointer over spreadsheet cells.

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Determine whether you want to modify the spreadsheet template. You can make the following changes:

 Worksheets - reorder tabs, rename tabs, change sheet titles, or hide sheets completely.
 Areas - rename, add Excel cell comments, or hide areas completely.
 Columns - rename, change area labels, override values, select reference ID types, edit
Excel cell comments, or hide columns completely. You can also maintain occurrences for
columns that accept multiple values, such as worktags, address lines, earnings,
deductions, and related calculations.

Certain web service operations support the generation of spreadsheet with data to simplify the
data entry process. To determine which operations are supported, run the Supported
Inbound EIB Operations report.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 14

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


The Enterprise Interface Builder is used to create, configure and launch simple interface background

Create EIB: Locate the Create EIB task. Enter the integration system name and direction. You can add
a description in the General Settings page, using the Edit icon.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24


There are two areas that require input on the Get Data page of the wizard:

Data Source

The.xml file that will load the data into Workday can be attached at launch or can be retrieved using
different protocols: FTP/SSL; REST URL; SFTP. If using a pre-defined transport protocol, select Use
Existing Retrieval Method and then identify the protocol in the Retrieval Details and File Name fields.

Data Format

The File Type will most often be Web Service Spreadsheet Template. If uploading data to a Custom
Object, the selection should be Custom Object Spreadsheet Template.


© 2015 Workday, Inc. 16

Simple Integrations for Workday 24

When loading data from a web service spreadsheet template, the Transformation Type will auto-

If loading data from an external .xml file that requires transformation, Custom Transformation option
would be available. Note that custom transformations must be created outside of the wizarad using the
Create Custom XSLT Attachment Transformation task.

You will select a Workday Web Service operation for the delivery location for the Inbound Integration
System. If you selected " Web Service Spreadsheet Template" as your data format, this will
automatically default.

Workday enables you to load data through EIB spreadsheets into custom objects. On each Inbound EIB,
you can create or update data in the current tenant from the spreadsheet.


The summary page of the wizard presents your configurations and allows you to edit fields using the
pencil icon. The Guide Me option takes you back the the specific page in the wizard.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 17

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Business Case: You have been asked to load a spreadsheet that contains the new hires. You will
create an inbound EIB using the "Hire Employee" web service operation. The template spreadsheet
has already been generated and defined, so in upcoming activities, you will review and load the

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Search for 'Create EIB'.

2. Select Create EIB from the search results.

3. Give the new EIB the following name:

Field Name Entry Value

Name WICT EIB Hire Employees

4. Select the Inbound radio button then click OK.

5. In the General Settings page, click the Edit icon

and enter a Description.

6. Click Next.

7. In the Get Data page, click the icon to edit the Data Format area.

8. Use the Web Service Operation prompt to search for and select Hire Employee (Web Service).

9. Click Next.

10. Accept the default values on the Transform page and click Next.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24

11. Accept the default values on the Deliver page and click Next.

12. In the summary page, review your configuration. Note the buttons to ‘Guide Me’ or ‘Edit’ should
you wish to return to configuration mode to make any changes.

13. Click Save for Later, or navigate away and you will see that your changes have been saved. Click
OK to save.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 19

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


The Spreadsheet model is broken into Template Model Areas based on a Business Process, Sub Business
Process or Task.

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By expanding the folder(s) in the Spreadsheet Model, you can view the fields in each Template Model
Area. You can edit those fields by clicking on the Edit Template Model Area button.

Whenever you are prompted for a value for a field while populating an action or task online, you will have
to specify a Reference ID Type. This is a "lookup" field that must be populated with a valid Reference ID
Value in the integration file.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 21

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Workday uses the term "Integration IDs" as an umbrella term to capture all of the various "IDs" that we
have in Workday that can be used for integrations. This term includes Workday ID (WID), Reference ID,
External ID, and Reserved System ID. Reference IDs are most often used to populate spreadsheet
templates for inbound EIB integrations.

Methods to locate the needed IDs consist of using related actions from objects in the user interface,
running the Integration ID or View Reference ID reports.

Workday ID
A globally unique identifier that Workday automatically generates on all customer data. Workday IDs
consist of a 32-character, non-changing string. For example, b0685b69d8ac412582c0a44d7973f707.

WIDs are unique within each Workday environment, thus the same Workday object has different WIDs in
your production, sandbox, and implementation tenants. Although the use of WIDs can prevent
integrations from inadvertently running against the wrong environment, testing and migration of these
integrations is more complex.

Reference ID
An optional, unique identifier that can be set externally or within Workday. Each instance of a business
object can have one or more reference IDs. All Reference IDs contain a "type" and a "value".

 The "type" defines the attribute that is being used as the unique identifier.

 The "value" is the identifier itself.

External ID
A two-part unique identifier that is controlled by an external system and can change. These IDs provide
a way to capture external system IDs within Workday. These IDs are two-part unique identifiers. They
require an "Integration System" together with an identifier value (e.g. Integration System = "Taleo" with
ID = "A57987"). In prior updates, this ID was often referred to as "Integration ID" but are now referred
to as "External IDs" for clarity.

External IDs consist of:

 A system ID, which identifies an integration system in Workday. For example, SFDC is a system
ID for a tenanted integration system between Workday and

 A value, which identifies a particular business object instance. For example, W-001 is the external
ID value for the Western region instance of the sales organization.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 22

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Most spreadsheets have separate tabs for the main business process and each supported sub process.
If you include data in the spreadsheet for a sub process that is not included in the worker's business
process configuration, Workday disregards the data and continues processing the transaction as long as
the automation level is set to Skip or Manual. A sub process marked Optional may contain required
fields (columns); if you provide data for this sub process, all fields are required if you set the processing
level to Automatic. If a sub process is before the completion step in the main business process, it must
be included in the spreadsheet; however, it can set to Skip.

The following levels of workflow automation are available:

Full Automation Import new hire data into Workday using EIB and select automatic processing to
bypass To Do tasks, Notifications, and approvals, and to automatically complete
business process workflow.

Important: To fully automate the Hire Employee business process, all employees
in a spreadsheet must have identical processing requirements. If some employees
will skip a sub process and others will not, you must either perform separate
spreadsheet uploads for each group or use partial automation.

Manual Processing If you want business process participants to manually complete all review and
approval steps, To Do tasks and Notifications, specify manual processing for the
entire business process and either import all of your new hire data into Workday
using the EIB upload process or provide partial data in the spreadsheet and enter
the rest manually.

Important: When you select manual processing, any data uploaded from the
spreadsheet will trigger workflow just as if the data had been entered online.

Partial Automation You can specify different levels of automation for the main hire employee process
and each supported sub process.

To require manual review and approval for some processes but not others, select
a mix of automatic and manual processing options. For example, you might want
to automate the Assign Organizations sub process while using approval workflow
for the Propose Compensation for Hire sub process.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24

Option Description

Triggers review and approval workflow and includes all To Do tasks and Notifications defined for a
process or subprocess. If you select this option for a subprocess, you can enter partial data in the
corresponding spreadsheet section and enter the remaining information online, worker by worker.

Important: Provide all required data for the main process, even when the automation level for this
process is Manual. Only subprocess actions can include partial data.

Automatically completes workflow steps and bypasses To Do tasks, Notifications, and approvals for
a process or subprocess. If you select this option, enter data in all of the fields (columns) marked
AUTOMATIC Required in the related worksheet.
Note: The fields marked Required represent the minimum amount of data required to fully
automate the business process; other fields may be required depending on your setup.

Bypasses a subprocess that is either defined as optional or not included in your business process
configuration. You cannot select Skip for the main process.
Important: If you select Skip, do not enter any information in the worksheet for this process.

Triggers immediate start of the business process or sub-process with manual processing. You
should use this option only if you need the business process to complete before the EIB has
finished loading.

Note: Selecting this option will affect the performance of your EIB load; the load may take more
time than expected.

Triggers immediate start of the business process or sub-process with automatic processing. You
should use this option only if you need the business process to complete before the EIB has
finished loading.

Note: Selecting this option will affect the performance of your EIB load; the load may take more
time than expected.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 24

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Business Case: In order to better understand the structure of the spreadsheets generated from the
integration systems, you have been asked to review the Template Model for Hire Employee.


1. Search for 'WICT EIB' and select the WICT EIB Hire Employees Integration System from the All
of Workday or Integrations search category.

2. On the related actions menu, select Template Model > View.

3. Scroll down to review the Business Process tab.

4. Click the button to Edit Business Processes for Template Model.

5. Check the boxes to hide all except the following:

a. Hire Employee

b. Propose Compensation for Hire

c. Edit Background Check

6. Click OK, then Done.

7. In the course files provided by the instructor, from the Inbound Spreadsheet Solutions folder, open
the Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml in Excel. You may need to check the file properties and unblock to
be able to open the file.

8. Click on the Overview tab and review the Business Processes. Compare the list to the template model
in your tenant. Notice the ‘hidden’ business processes do not show up on the spreadsheet.

9. Click on the Hire Employee tab in the Excel spreadsheet. Review the contents to hire two employees
represented by their Applicant ID:

a. A01388 (Craig Webber)

b. A01163 (Jackie Wilson)

10. Click on the Propose Compensation for Hire tab in the Excel spreadsheet and review.

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1. In the View Template Model window, expand the Hire Employee

folder (expanded by default), scroll down and select Hire
Employee Event Data.

2. Review Hire Employee Event Data and note the following

Reference ID Type:

Field Name (Label) Entry Value (Reference ID Type)

Hire Reason General_Event_Subcategory_ID

Employee Type Employee_Type_ID

3. Find the corresponding Columns in your Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml on the Hire Employee tab.

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Configure Integration System: To edit the Enterprise Interface, use the related actions menu to
launch the configuration wizard.

Launch Integration System: Navigation to the Launch task is through the Integration System related
action and choosing Integration > Launch /Schedule.

Once you launch the integration, you must create or select the integration attachment and decide
whether to execute the integration live or in validation only mode. To improve availability of integration
resources, Workday now limits the maximum size of inbound EIB spreadsheets to 300
megabytes (MB). However, there is a 30 MB limit for all attachments in Workday, so you will need
to use SFTP for inbound EIBs if loading large amounts of data in a spreadsheet.

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Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Add Errors to Attachment:

If you want Workday to write errors back to the spreadsheet for troubleshooting purposes, select this
check box to create an attachment in the Integration Events report.

In the Value Type field, indicate how the parameter value is set:

 Select Specify Value to specify the value manually. Check the box to indicate ‘True’.

 Select Determine Value at Runtime to have Workday calculate the value each time the integration
runs. Typically, only date fields are determined at run time, since they are the only fields that
vary over time in recurring integrations.

 Select Use System Default to use the value that is configured in the Enterprise Interface
definition. This option is the default.

Validate Only Load:

If you want to validate your input data without performing an actual upload, select this check box to
create a trial run so that you can correct any data errors.

Load Error Limit:

Specify an error limit for the upload process. You can select a value from 1 to 1000 or specify Unlimited.
The process stops when it reaches the error limit. If you set the Value Type to Use System Default, the
default error limit is 25.

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View Background Process Event: Once you launch the Enterprise Interface you will be transferred
directly to the View Background Process page. You will need to click the Refresh button to refresh
the page until completion. When the Integration is 100% complete, you can view the details of your
process as well as the attachment.

The Process Monitor report can also be used to examine the details of the background
process/integration event. Be sure to select Integration as one of the process types.

Another useful report to view integration system results is Integration Events. Simply search for 'int
event' in the Workday search feature and enter the 'optional' parameters to run the report. The results
will display your completed integrations.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 29

Simple Integrations for Workday 24


Business Case: You've been asked to launch the WICT EIB New Hire integration system and upload
the Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml. First launch in validation mode then re-launch without validation
mode selected.

Sign in as lmcneil


1. Search for 'WICT EIB' and select WICT EIB Hire Employees. Select the Integrations or All of
Workday search category in the Search Results.

2. On the related actions menu, navigate to Integration >> Launch/Schedule.

3. Accept the default value of Run Now and click OK.

4. Select the prompt in the Value column of the Integration Attachment.

5. Click Create > Create Integration Attachment.

6. Select the Attach button and navigate to where you saved the files
provided by the instructor and choose Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml and
click open.

7. When 100% uploaded, select OK (this will bring you back to the
Schedule an Integration page).

8. In the Value Type column of Validate Load Only, select Specify Value then check the box under
the Value column.

9. In the Value Type column of Add Errors to Attachment, select Specify Value then check the box
under the Value column.

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10. Click OK and Refresh for the results on the Process Monitor screen. DO NOT click Close!

