Hinrichsen IEEE TPAS 1982

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2640 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No.

8 August 1982
E. N. Hinrichsen P. J. Nolan
Power Technologies, Inc. Power Technologies, Inc.
Schenectady, NY Schenectady, NY

ABSTRACr In most of the analysis presented here, attention

is focused on single wind turbine generators supplying
an infinite bus through an external impedance. This
This paper describes the dynamic and stability simple configuration facilitates system and control pa-
properties of wind turbine generators connected to rameter variation over a wide range and provides in-
power systems. Both synchronous and induction genera- sights into the general characteristics of wind turbine
tors are considered. A comparison is made between wind generators. It is subsequently shown how groups of
turbines, steam, and hydro units. The unusual phenom- wind turbine generators interact and how the results of
ena associated with wind turbines are emphasized. The the single machine case can be extended to the
general control requirements are discussed, as well as multi-machine case.
various schemes for torsional damping such as speed
sensitive stabilizer and blade pitch control. Interac- The material in the paper is organized as follows:
tion between adjacent wind turbines in a "wind farm" is
also considered. o The general characteristics of wind turbines
as they relate to dynamics and control are
1. INTRODUCTION described in Section 2. This section ana-
lyzes the significance of drive train con-
The development of large wind turbine generators figurations, discusses modal analyses and
(WTGs) for operation in electric utility power systems evaluates the differences between synchronous
is currently receiving serious and increased attention and induction generators.
[1]. In the U.S., several 0.1 and 0.2 MW machines have
been in operation for 1-2-years. During 1979, a 2.0 MW o Section 3 describes analysis tools and levels
WTG was installed in Boone, N.C. In the near future, of modeling.
construction and commissioning of several WTGs rated
between 2 and 4 MW are scheduled in Washington, Wyoming o In Section 4 the general control requirements
and California. Until the present time most of the as well as actual turbine control systems are
analysis has been concerned either with steady-state outlined and compared with those for steam
operation or with dynamics and control of specific wind and hydro turbine generators. Various meth-
turbine designs [2,31. The purpose of this paper is to ods of torsional damping are discussed and
provide an overview of the general dynamic characteris- compared.
tics of wind turbine generators in electric power sys-
tems and to discuss the impact of variations in system o Dynamic and transient stability properties
design and control. are presented in Section 5.
Wind turbine generators possess some special The results reported in this paper are based on
characteristics not shared by steam and hydro units. analytical work carried out for the Wind Systems Branch
The obvious one is the variability of the source of en- of the U.S. Department of Energy, the Wind Energy Pro-
ergy. Two others, which are less obvious, are the high jects Office of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
turbine inertia and the low effective shaft stiffness ministration, and Sandia Laboratories.
between turbine and generator. These unusual torsional
characteristics have several interesting consequences. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF WIND TURBINE GENERATORS
First, WIGs have a low frequency (<0.5 Hz) torsional
mode, which has to be damped, particularly if the tur- Figure 2.1 is the basic block diagram of a turbine
bine is equipped with blade pitch control. Second, the generator system. The peculiarities of a WIG compared
low stiffness shaft system gives WTGs very good tran- to conventional turbine generators lie in the variabil-
sient stability properties. Third, matching of fre- ity of the energy supply; the characteristics of the
quency, phase angle and voltage prior to synchroniza- wind turbine as an energy conversion device; and the
tion is less important. Fourth, the two significant geometry of the turbine, shafts, gears, and generator
torsional modes are practically decoupled. One is de- which comprise the torsional system.
termined by turbine inertia and effective shaft stiff-
ness, the other by generator inertia and electrical
stiffness. This has favorable implications for multi-
machine installations. Interaction of low frequency
torsional modes is very unlikely. energy rotor angic Generator
supply Energy Torsional e
Conversion ZSystem Electrical elerical

imover rotor spe System power



81 SM 514-9 A paper recommended and approved by the control signal

itEE Rotating Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE PES
Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 26-31, 1981.
Manuscript submitted September 8, 1980; made avail-
Figure 2.1 Turbine Generator System
able for printing May 6, 1981.

