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NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 08

DRRM Awareness

Name: Mary Grace U. Tapic Yr&Sec: BSCE 1BDAY Date: 02/03/22


1. Why is there a need to have comprehensive planning for disaster risk management?

By incorporating hazard mitigation into its comprehensive plan, a community can align
its future development decisions with an overarching goal of reducing disaster losses.
Most comprehensive plans include a focus on protecting the safety of the people and
property and supporting investments in the community.

2. Discuss the four thematic areas of DRRM.

 Disaster prevention and mitigation - prevention is to ensure is to ensure that human
action or natural phenomena do not result in disaster or emergency. While
mitigation is  to reduce the severity of the human and material damage caused by
the disaster.

 Disaster preparedness - identifying, assessing and managing disaster related risks.

 Disaster response -  rescue from immediate danger and stabilization of the physical
and emotional condition of survivors.

 Rehabilitation and recovery - it can address the longer-term needs and challenges
that makes a community vulnerable and  provides the opportunity to increase the
capacity of the society to cope and reduce the risk of future emergencies and

3. What is your insight about the video clip?

Being prepared can reduce the fear, anxiety, and losses that come with a disaster.
Communities, families, and individuals should be aware of what to do in the event of a
fire and where to seek shelter in the event of a severe storm.

Picture Not Mine. Credits to the owner.

NSTP-CWTS Social Action Activity No. 05

My Barangay’s LDRRM

Name: Mary Grace U. Tapic Yr&Sec: BSCE 1BDAY Date: 02/03/22


I tried contacting our SK officials last Sunday and Monday up til now regarding sa
pagpangayo ug list sa LDRRM officers sa amo brgy maam, but wala silay response.

2. What are their function?

 Identify, assess and manage the hazards, vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in
the locality

 Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures and or strategies

 Disseminate information and raise public awareness about those hazards,

vulnerabilities and risks.
3. What is the significance of having Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan in
your barangay?

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan helps us to be prepared during

calamities. It is managing change to preserve, rstore, improve and maintain its
essentials and function.

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