11. Search for 'WICT EIB' and select WICT EIB Hire Employees (remember to select Integrations
category in the Search Results).

12. On the related actions menu, navigate to Integration >> Launch/Schedule.

13. Select Run Now and click OK.

14. Select the prompt in the Value column of the Integration Attachment.

15. Select the existing attachment, Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml.

16. Click OK and Refresh for the results on the View Background Process page.


Run the WDINST EIB IntNewHire Report using 01/01/2013 as the starting date and today’s date as
the ending date. Then answer the following questions:

1. What are the employee id's for the following new hires?

2. Craig Webber ________________________

3. Jackie Wilson ________________________

4. What cost center does Jackie Wilson belong to? _____________________________

5. What is Craig Webber's supervisory organization's staffing model?


Hint: For the last question, check Craig’s worker profile in the tenant to see what supervisory organization
he was hired into. Check the organization then look at the spreadsheet to see where the value was

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When an integration event status is completed, you still want to verify the status of the Business
Processes loaded during the event. To view this tab in the Integration Event, you must be a member of
a security group that has access to the Integration Process domain.

You can cancel or rescind business processes triggered by an Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB)
integration when you need to undo the results of an upload. The reasons for this action might be:

 The business processes completed with errors due to incorrect data.

 Steps in your business process configuration were missing or incorrect.

Cancellation is allowed for business processes that are in progress, while rescind applies to business
processes that are past the completion step.

You can cancel or rescind

by accessing the
Integration Events report
and selecting the
integration event to view
the process details. On
the Business Processes
Loaded tab, use the
related action icon off the
business process to view
the Business Process

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Once you've executed an integration and uploaded a spreadsheet, it is stored in Workday as an object.
You can edit this attachment by executing the task 'Edit Integration Attachment' and uploading a new
version of the file. This task must be completed independently of running the integration system.

Note: If you are loading new data using an existing spreadsheet, you must delete the data that has
already been loaded into Workday to avoid errors. Remember, there is a 30 MB limit for all attachments
in Workday.

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Business Case: You have been asked to hire a 3rd employee. His information is provided in the table
below. Modify the Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml, edit the integration attachment then launch the
WICT EIB Hire Employees integration system.

Field Name Entry Value

Hire Employee
Name Andrew Shea
Spreadsheet Key 3
Applicant ID <Find in Tenant>
Organization Program_Management_supervisory
Position P-00116
Hire Date 2015-03-15
Hire Reason Hire_Employee_New_Hire_Fill_Vacancy
Employee Type Regular
Location San_Francisco_site
Default Hours 40
Scheduled Hours 40
Propose Compensation for Hire
Spreadsheet Key 3
Compensation Package Non_Management_Compensation_Package
Compensation Grade Non_Management
Row ID 1
Pay Plan SALARY_Salary_Plan
Amount 95000
Currency USD
Frequency Annual


1. Modify the Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml file with the above data and save.
*Don't forget to remove the old data

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1. Search for 'edit int att' and select Edit Integration Attachment task from the search results.

2. Click the prompt and select the Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml object then click OK.

3. Click the Attach button and navigate to select your updated file (shown in the screen shot above is
replacing Act_4_Hire_Employee_24.xml spreadsheet with Act_5_Hire_Employee_24.xml

4. Click OK, then Done.


1. Search for your integration system - WICT EIB Hire Employee. Remember to select the
Integrations category.

2. Launch the integration and run it now.

3. Select your existing attachment and run it in validate only mode first. Notice that the file you
replaced is no longer available in the list.

4. Validate a successful result, then re-run not using validation mode.

5. Verify Andrew Shea was hired by running the WDINST EIB IntNewHire report and answer the
following questions:

a. How much is Andrew paid annually? _______________________________________

b. What is Andrew's employee id?_______________

c. What Cost Center does Andrew belong to? __________________________________

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The values of Reference IDs are configurable by the customer but the definition of the Reference IDs on
our business objects is defined by our applications. In other words, Workday defines the Reference IDs
for our business objects as well as default values, but our customers can configure these values.

You can define a reference ID by selecting Integration IDs > Edit Reference ID as a related action on an
individual business object. However, if you want to update reference IDs in bulk, use the Maintain
Reference ID task.

Note: Use caution when editing reference ID values. After the ID values have been set, changes to those
values can break existing integrations that use the current ID values.

Note: To edit and maintain reference IDs, you must be a member of a security group with access to Set
Up: Integration security domain or Set Up: System security domain.

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Business Case: You've been asked to change the reference ID for the Language Skills reference IDs so
that they are more in-line with the needs of your organization.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Search for 'main ref id' and select the Maintain Reference IDs task.

2. In the prompt, select the business object, Language Skill.

3. Leave the default radio button selected ( None of the above).

4. Click OK.

5. Leave the default values and click OK.

6. Change the Reference ID Values for the following Instances then click OK to save then click Done.

Business Instance Reference Value ID

Language Skill English ENG

Language Skill Russian RUS

Language Skill Spanish SPA

Language Skill French FRE

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When you use the Create EIB task to set up an inbound integration from a web service operation as its
data source, Workday automatically creates a template model as part of the workflow. Generate a
spreadsheet template in Workday that you can use for a data upload. You can optionally modify the
template to meet your needs. This will be discussed later.

Note: Workday generates spreadsheets in XML Spreadsheet 2003 format. To maintain the correct
spreadsheet format, do not change the .xml file extension.


By viewing the template model, you can review the Business Process and sub processes. Additionally,
within each subprocess, you can view the required fields and their required Reference ID Type.

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You may need to change the Reference ID Type for a particular field. Once you view the template
model, click on the Spreadsheet Model tab. For each Business Process, you can review the Template
Model Area.

The Reference ID Type retrieved by default maybe the common usage or the first value alphabetically
in the list, and therefore, needs to be verified it is correct for your needs.

For smaller spreadsheets you may want to edit all the data model areas for a business process at once by
selecting the process folder and selecting Edit Template Model Sheet.

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For added flexibility, you can change the Reference ID Type

either in the Spreadsheet Template Model
or directly in the Spreadsheet Template.

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Business Case: You've been asked to create a new inbound EIB called WICT EIB Add Organizations
using the Add Update Organization (Web Service). Once saved, generate a spreadsheet so that your
company can load new organizations into Workday.

1. Search for 'create eib' and select the Create EIB task.

2. Name the Integration System WICT EIB Add Organizations.

3. Select Inbound and click OK.

4. Click Next to access the Get Data page.

5. Notice that the Data Source area is already populated with a Retrieval Method of ‘Attach File at

6. Click the icon to edit the Data Format area.

7. Click the prompt for Web Service Operation and select Human Resources > Add Update
Organization (Web Service).

8. Click Next to access the Transform page and review (no change).

9. Click Next to access the Deliver page and review (no change).

10. Click Next to access the summary page to review your settings. Click Save for Later and OK.

11. Search for your WICT EIB Add Organizations integration system, remember to select the Integrations
category in the Search Results if necessary.

12. Use the related actions menu to navigate to Template Model > Generate Spreadsheet
Template. Check the box to confirm and click Submit. It will generate as a background process
and will be available on the W: Drive.

13. Click Done.

14. Save the spreadsheet to your hard drive, making note of the location.

Saved location: ________________________________________________

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Business Case: You've been asked to create a spreadsheet so that your company can manage the
language skills of employees through an integration system that uses the Manage Languages web

Note: Not all steps are defined – use your knowledge and screen shots to assist.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)


Name it WICT EIB Manage Languages and use the Manage Languages web service:

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Modify the Worker in the All template model area under Manage Languages, using the steps that

1. Using the related actions menu off the integration system, select Template Model > View.

2. Click OK to navigate away and save changes.

3. Manage Languages folder is expanded by default. Select All.

4. Click Edit Template Model Area button and change the following Reference ID Type value by
clicking the prompt:

Field Name (Label) Entry Value (Reference ID Type)

Worker Employee ID

5. Click OK, then Done.

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Modify the Assessed by Worker in the Languages+ (2nd occurrence) template model area under
Manage Languages (details follow).

6. Expand the Manage Languages folder and select the Language+ (second occurrence)
template model area.

7. Click Edit Template Model Area button and change the following Reference ID Type value by
clicking the prompt:

Field Name (Label) Entry Value (Reference ID Type)

Assessed by Worker Employee ID

8. Click OK, then Done.


1. Use the related actions menu to navigate to Template Model > Generate Spreadsheet
Template. It will generate as a background process and will be available on the W: Drive.

2. Check the Confirm box and Submit.

Save the spreadsheet to your hard drive, making note of the location

Saved location: _______________________________________________

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 Generate an empty spreadsheet template in Workday.

 (For high volume business processes) Identify the target population for the business process.

 Retrieve the required reference IDs.

The most efficient way to learn the Workday Object Model is through the Workday UI. Another useful
tool is the documentation in the Excel tool tips. Workday now limits the maximum size of inbound EIB
spreadsheets to 300 megabytes (MB).

When launching integration systems, it is recommended to always test in your sandbox before loading
into production. Additionally, use the Validate Only Load, Load Error Limit and Add Errors to Attachment
options when launching your integration.



 Always generate a spreadsheet template in Workday for the upload.

 Keep the template in its original XML SPREADSHEET 2003 format. Do not save a template to
any other format.

 Add only data values to the generated spreadsheet. Do not make formatting changes, introduce
hard breaks or returns, rearrange rows or columns, or add new rows and columns. Doing so may
cause the upload to fail.

Required Data

 Each worksheet section, or area, indicates whether an element is optional or required.

 Each column in the spreadsheet indicates whether a field is optional or required.

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Data Types

 Columns with formats such as YYYY-MM-DD, Y/N, TEXT, or NUMBER accept data only in the
specified format.

 Dates must always be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

 To protect spreadsheet cell formatting, either enter values manually or reapply the correct
formats if you cut and paste data from another spreadsheet or report.

Lookup Columns

 Columns identified as holding LOOKUP values must be populated with Workday reference IDs,
not the names that appear in the corresponding Workday fields.

 If reference ID values are empty in Workday, you must assign reference IDs before you can
upload data.

ID Columns

 When left blank, some ID columns trigger Workday's ID generator to assign new ID values
during the upload. Refer to the spreadsheet comments in ID columns to find out whether IDs
are automatically generated.

Replacing and Deleting Data

 In addition to uploading new data, you can use an EIB spreadsheet to replace or delete existing
data. Inbound data automatically replaces existing values.

 To delete data, enter {empty} values in spreadsheet cells that are formatted as TEXT fields.

 You can use any of Workday's spreadsheet import templates to delete data, but deletion is
allowed only in TEXT fields, not LOOKUP fields.

Spreadsheet Column Current

Inbound Data Result
(Field) Data

UPDATED POSITION ID 388.8 {empty} No value in field

No value entered in
EMPLOYEE TYPE Regular Regular

Staff 30350 (Workday reference

JOB PROFILE Senior Recruiter
Recruiter ID for Senior Recruiter)

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Loading Multiple Values

 To enter multiple values in a multi-select field, add rows immediately following the initial row and
leave all fields in these rows blank except for the key fields and the fields holding the multi-select

 For example, the Cost Center field accepts more than one value; to add multiple cost centers you
need to specify only the Applicant ID (key field) in the additional rows and a reference ID for
each Cost Center:

Spreadsheet Applicant Applicant Cost

Company Region
Key ID Name Center

A01032 A01032 Julie Bowles 2501.21 61200 2503.42

A01032 61210

It is recommended that you use the ID of the object you are loading if it is available. For example, the
spreadsheet key for data being loaded for an employee can be the Employee ID.


It is recommended that you use the ID (Spreadsheet key) of the main object followed by -1, -2, etc. for
each child row of data.

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Another type of external integration ID, the reserved system IDs, are internal system ID values that allow
for backward compatibility between the original v1 and v2 operations in the Workday API and newer
operations that use reference IDs and WIDs. These exist for the original web service operations in the
early versions of Workday's API before the introduction of reference IDs.

We recommend that internal IDs (WD-I) should NOT be used in integrations since they can change as
Workday's object model evolves over time. We will continue to support these internal IDs within our
inbound WWS in order to preserve backward-compatibility.

Two types of reserved system IDs are used today:

 WD-WID: used to pass Workday IDs into a v1 or v2 operation.

 WD-EMPLID: used to pass Employee IDs or Contingent Worker IDs into a v1 or v2 operation.

Even though as of update 21 the original v1 and v2 operations have been retired, some web service
operations, such as the Add Update Organization web service operation, still reflect the use of reserved
system IDs.