0018-9510/82/0800-2640$00.75 1982 IEEE

At the present time, the horizontal axis propeller GENERATOR
turbine and the vertical axis Darrieus turbine are the Ke-2.' K12=70.0 1~ -50.
K23 K34=30.0
most likely choices for commercial electric power gen- _STEAM
eration. (Figure 2.2). Both are low-speed machines H1 0.89 H20..88 H3 0.86 H4=0.25
with large diameter, high inertia rotors. Typical GENERATOR TURBINE
rotor speeds for large turbines (>1 MW) are 20-50 rpm.
Typical per unit rotor inertias referred to turbine HYDRO
rating are 5-15 seconds. The large diameter, high in- H1-3.6 H2=0.4
ertia rotors are a result of the relatively low energy GENERATOR ENGINE
density of wind. Average wind energy densities in fa- MACHINE BASE
vorable locations are less than one thousand watts per o1 DIESEL
square meter of area swept by the rotor. Both types of H1 0.4 H20..4 PU TORQUE/EL RAN
turbines achieve their best extraction efficiencies at
tip speed/wind speed ratios of 6-8. In that range, the GENERATOR TURBINE

efficiency is approximately 0.4. The theoretical maxi- , . WIND

mum efficiency is 0.59. The large rotor diameter re- H1=0.S H2- 12.S
quired for energy capture and the tip speed/wind speed
ratio required for good efficiency determine rotor
speed. Figure 2.3 Comparison of Drive Trains
of Typical Turbine Generators
For analysis of the mode shapes the electrical tie
of the synchronous machine can be represented by a
torsional spring (Figure 2.4.a). A low slip induction
generator may be represented by the block diagram shown
0 in Figure 2.4.b. This simplified representation in-
cludes the rotor dynamics of a single rotor circuit and
u embraces an algebraic solution of the network. T'dz is
typically 1 second and D lies in the range 50 to 500
p.u. It is evident that over the frequency range of
interest the dynamics of both machines are similar, and
e-Darrieus Up-Wind Down-Wind that the induction generator can also be represented by
an equivalent "synchronizing coefficient." Irrespec-
Figure 2.2 Wind Turbine Designs tive, therefore, of the type of generator, the tor-
sional coupling between generator and synchronous frame
Energy supply to wind turbines not only varies has been represented as a torsional spring. Figure 2.5
randomly with wind speed, but also has a component shows mode shapes and modal frequencies of the 2.5 MW
which varies periQdically with rotor position. In hor- tMOD-2 horizontal axis WTG designed by Boeing. Figure
izontal axis turbines these changes are caused by ver- 2.6 shows the mode shapes and modal frequencies of the
tical differences in wind speed (wind shear) and tower 2.0 M MOD-1 horizontal axis WTG designed by General
shadow in downwind rotors (Figure 2.2). When pitch Electric, and Figure 2.7 depicts the same information
control is used, response to the periodic component of for the 60 kW, 17 meter vertical axis Darrieus WTG de-
turbine power or speed is suppressed with tuned fil- signed by Sandia Laboratories. Even though the three
ters. In general, periodic changes do not play a sig- machines are very different in size and design, the
nificant role in the system dynamics of WTGs connected mode shapes are quite similar. The electrical stiff-
to utility networks. ness selected for this analysis is 2.0 pu. This is a
typical value for machine, network and loading in a WTG
Most large wind turbines operate at constant system. The lowest torsional mode in Figures 2.5, 2.6
speed, driving standard three-phase ac generators. and 2.7 represents oscillation of the turbine rotor
Synchronous as well as induction generators are used. through the shaft against generator and infinite bus
Generators of suitable dimensions and reasonable cost equivalent of the electrical system. Since electrical
are four- or six-pole machines with synchronous speeds stiffness is much higher than apparent mechanical
of 1800 or 1200 rpm. The large difference between tur- stiffness, the relative torsional amplitude of the gen-
bine and generator speeds makes gearboxes essential erator rotor is very snall. It is evident that the
elements of wind turbine generator drive trains. The frequency of this mode is almost entirely determined by
turbine inertia and shaft stiffness, not by electrical
consequence of the gearbox in terms of drive train dy- parameters.
namics is low mechanical stiffness between generator
and turbine when viewed from the generator. Figure 2.3
is a comparison of typical inertia-stiffness relation-
ships in steam, hydro, diesel, and wind turbine genera- n
Synchroni zing
tors. The unusual characteristics of sTIG drive trains (Rotor Speed
are evident from this comparison. The WIG is the only Deviation pu)
turbine generator in utility networks with a mechanical
stiffness lower than the electrical stiffness pu)
(synchronizing torque coefficient) [4].


