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BSBHRM614 Contribute to strategic workforce planning


Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022

Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Assessment 1��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Assessment 2��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

This subject A20254 Strategic Workforce Planning, in the BSB62720 Advanced Diploma
of Program Management, comprises two Assessments. The following table summarises the
information about each assessment.

Assessment 1 Assessment 2

Session 5 Session 8
Due Date
(*Not Week 5) (*Not Week 8)

Weighting 50% 50%

Grading Method Marking Guide Marking Guide

Submission Method Students are required to submit their assessments to myAPC.hub.

The results will be available within 7 days after the due date of the

APC is using the Marking Guide for assessment marking. Students should refer to the
Marking Guide when they are planning their assessment work. They need to respond to
every question and performance criteria to achieve competency. When looking at the
Marking Guide, the first column shows the assessment questions. The second column
shows the relevant performance criteria that should be met by answering each question.

1. Assessments should be completed as per your trainer’s instructions.
2. Assessments must be submitted by the due date to avoid a late submission penalty.
3. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. You must
write your answers in your own words and include a reference list. You are required to
run the plagiarism report on your assessments prior to the submission, and ensure that
the plagiarism score is below 30%. A mark of zero will be given for any assessment or
part of an assessment that has been plagiarised.
4. You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers
to other students will result in a zero mark. Your answers must be yours alone.
5. All the assessments must be submitted to myAPC.hub.
6. You must attempt all questions in the assessment.
7. You must get satisfactory results on both assessments to pass the subject.
8. All assessments are to be completed in accordance with WHS regulatory requirements.

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessment v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Assessment 1
Advanced Diploma of Program Management
Subject A20254 Strategic Workforce Planning
Assessment method Case study
Weighting 50%
Unit of Competency
Contribute to strategic workforce planning

Case Study
Your case study has been provided in the folder marked Case study in myAPCHub. It
contains a number of files providing background information for you to complete this
You are required to create a strategic workforce plan based on the case study provided.
This template for you to complete this task and you need to complete every question
in order to meet the following assessment criteria:
PE – contribute to the development and implementation of at least one strategic workforce
KE – format and features of a strategic workforce plan

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Strategic Workforce Plan

Business Environment and Strategic Direction

Explain the purpose and value of having a workforce plan for your

1. Strategic background and context

PC 1.1 Analyse strategic plans to determine strategic workforce direction, objectives and
PE – analyse information from a range of internal and external sources to determine:
• workforce strategic direction, objectives and targets

Provide an overview of the business, what is it known for and/or what

a. Business Profile
are the plans planning for the future?
b. Vision What is the long-term vision for the business?

c. Objectives What are the organisation objectives and targets for the future?

d. Environment
PC 1.2 Analyse
environment and
identify emerging
The environmental scan aims to describe your current situation,
practices and trends
drivers of any change, and emerging conditions that may impact on
that may impact
your business in the next 1 – 10 years. Eg. Industry may be changing
on human resource
some standards over the next 2 years so you would need to explain
management in the
some of the new standards and how that would impact staff. Do they
need to be upskilled?
PE – analyse
information from a • What is the current business’s financial situation?
range of internal and • Who are the current and future customers?
external sources to • What new technologies are emerging within your industry?
determine: • Is the business growing, downsizing, transitioning?
• trends and • Are there any external factors that will impact your workforce?
practices that
may have an
impact on

2. Current Workforce Analysis

a. Approach to • To develop a current picture of your workforce, explain

gathering workforce
the steps you will follow to obtain the necessary data from
managers about their staff.
PC 2.1 Consult • What are five workforce characteristics you will require the
relevant managers
managers to provide about their staff?
about their workforce

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessment v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Assume you have received the data from the managers as you have
requested, put together a snapshot of the workforce for one of the
teams by providing the below data.
b. Workforce profile • Team Name:
snapshot • Number of team members:
PC 2.6 Contribute • Number of team members due to retire in next 5 years:
input from • Number of full-time employees:
consultation into • Number of part-time employees:
strategic workforce • Number of casual employees:
plan and obtain senior
• Number of employees with 2 or less years experience in
management support
for plan current job:
• Number of employees with 5 – 10 years experience in current
• Are they specific qualifications required for jobs in a team?

3. Future Workforce Requirements

PC 1.3 Identify future labour needs, skill requirements and sources of labour supply
Workforce profile:
PC 2.2 Agree on
workforce philosophies,
values and policies with
relevant managers
PC 2.3 Develop
strategic objectives and
targets for workforce You need to clearly understand where the business and your
services industry will be in 2, 5 and 10 years’ time. Technology constantly
changes so you need to take this into account so your workforce
PE – analyse stays current. What would happen if you cannot keep or find new
information from a employees for the key jobs? It impacts on being able to meet your
range of internal and regulatory or legislative requirements, or delivering the service/s
external sources to you plan to deliver.
determine: Analyse the future workforce requirements for the jobs in the team
• organisation’s you listed in question 2b.
preferences • What are critical skills for this team?
regarding • Will you need more staff able to have these skills and w?
workforce • What new skills might be required?
PC 1.4 Identify new • Will changes in technology impact on the team?
technology and its • What new skills and knowledge will the team need for using
impact on job roles and the technology?
job design • Are there any jobs in the team that will no longer be required
PE – analyse and why?
information from a
range of internal and
external sources to
• relevant
KE – impact of
technology on job roles
in the organisation or
work area

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

4. Workforce Gap Analysis

PE – analyse information from a range of internal and external sources to determine:
future labour needs and skills requirements
a. Compare the skills, job roles, staff numbers as well as the
experience of your current workforce and what the future
workforce requires for the team listed in question 2b. What
are the gaps that exist between your current workforce and
your projected future workforce needs?
b. What are the key areas that require action to move the team
from where it is now to where you want it to be in the future?