You will see examples of the use of reserved system IDs in the next activity. Pay close
attention when populating the spreadsheet for Organization Reference and Business Site Reference fields.
The combination of System ID and ID fields are the indicator that you need to see what the field is
referring to. If referring to an employee or contingent worker, the System ID is populated with WD-
EMPLID and the ID field is populated with the actual worker ID. If the field refers to anything else
(other than a worker) the System ID field is populated with WD-WID and the ID field is populated with
the 32 character ID.

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Business Case: Now that you generated the add/update organizations spreadsheet, you've been asked
to populate it with the data below to create two new Supervisory Organizations that will be subordinate
to Sales Operations Group. Launch the WICT EIB Add Organizations integration system and verify
the results.


1. Open the AddUpdate_Organization_24.xml file created and saved in the previous activity.

2. Enter the information below into the correct columns:

Data Area Field Name Entry Value

All Spreadsheet Key 1

Organization Effective Date 2015-02-01

Organization Reference ID Sales_Operations_North_America

Organization Name Sales Operations - North America

Availability Date 2015-02-01

Position Management Y

Organization Superior Organization Reference (Columns Q & R) <Find in Tenant>

Reference (use System ID WD-WID and ID of Sales Operations Group WID)
Organization Organization Type Supervisory
Organization Subtype Name Group

Organization Visibility Name Everyone

Business Site (use System ID WD-WID and ID of Sales Operations Location WID) columns V & W <Find in Tenant>

Data Area Field Name Entry Value

All Spreadsheet Key 2

Organization Effective Date 2015-02-01

Organization Reference ID <Leave Blank>

Organization Name Sales Operations - Emerging

Availability Date 2015-02-01

Position Management Y

Organization Superior Organization Reference (Columns Q & R) <Find in Tenant>

Reference (use System ID WD-WID and ID of Sales Operations Group WID)

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Organization Organization Type Supervisory

Organization Subtype Name Group

Organization Visibility Name Everyone

Business Site use System ID WD-WID and ID of Sales Operations Location WID <Find in Tenant>
Reference (Columns V & W)


1. After the spreadsheet is populated, search for 'WICT EIB' in your tenant and select WICT EIB Add

2. On the related actions menu, navigate to Integration > Launch/Schedule .

3. Leave the default value "Run Now" and click OK.

4. In the Integration Attachment Value prompt, select Create > Create Integration Attachment.

5. Click Attach and navigate to your saved spreadsheet.

6. Once selected, Click Open then OK.

7. Select Specify Value for Validate Only Load and check the box.

8. Select Specify Value for Add Errors to Attachment and check the box.

9. Click OK and Refresh until the process is complete (Do not close).

10. If completed successfully, re-run the integration without Validate Only selected. Re-use the same
integration attachment created above.

11. If completed with errors, verify your data on the spreadsheet. Make any necessary changes and
save the spreadsheet locally. Then use the Edit Integration Attachment task to replace the
spreadsheet you first uploaded and try to validate again.


1. Search the tenant for "Sales Operations Group" - Supervisory Organization

2. What is the reference ID value for Sales Operations - North America? _______________

3. What is the Superior Organization for Sales Operations - North America? _____________

4. What is the Organization Type of Sales Operations - North America? _________________

5. What is the reference ID value for Sales Operations - Emerging Markets? _______________

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6. What is the Superior Organization for Sales Operations - Emerging Markets? _____________

7. What is the Organization Type of Sales Operations - Emerging Markets? _________________

8. Why is the Business Process Loaded tab missing in the View Background Process?

CHALLENGE - Why is there no reference ID for the Organization Sales Operations - Emerging

Since an Organization_Reference_ID was not assigned to the supervisory Organization of Sales Operations -
Emerging Markets in the spreadsheet, manually assign the reference ID value of
Sales_Operations_Emerging_Markets in the UI.

Do you remember what task provides the ability to edit reference IDs?

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Business Case: Now that you generated the Manage Languages spreadsheet, you've been asked to
populate it with the data below for Chad Anderson and Anthony Rizzo. Once populated, launch the
integration system using your spreadsheet and verify the results. You may need to run the Integration
IDs report to help you find the correct reference ID values.

Employee Language Proficiency Ability Assessed On Assessed

Skill By

Chad Anderson French Intermediate Overall February 1, 2015 Logan


Russian Fluent Speaking February 1, 2015 Logan


Anthony Rizzo Spanish Beginner Speaking March 1, 2015 Logan



Run Integration IDs Report

1. Type Int IDs into the Search box and press enter.

2. Click the Integration IDs report link.

3. For Business Object, search for Language and choose the Language Ability Type, Language
Proficiency, and Language Skill Business Objects then run the report.

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4. Make a note of the Reference ID values you will be required to populate into the spreadsheet.


1. Click on the Overview tab and select Automatic Processing for the Manage Language Business

2. Click on the Manage Languages tab and populate the following information:

Mange Languages

Spreadsheet Key 21016 (Chad's

Employee ID)

Worker Chad Anderson (Use

Employee ID)

Language + (All) Row ID 21016-1

Language French

(Reference ID

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 53

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Assessed On 2015-02-01

Assessed By Logan McNeil

Employee ID)

Language Ability + Row ID 21016-1

Language <Leave
Ability Blank>

Language Row ID 21016-1

Ability Data
Language Intermediate (Reference ID Type
+ (All)
Proficiency = Language Proficiency)

Language Overall(Reference ID Type =

Ability Type Language Ability Type)

Spreadsheet Key 21016

Worker Leave Blank

Second Instance for
Chad Anderson

Language + (All) Row ID 21016-2

Language Russian

Assessed On 2015-02-01

Assessed By Logan McNeil

Employee ID)

Language Ability + Row ID 21016-2

Language <Leave
Ability Blank>

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Language Row ID 21016-2

Ability Data
Language Fluent
+ (All)

Language Speaking
Ability Type

Spreadsheet Key 21021

(Anthony's Employee

Worker Anthony Rizzo (Use

Employee ID)

Language + (All) Row ID 21021-1

Language Spanish

Assessed On 2015-03-01

Assessed By Logan McNeil

Employee ID)

Language Ability + Row ID 21021-1

Language <Leave
Ability Blank>

Language Row ID 21021-1

Ability Data
Language Beginner
+ (All)

Language Speaking
Ability Type

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1. Search for the string WICT EIB Manage Languages.

2. Use the related action icon next to the WICT EIB Manage Language Integration System to select
the Integration > Launch / Schedule task.

3. Click OK to Run Now.

4. For the Integration Attachment field Value on the far right, click on the prompt icon.

5. Click on Create > Create Integration Attachment.

6. Click the Attach button.

7. Locate your file (Manage Language.xml) and select it.

8. When the upload completes, click OK.

9. Select Specify Value for Validate Only Load and check the box.

10. Select Specify Value for Add Errors to Attachment and check the box.

11. Click OK and Refresh until process is complete. (Do not close)

12. If completed successfully, re-run the integration without Validate Only selected. Re-use the same
integration attachment created above.

13. Once transferred to the View Background Process report – validate success.

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1. Search for the string Anderson.

2. Use the related action off of Chad Anderson's Employee Object navigate to Talent > View Skills
and Experience, and then choose the Languages tab to review your results.

3. Repeat the steps for Rizzo.

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Recommended flow for template model editing:

As a best practice, start by generating a baseline spreadsheet template and reviewing the spreadsheet
details. Then, edit the underlying template model as needed to define a custom spreadsheet template.

Open the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and familiarize yourself with its details:

 Look at the overall structure of the spreadsheet, including the individual worksheets and sheet

 Review the column groupings in each area to understand the relationships between fields.

 Notice which areas and fields are required, conditionally required, and optional.

 View comments by resting your mouse pointer over spreadsheet cells.

Determine whether you want to modify the spreadsheet template. You can make the following changes:

 Worksheets - reorder tabs, rename tabs, change sheet titles, or hide sheets completely.

 Areas - rename, add Excel cell comments, or hide areas completely.

 Columns - rename, change area labels, override values, select reference ID types, edit Excel cell
comments, or hide columns completely. You can also maintain occurrences for columns that
accept multiple values, such as worktags, address lines, earnings, deductions, and related

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You can rename, change area labels, override values, select reference ID types, edit Excel cell comments,
or hide columns completely. You can also maintain occurrences for columns that accept multiple values,
such as worktags, address lines, earnings, deductions, and related calculations.

Within the template model area in the Spreadsheet Model, you can use the related actions menu to edit
the column details.

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Business Case: In this activity, you will create an inbound EIB that uses the Request Bonus payment
service. Once created, you will view and modify the template model.


1. Create an Inbound EIB called WICT EIB Load Bonuses for Sales & Marketing using Template
from Request Bonus Payment (Web Service) operation.


1. Search for 'wict eib Load Bonus' and select your newly created EIB.

2. Using the related actions icon, navigate to Template Model > View.

3. With the Request Bonus Payment folder selected, click the Edit Template Model Sheet button.

4. Scroll through the first Template Model Area All and do the following:

a. Effective Date* - Enter Value of 03/01/2015 and Hide the column.

b. Bonus Reason - Reference ID Type should be Event Classification Subcategory ID.

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5. Scroll down to the Template Model Area Bonus Payment Data and do the following:

a. Percent - Enter Value of 0 and Hide the column

b. Currency - Enter Value of USD and Hide the column

c. Comment - Hide the column

6. Scroll down to the second Template Model Area All and do the following:

a. Ignore Plan Assignment - Hide the column

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7. Click OK then Done.

8. In the Request Bonus Payment folder, select the first All template model area.

9. Use the relation actions menu on the Bonus Reason

column to navigate to Template Model Column >
Edit Details.

10. Enter "Reason for Bonus Payment" in the Excel Cell

Comment field.

11. Under Allowed Values, add an allowed value for both

One-Time Payment > Incentive > Bonus and

One-Time Payment > Incentive > Award

12. Click OK then Done.

13. In the Request Bonus Payment folder, select the Bonus Payment Data template model area.

14. Use the relation actions menu on the Bonus Plan column to navigate to Template Model Column
> Edit Details.

15. Under Allowed Values, add an allowed value for both

All Plans > Management Bonus Plan and

All Plans > Non-Mgmt Bonus – Staff

16. Click OK then Done.


1. Use the related actions menu to navigate to Template Model > Generate Spreadsheet

2. Save the spreadsheet to your hard drive, making note of the location
Saved location: _______________________________________________

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Business Case: Now that you generated the spreadsheet, you've been asked to populate it with the
Bonus Payment data below, launch the integration system and verify the results.


1. Search the tenant for a report called WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing Payments.

2. Run the report and review the output. You will use this report to locate the necessary reference IDs
and to validate the data loaded by your integration system.


1. Open the Request_Bonus_Payment.xml file created and saved in the previous activity.

2. On the Overview tab, select automatic processing for the BP (Request Bonus Payment).

3. Enter the information below into the correct columns on the Request Bonus Payment Tab. Some of
the values are accessible from a report that is provided for you called WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing

Field Name Entry Value

Spreadsheet Key 21103

Employee 21103

Position P-00124

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 3399

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Spreadsheet Key 21102

Employee 21102

Position P-00123

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 2767.5

Spreadsheet Key 21105

Employee 21105

Position P-00127

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 2767.5

Spreadsheet Key 21165

Employee 21165

Position P-00126

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 918

Spreadsheet Key 21141

Employee 21141

Position P-00143

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 692.74

Spreadsheet Key 21101

Employee 21101

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Position P-00120

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 2848.5

Spreadsheet Key 21166

Employee 21166

Position P-00122

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 1836

Spreadsheet Key 21037

Employee 21037

Position P-00040

Bonus Reason Select from Dropdown

Bonus Plan Get value From the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing
Payments Report - Select from Dropdown
Amount 4830.31


1. After the spreadsheet is populated, search for 'WICT EIB' in your tenant and select WICT EIB Load
Bonuses for Sales & Marketing. Don’t forget to select the Integrations category.

2. On the related actions menu, navigate to Integration > Launch/Schedule.

3. Leave the default value "Run Now" and click OK.

4. In the Integration Attachment Value prompt, select Create > Create Integration Attachment.

5. Click Attach and navigate to your saved spreadsheet.

6. Once the upload completes, then click OK.

7. Select Specify Value for Validate Only Load and check the box.

8. Select Specify Value for Add Errors to Attachment and check the box.

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9. Click OK and Refresh until the process completes. (Do not Close)

10. If completed successfully, re-run the integration without Validate Only selected. Re-use the same
integration attachment created above.

