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It an examination done per vagina to assess the status of vagina, cervix, and progress of descents of
fetus through birth canal.


To assess the progress and delay of the Labor


 At onset of Labor
 At progress of labor
 Following rupture of membranes
 To diagnose beginning of second stage of labor

 Cap
 Mask
 Apron
 Gloves
 Lubricant jelly
 Drawsheet sterile
 Betadine solution
 Swabs
 Sponge holding Forceps
 SS Bowl, Tray and Kidney Tray


SI NO STEP/TASK 1 2 3 4 5
1 Explain procedure to woman

2 Collect equipment’s

3 Provide privacy
4 Assist to empty bladder

5 Place in lithotomy position; Dorsal recumbent position with legs flexed at the edge of
the examination table

6 Scrub hands and wear gloves

8 Lubricate fingers with savlon jelly

9 Introduce middle and index finger of examining hand into vagina

10 Encourage the woman to take deep breath and relax during examination

11 Assess cervical factors- effacement and dilatation

12 Check conditions of the membranes, presentation , positioning and level of

presenting part of the fetus

13 Remove fingers from cervix and introduce fingers into pelvic cavity and assess pelvis
for following findings:

13 a Feel for sacral curvature as you slide fingers to reach sacral promontory

13 b Feel for sacral promontory , which will not be tipped

13 c Feel sidewalls on both sides to check whether they are parallel

13 d Feel for ischial spines , which should be blunt

13 e Measure interspinous diameter by widening two fingers and try to reach both spines

13 f Introduce two finger into sacrosciatic notch

13 g Check for transverse diameter of outlet

14 Remove your fingers

15 Clean and re position her comfortably

16 Document findings

17 Replace equipment

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