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ei eR — —— (SB pages6:15 WB pages 68: 93 Objectives : daaqW dole! iaalll © Reading : © Speaking : ‘An article about ecotourism; two blogs about Describe an event. he holidays nese ney © Language : © Writing : Past simple and past continuous ne urism Ari aseay of enti j © Life skills © Listening : Collaboration Astory about tr. when somethin: BJ) “ayia 409 Ae Asai * = agelNCi oh S10" 7 alien ens yp yl ts) ‘ful ey Galo cas Dictatlo el Scanned with CamScanner POA en Mech) e¢o-touri sm (n) Radlotl material (n - adj) e€o-tourist (n) welt ct.|spicy picy (adj) endangered (adj) 4 - AAW .»/+| sustainable (adj) — LE i swollen (up) ip) (v) environment (n) _conservation (n) ble - isolated (adj) ae — et / awe eonservationist (n) 4! tule sll eal lean= leaned / te ben / we _ ecosystem (n) el pul leant (VW 4} swell = swelled > ee ate = ceqvironméntally (adv) trek(ked) (n - v) = (ee) thy tle impact(ed)(n-v) 4 - Ai- 2b] ~ Wb BL isolate(4) (v) 43 | unique (adj) Sat | seg ce a “pIBLY tmteshog - jaa JgUl Olyyaoll ADL’ ~ Sy SiayhaN Bs pedi Jo © [eee Roan advertise(d) (v) of let] giant (adj - n) arfioyed (adj) ge ~ Glas. harm(ed) (n - v) afiractions (n) ‘iad! Jule | historic (adj) avard(ed) (v) pte: — ony ineTuding (prep) beauty (n) Jleul internal (adj) biology (n) tl le introduce(d) (vy) it ite . Lemur (n) blow blew - blown Ww) A limited (adj) carnival (n) obese / Jl} local (adj) colourful (adj) ol ro 16cals (n) comimiunity (n) WU ~ geen luggage (n) coriSiderate (of) (adj) J el - -424] orangutan (n) coral teefs (n) Gy Te bl othe therwise (adv) ~ {opr Shee 2am are ed hes - Ws 5 ly eh oad ~ phd coe ob a5 Ce ye onbell IS! BLS dal LSUI- SWI gal wy i Scanned with CamScanner & z 5 council (n) vss | path (n) create(d) (v) and - ro ‘Si | plaza (n) crowded (adj) ~ 44] popular (adj) aimage(A) (Vn) ae fee ~ ede population (n) déStination (n)—33_ > 4% 44gby ~ raid |p roperly (adv) destroy(ed) (v) up develop(ed) (v) ght / ya ~ 3h! / | public (adj) disaster (n) in0t - 15] rebuild - rebuilt (v) disconnected (adj) dee Jae remote (adj) eco- (prefix) site (n) eéo-hotel (n) 3| solution (n) eco-trip (n) 3 Zito Ue, | souvenir (n) educate(d) (v) a sunbathe(d) (v) else (adv) ats encourage(d) (v) transport (n) DLelyll Jal Bay exist(ed) (v) sels / sx| victim (n) hws fly (n) 2ts|volunteer(ed) (m/v) gga ~ pact fussy eater (n) +Lojfl cao ak] voluntourist (n) geet lel .5| wildlife (n) LBs animals) forests, etc. a type aria? that helps local people and doesn’t Tamage thé Tatural environ atural environment in danger of disappearing .ussy forever 48 ¢ effeci)that an action or a person has on someone Or something discomnected from ge Jain sterpenk and places | to-be in {sloping positioh su a Scanned with CamScanner 38 —~—~— Getting away the things that are used for or making or doing something, containing chilli ,L- Jad or other spices that give a burning lp feeling with pleasantly strong taste sustainable (adj) able to continue without y. causing damage ,,> Fle ~ eel) Gedo | to o the environment swell (p)v) eh / par to get bigger and rounder #,4=| 28 than_normal trek (n) (Ye) He ey (@hikeY wal walk on a difficult journey unique (adj) Cw special or the only one y one of i its type or quality sea ea (2 Understond } © © Choose the correct answer froma ,b ,cor d : Kerwoetie = o Sib 1, Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately Jear JK balanced ... (6+ €¢ Bayagil ytd Sy) a. industry “b. culture c. civilis syou should travekKin away hat shows respect to nature. (¢- 70 os - st) c ecosystem d eco-fr @n the local town Paes csscliom vA a. compact b. respect c. empathy impact) < & and over mountains. 