11. Run the WDINST EIB Sales & Marketing Payments report to verify the results.

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As of Workday 20, you have the ability to generate a spreadsheet populated with data to aid in loading
data. This option generates a pre-populated spreadsheet based on your EIB's web service operation and
template configuration. You can edit the filter to populate specific data. When complete, you must
download the file from the Notifications section of My Workday report, or locate on your W:Drive.

This feature can be valuable when the need to reload data occurs. You may just need to make minor
edits or additions. The pre-populated spreadsheet can reduce the effort and time required.

EIBs: Spreadsheet with Data Size Limits

If you attempt to generate a spreadsheet with data where the web service operation returns between 60
MB and 300MB of data, Workday splits the output across multiple spreadsheets. If you attempt to
generate a spreadsheet with data where the web service operation returns more than 300 MB of data,
Workday displays an error in the Process Monitor and does not generate a spreadsheet. To resolve this
issue, filter your data by selecting Edit Template with Data Options in the template model’s Data tab.

The Supported Inbound EIB Operations report can be run to identify the web service operations that
currently support the ability to generate spreadsheet with data.

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Business Case: Using the Submit Payroll Input Web Service, you will generate a spreadsheet with data
loaded from ongoing payroll input.


1. Search for and run Ongoing Payroll Input with Reference ID report. Use 01/01/2013 as the
Start date and click OK.

2. Note the Payroll Input ID for United Way Annual Pledge Pay Component._________________


1. Use the ‘Create EIB’ task to

create an inbound integration
system Called WICT EIB
Submit Payroll with the
Retrieval Method default of
Attach File at Launch and Web
Service Operation Data Format
set to Submit Payroll Input
(Web Service).


1. From the related action off the EIB, navigate to Template Model > View.

2. Scroll down to locate the Data tab; click the Edit Template with Data Options button.

a. In the ID field, enter the payroll input ID captured in step 2 of Task 1

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b. Click OK and Done.

c. Scroll down to click the Generate Spreadsheet Template with Data button.

d. Check the confirmation check box and click Submit and Done.

3. Click the link in your Notifications or on the W: drive to save Submit_Payroll_Input.xml to your local
hard drive. Be sure to maintain XML Spreadsheet 2003 format.


1. Enter the following values into the spreadsheet

Field Name Entry Value

Payroll Input ID PAYROLL_INPUT-4-193

Batch ID WICT-EIB-UnitedWay

End Date 2015-12-31 (will auto format)

2. Save your file locally.


1. Scroll down and click the Usage tab. Use the related action of the WICT EIB Submit Payroll
integration system, launch it to Run Now.

2. Attach the updated spreadsheet.

3. Run it in Validate Only mode, and then in live execution mode.

4. When complete, re-run the Ongoing Payroll Input with Reference ID report and note the
changes loaded with your EIB.

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New import web services were made available with update 21 that are optimized for performance. The
benefits are improved availability of the Workday application for other users and systems, and reduced
time and effort to monitor and troubleshoot the spreadsheet load.

The Import web services highlight a 2-tab spreadsheet template format and template model support.
The integration event is enhanced with drillable errors providing access to view detailed data and

Included in these optimized import web services are:

 Import Accounting Journal

 Import Supplier Invoice

 Import Customer Invoice

 Import Ad hoc Bank Transaction

 Import Bank Statement

 Import Eligible Earnings Override

 Import Budget Details

 Import Position Budget

And more! Be sure to use ‘import’ web services instead of the older ‘submit’ web services when
possible, to take advantage of the performance improvements.

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Understanding the way Workday handles integration errors enables you the ability to troubleshoot
problems more easily. Always check the status of an integration event by accessing the Process
Monitor or Integration Event and view message details by drilling down on the number of Errors &
Warnings column.



Severity Message Example Processing Behavior Integration Event Status

INFO Initiated process Processing continues Completed

WARNING Ann Smith has missing Processing continues Completed with warnings
or invalid data. The
value 1223-456-78910
is too long for “Phone
Number” and will be
truncated in the output.
Phone Number should
have length equal to or
shorter than 12.

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ERROR Errors during data load. Processing continues Completed with errors
See report for details. unless the error
threshold has been met.

CRITICAL Unable to complete Processing stops. Failed

integration processing.


Message Component Description

Context Identifies the source of the problem, such as the name of the worker or integration
map that caused the error.

Condition Describes the error condition, such as invalid data, missing fields or attributes, or
empty map values.

Requirement Specifies the valid values or conditions that must be met.

Response Provides a suggested solution to the problem.

An integration event can generate up to 500 error messages before processing stops. Although warnings
do not affect integration processing, the number of warnings is limited to 500 at which time a final
warning is issued. Workday processes inbound and outbound integrations differently when errors occur.

Workday processes the entire batch of transactions in inbound integrations. If an error occurs, Workday
generates an error message, skips the transaction that caused the error, and continues to process the
other transactions in the batch. Transactions without errors execute successfully.

When an error occurs in an outbound integration, Workday does not transmit any data but fully
processes the file to produce a comprehensive error report.

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Integration Exception Audit: Lists exceptions for integration systems. The report summarizes
critical errors and warnings by integration system and provides suggestions to help you resolve each
problem. Workday does not prevent you from launching an integration with exceptions, but you can
avoid integration failure by viewing the exception audit to identify issues and take action.

Scheduled Future EIBs Exception Audit: Lists exceptions in EIB integrations that are scheduled
to run in the future. The report identifies two types of security-related exceptions:
 EIBs that cannot be launched by the scheduled user due to insufficient security. Resolve the
exception by modifying the current user's security permissions, or transferring ownership to
another user.
 EIBs that cannot be triggered by workflow steps in business process definitions due to insufficient
user security. Either modify the security for the user specified in the workflow step, or edit the
business process definition to assign a different user to the step.

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Business Case: You have been given a spreadsheet that contains three new hires. You've already
created the integration system to hire employees so you are ready to launch and upload the

TASK 1 : Launch the WICT EIB Hire Employees integration system in validation mode and upload
the Act_14_Troubleshooting_HireEmployee_24.xml provided in the .zip file, in the Inbound Spreadsheet
Solutions folder.

Cynthia Lee 03/01/2015 P-00046 Sales San 60000

Operations Francisco

Dion 03/01/2015 P-00033 Workstation Dallas 75000

Jackson Support

Michael 03/15/2015 P-00030 IT HelpDesk San 68000

Renato Department Francisco

1. What error(s) do you receive in the Failure Report? _________________________________________

2. What steps do you need to take to correct the problem? _____________________________________

Continue to next page

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TASK 2: Now that you've determined the need to create two applicants, you can populate the fields
on the Hire spreadsheet to create the applicants during the Hire upload.

1. Enter the following data into the Act_14_Troubleshooting_Hire_Employee23xml spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet Country First Name Last Name


1 US Cynthia Lee

3 US Michael Renato

Email Addr.+ Row ID Email




Usage Data + >> Email (area) RowID Public

1 N

3 N

Type Data + >>Email (area) Row ID Primary Type



Continue to next page

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TASK 3 : Edit the integration attachment in your tenant and launch the WICT EIB Hire Employees
integration system using the updated attachment.

1. Did you receive errors? __________________________________________________

2. Can you validate that the applicants were successfully hired?

3. Make a note of the following Employee IDs:

Cynthia Lee _________________

Dion Jackson ________________
Michael Renato ______________

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There are two options as the data source for outbound EIBs: Reports as a Service or Workday Public Web
Service. We will take a look at each.


Workday enables you to expose advanced custom reports as web services that can be called in an

When you enable a custom report as a web service, Workday generates a unique RaaS namespace for
the report, using the following format: where Report_Name is
the name of the report.

The RaaS namespace remains fixed even if the report owner changes due to transfers of ownership or
the report name changes. This prevents integrations that rely on the report's output from being unable to
retrieve data if the report owner changes.

You can edit the namespace for a custom report. However, you should consider the following:

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 Workday does not verify that a changed RaaS namespace is unique.

 If you have any integrations that use the report, you will have to update them to use the new
RaaS namespace.

Reports that are enabled as a web service must have labels defined for all columns, prompts and related
business objects.

When you enable web services for an Advanced custom report and expose the report for integration
scenarios, the maximum size of the response that can be returned is 2 GB.


Create an outbound EIB to export data from Workday by using a custom report, a REST URL, or a
Workday Web Service operation as a data source. This task uses the EIB configuration wizard to simplify
the setup process. The wizard guides you by filtering the configuration options for an outbound data


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After naming and selecting Outbound as the direction of the EIB, the General Settings page is displayed,
just as with Inbound EIBs, where you can edit to add a description.


The options for data source are:

Custom Report: Select an existing custom report definition at the prompt. The selection
list only shows custom reports that are enabled for web services.

Web Service Data Source: Select an existing web service data source if one has already been
defined. Web Service data sources must be created using the Create
Web Service Data Source task to show in the list.

If you want to generate the report output in a format other than Workday XML, select an Alternate
Output Format. This option is only available when a custom report is defined as the Data Source.

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Click Details to access the configuration for Alternate Output Format.

Avaliable Alternate Output Formats:

 CSV (comma separated values)
 GData (Google data)
 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
 RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
 Simple XML


You may optionally transform the output of an XML file. You may select:

New Custom Report Transformation: Custom Report transformations enable you to define
output order, format individual report, and add headers
and footers to output files.

Delivered Transformation: The delivered transformations have been deprecated.

Choose another transformation option.

Custom Transformation: Select an existing custom transformation if one has

already been defined, or use the Create XSLT
Attachment Transformation task to upload. This can be
applied to XML only.

None: This default value is used to maintain the Workday XML

format of the source data.

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You can specify where to deliver the data. The options are:

 Workday as an Attachment
The output file is attached to the integration event in Workday.

 External Transport Protocols

The output file is delivered to an external location. At the prompt, select an existing endpoint if one has
already been defined. You can use the Create XX Transport Protocol task to create a new endpoint. You
also have the option to click the Add button within the Deliver page and then specify the protocol details
for one of the following Delivery Methods:

 AS2
 Email
 WebDAV

You will also need to specify a file name with a valid extension type and a document retention policy. A
retention period is required when you send an output file back to Workday as an attachment, and is
recommended for audit purposes when you send an output file to an external endpoint. After the
integration runs, Workday attaches the output file to the integration event for the specified length of
time. Optionally, you may compress, encrypt or restrict the target environment for this delivery.


Navigation to the Launch task is

through the Integration System
related action icon and choosing
Integration > Launch / Schedule.
When an Integration System is
launched any required prompts
related to a custom report must
be populated.

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Once you launch the Enterprise Interface you will be transferred directly to the View Background Process
page. Click the Refresh button on this page until you see the Status change from Processing:

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If there are no errors, the Status will change to Completed, and the Output Files tab will contain the
output file if Workday attachment was the configured Transport Protocol:


Every time an integration system is launched, it creates a new integration event. The integration
background process performs any required transformations and outputs the appropriate files or web
service messages.

The event can be accessed via the Process Monitor, however, the Integration Events report is
especially designed to monitor and review the results of integration events.

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Scenario: You have been tasked with utilizing the WDINST EIB IntNewHire Custom Report in a
simple integration. The HR department has requested a comma separated file of all hires within GMS.
They have requested the ability to run it once per week with a given date range.

Tasks to Use
Edit Custom Report
Create EIB


1. Search for WDINST EIB. Select the All of Workday category.

2. Use the related action for the WDINST EIB IntNewHire report definition that we used in the
inbound activities, and select Custom Report > Edit.

3. In the Columns tab, remove the following fields: Worker and Employee ID.

4. In the Prompts tab, add rows for the Hire Date filters that are configured to prompt and enter
Label for Prompt as shown:

5. Click OK to save.

6. From the related action of the report name navigate to Custom Report > Edit.

7. In the Advanced tab, check the box to Enable As Web Service.

The Web Service API Version and Namespace will populate automatically.

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8. Click OK to save.

9. Notice Column Heading Override XML Alias fields populate automatically in the Columns tab.

10. Click Done.


1. Search for and select the Create EIB task.

2. Name the EIB WICT NewHireIntegration.

3. Select the Outbound radio button and click OK.

4. Review the General Settings and add a Description if desired.

5. Click Next to access the Get Data page, then use the pencil icon to access Edit mode.

6. Accept the default of Custom Report in the Data Source Type drop-down menu.

7. Use the prompt to locate and select the WDINST EIB IntNewHire report.

8. Click Details to select CSV as Alternate Output Format and click Done.

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9. Click Next to access the Transform page.