(a) Synchronous Generator

Incremental Slope of The second torsional mode in Figures 2.5 and 2.7
Torque Slip Curve and the third mode in Figure 2.6 represent oscillation
n D
of the generator rotor through the electrical stiffness
+ sT
against the equivalent infinite bus. Turbine rotor
(Rotor Speed
Deviation pu)
dz (Electric Torque pu) participation in this "electrical" mode is insignifi-
Rotor Time Constant cant. The frequency of this mode is primarily deter-
Under Load
mined by generator inertia and synchronizing coeffi-
(b) Induction Generator
cient, which depends on loading, generator, and network
characteristics. The frequency is essentially indepen-
dent of turbine parameters.
Figure 2.4 Simplified Block Diagrams for
Synchronous and Induction Generators For an analysis of the dynamics of WIGs connected
to electric power systems, torsional modes other than
the two discussed here can generally be neglected.
They are either well damped or their frequencies are
above the range of interest.
Figures 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7 further reveal that the
-.137 HZ lSHRFtl first torsional mode is most easily stimulated by tran-
sients acting on the turbine, while the "electrical"
mode responds primarily to stimulation acting through
the generator.
The frequencies and mode shapes in Figures 2.5 and
2.6 describe the system without control. Blade pitch
6.88 HZ (BLROE) control with proportional action on electric power in-
creases the frequency of the first torsional mode.


These mode shapes may be contrasted with those of
a typical steam generator, where all the inertias move
with almost equal amplitude at the low frequency system
Figure 2.5 Mode Shapes of MOoD-2
WT mode. The normal approximation for stability work is
to combine all inertias into a single inertia connected
to the electrical system through the equivalent elec-
trical stiffness. In a WIG, by contrast, the generator
inertia can be considered decoupled from the hub and
blade inertias in the electrical mode. The effective
GEN GEon HUB BLOE stiffness between generator and turbine is very low.
Relatively high "electrical" mode frequencies are then
possible due to the nearly unconstrained motion of the
...433 HZ cSHBFT) generator inertia against the electrical system.

. . - Z -* - - / ¢ F1.bD HZ (BLHOE MODEI

The simulation used for this analysis contains
models of the turbine, drive train, turbine blade pitch
control, generator excitation control, electrical net-
.1.66 HZ IELECI work, and equivalent utility source. Three different
analysis tools and levels of modeling have been used:

12.2 HZ lGERH BOX)

o Machine Network Transient Simulator (MNT/E).
This system is used for time response analy-
sis including network transients. It in-
MOD-1 WTG cludes a four inertia representation of the
Figure 2.6 Mode Shapes of drive train. A detailed subtransient level
generator model is used. Stator and network
transients are treated in differential, equa-
tion form.
GEN TReN lTRI TR82 o Power System Simulator (PSS/E) [5]. This
system is used for time response analysis.
It includes a three inertia representation of
., . . .. .. . F-61b HZ (SHRFT) the drive train. Modeling detail is the same
as in MNT/E except that the network is solved
'1.00 HZ tELEC MODE) o Interactive Dynamic Analysis Program (IDIP).
This system is used for eigenvalue and fre-
quency response analysis. It includes a
three inertia representation of the drive
train. The generator is represented by con-
stant synchronizing and damping coefficients.
23.2 HZ (GERM B00X

Salient points of the modeling effort are:

Figure 2.7 Mode Shapes of Sandia 17 M WTG

o The turbine is represented by a nonlinear quency of the first torsional mode, i.e., this mode is
wind power model relating power output P to stimulated by control action. Therefore, additional
wind speed V and power coefficient cp. The damping for the lightly damped first torsional mode is
power coefficient cp is a function of blade required. Three different methods of damping have been
angle S and the ratio of tip speed/wind used in variable pitch turbines developed within the
speed X . For eigenvalue and frequency re- U.S. Federal Wind Energy Program:
sponse analysis at a given wind speed, a lin-
ear transfer function ap/aS is used to repre- o Generator damping either through the use of a
sent the relationship of wind power change to power system stabilizer or by the inherent
blade angle change. damping of an induction generator.
o Addition of a damping signal to the pitch
o The torsional system is represented by a controller.
three or four rotating mass model. For the
analysis of machine and system dynamics the o Fluid coupling between turbine and generator.
model of a WIG drive train should have at
least two degrees of freedom (two inertias) In the MOD-1 WIG, damping is achieved by a speed
to represent the first torsional and the sensitive power system stabilizer. Turbine hub speed
electrical mode. Addition of the blade mode is used as the input. It can be seen qualitatively
in horizontal axis turbines by separating hub frcm the mode shapes of Figure 2.6 that the stabilizer
and blade inertia does not generally change operates on a relatively small component of generator
the results, due to high damping of this motion in the first torsional mode, and can be expected
mode. Addition of the high-speed shaft mode to require large torques to influence shaft motion at
by separating generator and transmission in- this frequency. Loci of eigenvalues as function of
ertia is only required if there is need to stabilizer gain confirm the relative ineffectiveness of
evaluate torque levels during electrical this means of providing damping to the first torsional
faults. mode.
O The synchronous machine is modeled at the The stabilizer can also be expected to have a
subtransient level. When intra- and destabilizing effect on the "electrical" mode. This is
inter-machine events occur at a frequency caused by the phase reversa1 between generator and hub
where interaction with network elements is displacements in the "electrical" mode (Figure 2.6).
negligible, the network equations are solved
algebraically. When this is not the case, In the MOD-2 WITG, a damping signal in phase with
stator and network transients are treated in hub speed is summed with the output of the pitch con-
differential equation form. For parametric troller. The time response plot of Figure 4.1 shows
studies of control settings the synchronous the effectiveness of this damping component. Figure
and induction machines are represented as 4.1 depicts the response of electrical power to a step
shown in Figure 2.4.
change in wind power. The difference between the two
o The overall linearized block diagram of a traces marked "base design" and "no hub damping" is
WIG, including pitch control, torsional sys- caused by the damping component. The third trace in
tem, generator, electrical system, and provi- Figure 4.1 marked "no control" shows the response with-
sions for damping the first torsional mode, out pitch control. It should be noted that in this
is shown in Figure 3.1. case the addition of pitch control increases the fre-
quency of the first torsional mode. The proportional
component of power control introduces stiffness between
turbine and generator inertias. Figure 4.2 shows the
eigenvalues as wind speed changes. The variation in
wind speed changes the incremental wind power/pitch
angle relationship and thereby affects the transfer
function of the control loop. It can be seen that the
system is adequately damped over the whole wind speed