4. The explorers spent the day ..... throughifores a. diving” trekking) c.developing —d. raising when we protect our tou touristic places. (€ 66 plait Sagm 6) Peustainable) b. crowded —_. unique 4. noisy 6. Put some ice on yourknge-before it... (ete 3 gn aye a treks Chrsvsls c. leans 4. isolates ls in the svnldy which we need to to save. 7. There are many animal We PAF auiin opp) b.isolated —c. insulated ~—d. popular 15 Scanned with CamScanner ee materials (n) (p+) ols spicy (adj) obudl be a. ecotourism b 3. The tourist industry has had a bi; Mhe tourist industry has had a big 8, Tike . food, especially that with hot pepper. Le “a. fussy ~~ b. internal spicy) d. disconnected 9. The Great Pyramid j monument i. > a. isolated q c.considerate d. crowded .. helps to protect natural environment. = a.Community — b. Material ©. Destination 11. Don't...» Over the baleony, Sama, You might fall a.Solumpéer—“b, hart c. a tS 12. The ........ of the environment is ve a population ~~ b. attraction 4. path 13, We bought some ..,. _| Led! dal ul Lag get [lost , Gupll Jee / 2,5. | take — Word f (advantage sy. | merit, upside | crowded BS pass congested giant (de / sree | gigantic isOlated Jpct 26 / 4a] Femote, faraway material ° ts | fabric Srey Ltd Je | hot trek est ~ (fee) Hayb Ue | hike . ab GL!) 7 (unique sta) / 465 cw 3 | Special, unusually good advantage disadvantage, demerit, downside 4+ crowded 4S. - 23] emply, free, vy isolated 20 / | close, nearby, neighbouring sles a3 isolated itil / Jes sociable ee sustainable Moe Wine | unsustainable bees ab f7~— Scanned with CamScanner conservation = apa: |- Itis important to conserve the environment. y) conserve Oy ) eae oar | 7 NE IS Important to conser’ (a). yt |- The conservation of the environment is taut i important, conservationish\n - Conservationists work hard to protect the Ewe environment. onseryative adj) - My father is a conservative person. a gle Biba ~ gas (endangered) | - A careless driver puts his life in danger. | -Acareless driver endangers his life. - The life of a careless driver is endangered. dangerous (adj) zis | - It-is dangerous to travel with a careless se eee -| driver. = environment environment (n) nil) W ‘We all must protect the environment. environmentalist (n) ~ Some environmentalists have talked to us ezé| about how to protect the ¢ environment. environmentfl Jad) in|? Pollution i isan environmétal problem. environmental(j (av) te] - Cars that run on electricity are \ environmentally friendly. Ay pf. Ls y a isolated d))(v) hati - J05 |- It is ‘important to isolate coronavirus . "| Patients. isolation (a) Juul - uu - The isolation of coronavirus patients is a = | imporfant, isolated (adj) aise ~ Jae —) - Coronavirus patients must be isolated from other people. Scanned with CamScanner (material ) (ORI Taig 5 material(n)) (46) sale ~ Wood is a hard material. Sov material (n) _ This shirt is made of soft material, material (adj) ple - ssl = The police have nfaterial evidence gst Js that he is a thi Jean ane = fared teafthy) |= Don’tTean on this diay aN Lear lean (adi) He was lean, tall, and muscular oti 53 Jean (adj) sph Jb - My children lik{Jean meat) leaning