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Assignment No.

1 Strategic Business Management Indian scenario As we know India is the one of the leading consumer in world for packaged drinking water. This industry had an estimated turnover around RS-10billion and this is fastest growing industry sector. Indian water bottled industry big which is also on international standard. As we can compare there are many domestic manufacturers. As we know in every small and medium city there are domestic producer for manufacturing water bottle but they are failed to achieve desired quality and quantity. There more scope and opportunity for new entrance in this business. The major competitor if consider the Parle Bislari, coca cola, and Pepsi co. Parle bislari one of the Indian best company and first company came into this business. As a biotech graduate, I am desperately willing to start biotech oriented business plan. On basis of this I can achieve the target.

Product Name Our product Name would be Refresh Package drinking water. Also Symbolic logo

Introduction Package drinking water is important as we most of the diseases caused due to the polluted water. Now these days people become more health conscious according to their need company has immerged in business of package drinking water. These companies are providing good quality of water to the customers. Vision Our companys vision is to become the recognized industry leader by our customers in the Package drinking water related businesses in which we compete.

Mission Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
y y y

To refresh the world... To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference.

Our core values include 1. Safety 2. Trust 3. Confidence 4. Teamwork 5. Accountability 6. Doing Whats Right 7. Quality

SWOT analysis on the basis of completion is concern Strengths y y y y This industry is growing at rate of 40% Indian market is very large and untapped. Also getting the information to people about the importance of mineral water. Providing quality product to customers

Weakness y y y y There are many competitors entering in the race Any local person can start manufacturing Rural population is not using the mineral water. Not that much economical

Opportunities y y Continuous market growth increase in coming years People getting educated on basis of that they aware of safe drinking water to avoid the disease. y Large population and availability of market

Threats y y Many substitutes available Too many competitors will reduce the market and profit margin also

Competitive Strategy

The differentiation and cost leadership strategies seek competitive advantage in a broad range of market. By contrast, the differentiation focus and cost focus strategies are adopted in a narrow market or industry. REFRESEACHS MARKETING COMPETITORS There are two levels of competitors in environment. y National Level

Nestle, Kinley, Aquafina is the major competitor of Refresh on national level. These companies have a cutthroat competition with each other. There is competition due to coverage and their image in the mind of the people. y Regional Level:

There are many brands, which are competing Refresh on regional level. These include Gourmet, Aab-e-hayat, Aab-e-joo etc. Refresh water competitors in the bottled water industry are mainly Nestle, Kinley, Aqufina and Gourmet.

The customer comes first

We want to win and keep customers, distributors, supermarkets, hotels, shopkeepers and the final consumers. They have very different requirements trade customers expect excellent service, correct information and timely delivery. Consumers consider taste, appearance and price when they make their choice. Our task is to understand what customers want and respond to their expectations rapidly and effectively. We serve various groups of consumers and there is demand for products at different levels of perceived quality and price. All customers, however, expect value for their money good quality at a reasonable price. When offering quality to customers we also mean environmental quality. y Quality is a competitive advantage

We live in a competitive world and must never forget that our customers have a choice. If they are not satisfied with a Refresh, they will switch to another brand. Our goal, therefore, is to provide superior value in every product category and market sector in which we compete. The pursuit of highest quality at any price is no guarantee for success, nor is a single-minded costcutting approach. Lasting competitive advantage is gained from a balanced search for optimal value to customers, by simultaneous improvement of quality and reduction cost. Success can never be taken for granted. We must watch and learn from our competitors. If they do something better, we must improve our own performance. We can achieve competitive advantage through Quality. y Expiry of Product

Expiry of the bottled water is judged by the quality assurance department of the Refresh. The expired water is disposed of properly because the expiry is printed on the label of the plastic bottle.

Quality Inspection

The quality inspection teams not only check the ready water from the factory and from the stores but also from the market as they don t want the supply of unhealthy water to the consumer as it destroys their credibility. y Quality is action

Quality is the result of deliberate action. It is the responsibility of senior managers to communicate the quality objectives and to provide the resources necessary for their implementation. It is then up to all employees to make Quality happen throughout the company. Progress is followed by listening to our customers and by measuring our performance. Shortcomings and mistakes must be analyzed and corrected. Problems must be anticipated and prevented before they occur. We also must identify and take advantage of opportunities. To stand still is to fall behind. So we must strive for continuous improvement in every area. It is through many small improvements as well as through major breakthroughs that we will achieve excellence. y Sales Strategy of Refresh

The sales strategy which Refresh adopted for Pure Life water is Availability & Visibility. To increase sales and gain profit the company has to provide proper supply of product in the market. 1. Personal Selling: we appoint sales team which can go for direct selling. 2. Publicity: we also go for huge grant opening that will help in creating awareness of the brand and gave its introduction a good start. Target Market: Target market of Refresh is off course the urban areas as in rural areas no one is interested to drink the bottled water as they think that they have canals and tube wells to suck their own clean and clear water beneath the surface of land. So the marketing in rural areas is almost 10% as compared to the urban areas.

Price Setting: Refresh has a separate department for its price setting, who oversees the all the market trends, take its report through the marketing department to know the market trends. They set a unit price for the convenience of the consumer for the bottled water as people don t like to give the scattered money like coins to the market. Low Pricing: Offering low prices to the consumer for their product is one of the price strategies of the REFRESH WATER. We try their best to offer the comparatively low prices than offered by other companies in the market to enhance the market share.

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