Adv FB 6x 2.0 RP

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload

Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1:
Cable Incline Flye 2 15 3/fail 11+10 0 Cable Incline Flye 3 15 3/fail 10+9+9 1 Cable Incline Flye 4 15 2/fail 11+10+10+9 0 Cable Incline Flye 4 15 2/fail 11+11+10+10 0 Cable Incline Flye 4 17.5 1/fail 11+10+9 0 Cable Incline Flye 2 15 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 2 45 3/fail 9+9 1 Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 3 45 3/fail 10+9+9 0 Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 5 47.5 2/fail 11+10+9 0 Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 3 47.5 2/fail 12+10+10 0 Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 3 50 1/fail 10+9+8 0 Incline Medium Grip Bench Press 2 22.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Flat Machine Bench Press 2 22.5 3/fail 12+10 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 22.5 3/fail 12+11+11 -1 Flat Machine Bench Press 5 22.5 2/fail 12+12+11 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 22.5 2/fail 10+10+9 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 25 1/fail 9+9+8 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 2 22.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 3/fail 14+12 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 4 7.5 3/fail 12+12+11+10 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 4 7.5 2/fail 11+11+10+10 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 4 7.5 2/fail 12+11+10+8 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 4 7.5 1/fail 12+12+11+10 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Cable Rope Twist Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 8+7 1 Cable Rope Twist Curl 3 12.5 3/fail 10+ 0 Cable Rope Twist Curl 5 12.5 2/fail 10+10+10 1 Cable Rope Twist Curl 4 12.5 2/fail 12+12+12 0 Cable Rope Twist Curl 4 15 1/fail 10+10+10+ 0 Cable Rope Twist Curl 2 12.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2:
High Bar Squat 2 80 3/fail 9+9 2 High Bar Squat 3 82.5 3/fail 10+10+9 1 High Bar Squat 3 85 2/fail 10+10+9 0 High Bar Squat 3 87.5 2/fail 10+10+10 0 High Bar Squat 3 87.5 1/fail 10+10+10 High Bar Squat 2 40 1/2 reps of Week 1
High Bar Squat 2 80 3/fail 8+7 1 High Bar Squat 3 82.5 3/fail 10+10+9 0 High Bar Squat 3 85 2/fail 10+10+9 -1 High Bar Squat 3 87.5 2/fail 10+10+9 0 High Bar Squat 3 87.5 1/fail 10+10+10 High Bar Squat 2 40 1/2 reps of Week 1
Lying Leg Curl 2 50 3/fail 10+10 1 Lying Leg Curl 3 52.5 3/fail 11+10+9 1 Lying Leg Curl 3 52.5 2/fail 12+11+10 -1 Lying Leg Curl 3 55 2/fail 11+11+10 0 Lying Leg Curl 3 55 1/fail 13+13+13 Lying Leg Curl 2 50 1/2 reps of Week 1
Calves on Leg Press 4 50 3/fail 12+12+11+11 0 Calves on Leg Press 5 52.5 3/fail 12+12+12+11+11 1 Calves on Leg Press 5 52.5 2/fail 15+14+14+13+12 -1 Calves on Leg Press 4 55 2/fail 12+12+11+11 0 Calves on Leg Press 4 55 1/fail 14+13+12 Calves on Leg Press 2 50 1/2 reps of Week 1
Machine Crunch 3 42.5 3/fail 10+9+9 1 Machine Crunch 3 42.5 3/fail 0+0+0 0 Machine Crunch 3 45 2/fail 10+ 0 Machine Crunch 3 45 2/fail Machine Crunch 3 47.5 1/fail 12+11+10 Machine Crunch 2 42.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3:
Row Machine 2 30 3/fail 10+10 1 Row Machine 2 30 3/fail 12+12 1 Row Machine 2 32.5 2/fail 12+12 1 Row Machine 3 32.5 2/fail 10+10+9 0 Row Machine 3 32.5 1/fail 11+10+10 Row Machine 2 30 1/2 reps of Week 1
Barbell Bent Over Row 2 47.5 3/fail 10+9 1 Barbell Bent Over Row 2 47.5 3/fail 11+10 1 Barbell Bent Over Row 2 50 2/fail 12+11 1 Barbell Bent Over Row 3 50 2/fail 12+11+10 0 Barbell Bent Over Row 3 52.5 1/fail 14+13+11 Barbell Bent Over Row 2 47.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 42.5 3/fail 10+10 2 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 42.5 3/fail 11+10+10 0 Wide-Grip Pulldown 4 45 2/fail 12+12+11+10 1 Wide-Grip Pulldown 4 45 2/fail 11+11+10+10 0 Wide-Grip Pulldown 4 47.5 1/fail 12+12+11+11 Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 42.