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Marks: 50
Question No Two years ago, Priya completed her degree in food technology. She worked
1. for some time in a company manufacturing chutneys, pickles and murabbas.
She was not happy in the company and decided to have her own organic
food processing unit for the same. She set the objectives and the targets and
formulated action plan to achieve the same. One of her objectives was to
earn 10% profit on the amount invested in the first year. It was decided that
raw materials like fruits, vegetables, spices etc. will be purchased on three
months credit from farmers cultivating organic crops only. She also decided CO2 K2
to follow the steps required for marketing of the products through her own
outlets. She appointed Mohan as a Production Manager who decided the
exact manner in which the production activities are to be carried out. Mohan
also prepared a statement showing the number of workers that will be
required in the factory throughout the year. Priya informed Mohan about her
sales target for different products, area wise for the forthcoming quarter.
While working on the production table, a penalty of Rs. 100 per day for not
wearing the caps, gloves and apron was announced.

Quoting lines from the above para, identity and explain the different types of
plans discussed.

Human Care Ltd. Deals in medical equipment business. They import goods K2
2. from Korea and sell in domestic market. Recently the Korean company
increased prices making goods expensive. India being price sensitive market
will not accept the increased price. The Director of the company is thinking
of options of importing goods from other countries like Thailand and China.
He is also thinking of purchasing goods from the existing supplier in Korea
but without packing so that it is cheaper. He will save freight charges. All
this will reduce the total cost and will enable him to make profits as before.
a. Explain the concept of management involved in the above case.
b. State what is the director of Human Care planning to do?
c. Outline what steps must be followed by Human Care to make
sure that their objective of profit maximization is achieved.

As a consultant hired for the new start-up company going to launch varied
3. aeronautical accessories, show your considerations in the following arena:
 Possible organization structure.
 Styled to be adopted in motivating the employees.
 Activities to be carried out for the launch of the product in
terms of planning and organizing functions. K2
Dimensions of control including quality control.
Organization Structure:

Modern Manufacturing Company has been using a budgetary control system

for the last three years. When asked to explain the system, Mr.John , the
Managing Director of the company, observed: ”We’re pretty flexible in our
4. budgetary system. Every manager is given a total amount that he or she can CO2
spend for the next year. We don’t care how it is used as long as the total isn’t K2
exceeded and organizational objectives are achieved”.
a. Interpret the merits and demerits of the company’s approach to
b. Do you agree or disagree with this approach? Explain your

Evaluation Criteria Content (40 Marks)

References Case Study Questions from Previous University questions.

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