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After brainstorming and communication with my partner, we have come to the agreement to
formulate research topics and problems that have a correlation to easy-access materials such as
fruits and vegetables. However, these perishable foods must be available within our area and
country. Sourcing imported goods will prove difficult as it requires legal documentation,
financial commitment, and approval from our parents/guardians.
Below, I’ve listed two research topics that we can utilize for our classroom activity.

Topic 1: The alternative usage of carrots in concrete

Existing Problem:
 Regular concrete can cause damage to the environment
 The materials needed to make concrete are expensive
 Carrots are left to decay if not used
 Regular concrete is not efficient in making eco-friendly buildings
 The supply of carrots is overflowing

Working Title:
Carrots: The New Sustainable Additive in Concrete

Independent Variable: Carrots
Dependent Variable: Concrete's sustainability

Topic 2: Potato peels as an alternative to creating sustainable

Existing Problem:
 The inclusion of animal-cruelty in making leather
 Potato peels are left to rot after usage
 Leather is not sustainable to the environment
 Ingredients in creating leather are expensive
 The supply of potatoes is overflowing

Working Title:
Potato Peels: Leather 's Sustainable Evolution

Independent Variable: Potato Peels
Dependent Variable: Leather's sustainability

Topic 3: The use of robots to separate medical waste

Existing Problem:
 Medical wastes can sometimes lead to a certain sickness.
 At some hospitals, all medical wastes are compiled and that is very dangerous to both
patients and HCWs.
 AIs are difficult to use.
 The materials are expensive.
 Overall, the idea of it is expensive and we do not have any experiences with medicine
and robotics.

Working Title:
Robotic Materials Used for the Segregation of Medical Wastes

Independent Variable: Robotic Trash Can
Dependent Variable: The effectivity of separating the medical wastes

Topic 4: The use of banana peels for creating paper

Existing Problem:
 The use of trees as the main component in creating paper can cause deforestation.
 There is an increase of waste because of banana peels.
 Banana peels are also left to decay if not use.
 Deforestation can cause climate change.
 Banana peels can take up to 2 years to decompose.

Working Title:
Banana Peels; The Alternative Way of Producing Paper

Independent Variable: The usage of banana peels in paper
Dependent Variable: The successful rate that this experiment will work

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