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 10+7 1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 10+8 2 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 2/fail 11 -1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 2/fail 10+8 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 1/fail 10+8 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Cable Facepull 2 15 3/fail 9+ 8 2 Cable Facepull 3 15 3/fail 12+11+11 0 Cable Facepull 3 15 2/fail 14+13+12 0 Cable Facepull 3 15 2/fail 11+11+10 0 Cable Facepull 3 17.5 1/fail Cable Facepull 2 15 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 3/fail 12+10 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 3/fail 12+12 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 2/fail 13+12 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 2/fail 10+9+7 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 1/fail Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4:
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 7.5 3/fail 13+12 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 3/fail 14+13+11 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 2/fail 12+12+11 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 2/fail 12+11+10 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 7.5 1/fail 12+12+11 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 2 32.5 3/fail 9+9 0 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 3 32.5 3/fail 10+10+9 1 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 3 35 2/fail 11+10+8 1 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 3 35 2/fail 10+10×9 0 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 3 35 1/fail 11+10+9 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 2 17.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Cable Tricep Pushdown 2 20 3/fail 10+10 1 Cable Tricep Pushdown 1 20 3/fail 12+11 2 Cable Tricep Pushdown 2 20 2/fail 12 -2 Cable Tricep Pushdown 3 20 2/fail 12+11+11 0 Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 22.5 1/fail 12+12+12+12 Cable Tricep Pushdown 2 10 1/2 reps of Week 1
Flat Machine Bench Press 2 22.5 3/fail 10+9 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 22.5 3/fail 10+9+9 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 4 22.5 2/fail 12+11+10+10 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 4 22.5 2/fail 12+11+11+10 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 4 25 1/fail 10+10+10+10 Flat Machine Bench Press 2 12.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 10+10 1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 12.5 3/fail 10+10+10 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 5 12.5 2/fail 10+10+9 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 5 12.5 2/fail 12+11+11+10+10 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 15 1/fail Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5:
Deadlift 3 112.5 3/fail 10+10+10 1 Deadlift 4 115 3/fail 11+11+10+10 0 Deadlift 4 117.5 2/fail 11+10+10+10 0 Deadlift 4 120 2/fail 10+10+10+10 0 Deadlift 4 125 1/fail 10+10+10+8 Deadlift 2 57.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 50 3/fail 10+10+10 0 0 4 50 3/fail 11+10+10+9 -1 0 4 52.5 2/fail 11+10+10+10 0 0 4 55 2/fail 12+12+11+11 0 0 4 55 1/fail 10+10+10+10 0 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
45 Degree Back Raise 3 15 3/fail 10+10+9 1 45 Degree Back Raise 4 15 3/fail 10+10+10 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 15 2/fail 6 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 15 2/fail 10+10+10 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 17.5 1/fail 45 Degree Back Raise 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 47.5 3/fail 10+9+9 1 0 4 47.5 3/fail 10+10+10+10 0 0 4 50 2/fail 11+10+10+10 0 0 4 50 2/fail 12+12+12+11 0 0 4 52.5 1/fail 0 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
Smith Machine Calves 4 50 3/fail 14+13+13+12 1 Smith Machine Calves 5 50 3/fail 15+14+14+14+12 0 Smith Machine Calves 4 52.5 2/fail 16+15+14+14 -1 Smith Machine Calves 4 55 2/fail 14+14+12+11 0 Smith Machine Calves 4 55 1/fail Smith Machine Calves 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
Machine Crunch 3 47.5 3/fail 9+9+9 0 Machine Crunch 3 47.5 3/fail 10+10+10 0 Machine Crunch 3 50 2/fail - 0 Machine Crunch 3 50 2/fail 10+10+9 0 Machine Crunch 3 52.5 1/fail Machine Crunch 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6:
0 2 17.5 3/fail 10+9 1 0 2 17.5 3/fail 10+10 1 0 3 17.5 2/fail 11+10+10 0 0 3 17.5 2/fail 12+12+11 0 3 20 1/fail 12+11+10 0 2 10 1/2 reps of Week 1
Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 42.5 3/fail 10+9 2 Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 42.5 3/fail 11+10+9 0 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 45 2/fail 10+10+10 1 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 45 2/fail 12+12+10 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 47.5 1/fail Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 22.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Row Machine 2 30 3/fail 10+10 0 Row Machine 3 30 3/fail 11+10+10 0 Row Machine 4 32.5 2/fail 12+11+10 1 Row Machine 4 32.5 2/fail 12+12+11+10 Row Machine 4 32.5 1/fail Row Machine 2 15 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 2 2.5 3/fail 9+9 0 Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 3 2.5 3/fail 11+10+9 0 Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 3 2.5 2/fail 14+12+11 1 Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 3 2.5 2/fail 15+13+11 Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 3 2.5 1/fail Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise 2 2.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Cable Facepull 2 15 3/fail 12+11 1 Cable Facepull 2 15 3/fail 11+10+10 2 Cable Facepull 3 15 2/fail 13+11+11 0 Cable Facepull 3 15 2/fail 14+14+13 -1 Cable Facepull 4 17.5 1/fail Cable Facepull 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 10+10 1 Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 12.5 3/fail 10+10 1 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 12.5 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 12.5 2/fail Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 15 1/fail Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1:
Cable Incline press pin 4 2 20 3/fail 11+10 0 Cable Incline press pin 4 3 20 3/fail 1 Cable Incline press pin 4 4 20 2/fail 11+10+10 0 Cable Incline press pin 4 4 20 2/fail 11+10+10+10 0 Cable Incline press pin 4 4 22.5 1/fail 11+10+9 1 Cable Incline press pin 4 2 20 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Machine Bench Press 2 67.5 3/fail 11+10 1 Incline Machine Bench Press 3 70 3/fail 10+10+10 0 Incline Machine Bench Press 3 70 2/fail 12+11+9 0 Incline Machine Bench Press 3 72.5 2/fail pin 5 0 Incline Machine Bench Press 3 75 1/fail 10+9+8 0 Incline Machine Bench Press 2 35 1/2 reps of Week 1
Flat Machine Bench Press 2 40 3/fail 12+10 0 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 40 3/fail 10+10+10 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 42.5 2/fail 9+8+8 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 42.5 2/fail 12+11+10 1 Flat Machine Bench Press 3 45 1/fail 9+9+8 -1 Flat Machine Bench Press 2 40 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 3/fail 12+12 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 3/fail 12+11+11 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 2/fail 14+13+ 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 1/fail 12+12+11+10 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 22.5 3/fail 1 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 22.5 3/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 5 22.5 2/fail 1 Dumbbell Spider Curl 4 22.5 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 4 25 1/fail 10+10+10+ 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 22.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2:
High Bar Squat 2 120 3/fail 10+10 2 High Bar Squat 3 122.5 3/fail 12+12+11 0 High Bar Squat 3 125 2/fail 10+10+9 1 High Bar Squat 3 127.5 2/fail -1 High Bar Squat 3 132.5 1/fail 10+10+10 High Bar Squat 2 60 1/2 reps of Week 1
High Bar Squat 2 120 3/fail 10+10 1 High Bar Squat 3 122.5 3/fail 11+11+11 0 High Bar Squat 3 125 2/fail 9+9+8 -1 High Bar Squat 3 127.5 2/fail 0 High Bar Squat 3 132.5 1/fail 10+10+10 High Bar Squat 2 60 1/2 reps of Week 1
Lying Leg Curl 2 80 3/fail 11+10 1 Lying Leg Curl 3 82.5 3/fail 11+10+10 1 Lying Leg Curl 3 85 2/fail 12+11+10 -1 Lying Leg Curl 3 87.5 2/fail 0 Lying Leg Curl 3 87.5 1/fail 13+13+13 Lying Leg Curl 2 80 1/2 reps of Week 1
Calves on Leg Press 4 72.5 3/fail 12+12+11+11 0 Calves on Leg Press 5 75 3/fail 14+13+12+12+11 1 Calves on Leg Press 5 75 2/fail - 0 Calves on Leg Press 5 80 2/fail 0 Calves on Leg Press 5 80 1/fail 14+13+12 Calves on Leg Press 2 72.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Machine Crunch 3 50 3/fail 1 Machine Crunch 3 52.5 3/fail 0 Machine Crunch 3 52.5 2/fail 0 Machine Crunch 3 55 2/fail Machine Crunch 3 55 1/fail 12+11+10 Machine Crunch 2 50 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3:
