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A Short While Matches are made in heaven.

We keep on matching ourselves throughout our life until we get the right match. But, do we ever get the right match? I have seen people cribbing over their own choice even after spending 10 years together. So, has the quality of the right man/woman changed over the period of time or has the feeling gradually faded? Is this the love and my choice, we talk about? Well, this story is bit different. The question is how will one recognize, if he/she is the one? Or if one is in love? Mahalaya really couldnt forget the hand in hand walk with him, their last walk. There was something unspoken between them. Or maybe she felt that way. They became friends and eventually started dating. Mahalaya thought that it was just a temporary infatuation any teenager would pass through. But, it is also the fact that their courtship lasted for a year or so. The longest affair of Meghalayas life and the best thing during this courtship, they never shared how we felt for each other. In this relationship, they did not expect anything from each other. At least Mahalaya didnt. Actually, he did not even fit into her husbands image then, though she hardly could have thought of a husband at that point of time. He was a cute companion for her. But still something was there from her side and may be from him too. Something unspoken that they both did not want to see. Sameer was one of the spoilt boys of the college and had long list of girl fans because of his cute looks. Unfortunately, Mahalaya never noticed him. She had a long list of boy fans for herself as well that kept her occupied. On her birthday, Sameer gave her a card and proposed to be her friend. She didnt mind and gave him some paste trees. Bakery foods in Bangalore were quite famous. So their friendship started from her birthday in 2007. As soon as the girls came to know about it, they were quite jealous of Mahalaya. She even noticed the behavioral change in her best friend and really felt bad about it but could do nothing.

They would meet everyday during breaks, in library, after classes or wherever possible. But they did not talk much but kept sitting together hours after hours. They liked each others company. But unlike other couples, they did not go out of the hostel much and used to date inside the college. One Sunday all girls went to the market. It was known as out pass. The main area was Majestic and MG road. They were having fun when a girl from the same college told Mahalaya that he was looking for her. She was shocked after hearing that. Why would he look for me? We had no plans of going out She thought and looked at her best friend. She could see fire in her eyes. I really dont know about this. I swear She told her. Then they continued with their shopping and fun when another guy of their college told Mahalaya that Sameer was looking for her. She again looked at her best friend and got scared with her looks. Mahalaya knew that Ritu hated her so much for that but she also wished if she could see him once. Then on many meeting points her college mates told her that he was looking for her. Just hoping to reach him, she insisted to wait at certain common points but all in vein. By now, Ritu had stopped talking to Mahalaya. She was not even looking at her. Mahalaya could not take it for she had a respect for her. She was so helpless. Both were important for her without any priority. The time passed and they had to return. They took an auto up to their hostel. As they reached near the campus, suddenly one girl shouted, its Sameer. Mahalaya peeped outside; it was him in a small tea stall, sipping tea. She saw him throwing the tea from the glass when Sameer located her. Mahalaya asked the driver to stop but Ritu ordered to keep moving. Mahalayas heart skipped a beat. She could not defy her orders but wished the auto driver to stop. Soon she saw him on a bike beside their auto. Then one of the girls asked the auto driver to stop and he obeyed. Mahalaya got down and went to him. They looked at each other, spoke nothing but there was so much to ask and tell. They stood there in silence until someone called from the auto. Hurry up! Meet me in my class tomorrow He said. She nodded and went away. This incident had left an impact on her. Something which she could not explain, a feeling that she could not

understand. It also invited her best friends rage on her. Sameer had come between them. For what reasons she disnt know. The days passed and they took their final year exams. Now it was a time to pack up. His train Karnataka Express was scheduled to leave at 6.45pm and Mahalayas at 9.30pm. Mahalaya was seated in the waiting room. It was 5.30 pm now and everyone had reached the railway station. She kept waiting for him but there was no sign. Her eyes were on the running watch and at the gate. Heart was pounding faster now. At least she had expected him to be with her at this hour. Couples were saying goodbye to each other and the fact that this would be their last goodbye, she was getting mad. There were no signs of him. Finally, at 6.10pm she saw him coming from the entrance. His route was directed towards the other side but he happened to look at her and she thought that was by mistake. He came to her. Now, that was the boy she did not know. There was something different in him. As the college days were over so probably he had already said good bye to her and she could very easily make it out or may be it was just a thought. She felt like an emotional fool standing in front of him and laying her eyes at the gate since she had entered the station. Where were you? She asked in anger. Had gone for shopping to brigade road He replied and she could sense an attitude. Oh! He was not the boy I liked she thought. She hated him so much then and herself for what she was doing. They kept looking at each other for few minutes. And just by looks they exchanged lot of words. Both specialized on it. Then he returned her the ring that he had once snatched from her and kept wearing it. Mahalaya threw it in the nearest bin and walked away. In the waiting room, Mahalaya could not resist and burst into tears. She was crying and crying and crying. Still didnt know the reason but she cried and was hurt badly that day. Meanwhile, the train had arrived and everyone started pulling in their luggages inside. As it was end of the college session so there was lot of luggages. Her friends were consoling her but they did not know the reason why was she crying. Her eyes looked at the watch which showed 6.35pm and more tears

would role out. Its all over. This is the end she thought. It was so painful. She did not want him to go and wished if the time would stop or if he changes his mind or something would happen. But she did not want him to leave. This was the farewell that he had already given. She was very upset. Suddenly, through her wet eyes, she saw a hand holding Sameers photographs in front of her. She looked up. It was him. Why are you crying? He said and wiped her rolling tears. Again silence for a while. She took the photographs without saying a word. Where have you thrown that ring? He asked in a calm voice. She pointed out at the garbage in front of the door. He went and picked it up. Then he held her hands and dragged her out on to the platform. She followed him. He was walking, her hand in his and silence. She could see other college mates staring at us. The watch showed 6.45pm. The train gave the first signal. Sir, come on. The train is about to leave. A junior shouted from the train that was stationed a meter away. Coming yaar He replied without even looking at him. She looked at the train. The engine already had started roaring. He bought a coke for her and her hand still on his. The train had started moving by now though low in pace. She looked at the train then at him. Their eyes met. May be they had conveyed many things. We will meet again. Dont worry He said and ran to catch the running train. He waved at her as he got into it and vanished inside. What made him to come back for that short while, she have no clue. But Mahalaya did not cry after that. The last moments that she shared with him were stored somewhere deep in her heart. And Bangalore, her favorite city had lost all its charm as Karnataka express left the station.

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