5. Action plan
Workforce and Development Strategies.
In this section you should detail the strategies you would like to use to address the workforce
issues you have identified previously in the plan, and who will be the target of your strategy.
PE – analyse information from a range of internal and external sources to determine:
• options for sourcing labour
KE – common options for sourcing labour
PE – consult relevant stakeholders and collaboratively develop, implement, monitor and
review a strategic workforce plan including:
• budget
• priorities
• agreed objectives, targets, programs and practices based on cost-benefit analysis
• timeframes
Workforce Strategy
What will you do?
How will you do it?
How much is it likely to cost?
a. Recruitment and Eg. Our specific recruitment and selection strategies will include...
b. Retaining staff in Eg. developing a mentoring program
the organisation
c. Jobs need some Eg. Explore merging and separating different job-roles
redesign for future
d. Training / Eg. Explore developing a cross skilling model to share internal
Development knowledge and resources across the business
Eg. Investigate options and implement an approach to phased
e. Planned attrition
retirements. This may include time reductions and use of
(retirements, exits) experienced workers as mentors.
PC 2.6 Contribute input f. Describe the steps you will follow to consult with and
from consultation into obtain senior management support for this plan
strategic workforce
plan and obtain senior
management support for

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessment v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

6. Implementation Strategy

PC 3.1 Explain how you will work with relevant stakeholders to ensure the plan is
implemented according to the organisational objectives?
a. List the steps you will follow to communicate the Strategic
Workforce Plan to stakeholders and provide a list of key
b. List which key stakeholders you will work with to implement
the workforce plan and what you will require them to do to
assist you in implementing the plan.
c. Explain what steps you will take to ensure the plan is
implemented according to the organisational objectives?

– END –

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Assessment 2
Advanced Diploma of Program Management

Subject A20254 Strategic Workforce Planning

Assessment method Written Responses
Weighting 50%

Unit of Competency
Contribute to strategic workforce planning

Question 1.
Identify three risks that have been identified in creating the workforce plan and develop
risk mitigation strategies for each of them by completing the table below. An example is
provided showing the level of detail required.
PC2.7 Analyse risks associated with strategic workforce plan and develop risk mitigation
PE – consult relevant stakeholders and collaboratively develop, implement, monitor and
review a strategic workforce plan including:
risk management
KE – risk management plans to support the strategic workforce planning

Workforce Planning Risk Mitigation Strategies

Stakeholders New Risk
Workforce consulted Mitigation Rating How will When will
Planning to develop Strategies/ (High, this be this be
Risk mitigation Implementation Medium, monitored reviewed
strategies Low)
Eg. 2 key High HR Manager • Discuss with Medium Director 3 months’
managers Director managers what Workforce time –
have been Workforce would make them planning 5/8/2021
identified Planning will track
stay and evaluate
as Program each of the
potentially Sponsor if possible mitigation
leaving the • Identify existing strategies
business staff that could and
within 6 be suitable for coordinate
months position and start who is
for each
• If no one suitable, action
start recruitment
process to have
new person to
start and shadow
existing managers
before they leave

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessment v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Question 2.
It is now 12 months from creating the workforce plan and time to review the plan. Answer
the questions in the below table.

Workforce Planning – Annual Review

a. How will you use the workforce plan to monitor

your workforce strategies to see if they are
working? What reporting mechanisms will you
PC 3.2 Monitor and review the plan
b. Explain the steps you will take to review the plan
and who you include in the process.

c. Explain what recommended changes you would

PC 3.3 Recommend adaptions make to the plan if circumstances were to change
to plan to account for changing and you had to make cost savings of $1 million
circumstances dollars from your budget by reducing staffing in
the next 6 months?

d. Evaluate and review the performance of the

PC 3.4 Evaluate and review workforce plan against each of the objectives
performance against plan you listed in Assessment 1 of your Strategic
objectives Workforce Plan (are you meeting the priorities,
agreed objectives, targets, timeframes).

PE – consult relevant stakeholders e. Analyse the programs and practices you listed in
and collaboratively develop, the Action Plan section of Assessment 1 question
implement, monitor and review a 5 to determine the cost-benefit.
strategic workforce plan including:
Evaluation against objectives
PE – consult relevant stakeholders
and collaboratively develop,
implement, monitor and review a
strategic workforce plan including:
• budget
• priorities
• agreed objectives, targets,
programs and practices based
on cost-benefit analysis
• timeframes

Question 3.
Discuss three human resource practices and functions and why they are important.
KE – human resource practices and functions
Question 4.
What recent and potential changes to Australia industrial laws and legal requirements
might have an impact on your workforce plan?
PC1.5 Review recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements
PE – analyse information from a range of internal and external sources to determine: recent
and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements
KE – relevant legislative, regulatory and industrial requirements for the organisation

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

Question 5.
Discuss three modern philosophies, values and/or policies in the human resource
profession and why they are important.
KE – modern philosophies, values and policies applicable to the human resources
Question 6.
Research two option for the providing workforce services and provide a cost benefit
analysis of each.
PC2.4 Examine options for the provision of workforce services and analyse costs and
Question 7.
Explain two types of technology and systems and how you would use it to support the
management of your workforce and practices.
PC2.5 Identify appropriate technology and systems to support agreed workforce programs
and practices

– END –

A20254 Advanced HR Management | BSB62720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management | Assessment v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacific College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2021

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