Row Machine 2 52.5 3/fail 10+10 1 Row Machine 2 55 3/fail 12+11 1 Row Machine 3 55 2/fail 10+10+10 1 Row Machine 4 57.5 2/fail 0 Row Machine 4 57.5 1/fail 11+10+10 Row Machine 2 52.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
2-Arm Dumbbell Row 2 30 3/fail 10+9 1 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 2 30 3/fail 12+12 1 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 32.5 2/fail 11+11+ 1 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 4 32.5 2/fail 0 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 4 32.5 1/fail 14+13+11 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 2 30 1/2 reps of Week 1
jpg lat pulldown 2 25 3/fail 10+10 2 jpg lat pulldown 3 25 3/fail 11+10+10 0 jpg lat pulldown 4 27.5 2/fail 10+10+10+10 1 jpg lat pulldown 3 27.5 2/fail 0 jpg lat pulldown 3 27.5 1/fail 12+12+11+11 jpg lat pulldown 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 3/fail 10+9 1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 3/fail 2 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 2/fail 11+10 -1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 15 2/fail 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 17.5 1/fail 10+8 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 1/2 reps of Week 1
behind back lateral raise 2 5 3/fail 9+ 8 1 behind back lateral raise 3 5 3/fail 0 behind back lateral raise 3 5 2/fail 10+10+10 0 behind back lateral raise 3 5 2/fail 0 behind back lateral raise 3 5 1/fail behind back lateral raise 2 5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 3/fail 12+10 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 3/fail 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 2/fail Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 1/fail Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4:
Medium Grip Bench Press 2 0 3/fail 12+11 1 Medium Grip Bench Press 3 0 3/fail 12+11+10 1 Medium Grip Bench Press 3 0 2/fail 10+10+10 0 Medium Grip Bench Press 3 0 2/fail 0 Medium Grip Bench Press 4 0 1/fail 12+12+11 Medium Grip Bench Press 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 10 3/fail 10+9 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 3/fail 11+10+9 -1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 2/fail 10+10+9 1 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3 10 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 4 10 1/fail 11+10+9 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 2 50 3/fail 13+11 1 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 3 52.5 3/fail 11+11+10 0 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 4 52.5 2/fail 12+12+11+10 0 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 5 55 2/fail 0 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 4 55 1/fail 12+12+12+12 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
Cable Tricep Pushdown 2 30 3/fail 10+9 0 Cable Tricep Pushdown 3 30 3/fail 10+9+8 0 Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 32.5 2/fail 10+10+10+10 1 Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 32.5 2/fail 0 Cable Tricep Pushdown 3 32.5 1/fail 10+10+10+10 Cable Tricep Pushdown 2 15 1/2 reps of Week 1
Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 15 3/fail 10+10 1 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 15 3/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 15 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 3 15 2/fail 0 Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 17.5 1/fail Dumbbell Spider Curl 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5:
Deadlift 3 152.5 3/fail 11+10+10 0 Deadlift 3 157.5 3/fail 10+10+10 0 Deadlift 4 160 2/fail 10+8 0 Deadlift 3 165 2/fail 0 Deadlift 3 167.5 1/fail 10+10+10+8 Deadlift 2 77.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
hip trust 3 90 3/fail 10+10+10 0 hip trust 3 92.5 3/fail 11+10+10 -1 hip trust 4 95 2/fail 0 hip trust 3 97.5 2/fail 0 hip trust 3 100 1/fail 10+10+10+10 hip trust 2 45 1/2 reps of Week 1
