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APM Case Study 2023

Let us assume that the global economy (as of 2022) is moving towards a state of depression.
This might end up slowing the Indian economy too. Various sectors/industries could have
different degrees of impact.

You have the resources to develop a product for users/industry of your choice to increase user

1. What key data points would you need to determine the industry?
2. Which industry would you target and why?
3. Who will be your target audience and why?
4. What are the top 3 issues you would focus on to increase user demand?
5. What product/solution would you build? Provide a skeleton of your solution.
6. What are the key challenges you might encounter?
7. How do you envision the product in the course of the next 3 years?

Please Note –

- Submission should be a word/google doc [converted in Pdf format]

- The solution should be in digital space only
- Use data to support your assertions , wherever possible
- Use of illustrations, graphs etc are allowed in the document
- Deadline for submission - Sunday, 12th October, 2022 midnight

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