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Animal Traits for Beastmen

(Unless otherwise noted, traits cost 3 points)

Acute Sense
Pick a sense. When you roll using that sense to detect something, you are considered to have an automatic success
before you roll. If you also combine acute vision with night vision trait then the beastman can pick out detail in the

Aquatic Affinity (4 Points)

You are at home beneath the waves. You receive swim at 3 & gain an auto success on any swim test. You may see
underwater with your nictating membranes. You may hold your breath for 10 minutes per point of fortitude &

You possess retractable claws like a cat. You strike in melee for Str 6D lethal damage. As they are Natural
Weapons, you can strike twice in a round without having to split your pool

Heat Vision (5 points)

You can see the body heat of living creatures at a distance of 30 yards; this has the advantage over night vision in
that it works in pitch darkness

Lizard’s Limbs (7 points)

No, you don’t have scaly legs but like the lizard, you can regenerate lost limbs. The base time is 12 days for a leg
and 6 for an arm. The Beastman tests fortitudet; every success reduces the base time by 1 day. Heads cannot be

Simian Affinity (4 points)

You may travel through forest & jungle through the tree tops like a monkey. You receive climb at 3 gratis &
receive an auto success when climbing. You may move at half your run rate whilst moving through the canopy.
Additionally if you are ever knocked from a branch or high place, you roll dex+climb; if you score 2 successes, you
grab onto something and prevent your fall.

Night Vision
You see extremely well in conditions of low light. It is not true night vision in the infa red sense but like a felines
night sight. You only suffer any vision penalties in total darkness.

Prehensile Tail (4 points)

Like a monkey, you possess a tail capable of grasping objects & manipulating them in a limited way. You receive an
automatic success in tests of balance. You may extend your tail upto 5 feet in any direction to pull levers, grapple

Equine Affinity (4 points)

You possess some of the speed & stamina of the horse. Once daily, you may boost your running speed by increasing
the run multiplier by 4 instead of 3. You may run at this speed for 5 minutes + 2 minutes per success on a
fortitude roll.

Tough Hide (4 points)

Your skin is naturally thick like a rhino’s hide or a lizard. You gain armour points equal to your fortitude+1. This
does have the effect of making you less aware of touch.

Ursine Endurance (4 / 8 points)

You possess some of the great toughness of the Ursine family. If you buy this at 4, you double your health dice
for purposes of bruise damage. If bought at 8 points, once per day, you may attempt to shrug off lethal damage.
After being wounded, you may roll Fortitude+Rank; any successes you get are doubled for the purposes of
reducing damage.
Feline Reflexes (4 or 8 Points)
You possess the natural speed & grace of the feline family. If you take at 4 points, you receive 3 auto successes
on initiative tests. If you take at 8, you cannot be surprised in combat. You never freeze and can always act.

Stealth of the Rodent (4 or 8 Points)

Somewhere in your ancestry was a rat who was the grain silo scout of it’s pack. Such rats could out stealth the
cats patroling the silo’s. If you buy at 4 points, your stealth rolls receive 3 automatic successes. If you buy at 8
points, you only suffer a foul failure on hide sneak rolls when more than 75% or more of your pool turn up 1’s

Tigers Leap (4 points)

Like the mighty Bengal Tiger, you may leap great distances & have a surefooted chance of keeping your grip or
balance when you land. For 4 points, you receive an 2 automatic success on jump balance tests. For 8 points, you
may leap 4 feet for every point of strength & dexterity.

Venomous Appendage (4, 8)

Either you have a snake tongue or a retractable claw on your arm. Either way, you can deliver venomous attacks
with it to hapless victims. For 4 points the venom is paralytic with a potency of (fort+5); for 8 points, your venom
is fatal.

Nose of the Wolf (4 Points)

Given the scent of someone from clothes or objects you may attempt to track them by scent alone. Beastman rolls
wits+perception; the difficulty depends upon length of time as scent diminishes, the location (city’s full of
conflicting scents)

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