45 Degree Back Raise 3 35 3/fail 10+10+9 1 45 Degree Back Raise 4 35 3/fail 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 37.5 2/fail 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 37.5 2/fail 0 45 Degree Back Raise 3 37.5 1/fail 45 Degree Back Raise 2 17.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
leg exstentions 3 60 3/fail 10+9+9 1 leg exstentions 3 62.5 3/fail 0 leg exstentions 4 62.5 2/fail 0 leg exstentions 3 65 2/fail 0 leg exstentions 3 65 1/fail leg exstentions 2 30 1/2 reps of Week 1
Smith Machine Calves 4 72.5 3/fail 14+13+13+12 1 Smith Machine Calves 5 75 3/fail 0 Smith Machine Calves 5 75 2/fail 0 Smith Machine Calves 5 80 2/fail 0 Smith Machine Calves 5 80 1/fail Smith Machine Calves 2 37.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Machine Crunch 3 55 3/fail 9+9+9 0 Machine Crunch 3 57.5 3/fail 0 Machine Crunch 3 57.5 2/fail 0 Machine Crunch 3 60 2/fail 0 Machine Crunch 3 60 1/fail Machine Crunch 2 27.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6:
jpg lat pulldown 2 32.5 3/fail 1 jpg lat pulldown 2 32.5 3/fail 11+10 1 jpg lat pulldown 3 35 2/fail 10+10+10 -1 jpg lat pulldown 3 35 2/fail jpg lat pulldown 3 35 1/fail 12+11+10 jpg lat pulldown 2 17.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 72.5 3/fail 2 Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 75 3/fail 11+10 0 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 75 2/fail 10+10+10 1 Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 80 2/fail Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 80 1/fail Wide-Grip Pulldown 2 37.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Row Machine 2 50 3/fail 10+10 0 Row Machine 3 50 3/fail 12+11+10 1 Row Machine 4 52.5 2/fail 10+10+10+9 1 Row Machine 4 55 2/fail Row Machine 4 55 1/fail Row Machine 2 25 1/2 reps of Week 1
suiii 2 7.5 3/fail 10+10 0 suiii 3 7.5 3/fail 10+10 0 suiii 3 7.5 2/fail 10+10+10 1 suiii 3 7.5 2/fail suiii 3 7.5 1/fail suiii 2 5 1/2 reps of Week 1
behind back lateral raise 2 25 3/fail 1 behind back lateral raise 3 25 3/fail 12+11 0 behind back lateral raise 4 27.5 2/fail 12+11+10+10 0 behind back lateral raise 4 27.5 2/fail -1 behind back lateral raise 5 27.5 1/fail behind back lateral raise 2 12.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 3/fail 1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 15 3/fail 10 1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 15 2/fail 0 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 15 2/fail 11+10+10 -1 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 17.5 1/fail Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 7.5 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2:
Close Stance Feet Forward Squats 2 75 3/fail Close Stance Feet Forward Squats 2 80 3/fail Close Stance Feet Forward Squats 2 80 2/fail Close Stance Feet Forward Squats 2 82.5 1/fail Close Stance Feet Forward Squats 2 75 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 4 0 3/fail 0 4 0 3/fail 0 4 0 2/fail 0 4 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5:
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 4 0 3/fail 0 4 0 3/fail 0 4 0 2/fail 0 4 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 3 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Reps Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/fail
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 1: Day 1: Day 1: Day 1:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 2: Day 2: Day 2: Day 2:
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 3: Day 3: Day 3: Day 3:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 4: Day 4: Day 4: Day 4:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 1 0 3/fail 0 1 0 3/fail 0 1 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 1 0 3/fail 0 1 0 3/fail 0 1 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 5: Day 5: Day 5: Day 5:
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 3/fail 0 3 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4: Deload
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal Rep Results *Rating Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Day 6: Day 6: Day 6: Day 6:
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1
0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 3/fail 0 2 0 2/fail 0 2 0 1/2 reps of Week 1

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