Yad) (te) - Dop't go.nearthi€Teaning wall) spicy SpIGE(@)(v) (ls em) uxt ~ Mum fas spiced the fish. spice(®)) (July 2s) gue ~ Mum has put spices into the fish. spicy (adj) - Llike spicy food. Obed See = le = ade oe sustainable speaker should sustain the listener’s inferest. . = sustainability (n) ~ Conservationists are interested in Lelie! files! | envirorimental sustainability. sustainable (adj) Cycling is a sustainable activity, sal Coe Tits volunteer(ed) (v) eel - Sama and her friends volunteered to tohelp oe the old y old woman. volunteer (n) pee | - Sama and her friends were the volunteers f wifo helped the old woman. Sf voluntary (adi) Y ° ie poe - We thanked Sama and her friends for their [a Scanned with CamScanner UNIT BEES fay least go on holiday ‘slo ael,) Close to, i | in Progress. ~ efivironmentally friendly ga. 3| Keep ... safe OU oo. at except fos le Us| make surg oie - hy famous for for + .s¢44 | riding on boats Sos, first of all, ose ema OUI gal LS kis forexample, Jal Jew ite | the Tocal council rad eal from all around the world tourist destinations Chel! bab Sul Ld d IS ge tourist industry oben bts! goonaboattrip OW de, sri =~ GIR or s aie: to. low 3\ keep. oe eyele across lean .. Ee agit epee tay disappear from ai Tean on /against™ laa educate ... about if lean out of we Nee i out (about) . | manage tc ge to ol Sas .. back ,| trek across / through pe ibb is er ee = » | trek into / in go back (to) oe “BU DBI ll Mash Til yeot eremauekconre ee) arrive - reach-getto ly father hasn’t arrived i «arrive gt (v) 1 HdanadN/ U/l se wafer as bi “Rodayna arrived at iwi 500 + arrivéin\y) (ne Dp liebe ie Coa of ol el - Rodayna arriyed in Cairo af 9;00.) + get to (v) prem) a Bates ~ Rodayna got to Cairo Airport at 9:00. = - Rodayna got to Cairo at 9:09. —> —_ Scanned with CamScanner Getting away "Demat anes eee eiaeail sreach (v) 74 Geb (Bp ast) ll be - Rodayna reached Cairo Airport at 9:00. = coloured - colourful + coloured (ad)) inser abl (eh ~Thave no + destination (n) Conv id AS sen Le dl/dneall tee - Iam travelling abroad next Friday. London is my destination. Betonitih Sl aan ton | 2 + location (n) WSe/ 52 - GPS helps us find locations. = = educate - teach - learn - bring up s educate + vebl/yans (v) (dale of Raps 5 WE) J op ~ This school educates disabled children. i ra . teach w - (Uyak yee) gels enh ~ Mr Nasser teaches at a secondary school. (a Scanned with CamScanner steach + ¢pdyall/iatul (v) gE ( He ) = sad —— -Mr “e = English at a secondary school. UNIT +teach +, to/how to +inf. (v) eo OS sos glad - Mr Nasser teaches studentsto $peak English. + Me Nansen teaches Pt learn + ¢2ll/sela(v) (pste +) place - Alimed learns English at a secondary school. : + learn + to/how to +inf. (v) on BS has - Ahmed learns to speak English at a secondary school. - Ahmed leams how to speak English at a secondary school. «bring up + oteti/ yas 2= raise (v) (Jyaiet) wil ad ~ This great woman has brought up her children alone. - This great woman has raised her children alone. else “bess (LETT any plgeyl oleh tay (@lse) pared -\ ak + QW. piss isi Helse al nies you want? - Where else will you go? Vea sal lth J) an ‘a T= something |somewhere| anyone | anybody anything | anywhere | everyone | everybody | everything everywhere | noone | nobody | nothing | nowhere ~ Ahmed didn’t take your camera, Someone else took it, - Do you want to eat something else? (endangered dan