10. Accept the default Transformation Type of None and click Next to access the Deliver page.

11. Click the pencil icon to Edit the Deliver page.

12. Delivery Method and Details default to Workday Attachment, which is what we want.

13. For File Name specify NewHireIntegration.csv (*you must name the file with an extension).

14. Notice the Document Retention Policy is set to 1 Day by default.

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15. Click the Next to review the Summary page.


1. Click the related action icon on the WICT

NewHireIntegration Integration System.

2. Select Integration > Launch/Schedule

related action. Changes are automatically
saved. Click OK.

3. Accept the default Run Frequency value of Run Now. Click the OK button.

4. You will be prompted for the Report Parameters. Enter values as follows:

Field Value

Start 01/01/2013

End Today’s Date

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5. Click the OK button to launch the integration.


Background Process Event Activities

1. Once you launch the NewHireIntegration Integration System you will be transferred to the View
Background Process page.

2. Click on the WICT NewHireIntegration link (blue text) at the top, or the Refresh button, to refresh
the page.

3. Scroll down while on the Integration Details tab and notice our Workday attachment file.

4. Explore the other tabs. The .csv file is available from the Output Files (1) tab. Download to verify
the alternate format by opening in Excel.

Process Monitor Activities

1. Search for Process Monitor.
2. Execute the Process Monitor Report by clicking on the hyperlink.
3. Enter Integration as the Type of process, click OK.
4. Click on the Request hyperlink for your event.
5. You will then be transferred to the same event details (View Background Process) page previously
Click the Request hyperlink to view
the details of the integration event.

6. Search for Int Eve.

7. Execute the Integration Events Report by clicking on the hyperlink.
8. Accept the default values (blank), click OK.
9. Click on the Integration Event hyperlink for your event.

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10. You will then be transferred to the same event details (View Background Process) page previously

The output file can be opened in Excel

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Sometimes the Workday account that needs to launch the EIB does not have security privileges to run
the report that is configured as the data source. It is possible to create a security proxy to grant access
to the report for the purpose of executing the integration. This ensures the integration user can access
only the report, and not other items.

Once the security proxy is created, the EIB must have the Run As User set to the Proxied Workday
Account. Now the Authorized Workday Account will be able to launch the EIB.

The expiration date is not required and if left blank, the Security Proxy will continue to work until it is

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Scenario: Teresa Serrano should launch the WICT NewHireIntegration EIBbut does not have access to
the Report. Logan will configure a Security Proxy to allow her to do so.


Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano) using the password you were provided

1. Search for the WICT NewHireIntegration in the search box.

2. Use the related action to locate the option for Integration > Launch/Schedule.

3. Notice the option is not there! Why not?____________________________________________


Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil) using the password you were provided

1. Access the Create Security Proxy task..

2. Configure as follows:

Field Enter Value

Report Definition WDINST EIB IntNewHire

Proxied Workday Account lmcneil

Authorized Workday Account tserrano

3. Search for WICT NewHireIntegration EIB

and click the link.

4. Use the related action to access Custom

Report Data Source > Edit.

5. Configure Run As System User with a value

of lmcneil and click OK.

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Sign in as Teresa Serrano (tserrano) using the password you were provided

1. Search for the WICT NewHireIntegration in the search box.

2. Use the related action to locate the option for Integration > Launch/Schedule.

3. Accept the default Run Frequency option to Run Now.

4. Enter the report parameters:

Field Value

Start 01/01/2013

End Today’s Date

5. Click OK to launch the integration. Refresh until complete.

6. Sign out.

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The Integration Scheduler can launch an integration background process with five different options:
 Run Now: You have seen this option already, in the previous activity.

 Run Once in the Future: An integration can be scheduled to run once at a future date/time
(for example, 8pm tonight).

 Daily Recurrence: An integration can also be scheduled to run daily, at a specified time, from
specified starting and ending dates.

 Weekly Recurrence: Similar to the Daily Recurrence option, but run weekly or on specified
days of the week.

 Monthly Recurrence: Similar to the Weekly Recurrence option, but run monthly or on specified
days of the month.

To schedule an integration, use the Integration > Launch/Schedule related action off the EIB integration
system, or initiate the Launch/Schedule Integration task. The task can be located by searching for
“sched int”.

The Launch / Schedule Integration task is a generic page used to launch or schedule any 1)
Workday delivered or 2) customer defined integration as a background process. It supports scheduling
and launching both Enterprise Integration Builder (EIB) integration systems and other types of
integration systems (such as those created using Workday Studio) as background processes.

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There are three parts to scheduling an integration. The user that schedules the integration background
process must do the following:

1. Determine the Run Frequency:

 Run Now
 Run Once in the Future
 Daily Recurrence

 Weekly Recurrence
 Monthly Recurrence
Enter the Selection Criteria: The integration selection criteria are specified on the Integration Criteria
tab on the Schedule an Integration task. For each selection criteria field, you can either enter the value or
have the system determine the value at run time. For recurring integrations, when you specify the
integration criteria value explicitly in the scheduled process request, that value will be used each time the
integration is launched. If you select to determine the value at run time, the selection criteria field value
will be calculated each time the integration is launched at the time the integration is launched. Unless
you desire unique filenames, typically only date fields are determined at run time, since they are the only
fields that vary over time for a recurring process.

The Parameters from the custom

Don’t forget to populate the
report must be populated prior to
parameters on the Schedule tab.
scheduling the Integration.

2. Enter the Scheduling Parameters: Based on the chosen Run Frequency. The user must also
enter the Recurrence Type, Start Time, Time Zone and the Range of Recurrence. For the Range of
Recurrence, the Start Date cannot be before the current moment (taking into account the Start
Time), and the End Date cannot be beyond Dec 31st of the next year.

 The Schedule tab will vary, based on the chosen Run Frequency.

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To view a list of the integration requests you have scheduled but not yet run, navigate to the Scheduled
Future Processes report. Once an integration has been initiated, you can view the status of the
background process (such as scheduled, running, completed, success, and so on) on the Process Monitor
report. From the process instance displayed in the Process Monitor, you can also view any integration
errors that occurred.

The Scheduled Future Processes report enables you to view the integration requests that are scheduled,
but not yet run. This includes both recurring integrations and one-time integrations scheduled to run at a
future date or time. Through the Integration Requests report, you can view the details of the integration
request by clicking on the Integration Process Description associated with integration request. To view
the detailed schedule criteria associated with the request, click on the Trigger field in the usage section of
the page.

You can also suspend or activate a scheduled integration by selecting the appropriate related action on
the Integration Process Description field associated with the integration request. Suspending an
integration request causes the system to continue to increment the recurrence at the appropriate time,
but does not initiate the integration background process. Activating a suspended integration request
causes the system to resume launching an integration background process at the next appropriate time
based on the scheduled recurrence. The Status column on the Scheduled Future Processes report
indicates whether an integration request is currently active or suspended.

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Scenario: Now that the Employee New Hire Integration has been developed and tested it is time to move
it to production. To accomplish this task you will schedule the integration system to run EVERY DAY

Monday – Friday. You will schedule the integration to run within the next 15 minutes (from now) for the
first time. It should then run every day at the same time. We will first edit the integration system to
output to SFTP.

Tasks & Reports to Use

Edit Integration System

Launch / Schedule Integration

Process Monitor

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil) using the password you were provided


1. From the Related Action icon of the WICT NewHireIntegration system, select Enterprise
Interface > Edit.

2. Click the Edit icon in the Deliver page.

3. Select SFTP as the Delivery Method.

4. Click the prompt for Delivery Details. Complete using details provided by your instructor.
The following screen shot serves as an example:

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5. Click Done.

6. Change the File name to include your initials: <initials>_NewHireIntegration.csv

7. Click Save for Later and OK.


1. Use Search to find the Launch/Schedule Integration task, or use the related action off of the
integration system.

2. Select WICT NewHireIntegration for the integration system.

3. Select Daily Recurrence from the Run Frequency dropdown.

4. Click the OK button.

Enter EIB Criteria

5. Configure the Integration Criteria tab as follows:

Field Value Type and Value

Start Value Type = Determine Value at Runtime: Value = First Day of Last Calendar Year

End Value Type = Determine Value at Runtime: Value = Today

Filename Use System Default

Doc Retention Policy Use System Default

Notice the parameters for our external SFTP server endpoint.

Enter Schedule Information

6. Click on the Schedule tab located near the upper left hand side of the screen.

7. Configure the scheduling as follows:

Field Name Entry Value

Recurrence Type Recurs Every Weekday (accept this default)

Start Time Pick a time within next 15 min (note AM/PM)

Time Zone Choose, based on your specified Start Time

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Start Date Today’s Date

End Date Tomorrow’s Date

8. Click the OK button to save your Scheduled Future Process.

9. Search for Scheduled Future Processes and run the report.

10. Refresh the Scheduled Future Processes task after 15 minutes has passed, to verify that the Number
of Times Run column has changed from 0 to 1.

11. The instructor will display the SFTP directory to verify delivery of the output file.

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It is also possible to launch an integration directly through the execution of a business process. Using
the Hire Business Process as an example, each time an employee was hired, an EIB type of integration
could be launched as a background process to deliver the new employee’s information to an outside

Steps to Link a Business Process with an Integration:

1. Create & Configure EIB Integration System

2. Modify Business Process to include Integration Step

3. Configure Business Process Integration Step

 Create & Configure Integration System: The design of the integration system must match
up with the available object model of the corresponding business process. If the architecture is
using a Workday Custom Report as the Data Source, then the report must be modified so that it
can accept the passing of a variable from the business process to the Report Prompt in the EIB.

 Modify Business Process/Add Integration Step: A new step in the business process is
added. It is identified as being an “Integration” type step. Finally, an integration system is
identified to be launched with the business process is executed.
 Configure Integration Step on Business Process Definition: Only after the Integration
step is added to the business process and saved can it be configured. Using the related action
icon you can configure to the integration step by choosing which values/objects will be passed to
the integration system (if the integration system requires parameters). Exit criteria can also be
specified so that the integration is launched under certain circumstances.


A business process is the definition of tasks that need to be done in order for an event to occur, the order
in which they must be completed, and who must do them. The business process definition specifies the
security group responsible for each step in the process, notifies the workers in these groups, and gets
feedback on when each step is complete so it can move on to the next step. Steps can also be

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Workday includes several predefined business processes that are

identified in the system as Factory Defaults. These default
business processes are available to any organization and are

Search for a business process by prefixing your keyword with

'bp:'. Once you select your business process, you can view the
steps. The step marked as 'Yes' under the Complete column
indicates the step that completes the business process event.
Additional steps may follow the completion step but the main
event will already be finished. If no step is marked as ‘complete’,
it is the last step defined in the business process.

Once a step is added to the business process and it’s saved, you can modify that step by using the
related action menu of the step.

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To edit the steps of a business process, use the related action menu and navigate to Business Process >
Edit Definition.

You can add steps to the business process, change the order of steps, and select the type of step. In our
example, we will add an Integration step to the BP: Hire for IT HelpDesk Department.

Once saved, we will then configure the

integration step.

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Scenario: You have a request from IT to launch the WICT NewHireIntegration EIB Integration
System whenever an employee is hired into the IT HelpDesk supervisory organization. The data that
represents the Worker from the business process must be passed to the EIB. The Worker for which the
Hire Process is taking place will then be used as the value for the prompt on the Custom Report.

Tasks to Use

Copy and Edit Custom Report

Create EIB

Edit Business Process Definition

Configure Integration Step


1. Search for WDINST EIB. Select the Reporting or All of Workday category.

2. Use the related action off of the WDINST EIB IntNewHire report definition and navigate to
Custom Report > Copy.

3. Change the name of the report to WICT EIB BPIntNewHire and click OK.

4. Modify the report filters:

a. Delete the 3 existing filters on the Filter tab

b. Add a new filter (by clicking on the icon). Select Worker (note self-reference icon) as
the field against which to filter. The filter should have the values below :

Field Name Entry Value

Field Worker (search for “Worker”, then scroll to find it)

Operator in the selection list

Comparison Type Prompt the user for the value

Comparison Value Default Prompt

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5. Similarly, change the Prompts tab, deleting the Prompt Defaults for Hire Date, and adding a row for
the Worker filter. Leave the Prompt Qualifier value as defaulted (Default Prompt). Notice the Label
for Prompt XML Alias defaults in as “Worker”.

6. Click OK to save the report.

7. Click Run and enter Logan (or another worker) as input. Note that the search might look different
from what you are used to, but entering “logan” in the search and pressing the Enter key on your
keyboard will show Logan McNeil in the prompt.

8. Click OK to run the report with Logan (or another worker) as input and view the results. These are
the results you will eventually want to see in a CSV file, but for a new hire, as the result of
completing the Hire business process.