I~~~~~~~1 --" ontotrol s

/ 0.2 too 7lec tr cal Power

0.2 pu i~~~~~~~~~~~t0
~~~~~~~X*.... ....

Figure 3.1 Linearized Model of WTG no hb domping


In addition to drive train configuration, turbine -lnd power
blade pitch control has a significant impact on dynamic 0.1 pu
behavior. This type of control only exists in horizon- -17
tal axis machines. Variable pitch turbines operate ef-
ficiently over a wider range of wind speeds than fixed
pitch machines. Cost and complexity are higher. It is Seconds

generally found that a sufficiently responsive pitch

control system has a bandwidth that includes the fre- Figure 4.1 Effect of Damping with Pitch Control
o The power controller cannot differentiate
between changes it should respond to, i.e.,
blada changes caused by the turbine, and those it
electrical should not respond to, i.e., changes origi-
nating in the electrical system.
f It*r Use of turbine speed as the controlled variable
would have three advantages:
l shaft

o Pitch control would not respond to system

r II.. disturbances unless they affect turbine
o Speed is the controlled variable for turbine
controllers of conventional turbine genera-
tors. Turbine speed controllers have propor-
tional characteristics so that the speed
111 "',I 'III -01l!
-0. I
droops slightly with load. This provides
load sharing capability. WTGs will not al-
- -1 .
zlsec )

ways be applied to systems infinitely large

Figure 4.2 Effect of Varying Wind compared to their rating. They must be able
Speeds-MaD-2 WIG to participate in transient load sharing.
Reference [31 describes a WIG control system which also o Speed control is dynamically superior to
uses pitch variations for introducing damping. A com-r- power control. Turbine torque excursions are
pensating network is included in the hub speed loop to integrated once and become speed excursions.
offset servo lag. They are integrated again before showing up
as power angle and electric power excursions.
Figure 4.3 shows that damping of the first
torsional mode can also be introduced by a high slip A combination of primary speed control and slower
induction generator. This would not be an effective resetting type power control is traditional in power
mechanism in a WIG such as the MOD-2 because generator systems.
motion in the first torsional mode is extremely small
(Figure 2.5). In a MODD1 WIG, generator motion in the 5. DYNAMICS AND STABILITY
first torsional mode is larger (Figure 2.6). Damping
with a high slip induction generator would be more ef- The following issues were addressed:
fective, however, losses would be high.
o Dynamic stability of a single wind turbine
generator connected to a strong system.
e1ec(mia1 o Dynamic stability of a group of wind turbines
synchronized to a common bus and connected to
a strong system.
blade U
X+ A_ o Transient stability following disturbances at
shaftt _ the mechanical end (wind speed changes) and
at the electrical end (faults) of the WTG
RR0.006 _ radsIs/s
drive train.
0.1 o Shaft torque levels during disturbances.
O Synchronization.
-UU------------ U Dynamic Stability of Single Wind Turbine
0.1 The dynamic stability of a single wind turbine
generator was investigated by obtaining the eigenvalues
Figure 4.3 Effect of Varying Induction of wind turbine systems for variations in the electri-
Generator Rotor Resistance-M)ODl WIG cal system. In the case of a synchronous generator KE
(the synchronizing coefficient) was modified to reflect
these variations. Results are shown in Figure 5.1. In
In the MOD-O and MOD-OA, a fluid coupling is used. the case of an induction generator XE (the electrical
This is a very effective damping device but it system reactance) was modified to show the effect of
introduces losses. variations in transmission strength. Results are simi-
lar to Figure 5.1. It is evident that only the elec-
In addition to finding a suitable balance between trical system mode is affected by these changes. It
control response and damping of the first torsional was noted earlier that this mode is nearly independent
mode, the controlled variable has to be selected. For of the mechanical properties of the turbine.
primary control, this can either be speed or power.
Current WIGs use power. This selection has been based
on the assumption that electric power systems are infi-
nitely large compared to wind turbines and that con-
stant power generated by WIGs can always be absorbed.
There are two disadvantages.

o WIGs using power control do not participate

in load sharing.
o A lumped equivalent machine swinging against
the receiving end infinite bus.
n A -*< 1t- 2.0 pu
blade +
*<4 KE -
0.5 Pu o A single machine swinging against the bus at
electriocal 10 which the machines are synchronized.
filter It was concluded earlier that the first torsional