web <4 e + endangered (adj) sll ott ~ The workers in the cave .igSJ! are endangered, + dangerous (adj) os - The scorpion ~ Aw! is very dangerous, Noe pa) ee | Scanned with CamScanner ' : national 7 ' - Salah is the captain of then: - October ois. isa national holiday. - international (adj) - The Suez Canal is important for international trade iq! + local (adj) " ar in - He works in the local council. + local (adj) = - There is a local pain qi in my leg. eri team. Pes Helge +local'(n) (XidaN al 5y4) pecdonall ISaall gps - One of the focals) guided us to the bank. isolate -insulate . isolate(v) ) (5M ce) hat - Coronavirus patients are isolated from other people. + insulate (v) ~ (Bike Bale pleaded - Electric wires are insulated with plastic. — —< Gigie> special - private . unique (adj) = unusually good or special De shee -Ihada unique offer to spend two weeks in Paris. sunique (adj) = the. only one of its kind 55 ye LS - Bach person has unique fingerprints eubel clue, * special (adj) = ele/ sae ~ She has special language skills. = p private’ (adj) (pat =) eb -Mr Ashraf has a Private car, 25 Getting away Scanned with CamScanner UNIT | Gorrect ans¥6rs out of tH FIVE Yptions given: 1, He lives in an isolated village. i synonym the word” isolated” i - . © sloduy ~ pasa) d. neat 2. dese 2 ee see Projects nowadays. ” The synonyms of the Cerise cmmucccet ninmcute, z (66 oles = yay 5jop ay genepotis c. delighted | c.gpes |. CAUSES | 4. You can say that someondhas Wan .. a. lost b. ecosystem | Cesar) d.low p 5. “He lives in an isolated village. ” In this sentence, ‘isolated’ is G7 Pantonymous With * arn a. gigantic b. remote Eales d. faraway ear 6. The old man sat down arid leant ).......... the wall mn b. of \. against from e.in 7, When J was young, I liked yery much to trek the countryside. a. cross y plaliall Josll aii 5] - try: tried - tried - carry: carried - carried - apply ski: applied - applied - deny Sx: denied - denied BU] £0 9.0 LOS (y) dpa gps palo wy ay Horan (y) yay pio Jelly calls] @ + Josll &yloil (ed) - play: played - played ~ stay: stayed - stayed Op Ul cl} aalg ly aio yay Ygimuo aig SL dj) p-Biioll Jcall all 51 ® fed) Abt] Jd USLuul = Stop: stopped - drop: dropped unstressed) Gbil yé yaddio loud pS ghiall 49S) yi Jledll te Gaels osm Gyn - open - opening (Not: openning) - listen - listening _(Not: listenning) - develop - developing (Not: developping) Secs ik alyssa Soe = Jedill Gylel (ked) 45U! pis (c) yy pBitin!! Joalt cai! 131 @ panicked - panicked picnicked - picnicked ~ panic ¢38 - picnic sailaynly Joa! As ty Sloynill @U B2eld 2995 U Gobiiiall ye Jlesld aunty tJlo WAT U Jloal wlimd - hit: hit - hit - shut: shut - shut Sto CULBIg AI Quay Loyd aLiy Jledl Jig - cut: cut - cut = cost: cost - cost - sit: sat - sat - bring: brought - brought ito CULL Jol! Suds! Lyd ayuihiy Jledl wlliog - come: came - come Tun: ran - run CMU Geg iW Ge Job Lmdyni wlidy Jledl wig - write: wrote - written ~ begin: began - begun = | Scanned with CamScanner nee oucus ee + 0 QAI Jap yb uu tall 957) @ Subject YoU + Jai JWhapaill 6 ex. - Ahmed visited his friends yesterday. - They saw a show last night. + gAlll aie @ Subject ye + (did not / didn’t + inf. ex, - Ahmed did not (didn’t) visit his friends yesterday. - They did not (didn’t) see a show last night. > 4 plonsimll aic Did + Subject uw + inf, .... 