1. Search for EIB.

2. Click the Create EIB task.

3. Supply WICT BPNewHireIntegration as the name of the EIB.

4. Choose Outbound.

5. Click OK.

Configure Integration Data Source

6. Click Next to access the Get Data page; then click the Edit icon.

7. Click on the Custom Report prompt and choose your WICT EIB BPIntNewHire report.

8. Click to open Details and in the

Alternate Output Format dropdown,
select CSV and click Done.

Configure Integration Transport Protocol

9. Click Next twice or simply click to access the Deliver page; then click the icon to Edit.

10. Accept the default Delivery Method and Delivery Details.

11. Provide a File Name of BPNewHireIntegration.csv (*don’t forget the file extension).

12. Accept the default Document Retention Policy.

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13. Click Next to review the Summary page and click Save for Later and OK.


1. Search for bp:hire to find the Hire for IT HelpDesk Department Business Process.

2. View the Hire Employee for IT HelpDesk Department BP and verify that step b is marked as the
completion step:

3. On the Hire Employee for IT HelpDesk Department BP, use the related action to choose Business
Process > Edit Definition.

4. Click OK, accepting the default effective date of today.

5. Click the icon to add a new Step (row) to the Business Process definition.

6. Make it the 3rd step in the process by entering a ‘c ’ in the Order field.

7. In the Type field define the new step as an Integration step using drop down list.

8. Click the OK button to save the changes.

9. Note the Critical (RED) message: “Invalid

Integration Setup for Integration Workflow Step.

10. Use the related action icon for step c /Integration

Step to choose Business Process > Configure
Integration Step, or click the Configure Integration System button next to the ‘c’ in the Order

11. Specify the WICT BPNewHireIntegration as the Integration System.

12. Click OK.

13. In the Run As User Field, enter lmcneil / Logan McNeil.

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14. For the Worker Parameter, specify Determine Value at Runtime for the Value Type, and specify
Worker (search for Worker and scroll down to select the self-referencing Worker object) for the

15. Leave the other fields defaulted (to Use System Default).

16. Click OK and Sign Out


Sign in to your Workday tenant as Jack Taylor (jtaylor)

1. Search for org: IT HelpDesk Department and click on the hyperlink.

2. Click the Staffing tab.

3. From Related Action off of the Senior IT Analyst (Unfilled) position, select Hire > Hire

4. For Existing Pre-Hire search for and select Jack Williams, then click OK.

5. Complete the hire information as follows:

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Field Name Entry Value

Hire Date Select today’s date

Hire Reason New Hire > Fill Vacancy

Position Senior IT Analyst

Employee Type Default Value

Job Profile Default Value

Time Type Default Value

Location Default Value

Pay Rate Type Salaried

6. Click the Submit button to save and initiate the Hire process.

Compensation proposal process begins

7. Click the Open button to Propose Compensation.

8. Click on the Add button on the Salary row.

9. In the Compensation Plan field; select General Salary Plan.

10. Give Jack a salary of 65,000.00

11. Click Done. Notice the Plan Details now includes the General Salary Plan as the Plan Name and
$65,000.00 as the Amount.

12. Click Submit.

13. Click Done on the confirmation page.

14. Sign Out.


Sign in to your Workday tenant as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Use search to locate and run the Process Monitor report.

2. Select Integration as the Process Type.

3. Verify that the WICT BPNewHireIntegration was launched.

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4. Use the related action on the most recent WICT BPNewHireIntegration listed under the Request
column and select Background Process > View Output Files.

5. Verify Jack Williams appears in the resulting .csv file.

6. Now search for Jack Williams. Choose the All of Workday category.

7. Click on the Hire: Jack Williams hyperlink.

8. Click on the Process tab.

9. Notice the Service: Fire Integration Step was completed by Logan.

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Available now in Workday is the ability to configure custom report transformation as an alternative to
developing a custom XSLT file. To use this feature you must have created an outbound EIB that uses a
web service enabled custom report as its data source (RaaS) and is configured with Custom Report
Transformation selected for the Transform step.

When configuring the Custom Report Transformation:

 Configure as much as you can in the custom report, rather than the transformation.

 Use a custom report that already has the fields you want, in the order that you want.

 If you add report fields to, or remove report fields from the custom report definition, Workday
automatically adds or removes the corresponding columns in the transformation when you select
Enterprise Interface > Configure Transformation.

 If you make other changes to the custom report after creating the transformation, you may need
to edit the transformation to accommodate these changes. When you change a custom report,
you should test any EIBs or Studio integrations that are dependent on it.

 Use of Delimiter characters and fixed column width should usually be exclusive of each other.


1. Access the EIB that includes the Custom Report Transformation.

2. As a related action on the EIB, select Enterprise Interface > Configure Transformation.

After a custom report transformation is first created, the grid will display a source and target column for
each report field in the Custom Report.

3. Click on any Source Column that you want to format.

4. Specify formatting options for the column:

5. (Optional) Select the Header tab and format the output file header:

6. (Optional) Select the Footer tab and enter an Optional Report Footer.

7. Specify the Delimiter character such as (,) or (;) that should separate each column in the output
file. You can enter \t for tab characters or \s for space.

If you need to delete your Custom Report Transformation, select Custom Report Transformation > Delete
as a related action on the transformation (not the EIB). If you then run the EIB, Workday does not
transform the output file.

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Scenario: Logan has been asked to change the resulting file from this integration to output a pipe
delimited file with a heading that reads “WICT GMS New Hires” and Footer as “End of Data”.


1. Search for WICT NewHireIntegration. Be sure to select the Integrations or All of Workday
category and use the related action to access Enterprise Interface > Edit.

2. Select the icon to Edit the Get Data page. Access

Details to remove the previously configured
Alternate Output Format (CSV) and click Done.

3. Select the icon to Edit the Transform page.

4. Select the New Custom Report Transformation option.

5. Notice the warning message that

your configuration may not be
complete when you click Save
for Later, or click the link to
View Integration System.

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6. From the integration system related action menu, select Enterprise Interface > Configure

7. Enter “|” (pipe) in the Delimiter field.

8. Click the row for Legal Name – Last Name. Change the Column Heading Override to read “Last

9. Repeat the actions to

change the Column
Heading Overrides to
read “First Name” and
“Total Base Pay”.

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10. Click the row for Cost Center –Name. Enter the Column Width as 12 and a Pad Character of &
and select Right Padding.

11. Click the Header tab and enter WICT GMS New Hires as the Optional Report Header.

12. Click the Footer tab and enter End of Data as the Optional Report Footer.

13. Click OK and Done.


1. Search for WICT NewHireIntegration . Remember to select the Integrations category. Choose
Integration > Launch/Schedule from the related action and Run Now.

2. Enter January 01, 2013 for the start date and today as the end date for the launch parameters.

3. Click OK and Refresh to monitor progress.

4. Download the output file and open in a text application, like Notepad. Notice the file is pipe delimited
and contains the header and footer as you configured.

Also note the Cost Center Names are truncated when they exceed the length you defined, and padded
with & when shorter.

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There are times when Workday does not present output in the desired format for simple integration
tasks. One example is upper-case and lower-case letter. Workday stores people’s names in mixed-case,
but another system might require the last name appear as all upper-case letters. Another example might
be Social Security Number. SSN is typically formatted as a 9 digit numeric value (if unmasked). Another
system could require that the data be passed but, only the last 4 digits. In this case an Extensible
Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) could be implemented with the EIB.

 Formatting: If Workday data comes out of the system and is incompatible with the external
system, XSLT can be used to transform the data. Some common examples are date fields. Many
external systems require a different date format from Workday. XSLT can be used to reformat
the data to suit the endpoint’s needs.

 Conditional Logic: The standard EIB transformations do not allow for conditional logic. There
are times when the output format should be different based upon the value of a particular data
element. An example might be a contingent worker vs. a full time employee. Using if/then logic,
the output can be tailored to which type of worker the XSLT is attempting to transform.

 Custom Output: Finally, an integration can be scheduled to process based on the scheduling
criteria that is defined by the user and the passage of time (for example – the first day of each
month). The benefit is that the integration does not need to be manually launched each time.
Another example would be to launch a benefit carrier integration each Friday at 6pm.

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Workday does not generate or validate XSLT. This document is created outside of Workday using
non Workday technologies and applications. For more information on XSLT functions, you can review
the following public web site:

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XSLT attachment transformations are custom transformations that you create by using Extensible
Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT).

Use the Create XSLT Attachment Transformation task. Simply name the XSLT Attachment
Transformation and provide any comments that are necessary. Browse for your file and attach it to the
Workday system.

There is a 30 MB limit for all attachments in Workday.

Once the file has been uploaded using the Create XSLT Attachment task, it is available to select in the
Enterprise Interface configuration wizard.


The Transform page of the wizard is configured to reflect your options. When using an XSLT attachment,
the Transformation Type is set to Custom Transformation; and the Custom Transformation field is used
to select your uploaded XSLT attachment.

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Scenario: You have a request by IT to modify the WICT NewHireIntegration that you created
earlier. The new requirement has two parts:
1. A CSV File is required.
2. They need for only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number to be output in the CSV file
(not the entire Social Security Number)

Tasks to Use

Create Integration Transformation (upload custom XSLT)

Configure Integration System

Launch Integration System


1. Locate the Act_20-21_XSLT folder in the extracted class .zip file.

2. Find the Act20_XSLT_IntNewHire_SubstringSSN.xsl file and right-click and select Open With to open
it with the Notepad text editor, or Wordpad, or Notepad++, or any other text editor (IMPORTANT: do
not open the .xsl file with a browser such as IE).

3. View the XSL file:

a. Verify that the Custom Report Name in the namespace is WDINST_EIB_IntNewHire

(spaces in the custom report name are changed to underscores)
b. Verify that the flat file header line appropriately matches with the desired output columns
c. Verify that the detail sections of the XSLT match with the XML coming out of Workday
Hint: Compare with your Column Heading Override XML Alias. We will edit the report to match
these values.

4. Close the editor, making sure not to change the contents of this file (close, do not save).

5. Search for the WDINST EIB IntNewHire report. Choose the Reporting or All of Workday category.
Select Custom Report > Edit from the related action.

6. Simplify the Column Heading Override XML Alias setting for use with the XSLT document as shown:

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7. Click OK to save, then click Done.


1. Search for ‘create xslt’ and select

the Create XSLT Attachment
Transformation task.

2. Name the XSLT Attachment

Transformation WICT Transform

3. Click the Attach button to locate

the custom Act20_XSLT_IntNewHire_SubstringSSN.xsl file.

4. Click OK to save your XSLT attachment.


1. Find the WICT NewHireIntegration

(Integration System) using search (Don’t forget
the Integrations category.)

2. Click the link in the search results to view the

integration system.

3. Use the related action off of the Transformation to

select Custom Report Transformation >

4. Click OK, then Done.

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5. Use the related action off the WICT NewHireIntegration to select Enterprise Interface > Edit.

6. Click the Edit icon to configure the Transform page.

7. Select Custom Transformation from the Transformation Type drop-down menu.

8. Search the Custom Transformation field prompt to select WICT Transform IntNewHire, the XSLT
attachment you created earlier.


1. Use the related action icon to Launch/Schedule the WICT NewHireIntegration integration system.
‘You are leaving this task. Your changes will be saved’, click OK.

2. Accept the defaulted Run Frequency of Run Now, click OK.

3. Enter January 1st, 2013 for the Start.

4. Enter Today’s date for the End.

5. Click on the OK button to launch the integration.

6. When completed, open and review the output, verifying that only the final 4 digits of the Social
Security Number appear in the output for employees who have SSNs entered in the tenant.

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Once you have uploaded an XSLT file, it is stored as an object in Workday. If you make changes to the
file outside of Workday, you must upload the new version to replace the existing file stored. You
execute the Edit XSLT Attachment Transformation task. This will enable you to upload the new
version without creating a new object. No additional edits are needed to the integration system itself.


When you transform very large amounts of data, outbound EIBs with custom XSLT transformations
consume as much as 10 times the amount of memory that the source data requires. Workday
recommends that the amount of data transformed not exceed 100 MB. Although EIBs that transform
more than 400 MB of data have a high risk of malfunctioning, Workday still attempts to complete all EIBs.
The maximum amount of memory that is allocated to an EIB transformation is 15 gigabytes (GB).

An EIB's custom XSLT transformation portion can process for up to 2 hours. Custom XSLT
transformations that spend more than 2 hours processing are terminated automatically.

We recommend that you take one or more of the following steps to avoid malfunctions:

 Run the EIB with different filters, using either custom report filters and/or launch parameters to
filter the data source to reduce its size.

