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SESSION 2021-22

CLASS – 11 PHYSICS M . M : 25



Q 1. Why are springs made of steel and not of copper ?

Q 2. Viscosity of gases ________ with temperature , whereas viscosity of liquids ________ with temperature.
Q 3. Why it is dangerous to stand near the edge of the platform when a fast train is crossing it ?

Q 4. Plot a graph showing the variation of with P for an ideal gas at constant temperature.
Q 5. Explain why water pipes burst in severe winter.
Q 6. A plane is level flight at constant speed and each of its two wings has an area of 25 m2 . if the speed of the air
is 180 km/h over the lower wing and 234 km/h over the upper wing surface , determine the plane’s mass.
( Take density of air to be 1 Kg m-3 )
Q 7. How does the density of a solid vary with temperature ? show that its variation with temperature is given by
where is coefficient of volume expansion .
Q 8. Define terminal velocity . Derive an expression for it ?
Q 9. Iceberg floats in water with part of it submerged. What is the fraction of the volume of iceberg submerged, if
the density of ice is = 0.917 g cm-3 ?
Q 10. A black body at temperature 227 °C emits radiant energy at the rate 1.6 x 10 6 j m-2 s -1 from its surface. Find
the temperature of that black body which emits radiant energy at the rate of 8.1 x 10 6 j m-2 s -1.
Q 11. Show that pressure exerted by a liquid column is proportional to its height and the density of the liquid.
Q 12. Show that for thermal expansion .
Q 13. The elastic limit of a steel cable is 3.0 x 10 8 N / m2 and the cross section area is 4 cm2 . Calculate the
maximum upward acceleration that can be given to a 900 Kg elevator supported by the cable if the stress is
not to exceed one third of the elastic limit .
Q 14. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross section of 8 cm2 , one end of which has 40 fine holes each of
diameter 1.0 mm. if the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min – 1 , what is the speed of ejection of the
liquid through the holes ?
Q 15. State Pascals Law. What is Hydraulic lift ? Explain its working also .

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