2 ex. - Did you tidy your room ? - Yes, I did. - Did Omar do his homework ? -No, he didn’t. OT eplenal GolS> 4 Jigul aic @ ? Question word plgtial dtsi +) did/didn’t | + subject. +; nf}... f ex. - Where did you watch the match ? - Why didn’t you stay at a hotel ? + GUI déynll plaSiwly Jomo ial! déyo) bung! dtoll oj fg Object Jgnto + was/were + [PP WWhypall ex. - They watched a film last night. (pl) - A film was watched last night (by them). (Jygn) + bla Il juli] Joni yb paSind dxinj Glyredg Stals yesterday yu! |ast...... ysl agode | oncespols once upon a times, ol | the other day (» | in the past ol, in ancient times (5 | previously js | in 2011... ete ex, - Imet some old friends in the club the other day. -Mr Mohammed moved to his new house two weeks ago. + Bump ,bloll Sisle go AYLI jySUN day padind | always ~ usually - sometimes ~ never... etc, | ex, - Sama always got up early when she was a student. Scanned with CamScanner Getting away UNIT as CX) a) en Fes ° ome correct answer froma ,b-,¢ or BTNOV ss tess their animals yesterday. n't feed) b-hayghis fed — c, don}Xfeed d. hades fed 4. Their animals . esterday. a. didn’t pega ‘b. weren't fed) c. don tied d. aresitfed ... that film at thé Cinema?_ 5 Ga c. You were watthed “Sr d, Were you watched at the dinem ) . a. That film wite Gein wa Did that film oe c. That film was Watched .),7, Gd, Was that film watchy 6. TeWh0 ess. the door? ay! b. did you Sgen C opened ond. were you opened 10 Yeah. vod ‘eed b. did you ohn the door c. Was ope; 2 the door d. were you opgried the door ze i jin interesting story .. Mw, ve ther di ae oe 4K yf 1K b. In the feture c. Ago «Now Important Notes ) dpla Glbailo (did) sctuoll JoAll padi U (was / were) gill Joall {IS 13] oyu ,dtoll Jo} 4d + (was / were) lagi JIduull 89 Ail 44 (not) pasimig - He was at school yesterday. (ols) - He wasn’t at school yesterday. (ae) ~ Was he at school yesterday? Caer dpe) - Where was he yesterday? (plgicel slal" Jl.) | aT hj Scanned with CamScanner eT eT (did) aco padi J! al yoo (had) wlll Josll 15 15] Louw! ,dtoll 0) 8 e z i j Gaul gl All yd rela Jobs ~ She had lunch at two o’clock. (ols) ~ She didn’t have lunch at two o'clock, a) = Did she have lunch at two o'clock? (Yea Jlged | - When did she have lunch? (gd lao Jl5od © © Choose the correct answer from a ,b ,¢ or d= srt &® 1. Hassan............. at school yesterday. a. isp” b. “a 4. aid be c, Had Hyssan d. Did Hassan have b. does Hassan be a was Wes Hassan ae 3 =) lunch at home i achavep\ —_b. hadn't ¢. << are .. lunch at home yesterday? a. Had Foy, Ye d. Do you have 2 Yee BS OG 6 Leena pall pi! + (yblo yinj juct go dale) loll 6 ,oiiilg [ay daa Ye uc! @ ex. -I visited my grandmother last Friday. - My father built this house ten years ago. ‘gblall 46 ciedg yard gl wlgo 3 ex. The baby was called Oliver Twist. He was sent to the orphanage. G0 Gio phil ULall .,4 (If) 2c) @ ex. - IfI studied hard, I'd pass this exam. [7 Scanned with CamScanner & z 5 - — ~ Leta e lie) ere —. : JDL g@ 899990 367 pl Gill LSloll isle ye CT GLU! Zul pladiwl (so) J, ‘Subj. + [used to ul ote!) + | inf, ex. - He used to swim in the sea. - She didn't use to wear glasses. 