 Review your custom XSLT for possible processing inefficiencies.

 Consider converting your EIB to a Workday Studio integration.

If you are in the process of designing/developing Workday integrations, please consider the future
growth of your data when choosing between implementing on EIB vs. Workday Studio.

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Scenario: You return to the scenario from the previous activity to complete the transformation:
1. The last name needs to be all UPPER-CASE.

2. Remove the Position and the Cost Center information (fields in your report need not be displayed
in the resulting output file.)
3. ADVANCED (optional): Change from comma separated to pipe “|” separated.

Tasks to Use

Configure Integration System

Edit Integration Transformation

Launch Integration System


1. Open your XSLT with a text editor, Notepad, Notepad++, Wordpad, or any text editor you are
comfortable with. Do not open in a browser window.

2. Review the “substring” function being used on the SSN field.

3. Look for an XSLT function to Upper-Case a string.


4. Make appropriate edits to upper-case the last name.

5. Also, either remove or comment out (using “<!--” and “-->” comment start and end) the lines which
output the Position and the Cost Center data, and anything else needed in order to remove these two

6. Save the file with a name different from the original .xsl file (such as IntNewHire_UPPER.XSL)



1. Edit your XSLT Attachment Transformation

from the previous activity (HINT: search
for “XSLT”)

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2. Click Attach to locate your modified custom .xsl file.

3. Click OK to save your XSLT Attachment Transformation.
4. Click Done.


1. Use the related action icon to Launch/Schedule the NewHireIntegration Integration System.

2. Same as the previous activity, enter January 1st, 2013 for the Start (Enter Today’s date for the End)

3. Click OK launch the integration.

4. Open and review the output.

Did the last name appear in UPPER-CASE?

Did you correctly remove two of the columns?

ADVANCED (optional):

More XSLT Practice: Change from a .csv to a .txt file, and from a comma separator “,” to a pipe separator

1. Replace commas (“,”) with pipes (“|”) in all appropriate places.

2. Test your resulting file (if using Excel, file can be named .txt, and then open it in Excel and use the
wizard to specify | delimited)

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All Business Objects (BOs) have Workday IDs (WIDs). “Simple Types” display in black whereas Business
Objects display as blue hyperlinks that are actionable. Business Objects have a related action icon.

Business Objects are related and either have a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. Compare icons below—Position
ID (‘T’ext) vs. Position (1:1).

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Workday enables you to expose advanced custom reports as web services. Web services allow inter-
operable, machine-to-machine interaction over the Internet. In Workday, web services present report
results as URLs, enabling integration between Workday and external business services, such as payroll or
benefits providers.


The Workday XML option outputs the literal, and somewhat advanced, XML code used internally within
Workday. This option might be useful in cases where REST (representational state transfer) or SOAP
(simple object access protocol) is used to leverage Workday's sophisticated use of the XML language.

Review the following example of a report in Workday XML. Notice that the related business objects have
more data than simple types. The Workday ID (WID) is also included for each of the business objects.

Workday XML may be too complex for many integration needs, such as quickly creating a refreshable
report with Microsoft Excel. In such cases, the Simple XML option may be more appropriate.

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Simple XML is particularly useful for basic desktop integrations, in which a knowledgeable user wants to
integrate with other reporting tools such as Microsoft Excel or Crystal Reports. With Simple XML, the
complexity of Workday XML is distilled into basic XML elements that are simple to understand and can be
processes by many desktop applications.

Simple XML results in XML that is easier to read and understand than Workday XML. Here are a couple of
key examples of how it is different:

 Single-instance fields are changed to simple string-type elements.

 Multi-instance fields are changed to simple string-type elements.
 Multi-instance fields within the primary business object are changed to simple string-type
elements, with a semi-colon separating each value.
 Data fields that only contain dates (that is, they do not contain times) output dates only, with no
times or offset from GMT.

Workday XML is the default output of an EIB unless an alternate output is selected or a custom
transformation is applied.


The CSV (comma separated values) output option is likely to be used by a user wanting to import data
into a spreadsheet as simply and quickly as possible. No knowledge of XML or schemas is required.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is an XML standard for publishing frequently updated content
over the Internet. Common examples of such content are news headlines and blog postings.

The GData output option is useful for integrations with Google gadgets and other cases where it is
desirable to allow programmatic access to this data format.

The JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) output option is provided for use in system-to-system integrations
where this data format is required.

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Elements have start and end tags: <wd:Last> & </wd:Last>. Elements can contain other elements,
attributes, & text (data).

Ex: wd:Report_Data contains list of wd:Report_Entry elements

Ex: wd:Report_Entry contains list of other elements or "fields"

Ex: wd:Last contains text contents (Barnes)

Ex: wd:ThePos contains wd:Descriptor attribute (which is set to Web Content Manager)

We can add these attributes to the output by

modifying the xsl file. For example, we can
include the Descriptor attribute for the position.

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Scenario: You are asked to change the custom report so it uses the Position RBO field instead of the
Position ID field, and to get the Descriptor for the Position in the resulting output file (you can choose
either comma or pipe separated output format.) For example, instead of Position ID “P-00230” the
desired value in the output file is Position Descriptor “Web Content Manager”. This will be accomplished
during two activities (modify the report in this activity, and modify the XSLT code in the next activity.)
 Modify WDINST EIB IntNewHire custom report
 Review the output XML
 Modify the XSLT code (in the next activity)
 Review the result


1. Modify WDINST EIB IntNewHire custom report so that the following RBOs are included:

 Cost Center (with the Column Heading Override value of TheCC)

 Position (with the Column Heading Override value of ThePos)
 Manager – Level 01 (with the Column Heading Override value of TheManager)

Add the Cost Center field below the Cost Center – Name field (shown above.) Same with Position
below the Position ID (also shown above.) Place the Manager – Level 01 field anywhere you like.

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2. Run the updated custom report. Note that the three added RBOs appear as actionable blue text.

3. View the XML for the RBO fields by using the Web Service > View URLs related action:

4. When prompted, enter a start date of Jan 1, 2013 and end date of today’s date in order to get
several workers in the output.

5. On the View URLs Web Service page, click “Workday XML” (blue text, to the right of REST).

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6. If you are clicking on Workday XML for the first time for this report, you will be prompted to enter
username (lmcneil) and password. The resulting XML appears in the browser.

7. Note the RBO fields have more data than the Simple Type fields (compare CC with TheCC):

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Scenario: Now that you have changed the custom report so it uses the Position RBO field
instead of the Position ID field, change the XSLT code in order to get the Descriptor for the
Position in the resulting output file (you can choose either comma or pipe separated output
format.) For example, instead of Position ID “P-00230” the desired value in the output file is
Position Descriptor “Web Content Manager”.
 Modify WDINST EIB IntNewHire custom report (already done, in previous activity)
 Review the output XML (already done, in previous activity)
 Modify the XSLT code and upload to tenant
 Re-Run integration
 Review the result


1. Now that you see how RBOs appear in the XML output, change the XSLT code in the .xsl file from the
previous activity so that instead of outputting the Position ID, output the Descriptor on ThePos
column. HINT: The required XSLT uses a “@” to get an attribute value. The below screenshot
shows the desired output:

2. For those wanting help on the previous step, the desired XSLT is shown on the next page …

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3. To get the Description on ThePos field use this XSLT code "wd:ThePos/@wd:Descriptor", as shown
inside the for-each loop here:

4. Once the XSLT file is modified, upload the new version to Workday using the Edit XSLT
Attachment Transformation task.

5. Launch and view the results of the integration.

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XML data that has not been entered into a spreadsheet can be loaded via an Inbound EIB. Generally,
this data will need to be formatted to match the Workday data structure and will require XSLT to
transform the XML. It is recommended that if you have large files that require transformation, it is more
efficient to create an integration system using Workday Studio.


XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a declarative, XML-based language used for
the transformation of XML documents. See the WSDL document for a full description of the web service
operation and its elements.

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You must fully understand the web service operation you are invoking in order to properly transform the
data you are importing to meet Workday's data structure and data validation rules. The Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) is an XML document that describes the Operations within that service, the
elements within the request and response message to invoke those operations. Your inbound XML file
must match the defined requirements. Below is the WSDL for the Update Employee Personal Info
description. You can see how the elements are defined in the XSLT on the previous page to transform
the original xml document to meet the requirements of Workday.

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When you create the inbound EIB, in the Get Data page, select the appropriate Retrieval Method rather
than attachment to pick up the file from an external server. The Retrieval Details contains the address,
directory and authentication. You must also specify the file name. Set the Data Format to None.

Generally, the xml file will need to be transformed. You will create an XSLT attachment to upload the .xsl
file. In the Transform page of the EIB, set the Transformation Type to Custom and select your uploaded
XSLT attachment.

Finally, specify the Delivery Service and Web Service Operation that is invoked to update Workday.

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Like an integration attachment, the XSLT file is created and stored as an object in the Workday Tenant.

Once the XSLT Attachment has been created, it can be edited using the Edit XSLT Attachment
Transformation task (very similar to editing an Integration Attachment).

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Business Case: You will create a new EIB using the Maintain Contact Information Web Service and
retrieve an external file from sFTP to provide the information.

1. Search for Create EIB.

2. Select Create EIB from the Tasks results.

3. Select the Inbound radio button.

4. Give the new EIB the following name:

Field Name Entry Value

Name WICT EIB Maintain Contact Information

5. Click OK.

6. Click Next to access the Get Data page.

7. Edit the Data Source page, choose SFTP from the

Retrieval Method drop-down menu.

8. In the Retrieval Details area, enter the SFTP

address and Directory provided by your

9. Select User Name / Password as the

Authentication Method.

10. Enter the User Id and Password provided by your


11. Enter the file name to be retrieved as


12. In the Data Format area, choose None from the

File Type drop-down menu.

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13. Click Next to access the Transform page.

14. You need to upload a custom .xsl file, but the only option is to select from a list. In the search box,
enter create xslt and select the Create XSLT Attachment Transformation task. Notice your
changes to the EIB are automatically saved when you navigate away.

15. Enter ‘WICT EmployeeEmail" in the Name and click Attach to select employee_email_24.xsl
found in the Activity24_XML_Inbound folder. Click OK and Done.

16. Search for the WICT EIB Maintain Contact Info integration system and use the related action to
access Enterprise Interface > Edit.

17. Click the Edit icon in the Transform area.

18. Select Custom Transformation from the Transformation Type drop-down menu.

19. In the Custom Transformation field, select WICT EmployeeEmail. This is the file you uploaded
with the Create XSLT Attachment task.

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20. Click Next and Edit the Deliver page.

21. Select Workday Web Service Operation as the Delivery Method.

22. Use the Workday Web Service Operation prompt to search and select the Maintain Contact
Information (Web Service).

23. Click Next to review the summary.

24. Click Save for Later and OK to complete the creation of the EIB (Integration System).

25. Use the related actions icon to launch the integration and Run Now.

26. First run the integration in Validation Mode. Once successful, re-run out of validate mode.

27. To verify, look up Employees 21142 and 21019 in the tenant and view their contact information.

Additional Challenge

Review the Human Resources WSDL document for the Maintain Contact Information (Web Service)

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All Workday Web Service operations are invoked by a request message. Workday will process the
request and send back a response message. To learn more about the Request and Response XML
elements for each operation, please see the API documentation on Workday Community.

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To view the Request XML, access the integration system and edit the data source by using the related
actions menu of the Data Source on the Configuration tab.

This will display the interface to modify the Request XML.

The default request message contains all sub-elements, including those that are optional or mutually
exclusive to other sub-elements.

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You can filter the response message return from Workday by adding Response Filters. Each Web
Service Operation has defined Response Filters. For example, the Get_Workers_Request has four,
including Page and Count.

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Scenario: You are asked to test the Get_Worker WWS API using EIB

 Test Get_Worker without specifying input parameters

 Test Get_Worker to only get certain pages of Worker information

1. Before we create the EIB, search for the Create Web

Service Data Source task.

2. Select the Get Workers (Web Service) operation from

the prompt.

3. Click OK.

4. Use the Create EIB task to create an Outbound EIB named WICT EIB GetWorkers WWS.

5. Edit the Data Source to select Web Service as the

Data Source Type .

6. Select the web service data source you created

earlier to populate the Web Service field. Note you
can check the api version using the preview icon.

7. Click Next twice to edit the Deliver page.

8. Accept the default Delivery Method and Details and enter a File Name of GetWorkersOut.xml

9. Accept the default Document Retention Policy and click Save for Later and OK.

Note the warning “No RequestXML and Launch Parameters have been defined for the Web Service Data
Source. Use the Edit task for the Web Service Data source to complete the setup.