mode is practically unaffected by the transmission sys-
shaft 1 tem strength. Consequently, the natural frequency and
damping of the first torsional mode is approximately
rads/ the -same for the single system and inter-system modes.
It follows that a WTG which is well designed for the
first torsional mode in a single machine application
will also satisfy damping requirements for intermachine
first torsional modes in multi-machine applications.
The intermachine electrical modes are not
-100 -10 -1 -0. 1
II I 11 particularly significant. There are three reasons:
*(sec0) 0.°
o They generally have a higher frequency than
Figure 5.1 Effect of Varying Electrical Stiffness the electrical system mode and are better
Dynamic Stability of Groups of Wind Turbines o They are not stimulated appreciably by wind
Most of the analyses presented so far have been speed disturbances. This was shown earlier
based on systems with single WIGs connected to an infi- in the modal analysis of WDTG drive trains.
nite bus. In view of the variability of wind energy,
there has been concern about interactions between adja- o They are not stimulated by electrical
cent wind turbine generators through the electrical disturbances comon to all adjacent WTGs.
The analysis of interactions between WTGs has been
Figure 5.2 shows the case of two identical wind explained in terms of a two machine system synchronized
turbines synchronized and connected to a stiff system. to a common bus. The results can be extended to the
It is intuitively obvious that the dynamics comprise general case [6].
two sets of modes:
Transient Stability
Wind turbine generators are subjected to
mechanical disturbances applied at the turbine when
there are sudden wind speed changes. They are also
subjected to electrical disturbances applied at the
generator during electrical transients. While all the
possible electrical disturbances are of the same nature
for conventional turbine generators as for WIGs, the
consequences of particular disturbances are different
because the torsional system is different. Mechanical
(a) In-phase modes. Corresponding variables in each WT move In phase. disturbances of the drive train from the turbine end
are a peculiarity of WIGs.

Figure 5.3 shows the response of a MOD-2 WIG to
five successive 4 mph step changes in wind speed. Wind
speed (mph) mechanical power at the blades (p.u.),
electrical power (p.u.), and generator power angle
(deg.) are plotted. Pitch control is active to pro-
vide power control and damping of the first torsional
(b) Anti-phase modes. Corresponding variables in each V1 move in anti-phase.
mode. It is interesting to note that damping of the
first torsional mode increases with increasing wind
speed. This corroborates the results of the eigenvalue
Figure 5.2 In-Phase and Anti-Phase Modes analysis shown in Figure 4.2.
o Wind turbine generators move coherently with
each other. These "in phase" modes are stim-
ulated by wind speed disturbances of the same
magnitude and sign applied to each machine.
Electrical disturbances on the common trans-
mission system also excite these modes.
o Wind turbine generators move against each
other with equal and opposite magnitudes. It
is not possible to excite these "anti-phase"
modes by disturbances on the common electri-
cal transmission. The bus at which the ma-
chines are synchronized represents a node for
all anti-phase modes.
The dynamics of the above system can thus be
analyzed in terms of two equivalents:

I . .
Mind Speed (0-50 MPH)

- I 6 15.4.5.~ ~~~~..is ......

Ji Eiectrtc.i Power (-0.5 to 1.5 pu)

_ Wind Power (-0.5 to 1.5 pu)

tenerator Angle (0 - 1009)

0 10 I~~~~~~~~~~
20 30 CI) I

Figure 5.3 4 MPH Step Increases in Wind Speed Figure 5.4B Torque Levels in MOD-2 Drive Train,
Three Phase Fault Near WTG for 0.1 Second
Figure 5.4 depicts the behavior of a MOD-2 WTG
during and after a 0.1 sec. three-phase fault at the Figure 5.5 shows the events occurring during and
high side of the generator step-up transformer. The after a loss of electrical load for 0.5 seconds. The
four traces in Figure 5.4B show airgap torque, low WTG is a MOD-2. The four traces in Figure 5.5A show
speed shaft torque, blade torque, and high speed shaft generator speed, hub speed, blade speed, and gear
torque. The two frequencies dominating the response speed. The generator rotor accelerates very quickly
are the 60 Hz system frequency during the fault, and away from the synchronous reference frame, unwinding
the frequency of the electrical system mode after the the turbine shaft and starting an oscillation with re-
fault. Even though airgap torques reach 6 p.u., tur- spect to the turbine. The generator rotor angle
bine torques are hardly affected by this transient. reaches 1000 degrees after approximately 0.5 sec. The