2. [Itwas | + someone's /asie dio + (habit sole) + \to) + inf. |... ex. - It was his habit to swim in the sea. 3. Subj.) + (had) + | the habit of | + (n./ inf.) + ling . ~ He had the habit of swimming in the sea. 4. subj. + | was / were | + | in the habit of | + (n./ inf. | + ing) ... ex. - He was in the habit of swimming in the sea. 5. (itwas + (habitual ates /+|for + someone /Jsate yad| + (to) + | inf, |... ex. - It was habitual for him to swim in the sea. + {used to |+(n,/inf, | + (ing!) piasiwt 4601 @ + pola duunilly Lica YIS Lo ep ex. - They were used to working in the sun. - I was used to (eating) salty food. Ol ee pai ( . J inf. |+ | used to |+ | got/ became) pirsint 350 @ ex. - I got used to ‘the freezing ‘weather in Canada. - I became used to working on a farm. re & 40, — © © Choose the correct answer from a,b. cord:-—— 1G Wve ........ by the sea, we'd bo swimming every day, a. liye “alived ) c. ified 4. yied 2. When I was a student, I up early. = — wale =, 4 a. got” et \e—brused to petting c. was used get (_was used to gett go fora walk every — =a a, Was he ged to b. Did he E dither Ys. He fd Scanned with CamScanner + 44S gH Bigll Jap! (ld + Inf.) past nj - You did see who stole the money yesterday. ~ Ahmed did break my tablet an hour ago. Quldol yb Gasio ye eg Je yc AYU ald Louuyl ball log plaSiu Bay 1. wish + subject + past simple ~- I wish Sama had enough time to help me. = Salma can’t help me because she doesn’t have enough time. 2. It is + (about/almost/high) + time + subject + past simple - Itis high time you returned home. = You are still out. . Subj. Je + would + rather/sooner + J,¥1 Jill gc alae JG + past simple wo - I'd rather you arrived on time. = You don’t arrive on time. Leal Lonac: kd Lacy J-clall yu di g.@ (would rather/sooner) Jcld yls 15] Lol {ADAH 0 ue glad Km 4g Sug J2n0Il -b | Subj. Jet + would + rather/sooner + inf. ... - I'd rather go shopping in the afternoon. =I think it is better for me to go shopping in the afternoon. (wish /I'd rather It's about / almost) time) 2. 4, Dial Ae Jay inj ju4e3 39.39 Hb @ yall ,dlall yulg (had + P.P.) pLill dlall pmac) padiwl ex, - I'd rather she had arrived home earlier yesterday. spheallcgb Jail Lada pnts (2s (WoOUNK rather) ay Je gry pe We ci Dale 2b ple ex, - I'd rather have fish. (Not: had) never / rarely / seldom / little) to ,,Aill ,,ieo Jon5 ,, il J Sill dq, pladiwl ric @ + polit JB aeLiuo Jed plaSiww! 40 240 Borst Alay 6 (.. ex, - Rodayna rarely left for school before 7:30. (Rarely ...) - Rarely did Rodayna leave for school before 7:30. [= Scanned with CamScanner Getting away B i 5 General Exercise ) On Language ‘p9N po vdald \uus Yani ayala JSihy 443j0 Oy caugsable © © Choose the correct answer from a ,b , cord: —_ ™ ° wk ot ... prep. 3 exams two months ago. G2) a, take b.took ~~ c.havetaken — d. was taken sg 2. Nada Jayne of her old ftiends in the club nan a. now b.tomorrow c. Pikopeda! d. yet adi <> 3. Mohammed Salah .. Liverpool and (von Player of the Year Award. a. joined b. was joined c. joins d. was joining 4.1 . haye many friends at any first schoo wee don’e~ b.doesi’t — Ge didn’t) ww sd ‘ any friends at my first school. a. don’t ~b. doesn't. dign’t d. never 6. Reka te t ae dh 7.Di fa Qi a7 7 a. was 2s epi bohelpx —.¢. helped’ d. help wrk. ins ae finger? i a a ‘id , 9. Why did Rahma eel when ‘inte a. pe 6. shut ») c. Was shit d. shutting 10. eone Well yesterday! 