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10. If necessary, search for and select your EIB. To fix the warning, select the Related Action on the
Data Source Get Workers Web Service Data Source > Edit.

11. Click the (-) to delete the Launch Parameter (the UI incorrectly assumed we wanted at least one
Launch Parameter).

12. Replace the Request XML with the following input XML for the Get_Workers WWS API:

<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc">

13. Click OK, then Done.

14. If your new EIB is not displayed, use Search to find it (recall, it is an Integration System).

15. Notice that the Warning message (from a previous step) no longer exists.

16. Launch this EIB (Run Now) using System Default values (no changes).

17. The results will be quite large (8+ MB), so do not open this file in any browser or editor. Instead,
continue to the next step (Part 2) to obtain a somewhat smaller file as the result.

Part 2: Slightly change the Request XML by specifying that you would like to retrieve only page number
4 of the results, as shown here:

<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc">

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18. Note that to do above, you will once again need to delete a launch parameter (which the Workday UI
assumed you wanted).

19. Launch and then open the resulting xml file in a browser (or an XML editor if you have one), and
investigate the structure of the xml output, such as the Worker_Data.

One thing to notice is that under Response_Data/Worker/Worker_Data there is Personal_Data,

Employment_Data and Compensation_Data (all of which are too large to have expanded in below, and
still fit onto one page):

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Workday provides a default XML request message that includes the tokens you can use as input
parameters. Tokens are delimited by % signs, such as %Workers%. The XML request message and
launch parameters for a particular web service data source apply to all integration systems that use that
data source. However, you can specify different parameter values at each launch. Integration system IDs
are appended to the data source name to identify each usage.

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Scenario: You are asked to test the Get_Worker WWS API using EIB, and specifying a launch


1. From the integration system from the previous activity, again use the Edit Web Service Data Source
related action to change the Request XML as follows:

<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc">
<wd:Count>%count per page%</wd:Count>

2. This time, instead of deleting the Launch Parameter, specify a Launch Parameter with a Name of
count per page.

3. Specify the Data Type of Numeric.

4. Specify the Option(s) of Required.

5. Specify a Default at Launch (Specify Value) of 10.

6. Launch and specify a count per page of 1 (change the default you had set to 10).

7. Verify the results show just 1 Worker.

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Just like you can apply a custom transformation to an EIB created using a custom report, you can apply
one to an EIB created using a Workday Web Service. The steps to apply the xls document are the same.
There is an example on Workday Community that is specific to the Get_Workers Web Service Operation
called "Extracting HR-XML Using GetWorkers & EIB". You may wish to follow this example and
compare the output of the file with and without the custom transformation.

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Scenario: Now that you understand how to call Workday Web Services (WWS) Operations (APIs) using
the EIB, use this knowledge in addition to an XSLT file from the Community to output an HR XML file.

Tasks to Use
Configure Integration System
Edit Integration Transformation
Launch Integration System

1. Search the Workday Community for “GetWorkers EIB”.

2. Choose the top-most result page: Extracting HR-XML using GetWorkers & EIB.

3. The URL should show node 6478 ( which looks like the
following two screenshots (showing the top and the bottom of that page, the bottom containing
some XSLT code in an .xsl file attachment):

4. Scan through the instructions (they should reinforce previous activities), and stop on the bottom at
the Attachment table, which contains an .xsl file (GetWorkers2HRXML.xsl).

5. Download the GetWorkers2HRXML.xsl file, then upload it as the transformation step of your EIB from
the previous activity.

6. Launch your EIB for 2 or more workers, view the results, compare the HR-XML with the previous
Workday XML data for Workers.

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 Notifications
 Unique Filenames (Sequence Generator)

 Using Email as Destination

 PGP Encryption


To help monitor integration events, you can create one or more notification messages to send to
specified groups for integration events. You can trigger notifications for events. The notifications can be
sent to a Workday Inbox, email address, or both. The maximum size of a Workday email notification is
20 MB. Workday does not process email notifications larger than 20 MB and does not display error
messages in this situation.

The default integration notification can include text and content from external fields, as well as a link to
the integration process event.

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You can configure your integration system to generate a unique, sequenced file name each time it runs.
Edit your integration system and use Deliver Details to select a sequence ID definition.

To create an ID definition, search for the Create ID Definition/Sequence Generator task. You can
use the pop-up help text to construct a name for your file.

The Use Time Zone selection applies to the date and time used in the Format/Syntax field and
Restart Every field.

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When you launch the integration system, instead of using the Filename defined as the System Default
defined on the integration system, change the Value Type of Filename to Determine Value at Runtime.
For the Value, select Next Sequence for Integration File Utility under the Integration category.

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Scenario: You are asked to create a unique filename for every launch of WICT NewHireIntegration

1. Search for ‘create sequence’ and execute the Create ID Definition / Sequence Generator task.

2. Enter Test Unique EIB Filenames in the Sequence Name.

3. Enter 99 in the Last Number Used field.

4. Enter 1 in the Increment by field.

5. Choose your Time Zone.

6. Enter WICT-UniqueFile_[Seq]-
[hh]:[mm].csv in the Format/Syntax

7. Click OK to save, then Done.

8. Search for WICT


9. Use the related action to access Enterprise Interface > Edit.

10. Click the icon to Edit the Deliver page and select Details.

11. In the Sequence Generator for Filename prompt, select Test Unique EIB Filenames.

12. Click Done, then Save for Later.

13. Click OK.

14. Test your configuration

by launching the EIB
and selecting Determine
Value at Runtime for
the Value Type, and
using the Next
Sequence for
Integration File Utility
for the Value field.

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You can export data from Workday by using email. It can deliver data to multiple email addresses,
including carbon copy (cc) and blind carbon copy (bcc) recipients, and supports custom messages for the
email body.

This transport protocol by default requires you to encrypt the outbound file using PGP. If you choose not
to encrypt the output, you can save the EIB, but you cannot run it until your Security Administrator
approves the exception. Once your Security Administrator overrides this requirement by viewing the EIB
or integration system in the Integration Exception Audit report and selects Toggle Approve Unencrypted
Transport as a related action, the EIB can be run an unlimited number of times. However, if you edit the
EIB later, your Security Administrator must re-approve the override.


For data encryption and signing, Workday supports PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), a public key encryption
standard. PGP provides an asymmetric key encryption scheme; each entity has a key pair, and each pair
consists of one public key and one private key. The public key is used to encrypt data and verify digital
signatures, and the corresponding private key is used to sign files and decrypt data. The public key is
intended to be provided to entities that will encrypt data only for you, so distributing your public key is
not a security concern. Data encrypted with your public key can be decrypted only with your private key.

Workday can encrypt outbound and decrypt inbound Cloud Connect, Studio, and EIB (Enterprise
Interface Builder) integration files using PGP; Workday can also digitally sign outbound integration files.
This ensures that only you and your trading partners can read the data that you exchange, and allows
your trading partner to confirm that an outbound integration file came from you. You store all PGP keys
in your tenant; this enables (and requires) that you maintain your own encryption keys to ensure that
you and your trading partners can secure your integration traffic.

PGP Keys can be created in Workday.

 For inbound integrations: if the file is to be opened by the Workday tenant,, we need to create
the key (store the private key) in Workday and give the public key to anyone who needs to
encrypt for Workday. Example is Benefits, 401K loan payments data that is inbound.

 For outbound integrations: if Workday is sending the encrypted file, we need to get the public
key and use that to encrypt files. The destination system will then use their private key to un-
encrypt it, open and read the file. Example is Payroll sync file going to ADP.

For additional information on PGP Certificates in Workday, refer to the following Community

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Scenario: You are asked to modify the WICT NewHireIntegration Outbound EIB so it PGP encrypts and
emails the resulting file


1. Search for and select the WICT NewHireIntegration integration system.

2. Use the related action to navigate to Enterprise Interface > Edit.

3. Click the icon to Edit the Deliver page and select


4. Click the prompt for the Encrypt Using field and

select PGP Certificate.

5. Optionally enter a Decrypted Filename of


6. Click Done.

7. Change the Delivery Method to Email.

8. Configure the Deliver Details

a. Enter your email in the To Email Address

b. Enter your email in the From Email Address

c. Enter a value in the Email Subject

d. Click Done

9. Click Save for Later and OK.

10. Test by launching the integration system. Notice the email

launch parameters. Check your email for the encrypted file.

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1. Where is Workday’s suite of business services hosted?
a. In the Workday database
b. In the Object Management System
c. On the Integration Server
2. What types of integrations are provided by Cloud Connect?
a. Workday Connectors and EIBs
b. Core Connectors and EIBs
c. Workday Connectors and Core Connectors
d. Workday Connectors and Studio integrations
3. What report is especially designed to monitor and review the result of integration events?
a. Process Monitor
b. View Integration System
c. Integration Events
d. Integration Results
4. What happens to the namespace of a RaaS report when the report name is changed?
a. The namespace is updated with the new report name
b. A prompt is presented to change the namespace when saving the new report name
c. The namespace remains fixed
5. To launch any integration from the tenant, an Integration System User must be created.
a. True
b. False
6. What delivered report can be run to view WWS?
a. Process Monitor
b. Web Service Operations
d. Public Web Services
7. Workday generates XSLT documents for use with integrations.
a. True
b. False
8. What is the count of instances returned by default from a WWS page?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 100
d. All instances are returned by default
9. Which of the following are Workday integration IDs? (select all that apply)
a. WID
b. Reference ID
c. External ID
d. Reserved System ID

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10. To find all Integration IDs associated with a business object in Workday, which report should be
a. Maintain Reference IDs
b. View Reference IDs
c. Integration IDs
d. Business Object Details


Q: Why do we use Ref IDs (or WIDs)?

A: All objects in Workday are referenced by either Ref ID or WID which are both unique. When
we send data in, the ID tells Workday for which object we are passing in the data.

Q: How would I find the Ref ID for multiple locations?

A: View Reference ID report (can also use Integration ID report)

Q: How would I find the Ref ID for Betty Liu’s organization?

A: From her profile >> Related Action of the organization >> View Integration IDs

Q: Can you use the “names” or user-friendly labels in the spreadsheet?

A: No- because they may not be unique- and you will get an error. The web service operation
requires integration IDs (usually reference ID)

Q: Why do we use inbound EIBs?

A: For sending data to Workday from an external system or to bulk load data into Workday

Q: What is the delivery point for inbound EIBs?

A: Workday Web Service

Q: Where do you go to see the security for a Web Service Operation?

A: Public Web Services Report >> related actions >> Security >> View Web Service Operations
Security Groups. Or run View Security for Securable Item report

Q: What are the three steps in the EIB design pattern?

A: Data Source, Transformation, Transport Protocol

Q: In what format must the file be that loads into an EIB?


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Q: What is an indication that you will need a Reference ID in a spreadsheet template?

A: It is a lookup value in the tenant (indicated by a prompt, drop-down, checkbox)

Q: In addition to general integration security to build, launch and monitor, you must have access to

A: To the underlying data (Web service operation or RaaS)


Q: What are the two possible data sources for an outbound EIB?

A: Report or WWS

Q: In addition to “general” integration administration security, what additional security is required to

launch a specific integration?

A: Security to the report or the web service operation

Q: When do we use reserved system IDs in the spreadsheet templates?

A: When you see the two-column trigger – System ID and ID

Q: What is the significance of a spreadsheet key?

A: It ties the data for the same object across the different sheets (tabs) in the spreadsheet

Q: When is ROW_ID used?

A: When you have child data – multiple rows for one object

Q: After launching an integration, in the View Background Process Page, you normally see the Business
Process Loaded Tab. When might you not see this tab?

A: 1) If there is no business process associated with the web service

2) If you don’t have security access to the Integration Process Domain

3) If you are in Validate Only mode

Q: True/False: You can make whatever changes you want to the spreadsheet directly regarding hiding
columns, changing labels, etc.

A: FALSE – do NOT make changes in the spreadsheet

Q: Can you schedule both inbound and outbound EIBs?

A: Yes

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Q: What are some of the reports you can run to find more information about an integration event?

A: Process Monitor, Integration Events

Q: Where can you go to see the list of scheduled integrations?

A: Scheduled Future Processes report

Q: What are some delivery points for outbound EIBs?

A: Attach back to Workday; (s)FTP(s); Email

Q: What are some of the delivered Workday transformations for outbound EIBS with RaaS?

A: .csv; Simple .xml; JSON; Gdata; RSS

Q: You can launch the outbound EIB immediately or schedule it. What is another way to trigger your

A: Triggering it real time from a business process

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