turbine also begins to accelerate but at a much lower
rate. As long as the turbine is still near synchronous
1-_ speed, resynchronization is theoretically possible at
any rotor angle. When the tie to the electrical system
is restored at t=0.55 sec., the generator
resynchronizes quickly at a rotor angle that differs
Field Voltage (-2.5 to 7.5 pu) from the original rotor angle by 1080 degrees (3*360 ).
After the generator has been resynchronized, the tur-
._ I........ . . bine oscillates with respect to the generator at the
frequency of the first torsional mode.
- i hWlind Power

- t1t V '~"' I Electrical Power (-4.0 to 6.0 pu)

_- t

Gewerator Angle (0 - 200)

1 1 1 L
0.25 0.!

Figure 5.4A Three Phase Fault Near WXTG for 0.1 Second


Figure 5.5A Speeds in MOD-2 Drive Train,

Loss of Load for 0.5 Second
Consistent with the above decoupling between the
electrical and shaft modes, it is seen that electri-
cally produced damping is not particularly effective in
damping the first shaft mode. This implies that speed
sensitive stabilizers operating on synchronous machine
excitation, or induction generator damping will have
limited effect on damping of the dominant shaft mode.
Further consequences of the unusual torsional
system characteristics are the excellent transient sta-
bility properties and ability to synchronize a wind
turbine through large phase and speed mismatches. im-
pact torque levels during fault and network switchings
are lower than in typical steam units due to the inher-
ent decoupling between generator and turbine.
From the viewpoint of network disturbances, both
induction and synchronous machines exhibit a relatively
high frequency oscillatory mode (typically 20 to 30
rads/sec.). This high frequency results from the
lightness of the generator rotor and the softness of
the torsional spring between generator and hub. Damp-
ing of the first torsional shaft mode and power control
response do not vary appreciably with electrical system
Figure 5.5B Loss of Load for 0.5 Second parameters.
Shaft Torque Levels No adverse interactions have been predicted for
groups of wind turbines synchronized together. The
Figure 5.4B demonstrates another characteristic of only coupling is through the electrical system which is
the torsional system of wind turbine generators: low shown to have little influence on the power control
levels of shaft torque during disturbances. The me- loop or shaft mode damping. The main result of inter-
chanical limitation of WIGs during several electrical connection will be coupling between electrical modes.
disturbances is not strength at shafts but rather the The intermachine electrical modes are not normally of
bracing of generator windings. The bracing required concern as they are not stimulated by asyrnetric wind
does not exceed conventional levels. disturbances (due to the soft shaft effect) and are not
stimulated by electrical disturbances on the conmon
Synchronization transnission system.
The musual torsional dynamics of wind turbine The conclusions regarding the absence of
generator drive trains can be used to advantage during interaction in the multi-machine case have been con-
synchronization. Turbine and generator are decoupled firmed by carrying out detailed simulations of a three
transiently by the apparent low-shaft stiffness. This wind turbine system with each machine represented ex-
reduces the need for accurate matching of voltage, plicitly.
speed, and phase angle prior to synchronization. Speed
errors of several percent and angle deviations of In addition to more detailed simulation to
30-40% can be tolerated. complement the results summarized in this paper the au-
thors feel that further work in the follbwing areas is
6. CONCLUSIONS warranted:
The dynamic and transient stability properties of o The use of turbine speed as the regulated
wind turbine generators have been explored using eigen- variable for pitch control systems. This
value and time response analysis. It has been shown would make wind turbine control functionally
that, unlike steam or hydro units, the dynamics of wind equivalent to steam and hydro turbine con-
turbine generators are dominated by the torsional char- trol.
acteristics of the drive train. The most significant
characteristic of such systems is the presence of an o The limitation of using electrical power as
inherently poorly damped shaft mode having a frequency the regulated variable in pitch control sys-
below 0.5 Hz. tems. The limitations will become apparent
when WTGs are connected to noninfinite power
Various schemes for introducing damping in the low systems.
frequency shaft mode are discussed. Inclusion of a hub
speed damping signal in systems which have blade pitch o Other methods of damping the first torsional