2 - xDid you play — (b. You pia c.Do olay d. How dig Jeu play b. You play d. How ee play 6 Saas B: Quite well, fay b. You played lay ; How did you play d.never job Scanned with CamScanner Getting away t 13.1 sanouo off my tablet before I ent out) Gi} tye E-tumnedS wastumed — d. was turning ‘ Jake Se Cee -_ 15. . tired, so I went to bed. wasnt eadidgit bed. bake 16.1 ........... tired, so I worked for three more hours. awa’ * Goat oo debe 4.b&c 17 ss hest students at your first school. Ca They were) b. Wergdhey = Dg d. Arethey 1 18. . the best students at your first sch a. They wefe {eeiiey) © Dior 6. Atphey 19. her lunch. a. Did she b. Hadsh cor ) b. Had ste d. She didn’t have . some beautiful fish in the Red Sea. = =" (6-FF ty gusgo an ~ guol pgs) a. say Dywere seeing c. see d. have seen 22. My sister PGS soto thea neGras youn) inspec a. walks b. was ig fc walked d. has Walked 23. My grandfather always “Gg tea pone (Ft gol gt) b. walks c.is walking d. was walking 24. Yesterday, we... ee 24. My uncle .. 1970. (e+ dahuetowin) a. boot c. bear d. bears . aaa late sn re young. q 2 no longer does that now» nee oe . ths a (ec pany) es was uated slept . awarded the Nobel Prize in (¢¢ daa dy) osha en ©. word d had been Scanned with CamScanner UNIT 27. He committed the cri id i i (66 gloat -pouasy nora a d.runfiing 28. The High Dam.........in Aswan creating the biggest artificial lake in the world. x (rai 1 cia a_buj b. has built c. has been built (d. was built_) oe. at the club . (ere tug i b. wasn't seen c. didn ree 4d. doeSn’t see 30. A: Where is the money was on the table? ur it, She(paid the electricity bill a. spends b. spent c. did spend Gouge) Of aofier” ~ —b.offered 32. The door ........ and we went in. a. opened b. was opened d.opens 33... the door and we went in. Ca.opened) —_b. was opéned cage | dope 34. At the age of five, I... to swim. (666 gulp agit gis Gime Y bileseh ——cshaveJedrmt —d. was tant oe a boy, Mr Mohammed for his good be a Sia (c+¢6 guigagatt gal 8. <. used is pales 4. praised (¢-¢¢ aiblgi — pout) 36. He to hard w rk on the farm, — 7 ae ae see 4d. didneCuse le ago. frier Gay ( meee . was offered _)d. wAY Offering e me an email a short b. dl c. has it cae tomorrow. a a. oo a 5 c, will phone oe Corina 39. Iti is ae time we ....4.¢.home. nee ra have gone 40. When I visit a sit a foreign country, I’ gate git rather ina bib ee (6-6 glo - post? a. stayed a c. staying d.can stay —— | ; = be ely Scanned with CamScanner [EBT Check your understanding 41, Which of the following is correctly structured? a, J usedto studyin; b. Fwag.used tc c. I got used to 5 hard. 2€T became used t6 a hard. nough tim for hobbies. Twigh del s Wbse had eaagh time for hobbies a c.had had eriddgh time for hobbies d. didn’t have enoug® ine for hobbies 43.1 didn’t have enough time for hobbies when I was achild.Iwish J” & I when I was a child. ke ad a. had eng&gh time for hobbies = e b. have had enough time for hobbies Kes! } t- , jough time for hobbies d. didn’t have enough time for hobbies 44, Who ..... ; (P+ €F phaioly aight Syl) @. was the door 0] b. was opened the door c. did you open the door d. were you opened the door 45. “She wishes she were t tall.” What does. this mean? a. She was tall, B.She wast tall, She isn’t d. She is tall. 46.“T'd rather you didn’t use my mobile. ” Thisimeans that a. I wanted y@.to use my mobile b. I didn't want Pd to use my mobile c. I want you to use za mobile 47.“You fave to pay the a bill 3,.7W right now, ” Which of the following givés the same meaning PR ee time you(paid the bill b, Itis about time you had paid the bill yg c.It is time you payXhe bill d. It is time yourha id the (obs a. This never took ple. [= Scanned with CamScanner

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