control is shown to be particularly effective. The ra- mode. Damping by pitch control is effective
tionale for choosing electric power as the regulated but is inactive at low wind speeds. Electri-
variable is also considered and the advantages of cal damping is not particularly effective.
choosing turbine speed instead of electric power are
debated. o Out of step synchronization. WTGs are very
tolerant to out-of-step synchronization. The
The unusual characteristics of the drive train are usefulness of this characteristic for reclos-
shown to have a decoupling effect on electrically and ing and synchronization should be evaluated.
mechanically produced transients. Faults on the elec-
trical side do not stimulate the low frequency shaft
mode to any appreciable extent. Similarly, even large
wind speed disturbances do not influence the electrical
system mode.
This paper is based on work done for the R. G. Harley (University of Natal, Durban, South Africa): The authors
U. S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics are to be commended for presenting the results of an extensive in-
and Space Administration and Sandia Laboratories. The vestigation in such a concise manner. In fact, in certain sections they ap-
authors would like to thank Dr. J. Rumbaugh of DOE, pear to only review some salient findings from their obviously much
Dr. L. Gilbert of NASA and Mr. R. Schindwolf of Sandia longer research report. The presentation carries a wealth of summarized
for their helpful coments. The authors are also in- results, but is of little use to anyone else in this field who would like to
debted to their colleagues at PrI, in particular corroborate some of the findings in this paper; particularly to overseas
Mr. F. P. deMello, for discussions and valuable sugges- workers who do not have easy access to references 2 and 3 of the paper.
tions. Although section 3 in the paper discusses "modelling and methods of
analysis", the description is in a rather general form and it is not clear
which models were used to calculate which one of the subsequent
diagrams of the results. Further information about this would be most
8. REFERENCES useful.
The authors calculated the response of three different wind-turbine-
[1]. K. T. Fung, R. L. Scheffler, J. Stolpe, "Wind En- generator systems. Could they please state all the mechanical as well as
ergy - A Utility Perspective," Paper 80 SM 564-5 pre- electrical parameters, together with those of the various regulators
sented at IEEE Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, 1980., which were used in each case.
[2]. R. S. Barton, C. E. J. Bowler and R. J. Pinko, Manuscript received August 25, 1981.
"Control and Stabilization of the DOE/NASA MOD1 Two
Megawatt Wind Turbine," Proceedings of the 14th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Vol. 1, pp. 325-330, August, 1979.
Eric N. Hinrichsen (Power Technologies, Inc., Schenectady, NY): Dr.
[3]. J. M. Kos, "On Line Control of a Large Horizontal Harley is correct. This paper summarizes the results of a much longer
Axis Wind Energy Conversion System and its Performance research report. Actually, there are two reports:
in a Turbulent Wind Environment," Proceedings of the - "MOD-2 Wind Turbine Farm Stability Study," DOE/NASA
13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Confer- 0134-1, NASA CR-165156.
ence, pp. 2064-2073, August, 1978. - "Dynamics of Single- and Multi-Unit Wind Energy Conversion
Plants Supplying Electric Utility Systems," DOE/ET 204 66-78/1
[4]. F. P. deMello and C. Concordia, "Concepts of Syn- (DE82000666).
chronous Machine Stability as Affected by Excitation
System Control," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Sys- The reports are available through the National Technical Informa-
tems, Vol. PAS 92, pp. 316-329, April, 1969. tion Service (NTIS).
At the present time, very little information about wind energy is
[5]. J. M. Undrill, F. P. deMello, T. E. Kostyniak and disseminated through IEEE. Most of the technical presentations and
R. J. Mills, "Interactive Computation in Power System discussions take place at conferences sponsored by the U.S. Depart-
Analysis,n Proc. IEEE, Vol. 62, No. 7, pp. 1009-1017, ment of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
July, 1974. the Solar Energy Research Institute and several National Laboratories.
The few authors that occasionally discuss wind energy topics before an
[6]. R. T. Alden, P. J. Nolan and J. P. Bayne, "Shaft IEEE forum generally assume that their listeners have other sources of
Dynamics in Closely Coupled Identical Generators," IEEE information.
Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS 77,
No. 3, pp. 721-728, May/June, 1977. Manuscript received April 1, 1982.

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